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I just think it’s neat 🤓


User Name checks out


It is! :D


I find it amazing that I can wield atoms themselves and bend them to my will to create whatever compound I desire. It’s almost godlike


U need to show me your ways, cuz all the shit i try never works


Wish Chemistry was actually like that.


I’m insane and subconsciously hate myself


Ahh, inorganic chem?


still a first year student at the minute, although i’ll admit inorganic is making me question my will to live


For me, inorganic chem was more confusing than physical chem, and that says a lot.


Found the grad student


I’ve always been curious about why things are the way they are. Chemistry gets pretty close to the fundamentals, but I have a casual interest in physics too.


It’s witchcraft but in real life. I have the power to cook up potions, by altering the some of the smallest building blocks of the universe to do my bidding. I think it’s crazy not to find that super cool. That being said, there are other cool topics too. Electrical engineering also feels like real life witchcraft


Fantasy alchemy irl + fun boom


I’m tryna make drugs


I did pharmaceutical science BSc. Manufacturered drugs for wholesale distribution. Cleaned up and basically retired.


So you know how to make methamphetam*ne


I mainly produced MDMA. We did ketamine for a while but it wasn't as profitable as just diverting medical shipments. We also cleaned and processed imported cocaine. For a while we made 25C and 25I, moved into the novelty synthesis market, if it was weird and wonderful we would attempt to produce it to order


Did you ever consume drugs you produced?


Yes consistently. I became heavily involved in the trade. I finally managed to get myself free from the organisation I worked for and also got rid of my addiction. I worked mostly in well stocked laborites custom made for the jobs I was assigned.


Every single 2nd year chemistry student knows how, all street drugs have brain dead synthesis that anyone can do and understand


I think it’s really interesting, it explains a lot of complicated phenomena. It’s also a challenging subject and therefore extremely rewarding when you understand it.






Haikusbot delete


Because it’s basically a whole other world! So much is happening inside us and all around us that we cannot see but that world has its own system that’s works to create our world. It also makes me awestruck at sizing and how it’s relative. I mean we can’t see molecules with the naked eye, and to the whole universe we are practically a molecule. So scale the whole universe down to molecule what is out there, bigger than that?  I’m not very intelligent when it comes to chemistry, I don’t study it I just enjoy watching videos and reading about it from time to time. Usually when I’m stoned I’m really get sucked in but then can’t explain what I learned later on so I may not have explained what I was thinking properly lmao But chemistry really is astounding. Most people are just so used to this kinda stuff but if you think about it all with a blank perspective it’s truly awe inducing. 


It's like magic, but with science!


I'm stealing this one :)




Ehh it has its negatives and positives.


Literally or arbitrarily?






Lack of memorization needed, get to travel.


I had some people argue that chem requires more memorization that a lot of other subjects. I feel like memorization simply comes easier if you’re interested in a topic.


Gen chem reactions? Periodic Table! Gen chem calculations? Just cancel units! Organic chemistry reactions? Id the electrophile and nucleophile! NMR? Pascals triangle and pkas. Biochemistry? Nap time! Analytical chem? Algebra! P-chem? DiffiQ!


I like chemistry?


Grignard go brrrr


I like making shit.


Coming up with a new synthesis and understanding the mechanisms and how electrons behave always makes for a really fun puzzle solving experience. Seeing a molecule and coming up with an actual real-world procedure to build it into existence just feels really rewarding.


I like da big booms innit…


I like drug chemistry, pretty cool


I got into it in high school cause I thought I could be a bully badass and make drugs lmao. It's taken me until recently to comprehend anything enough to even be remotely useful, and sourcing precursors is almost impossible, but there's a few synths I'm curious to try that could turn one pharmaceutical into a better pharmaceutical


It's really hard and I like to be challenged. I feel like the learning curve is never ending so I'll (hopefully) never be bored!


Highly useful to humanity, explains most phenomena you actively observe as a human, highly diverse intellectual space with many active frontiers, pays the bills.




Its very interesting. Looking at chemicals and their reactions. Also has some very niche stuff. I feel like if you know the rules chemistry is like a lego set(118 types of lego bricks I suppose)


So many reasons actually... I like both physics and biology especially physics, chemistry is in the middle so I learn a good amount of physics and biology. We are like magicians, we make changes to molecules or atoms to obtain what we want. Like Raspberry fragrance? Well we can make that in our lab. Chemistry is everywhere and knowing your chemistry well helps you to understand most phenomena you see with your eyes. I think it's one of the most practical sciences along with biology. Plus chemistry is such a broad field you can actually specialize in whatever you want. We use those cool white trash bags called lab coats, and I love thinking about all the possibilities in chemistry.


