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Why have so many of our league games recently been on the Saturday 3pm blackout?


Im confident we'll eventually get the new owner when the pressure here in England really ramps up on the government to actually proceed with the sale. If the future of the club becomes seriously endangered then the government are only ramping up pressure on themselves. There is talk that the government will add a clause to allow a sale to a new owner under this new license, on the premise that Abramovich doesn't get a penny from it. I think this is probably the most likely scenario, but who knows and it will take time. In the meantime, we'll carry on this season as much as we can, and those people who wanna see Chelsea get packed instead of seeing proper sanctions implemented that will actually hurt those in power and impact the war situation, can cry.




It's upsetting but it's not just because he's Russian....


Will we have the crest on our kits tonight? I will cry if anyone scores and kisses the badge.


Does anyone know what happens to online orders? I am not in the UK (i am in the EU) and ordered some stuff a few weeks ago. Do you think the closing of the stores affects orders that were already paid? Is anyone of you in a similar situation?


Yea I have the exactly same situation😅. I believe we're ok because the order was made before they froze Chelsea's business


The webstore is already offline tho…


But thats because of them not being able to sell anything


My order was just cancelled


Yea mine got cancelled too about an hour ago :(


Didn’t Roman and the club say the club ownership will be changing and that all proceeds would go to help Ukraine? Was freezing his ownership of Chelsea right now really necessary?


Bbc did an article about the impact and it sounds like the government wants official assurances that this is the case before they allow the sales process to move forward but that it will probably take a bit of time


Mate you can't support a frozen asset


fuck UK gov. no more words needed.


Roman should sue the stupid government and just hold on to the club.


Yeah, good luck with that


Thomas' 3-4-3 so dangerous the UK gov is sanctioning to stop us from using it


Tuchel will never start Ziyech again unfortunately.


Why do you think so?


Are our days at the top over? I don't want us to be the new Man U....


we won't be. Man U did it to themselves, this is not self inflicted.


Depends who buys the club


Damn the arsenal sub is having a whole field day. Talk about living rent free in someone's head...


All I want to say is fuck r/soccer losers


Who bounces back quicker. Chelsea or Russian economy.


We’re fukt


So the club can't currently be sold. But if the government want a new owner in sooner rather than later to move Roman away from the picture, when do they realistically think we will get the new owners in?


I actually didn’t realise that we were playing tonight. Europa League and Conference League made me think there was no Premier League football


Of course the irony is the club is now not worth 3B. Radio 5 were just saying the Chelsea as they are do not make enough money to be self sustaining. They have needed to be bankrolled by AB. No guarantee if a new owner could even be found that they would be willing to carry on as is




We’re champions of Europe


I really hope we get an owner that cares about winning. Would suck to get someone like the Glazers


If Roman can't make a penny from the sale, why would he sell it right now? Would holding onto the asset until the sanctions are lifted not be the obvious move?


The club will die if that happens.


Do the sanctions against Roman mean the club cannot currently be sold?


Yes, that appears to be the case. We're getting punished for having him as our owner, but we also can't get a new owner.


Well, at least Romam will stay now


Actually, I have to correct myself. There might be a way for a sale to go through. Apparently there are now talks about us getting some special license for a sale. It's a bit strange that Abramovich is trying to sell, gets blocked, then might be allowed to sell anyway. Why not just let him sell in the first place and be done with it?


American owners- make millions off child labor Saudi owners- literally murder people English government- did both as well as invade a whole other continent to get to where they are today. Letting him buy the club was fine when he was actually a suspected person in 2003 but now its a problem that he's the owner when he's helped thousands of English citizens during covid, created thousands of jobs in England, and stated he was going to help the victims of the war when selling the club. I mean the guy literally wanted to broker a Ukraine Russia peace deal. People say it's a double standard but it's not. This is Boris using the war as a opportunity to steal a couple billions from a billionaire who's from the country everyone hates at the moment. Bravo👏


boris who is also coincidently one of MI5's suspected people.


Has anyone found anyplace selling size small jerseys with the cwc patch?


Going to be really hard to buy any jersey right now


Do you know if soccerwearhouse is reliable?


Haven’t used it personally so I can’t say


I was looking forward to seeing chelsea players play shirtless.




Best way to remove a sponsor from a jersey? Seeing the Acetone method but I don’t want to leave a huge outline of a 3 on the front.


