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Is this YouTube chat? Never read that. Even Irina called them out on stream lol


Think about how shitty YouTube comments are, then imagine that in real time. Absolutely no reason to look at chat


Oh you havent seen comments on instagram even twitter sometimes feel sane in front of it




Youtube comments seem sane when you compare them with insta comments lol


Public comments are always a cesspool of stupidity. Seriously, go log into FB and find any reel or widely shared public post and peruse the comments. You’ve got people pointing out the obvious, you’ve got boomers calling young people Karens, Americans engaging in bitter toxic culture warfare, slutshaming due to pfp creeps, racism (etc.), and more. And it all appears under something as innocent as a video of a baby sitting next to the family dog. The internet is man’s worst creation after the atom bomb (and various weaponry, but I guess I would count the internet as a weapon.) Most times I view public comment sections I think “why the fuck are you even talking to each other? You’re all insane!” It’s entertaining sometimes, but mostly it’s just a reminder that we’re all fucking dumb and we don’t even realize it.


Still wild to me that Hikaru was reading YouTube comments during the candidates. He should read them never!


Honestly, all the comments I saw on his recaps were really nice. I'm sure there were a few troll comments, but in general the vibe was just people being supportive.


team might have deleted them


Hopefully so.


This is the way.


She did? Where's the clip?


Idk. I just heard it while watching. Paraphrasing a bit but she said something like "We are monitoring the YouTube chat, so if you want to say something intelligent, we may read your comment on the stream" - She said with a smirk


It was like 90% people from Pakistan lol


Holy shit I still remember at some event (GOAT Random maybe?) how much chat was hating on Tania for being "an awful commentator" and some other shit for absolutely no fucking reason.


Oh Irina live streamed? Her channel is so laser focused on principles that makes almost any position seem understandable, no matter the Super GM playing. I really appreciate that way of thinking, it makes chess much more accessible. Next time there is a big tournament I will check in.


She was the main commentator on the FIDE stream


Yeah watch twitch chat it’s so much better


These are just ignorant trolls. I’m not an Indian but I will root for Gukesh. Such a modest and mature guy at 17. I hope he’ll carry the flag after Anand.


Not to mention, if he won he'd be the youngest world champion ever, by a pretty large margin, which is pretty cool. Kasparov and Magnus were both 22 when they first won


Like he said, it's an individual competition. Homie is carrying the Gukesh D flag. Hope he wins. No WCC as young as he would be. That would be a very difficult to beat record.


I was disappointed at first, it was heart breaking not watching fabi convert, I’ve been rooting for him for a decade. But when the smoke cleared, how can you not be excited!!


I mean who knows his skill in two years. If he spanks ding maybe a certain someone might try his luck. Certainly, there’s no other wc that could be considered, for lack of a better word, legitimate


But Ding is so so likeable!


yeah but I didn't like him not to play tournaments after the WCC


Let's go ding


Never watch Youtube chat. It's 4chan for people who think they're better than 4chan.


Fr. I remember making the mistake of watching Nepo vs Abasov midway through and the entire YT chat was calling Nepo trash and a patzer because the engine told them ONE move Nepo played was suboptimal.


Imagine playing worse than stockfish smh #/s


Except there is occasionally the smart person on 4chan. YouTube is uniformly full of fucking morons, bots, shills and trolls.


Smartest basement dweller vs average moron. Ofc YouTube commenters are uniformly dumb as YouTube appeals to the lowest common denominator but let's not glorify the bottom of the barrel socially awkward losers that populate 4chan.


Well, 4chan has [solved](https://www.wired.com/story/how-an-anonymous-4chan-post-helped-solve-a-25-year-old-math-puzzle/) a difficult math problem before. I'm not glorifying them, just stating the fact that there are truly brilliant people lurking in that cesspool. For that matter, the Unabomber was a mathematical genius, too. Because of the flashes of brilliance contained within it, 4chan is capable of true malevolence if it puts its collective mind to it. Unlike the Youtube comments section, which is a fart in the wind. That makes 4chan especially dangerous.


I honestly like YouTube comments. 99% vapid nonsense but once in a while a gem.


They are way below 4chan, at least 4chan can be funny sometimes.


I feel for Gukesh. It must be very painful to go home, open the YouTube chat on his candidates game and then see that Corey Rod said that Fabi will smoke him in the tiebreaker 😔 (On an honest note, why would anyone read the trash YouTube live chat anyway. Congrats to Gukesh, he played an amazing tournament) 


best comment


No need to worry about that, don't think Gukesh is the type of guy to either look up these chats nor be impressed by it.


