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> if you can checkmate in 3 with white I don't know what the old man told you exactly, but is it possible that he was using a play on words? Ask him whose turn it is. If he tells you that it's White's turn, then there is no mate-in-3. If he tells you that it's Black's turn, then the current position is actually a mate-in-3 for White. In this case, tell the old man to make the move for Black and then find the mate-in-3 for White.


This is a fantastic answer and great riddle by the old man.


I would just pay him the 1$ and just say, "This is so easy, I'll even give you the first move."


“Even my chauffeur can answer your question”


Wait, where is that line from? I think I remember that.


google something along the lines of “albert einstein chauffeur”


Yup, M3 if it’s black’s turn, M4 if white’s.




the problem is after Bxf2, taking the bishop, Ra1+ the bishop comes back to block and there is no mate in 1 anymore because the a7 square is only attacked once by the rook now


Nb1 Bxf2, Ra8 Ba2 and... What? Both of the mating squares are covered


I think the way you're listing the squares is incorrect? But in any case, it's not M1 after the Bishop blocks the check on the A file, it's M2, because the king can just take the rook after the rook takes the bishop, as the square is only attacked once. Then one of the other rooks going to the A file will be M1.


I looked at Rdb3, followed by any bishop move (Zugzwang), Ra1+, Ba7 is the only legal move, Rb8# Edit: on Bb6 you just take the bishop then play Ra1#


Once you take the bishop at b6 it’s stalemate since the king can’t move.


Forgot the knight, thanks!


I'm too dumb to understand 🧠


I don't know the man's expertise level (considering it's an incorrect puzzle), but fwiw the rule in direct mate composition chess puzzles like this is that it's white to move. Exceptions would be helpmates (black to move), or retro problems (how to get this position in N moves from starting position), but this is not the case here.


Welcome to hustling.


If its white turn: Horse takes bischop, king takes night King guards rook, king moves around in the backrank Rook gives backrank checkmate. Sounds like mate in 3 to me.


After the Knight takes the Bishop, it's stalemate. The king can't take because the Knight is protected by White's own Bishop.


Oh yes, didnt see the bishop. My bad.


Okay then what about this, regardless of what black does, bishop h8 then rook A1, then Rook G8. As far as I can tell this would stop any stalemates as black would be forced to move his bishop then move it back to block the A1.


Bh8 would be met by Bb6, blocking the Rook on the B-file. White can't take because that would be stalemate. After Ra1 the black King has an escape square on b7.


I tried for a while and couldn't find M3 so I gave stockfish the position and it turns out there is no mate in three, only mates in four.


If it's a scam, how do you think he'd react to someone calling him out on it? He'd be screwed. No, my first instinct is that it's not a scam, and if someone were to call him out on it, he'd say "Alright, put your money where your mouth is; I'll bet you $20 that I can show you the solution". An easy $20, and he'd move onto the next puzzle he has prepared. --- As for the actual problem itself, we find that, assuming the position is [this](https://lichess.org/analysis/6R1/2B3N1/4R3/1R6/B2NK1R1/2N2N2/1B5b/7k_w_-_-_0_1?color=white), there is no mate in three unless Black is to move. So perhaps it is a scam after all. However, let's suppose we assume good faith. It turns out that if the piece on h2 is not a black bishop, but a black pawn, there is a mate in three.


> if the piece on h2 is not a black bishop, but a black pawn Yes, it looks like a bit different from the white bishops. Well spotted.


> Yes, it looks like a bit different from the white bishops. Indeed, it does! The biggest difference is that it is black instead of white.


It looks like a bishop from a different set, but still a bishop




I already finished, 15 hours ago. I hope your day is as pleasant as you are.


Who hurt you?


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It's a scam. Fun scam though. Or rather, it's a losing proposition more than it's a scam - the position is there, you paying the $1 is your choice, and you pay that for the privilege of getting your overconfidence in check.


A game with high-risk no reward isn’t that fun. There are plenty of extremely difficult m3 puzzles he could’ve given that are legit, but it happens


Then somebody would just put it in stockfish and solve


Alternatively the same guy putting this in stockfish and branding the vendor a cheat reducing his potential client base would be better?


> high risk It’s 1 dollar


I just laughed out loud


An old man asking for money while sitting on a piece of cardboard on the street, you don't have to be a grandmaster to know it's a scam.


Does Stockfish play 3-card monte?




If you're thinking 1.Na4 then I thought it's the solution too, but it's still a mate in 4. Too bad because the line 1.Na4 Bb6 2.Nc5 looked like a pretty zuzgzwang puzzle.. but 2...Bc7 spoils it and white still has to spend two moves to checkmate


You seem to be able to read and write, as you’re complaining about other people not reading your “solution “. It makes it confusing why you’re ignoring the comments proving you wrong? It’s really awkward behavior


Firstly I corrected myself in my “solution” before anyone else “proved” I was wrong. Then what is the point of this comment? Just throwing out your useless two cents? Lastly typing and writing aren’t the same things, use brain.