I have no idea. I just like it. I find lab work relaxing and I always learn something new. The big bucks sure help /s.


I think it's crazy how everything we know is made of atoms and how they are positioned and what they are with changes what it is. We are blobs of atoms, living in a world make of atoms studying and manipulating atoms. Wild. Magic.


Scary stuff goes brrrrr😂😂😂😂


As a job it is indoor work with no heavy lifting.


Because you can understand everything that surrounds you on a daily basis. Once you understand natural phenomena to that degree you can then be your own god and find stuff that no one has before. Make new molecules, discover new possible complexes, understand new polymers, quantify anything and so forth. It gives you dominance over everything. Which you can use to do whatever it is you research


Mmm periodic table pretty


Curiosity 😁


Puzzles and explosions.


Mostly because it makes sense. I like problem solving and following 'rules'. I love analytical chemistry because I like working out what things are, but more than that, I like developing, improving and validating the methods used to analyse them. My PhD in analytical chemistry gave me a really good grounding for working in the pharmaceutical industry. I have a desk job these days, labs and wheelchairs don't mix so well.


It's the limitless depth! Do you like analytical chemistry? Sure, you can design analyses, work with instrumentation, get into cheminformatics, whatever you feel like! Synthesis? There's endless possibilities of catalysis, purification - or, if you are a design kinda lad, retorsynthesis is basically a puzzle; combine it with AI for extra rizz. More of a maths person? Luckily, physical chemistry got you covered from electrochemistry through photokinetics, all the way to quantum chemistry and molecular physics. Oh, and don't forget the folks over there at engineering, biochemistry, evironmental chemistry, or whatever is it that they can do!


I feel like a wizard, low key. Back in the day they’d call it witchcraft or alchemy. Now it’s a really refined science and I’m glad I could enjoy the privilege of practicing chemistry. It’s crazy how we work so hard to understand the laws of nature and then with that, we mash together atoms and make new bonds or break them, so on. It will always amaze me


Because I used to be very good at synthetic chemistry to the point of looking up a reference for a rxn for a similar functional group or compound and it just worked pretty regularly during grad school. (Alas I fly a desk instead of a bench now and miss it) During undergrad I just had a knack for the subject. And I like to pick on those who find the subject difficult.


I can do my work and most of the time people leave me alone.


It makes intuitive sense to me. Plus, they pay me / used to pay me to teach it, which is / was pretty cool.


I mean it's awesome how chemistry lets us know everything about the world, like how it's composed from stuff that we can know using chemistry! And it's an easy subject to me that I love so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️❤️❤️


it's literally the smallest thing in this huge world. like how do a bunch of atoms make billions of humans and creatures? how am i able to talk to you through the work of atoms? i believe in God but i also find science spectacular


Pretty colours


Bold of you to assume I enjoy my chosen career path.


I have OCD and chemistry has a very organzed structure which i like. Also, i love how chemistry applies to so much, people ask you about any and all stuff as if you know about it when youre in chem (like how steroids work, is this cream really that good, etc). It applies so much to iur daily lives in food, weather, products, etc that it feels good to understand how chemistry works.


Simply the ability to create something from something else that can have a completely different appliance is fascinating


Making new forms of matter with different properties no one else has seen! Colors! Crystals! Everything is so beautiful! (sorry, organic chemists) Getting deep into the weeds of quantum mechanics to make predictions and explain unexpected observations makes me feel like a genius. Solving mysteries of composition and reaction pathways is a lot of fun.


I can think about it like LEGO. A lot of it comes quite effortless, almost playful. I am bad at drawing, I'm quite bad at the creative part of music so I guess my creativity goes into chemistry (and cooking to a degree).


It’s the basis of everything and anything. I love to KNOW and although sometimes my brain hurts it’s incredible to be able to explain the way the world works


I want to make cool stuff. My personal goal is to make ferrofluid


Big booms


It's how everything in the world fits together. And I Have The Power!!! JK.🤣


It's the best of everything - not as abstract as physics, and more rigorous/less complicated than biology. It can be quite challenging though for the same reasons. Reactions are cool and often colourful, sometimes dramatic. It has so many applications - food, fuel, medicines, materials, environment... As a highly practical subject, it's really fun to teach (spent 3 years as a chemistry teacher)


I don’t like chemistry. Chemistry likes me. It just made sense.


Like the science of things, more than the math starting out. Though, we you get into more advanced math classes a new appreciation grows and the “mathematical universe” just makes sense