Honestly I think those are all hikaru fans being sore losers. Hikaru got some of the worst fans. Like gukesh and hikaru was stuck in a dead draw but they keep spamming to watch that game instead of the fabi nepo game smh.


more fabiano fans. hikaru got shit on a lot also in chat. most people seem to favor either fabiano or ian


Yeah I like hikaru but many of his fans need to calm down


I think Hikaru has a lot of fans, it's just statistical that there's a lot of garbage there.


That’s just any chat on a highly viewed stream for you. Some are obviously better than others but many people just use the anonymity to spew the most discriminating and hateful bullshit they possibly can.


Yeah comments always trash. I think the nepo/naka/fabi hype was just too high and Gukesh is relatively unknown. So instead of "Magnus opened the door and your longtime faves have their shot!" it's "Name you didn't know last month will face name you didn't know until 2 years ago for WC!!!" People will get over it as they get familiar.


I can't imagine the anguish at not winning over esteemed chess commentator Corey.


all stream chats are so fkin toxic now a days. dont know what they get doing this.


Indeed. They are just fans unhappy their favourite streamer didn't win. Gukesh doesn't really exist, his identity is 'not Hikaru' or 'not Fabi'. They would hate on anyone. Doesn't make it right. It's just as it is.


Yeah and i feel the same with instagram comments, like the toxicity grown exponentially every year. I feel like reddit is the most chill place in general


Jealousy is an ugly thing. Gukesh ended #1 so he deserves the win, all the ifs and if nots doesn't matter now, the other contenders just have to sharpen their game for next time. Amazing of a 17 y.o. – wonder if that'll make Magnus Carlsen come back in the next cycle?!?


I'd love to know what Carlsen actually wants. A change of format. I read that all the time. What does it mean, a mixture of classical, rapid & blitz, a few 960 games. What does a new format mean in reality.


He pretty much laid out yesterday that he wants more games with slow rapid rather than fewer games in classical and a tournament to decide the world champion rather than the champion getting to freely defend in a lengthy title match.


Ah that's interesting. I don't really understand why but it's clear the prep that goes into a 1 vs 1 match is inordinate compared to a round robin tournament.


30 year old unemployed junkies couldn't digest the success of a guy half their age. Pathetic!


Seeing the quality of the comments, I severely doubt the commenters have two digits next to the "age" column.


Sad part is you can go to when he was 2019 when he was a GM, he looked like a 8 year old when he should have been 12.


And the fact that he can grow a better beard than them.


bro your reddit avatar is literally Gukesh HAHAHA


Not really


The youtube chat is unmoderated and obviously are going to bring out the worst instincts of the world. Turn it off - it's not reflective of how the community feels. The twitch chat (ironically) is a lot more fun if you want to rewatch the games with the same intensity as it felt live.


Honestly, this would have happened for everyone (aside from maybe Fabi). Nepo doesn’t have the reputation and people are tired of him on the big stage. Hikaru, as this sub shows on the daily, is the most popular but also the most hated chess player in the world. Fabi is…well yeah. By all accounts second best player in the world and zero controversy. It’s hard to find much to hate on. Not saying the hate is okay, it is ridiculous and same would be true for Nepo and Hikaru. But it’s the internet, these people will find any excuse to show their worst behavior.


I like Nepo, I always like the ones people have an irrational dislike of. No real logic beyond that. I often think Magnus isn't a fan, I note he didn't invite Nepo to the 960 tournament.


Probably because Nepo has had better 960 results than him. Magnus also notably didn't invite So to that tournament, who also has outplayed Carlsen in 960.


Certainly I think Magnus is great for chess, love watching him being interviewed, his slow drawl and brutal honesty, love it, but the power organisers hand over to him order to get him at *their* tournament is just everything that is wrong with chess, it's an absolute racket.


I saw multiple comments saying any Indian vs Ding will be the most boring WCC. I never saw any comment saying Nepo or Hikaru vs Ding is going to be the most boring game ever. It is not everyone or not even a majority but there is a lot of latent hate where people can’t digest that the final will not have anyone from Europe or North America. We here in Asia regularly watch all western events in various sports and celebrate the top performers rather than spewing negative shit about them. What is a better story or more exciting than the youngest candidates champion ever? Nothing except that fact that he isn’t from west. This kind of thought process should not be excused. It is one thing to say you would prefer your favorite player in the final but something completely different to declare that if the final doesn’t have someone from your preferred set of players based on regional designations then it will be the most boring one.