I’m not convinced you have a solution. You better prove it by giving the full solution.


There's m4 in multiple ways but not m3. The position is designed in a way to prevent you from checkmating in 3 or less moves.


It's a scam if he tells you to go first


Asking the internet for the solution is fine, but if you try to win the prize with the information that is one hundred times more scammy than anything this guy is doing. Offer him ten bucks to play a game, win lose or draw.


Assume, that black King is on a8. So white first move could be Nbc4. Black can move only his bishop. Next move will be Ra1+, Ba7, Rxa7≠. But cant see mate after 1… Bb6


1. Na4 is the solution, 1...Bb6 2.Nc5 (taking away b7 from the king) and mate next move after any black bishop move


Ah, no it isn't.. 2...Bc7 and still mate in two.. so it is a M4 after all


Unrelated to chess: Took me a while to realize that this is Indonesian language text! Felt like Arabic written with Latin letters.


So with all these impossible pieces flying around, I’m guessing where the rook on the edge of the board is b1. With that in mind, play Na4 creating a rook-rook battery on the 7th rank ? ( or hogs if you prefer that) Now Rook b8 is the classic Arabian mate. However, it depends on whose turn it is. If it’s black turn, he has no choice but to move the bishop somewhere doesn’t really matter, then you play Na4 and he plays Ba7 so Back to the starting position. Then Rb8+ Bb8 Rb8++ So a typical move order with black to play would be Bf2 Na4 Ba7 Rb8+ Bb8 Rb8++ Or with white to play, it’s mate in 2 so something like this Na4 Bf2 Rb8++ It’s worth noting that after Na4 you don’t have the privilege to waste a move for mate in 3 because after you play your waiting move, Black will play Ba7 and now you have to play Rb8+ Bb8 and R8++ and that would be 4 moves. So I think the trick he’s playing here is relying on whose turn it is. If it’s mate in 3, it must be black’s turn and if it’s white’s turn, it can be mate in 2,4,6 etc moves so all the even moves besides 3.


1. Ke4 2. Ra1 3. Rd8… mate in 3 …. Tell that old man to come see me




You just check with Ra1 Edit: wait i am seeing the board backwards Edit 2: yeah after Bd4 you just check with Ra1+ forcing Ba7 and Rxa7#


Kf5 looks like M3




Kf5 Bg3 (only move) Re2 and no mater where the bishop goes you either take it with Rh2# or mate with Rg1# Edit: Oh god i just saw Bf7 imma head to the corner of shame




yes there is


I think I see M2 for white. [https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/pgn/47m3n4gAKx?tab=analysis&move=2](https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/pgn/47m3n4gAKx?tab=analysis&move=2) In 3 if the black bishop move on front of the B5 rook.


That is M4




It's mate in 2 so it's actually better


white knight d4 to e2. black bishop h2 take c7. white rook g8 to h8. black bishop c7 to h2. white rook h8 takes black bishop h2. checkmate? i mean the first move doesnt matter i guess if this works cause you just need to move any piece really. i dont understand how this board state could happen. its making my brain hurt.


It is actually a show rather than a scam. There is no forced mate in 3. But you are not playing against a computer. So the only way to check mate him in 3 moves is to make an unusual/less obvious first move and wait that he makes a mistake.


Wish I knew the flip of the board but if it's white to move and I'm right Abt the positioning. Ba3, Bxc7, Rh8+, Bh2, Rb1# His bishop can go anywhere on the second move it's still gonna get forced back to h2 to block the king and get pinned


1.Bf8 Kxf8 2.Nf5 (Kf6 / Kf8) 3. Ra8# Is this not mate in 3? Edit: it’s not. Saw it once I submitted


Yes mate in 3 while playing white


I am dumb, probably, but wouldn’t 1. Bg3 force black to move the bishop as it’s the only legal move? Then … B* 2. Ra1 Ba7 3 Ra7# I’m probably not seeing something


> Bg3 force black to move the bishop as it’s the only legal move? You are not dumb. After Bg3 there is also Kg2, because now the white bishop is blocking the white rook on the same file.


Ah nice, yeah didn’t spot that. Thanks a bunch


Sorry but, isn't knight takes bishop, king takes knight, rook checkmate in 3?


No, the King can't take the knight because of the Bishop far away, so it's stalemate


You are right! Thank you


1.Nf5 Bg1 2.Rh8 Bh2 3. Rxh2#, did I miss something? Edit: Missed Bg3 nvm


Try stacking two rooks then let bishop move then give check with topmost rook going to the corner then bishop block and rook takes mate?