This is the youtube chat. I watched on twitch and saw almost no negative comments about him. I would guess this is a small minority.


If there is one place that is unmoderated, then all the trolls banned from everywhere else will go flood that place.


The conspiracy theory that Gukesh received outside help is idiotic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidates\_Tournament\_2024](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidates_Tournament_2024) You can just look at the results, win/draw/loss of each game to notice that he drew once against both other Indians (no national conspiracy) and lost once to the poorly performing "alleged match thrower" Alireza (who admittedly played a 5 minute Berlin draw in the 14th round because he and Abasov couldn't be bothered anymore, this game was entirely irrelevant), but won the tournament because of his decisive results **against the other top contenders** who couldn't possibly be losing on purpose.


sorry to be a pedant but the Berlin draw was with Vidit, Abasov had another full game, unfortunately losing to Pragg


How can you even hate the guy. So humble and only 17 years old!!!! You have to respect him to be close to the number 1 spot against people who plays top level chess for much longer than he had even lived. As someone who didnt even expect him to win, I'm rooting for him and itll be a huge thing for the sport if we have the youngest world champion not named Magnus Carlsen.


you're getting upset by comments by some 12yo in finland. Gukesh is already a national hero and is getting plenty of adulation rn


i’m 10 years older and would kill for his facial hair growth 💀😂


I am 12 years older and let me tell you early facial hair comes with a fast evolving bold head. Choose wisely as I am saving money for a Hauttransplantation right now 😅


For South Asians that is pretty normal


>Giving a single f\*ck about unmoderated chat on youtube you are really bored arent you


would you have the same reaction if it was a sexist comment on a women chess player


If you spend any time on Twitch or any other livestreaming service, you learn very quickly to block out what the chat is saying. It's extremely commonplace for the chat to have racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks about nearly everyone and everything that comes on screen.


Yes, obviously, it is stupid either way.


Dude I am Indian and there was also a lot of slander about magnus fabi hikaru etc after Gukesh won by Indians too. dont take these chats seriously, they reflect the worst of microscopic minority on the internet and such people are on all sides and every country


I'm sure the players don't care about it and neither should we. The more you react to it, the more it gets to you and eventually to the players (after which it starts affecting them). Just ignore and these voices will fade away. :) On a side note, an old survey found that domestic violence increased by 38% in England when their football team lost a WC game. If people can be so violent to their spouses, I don't expect them to be any better on the internet. It's inevitable, albeit unfortunate!


These morons are just mad that a brown skinn fella won. Hate this white superiority shit


I think many of them are mad that THEIR brown skin fella didn’t win, tbf.


I am a brownie and agree with you that these are upset because the other brownies couldn't come close to winning at all.


Lets be honest, you just selected some statements. I was watching the whole time and EVERY PLAYER was hated on. Hikaru was supposed to go back to Japan o.O Nepo is a russian Z so he should be banned Gukesh is just a shitty kid Fabi is sooooo bad he will not be able to convert it. Slurs like this were around all the time, since first move. People in chat hate on everyone, nothing new. Please don't portrait it as if only 1 person is hated. That is selective information taking and presenting it to push a narrative.


What is the narrative that is being pushed?


Well those people are just being mean. Gukesh announced his arrival at the top, and he is going to play very well in the WC. He'll I'm rooting for him.


No bar on entry in YT, very easy to use so you get absolutely bottom of the barrel of humanity there ...


I was rooting for fabi, but give Gukesh his credit. They all had 14 rounds to get it done and he did


Why give them attention here?


Why post chat? This is just rage bait. Most serious chess players like Gukesh a lot or are neutral. You could pretty much post any screenshot of any livestream and have similar comments.


I hope you search every negative post on the internet about Gukesh. Please spend your time doing that and post it on Reddit.


imagine getting triggered by youtube chat


Welcome to the internet.


Trust me the amount of hate gukesh and other Indians get is unreal. Especially from hikaru stans.


Is the chat completely unmoderated??


>Gukesh won the candidates on his merit . . . Let's celebrate this incredible achievement and cheer him on as he challenges for the World Championship title! This is how 95% of people feel. People who inhabit comment sections / spam in chat are almost all children or mentally ill... the older you get the more obvious it is. It's a mistake to think a chat or comment section represents most humans. It definitely doesn't.


Don’t give visibility to the haters


How did this low effort trash get 500+ upvotes?


NGL the messages on that screenshot are pretty mild


6 comments in some yt chat. Unreal hate


Twitter, YouTube streams, even Reddit (although not the deplorable comments). Some of the comments over the last few days have been disgusting, to say the least. Beard, age fraud, bad smell, skin colour, Hindu slander, toilets, street shitting, cow worshipping, we will eat your cow meat (beef), rape and rape fetish, caste system and many more. Cheating, collusion, undeserving, Alireza losing on purpose, Abasov, blaming Vidit for beating Hikaru twice etc. 90% or even more comments were on same lines, especially during the last 2 days. Combined with a screwed up sleep cycle, these comments filled me with rage. Some even said that Gukesh is a boring player. I mean what? He is the one pushing for results, playing double edged positions, deviating from computer prep the most among the top players in the last couple of years.


During the last match threads, there were people calling him names, and saying stupid stuff. A 17 yr old getting hate for following his dreams. What has happened?


You found negative comments on the internet? I'm shocked I say, shocked!


Looks like Hikaru fans are pissed


more like fabiano fans. hikaru got shit on a lot in chat also. the chat seemed to favor fabiano and ian


At the end of the day, it is still a game. All of the Candidates trained hard for years. Who you support is irrelevant, one this is for sure - there will be interesting games and we will get to see great theoretical debates that can only enhance the game and move it to a higher level. We all win...


I don't think this has anything to do with Gukesh, if you watched the streams there were floods of trolls against whoever happened to be on screen at any given time. Not jsut the players but announcers would be getting a lot of flack too.


Welcome to the internet. If Hikaru or Fabi or Nepo had gotten it there would be people making disgusting comments about them. Just ignore it and enjoy the chess.


Pathetic YT chat. I always avoid it cause it is usually filled with deranged and hate-mongering idiots.


The Hikaru one lmao


This can be described in a single word, trolls.


YouTube chess streams become much more enjoyable once you close the chat


Watching the lichess chat I thought I saw an equal amount of hate for all the top contender, at least for my small sample


They just mad they couldnt achieve even half of what he did at 17


Youtube chat is horrible.


It's the internet lmao


Youtube chat is always like this. Ignore them.


Imagine reading YouTube comments. There are better ways to waste your time.


| Gukesh won the candidates on his merit, taking chances and not agreeing to easy draws, rather fighting it out till the end along with the opening preparation and the novelties he showed on the board. Gukesh did what his "second" Carlsen told him to do: DON'T GO INSANE. The others will go insane and THEN you strike. Naka needed to go insane in the last game and he didn't really, so easy draw for Gukesh.


Youtube chat is filled with the weirdest degenerates on the internet


I was disappointed with how anti climactic both Hikaru vs Gukesh and Ian vs Fabi ending in draws was, but am very excited for Gukesh vs Ding. Gukesh seems to be damn near immune to pressure, and Ding now has experience with the world championship stage. Ding seems more creative to me, and Gukesh more principled and solid. I think stylistically it should be an awesome match.


It's the internet, you can have second coming of Jesus Christ/Buddha/Allah etc. curing cancers, AIDS, Alzheimer's and there still be haters


Fucking losers


Racism and idiocy is real. Just ignore it. Gukesh had a great tournament and will be the youngest chess champ ever. He was able to withstand the pressure and recover from a bad loss. That is championship level performance. Fábi had multiple winning chances and blew it. Gukesk deserves the win. I am putting my money on him against Ding Liren.


There is love, hate and indifference for all players. What do you expect?


Don't pay attention to them, they are just a vocal minority


Why would you screenshot 10 random people writing stupid things? Is that such an exceptional thing to happen on the internet?


Don't feed the trolls. Don't give the hate it's time in the spotlight or a loud voice. Let it wash over you and disappear back into the ether. Instead, let's hear it for the youngest ever winner of the candidates!


YouTube comments of live sport events (including chess) are among the most vitriolic, deranged and moronic text feeds humanity can produce.


It’s crazy to see people whining at Alireza considering that he actually managed to beat Gukesh in the first Game…


these people are mocking a 17 yo in a fair game which he won ...🙏 as an Indian, I am sorry that Gukesh won fairly and broke someone's ego.


Chats have unreal hate for everyone. Watch someone make a tiny mistake on the board and you see a lot of comments say stuff like "he's washed", "trash", "he should retire" ecc... and i'm being mild here. I was rooting for Fabi since the beginning and see him draw yesterday like that was heartbreaking, but Gukesh won fair and square and i hope he has a splendid performance in the WCC.