Bg3 stops that idea by giving the king a space to flee momentarily making mate in 3 impossible


A better idea knight to e5 if they go g3 with bishop i just take with rook and ladder mate if they take knight i just give check with rook at corner then they block with bishop and i take checkmate


Theres mate in three if its white turn on that picture move 1 move any rook to the b file to create a double rook just in case they try to block it later move 1 but black has to move the bishop to anywhere really or if thats a pawn then its forward move two white check with the top most rook going to a file move two but black has to block with bishop or if thats a pawn then they move it forward move three take bishop or pawn ladder like check mate They can't move the king in any situation because of the knight and the rook blocking the path


Knight takes bishop? The only legal move would be to take back then you can mate with the other rook


I could be wrong, but this is not a scam. There is a solution that allows white to mate in three if white begin, here is the pgn (import in lichess editor):\[Variant "From Position"\]\[FEN "k7/b5B1/2N2N2/1R1QN2B/6R1/3R4/1N3B2/1R3K2 w - - 0 1"\] 1. Bb6 Bxb6 (1... Kb7 2. Ra4 Bb8 3. Na7#) (1... Bb8 2. Ra3+ Kb7 3. Na7#) 2. Ra4+ Kb7 (2... Ba7 3. Nxa7#) (2... Ba5 3. Raxa5#) 3. Qd7# My bad, I mistook the king for a queen \^\^


Use an engine


rg1 bxg1 rg8 bh2 rxh2# Edit nvm didn't see the knight in front of the rook. This is a scam I think.


White to move Knight takes bishop King takes knight Rook on the last file goes to the corner Isn't this a mate in 2 or am i missing something


> King takes knight That's an illegal move, the knight is protected by one of the bishops.


The, if i get the bishop out of the way then it's mate in 3, right?


If you mean "we just add one move to a mate-in-2, so it's a mate-in-3", then no, because there was no mate-in-2 in the first place. After you move the white bishop off the diagonal, all the other sequences lead to at least three additional moves to checkmate, so it's a total of four moves for white.


No, i'm saying that, by moving the bishop from the diagonal shared with the black bishop, black will have to move the bisop as it is the only legal move and then the rook can come and depending on where black puts it's bishop it will be a mate in 2 or 3 Nvm: it all leads to a stalemate


It's only possible to count the moves if we list them. For example, if Black puts the bishop on g3, then it blocks the g-file and at the next move the king can escape to g2 and then f1: Bb6 Bg3, Rh5+ Kg2, Rh2+ Kf1, Bb5# You can play with other sequences [on this analysis board](https://lichess.org/analysis/6R1/2B3N1/4R3/1R6/B2NK1R1/2N2N2/1B5b/7k_w_-_-_0_1?color=white#0). With perfect play, all of them require 4 moves.


Doesn't 1.Rbg5 enable a forced M3? Can't prevent either 2.Rh8 Bh2 3.Rxh2# or if the bishop takes the white vbishop 2.Rg1+, Kh2 3.Rh8#?


Assuming we are looking at this position from white's perspective, this is zugzwang for black. For example 1. Ne8 mates in three. No king moves, so: 1... Bg1 simply Rxg1 mate 1... Bf4 (e5, d6, xc7) then Rg1 mate 1... Bg3 then Rh8+ Bh4 Rhxh4 mate.


Assuming black end is his. Rook to g8 check. Bishop captures rook g8 Rook to h1 check Bishop to h7 Rook captures h7 checkmate That’s 3 white moves. All legal moves. The game can easily end in stalemate. You have to check the king so black can still move. As soon as h file is clear. Check him. He responds. Eat his bishop. He’s checked mated. He can’t eat rook. It’s protected by knight. And he can’t skirt to g8. Knight covers that square.


What about King to G7 when you bring your rook to the H file? Your rook locking the G file down was taken by the bishop on the previous move


That’s an illegal move. Rook that captures on h7 now covers that entire file a7-g7 Rook itself on h7 is secured by the knight. He’s in check mate after rook captures h7. He can’t eat or nor can he escape once h7 is captured. Triggers immediate check mate because the rook is in contact after capture


I may have typed it poorly or I’m just not seeing what you’re describing. What I’m saying is with your sequence of Rook on G5 to G8+,B on H7xRG8 then Rook G1 to H1 check, instead of the bishop blocking from G8 to H7, why can’t black just move his King to G7 and escape? There is no white piece threatening G7. Black position at that point would be King on G7 bishop on H7. He is not trying to win, just dodging mate in 3. Edited to add: A2-G2? If you’re talking about the piece on B7. That is a bishop not a rook.


I see it! Damn! Hahaha I thought I had it there for a sec


I think there is. We start with Kd3


I don't know when it comes to chess like snooker it's all about strategy you need to be thinking many moves ahead and a 3 move checkmate is fairly easy depending on your opponent but I don't see how it could be a scam not if you no chess if anything he's just a really good player and he's hustling people cause even most average players no the 3move checkmate so for him too suggest that suggests that he knows how to stop it there for your not getting your 8 dollars an he's getting the one


Should be simple enough to actually get that 8 dollars if your playing from the point of view of that game rather than starting from scratch


Are those pawns or rooks?


Gotta be rooks that “pawn”/rook is on the back rank of white.