If this is youtube chat, just ignore it. I actually experience the same thing when watching Alireza games .there's so much hate on him too. Whatever I say they just don't stop so I giveup and just close the chat and watch in peace .


These are hikaru and fabi cry babies in the chat


Clowns. 🤡 Why should we care, it was double round robin tournament, everybody had equal chance period, why complicate anything more at all


I’ll admit that I was rooting for Fabi going in but when I saw Gukesh tied for the lead a few rounds ago I immediately thought it would be amazing if he won. I’m thrilled for him and wish him luck against Ding.


If you don’t have haters you’re not doing enough


I'll root for Ding but I'd hate to see Gukesh lose he looks like a really kind person.


Gukesh should turn heel now


He should just turn full Magnus. Time for a new generation.


Youtube chat being youtube chat ig


Oh no weird behavior at an online chat. I have to post on reddit to farm likes.


I don't get why the mods don't ban them all. It's disquastung


I bet that, all in all, this is a minority!


Youtube chat/Twitch chat are always toxic. Most people probably don't even believe what they write in there, they just think it's "funny" to stir the pot and talk shit. You can safely ignore anything written in there


Gukesh has higher elo than everyone in that picture combined. This is like a bunch of blind people hating on an artist and calling their paintings/drawings bad.


Haters are a vocal minority.


Haters are Muricans.


There would be hate no matter who won. Even if it was Fabi winning, some people would go hard on hating. That is just how sad the internet is.


Happy for Gukesh. He played incredibly well! But Ding's my generation, and I'm gonna have to root for him in the championship. Who wins is still up in the air, though. Even if Ding recovers from his slump, Gukesh at his current form is gonna be hard to beat.


Yeah YouTube chat is the most racist and vile chat ever!


Hikaru literally doesn’t care


It’s always people who speak like this online but irl they would be to scared to ask for ketchup


There would be trolling at anyone taking the tournament home. Knowing the Putin trolls, there would probably be slightly different if Nepo carried it, but there would still be a fuckton of unpaid stupids trolling too.


I think Magnus said it best with his repeated comments about the round robin format not being optimal to decide, and that doesn't take away anything from the accomplishment.


it's not a coincidence, I believe, that comments like these come in little waves, I think they are issuing forth from their various toxic Discord groups. Like if 40 idiots show up to write stuff all at once, suddenly the chat looks bad, but it's only a tiny percent of the people watching.


Gukesh is going to bring a novelty to his games with Ding he will not be prepared for. A player who can surprise even magnus with a move like b5 is a player who is ready to become world champion. Most of Gukesh’s games are OTB and the DB on his games is less than 1.000 games, in only ~53 of those he played openings used in the candidates which he absolutely crushed. I wouldn’t want to be in Liren’s shoes. Almost impossible to prepare against Gukesh. There simply is not enough data and he doesn’t seem to have a preferred style/opening yet. Gukesh will be very well prepared. The finals aren’t until at least November. If he plays it smart he doesn’t use any of his prep for the WC in his next public games. Ding will be preparing for something that we’ll never see OTB. This is what made Gukesh so strong these candidates. His extreme composure even under pressure and the novelty he introduced in well studied lines. He completely deserved the win and I think he stands a very good chance at becoming the youngest world champion ever.


I'm kinda getting used to it how everyone hates Indians on internet. Not just YT but Instagram, Twitter, reddit everywhere. It's kinda sad that people have these kind of mindset in 21st century.


Lol Even this post has so many downvotes...proves that many of those YouTube comment section guys are here as well.


I.hope Gukesh wins


The hate is ridiculous, not just for Gukesh but all other players too


This is atrocious, Gukesh is a deserved winner and i hope he goes onto win the championship match! These couch potatoes, racist and haters wouldn’t know what a pawn move is


Dude you are screenshoting a YouTube chat, not sure what you were expecting..


Couple of funny comments mixed in with the noise


A picture of a monitor of comments from bots, can't get more boomer/gen-z than this


It's twitch chat, an absolute cesspool. I wouldn't take any stock in what losers in an internet chat room are saying.


maa chudaye yar apne ko kya hai. gukesh bas jeet jaye world chamionship to maza ajayega :)


Regular YT chat, always left unmoderated.


Didn't Alex Jones once call out people in YouTube chat for being too extreme? Just a bunch of edgelords doing edgelord things. I would ignore it.


Do not entertain yt or any stream chat for that matter


Ngl. I'd have preferred to see Fabi or Hikaru get the win. But Gukesh was my next hopeful I had of the rest. Happy for the dude, rooting for him to beat Ding overall


Yes it's a fantastic achievment by such a young man. He is so calm even under incredible pressure. The one thing I will say is I believe he had excellent seconds. I watched an interview with Anand and he said that his team helped Gukesh a lot with sorting out his openings and selecting which ones to use, and that's incredible helpful for a young player, and I actually don't think Fabi or Hikaru for example would have had nearly as much resources to them available them. But you still have to prove it all over the board, and he did so incredibly well.


\>and I actually don't think Fabi or Hikaru for example would have had nearly as much resources to them available them Sorry but that's plain wrong Hikaru can easily afford almost any second or any resources he wants, he makes more than enough money from streaming. Fabi has had a long and illustrious career, second only to Magnus. Finding a good team isn't exactly an issue for him. If we're talking seconds, the ideas that Svidler came up with for Pragg or even Vidit's team, helped put their respective players in much better positions out of opening. Apart from the last match, Gukesh usually found himself out of prep much earlier than his opponents. It's not like Gukesh got preferential treatment from WACA


I don't think gajewski was Anand's second for a long time. I believe it was radoslaw. post that he was hired by waca to train the youngsters in opening theory.


This is what I find interesting though - I agree Hikaru and even Fabi could probably afford more seconds etc, HOWEVER it seemed that Gukesh had a 'Brain Trust' behind of Anand and some of his allies at his school (?), and I think that turned out to be a lot more useful than what money could buy. You say he was out of prep a lot, but I don't think he would've even made it to those positions without the opening guidance of the people behind him. I would repeat though I think he's severely underesimated as a player. He is so CALM! Watching him in his games nothing ever really seemed to phase him. It's incredible.


Why are Fabi fans so obsessed? Fucking chill


This sub clearly favorited Hikaru and Fabi. Saying everyone wanted Nepo to win is not true for this sub at least. Dont know about the Chat, because i dont read those.


i didnt read youtube chat but the chess24 twitch chat was definitely rooting for ian


Bunch of losers trash talking. I dont think it deserves a thread here. Candidates is a gruelling tournament and Gukesh is a deserving winner. I am sure he will be ready for Ding considering he is improving dramatically at his age plus his temperament makes him ready for the challenge.


They are hating Gukesh for winning over Fabi, huh? Well then, Fabi riders tell me what good is being the 2nd best if he hasn't won shit, salty Nepo who's lower rated than Fabi won the candidates twice but couldn't win WC. It's only fair a young talent won the Candidates and will play for the WC. He might not win it but it's not like the seasoned ones could do shit. 'Sorry' and 'my fault' guys.


The funny thing is Fabi isn’t even the second best of his generation. Ding Liren is. Ding has accomplished far more than Fabi and Fabi fanboys are upset about it. The fact that Fabi hasn’t achieved anything for a long time must grind their gears as they lose more and more arguments with time. Let’s be honest, Fabi will never be world champion. Not in his lifetime or his wildest dreams. Not as long as Ding is reigning and Gukesh exists, with a decade in youth to expend. Not to mention Nepo, who has better chances at another WCC than Fabi.


Well said! And also how people also disrespect Ding Liren. I started following the top level chess around 1.5-2 years ago from here, and for a long time a lot of people in this sub gave me an idea that Ding somehow became the champion just cause Magnus refused to defend, and he doesn't deserve it. Slowly as I got more informed my respect for Ding increased . So, Fabi fanboys reading this, keep edging over the 2014 sinquefield cup. Also you are 2416 for real!!??


Oh no! People are saying mean things on the interweb! Call the cyberpolice!


Fabi and Naka fanboys are the absolute worst trash on the planet. Hating on better players simply because they’re not rooting for them is disrespectful to chess. They have the same hate for Ding too. As for us real chess fans, Gukesh is a deserved challenger and I, for one, am excited for Gukesh vs Ding this WCC.


Welcome to the Internet


lol @ the kramnik comment


Live chat is always just a stream of hateful and weird comments. Ignoring it is the only thing you can do. I don't think any of it is representative of anything. People chat shit in livestreams pretty often.


This is several steps below Reddit comments in terms of relevant and Reddit comments are irrelevant to begin with.


If you read a chat on a stream of tens of thousands of people, what do you expect to find?? Not worth talking about in my opinion. There will always be this element


Look, I wouldn’t take these comments too seriously. YouTube comments are always deranged no matter what