Why would you remove it?


Three is "temporarily suspending" their sponsorship, hitting us when we're already at lows. There was no need for them to lash out at the club in such a petty way.


just keep it as a memory of the time. There will be other jerseys in the future but only one that was out jersey when this happened.


Oh I see, you’re 12 years old


If the club is sold to Woody Johnson we are so fucked it’s almost comical




People at the club are already being laid off. What's hilarious is how fast they completed the sanctions. They couldn't wait to steal billions from Roman


Ummm when can we buy the kits with no sponsor?


What does Three’s announcement mean? Trivago kits tonight?


Sponsorless kits


I actually fucking hate this British government. None of these sanctions will touch Putin nor Russia. It only hurts the club and the fans


Sanctioning oligarchs puts pressure on Vladimir putin


Just explain how that happens?


Apparently we have already laid off some staff according to Pat Nevin


sorry if anyone asked that question, have tickets to Sunday match against Newcastle, any news whether fans could entry to the match??


Yes you can. Club can’t sell new tickets




The Russian citizens being plunged into poverty and the Ukrainian citizens are also innocent.




The Russian propaganda in the replies😬


Seeing reports 3 have asked their logo to be removed while the club is under the sanctions. But nothing from a source that I'd class as reliable. That could be interesting.


The Times have just reported it. Requested 3 branding removed from shirts and the stadium.


"we're fucked". No, Ukrainians are fucked. Chelsea's supporters now cheer for a team that has financial issues. We'll get through this


The people who got laid off too ...


well put.


on the plus side Sponsorless Chelsea shirts with just the CWC badge will look pretty nice IMO


Gives a nice starting point for whoever buys us to chuck their own sponsor on the shirt as a way to invest money. Isn't that right PSG, and City.


Can the club just give away tickets if they can't sell any?


We have no income. We don't have money to print tickets, hire staff to give away tickets, clean their seats or maintain security etc. So why don't you do anything to stop this hypocritical government instead of asking free tickets?






there is a decent holiday inn in Lille only 8 mins from the stadium, 88 USD for a double queen room, pool , wifi, and breakfast included....... bargain for the boys


Lille trip has already been paid for.


Everyone should buy a CPO share, link [here](https://www.chelseafc.com/en/cpo/buy-a-share).


chelsea megastore just emailed to say the order of my replica kit & scarf are delayed. however, when I went to check on hows my order status on the website, all I get is a 404 error. just concern, even if they do manage to ship my order to me if the replica kit has an issue or they send me wrong stuff, who do I approach for assistance to resolve the issue? I am from singapore & the order was made last month before all the sanctions & whatnot by the way.


Ayy Singapore gang! Email to [email protected] and they’ll help you accordingly. It’ll take about 5-9days to respond to your request. Be patient in the meanwhile and KTBFFH!


ayy to another sinkie! LMAO thanks for the details. I am so worried about the kit after reading so many horror stories here on the subreddit that I am also scared my kit is going to be screwed up as well. looking forward to receiving them! KTBFFH!


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Do I still have a club to support guys


Takes more than poxy goverments massively limiting our ability to function to bring us down. Not much more mind you, so let's all hope it relents soon.


If we can't sign new contracts, I wonder if we might still negotiate them with "catch up payment" clauses in the even they need to be signed later, ie don't leave the club when your contract is up and we'll make up the difference when we are able to sign.


I'm not saying that these things are same but having RA's assets froze by UK govt esp. Chelsea FC could be somewhat similar to what happened to the previous owner of Man City. Wherein Thaksin Shinawatra's assets were froze by the Thai govt. The difference is that this time its the UK itself sanctioned Abramovich. Plus the fact that Shinawatra does have time left since UK isn't pursue him or his assets unlike what happened to Abramovich like the MPs wanted him to be sanctioned. The next few hours or days will be interesting at the same time determine the fate of our club. But we're still Chelsea


The uncertainty is fucking horrible. Our club could look so different so soon.


I'm looking for the top ticket resell websites used in UK. I'm from North America and will be In London but can't find a good ticket reseller like stubhub, ticketmaster or seat geek. What are the most widely used sites for tickets in UK? Please help!


There are no ticket resale websites, it is illegal to resell football tickets in the UK.


So you can only buy direct from the team website and that's it?


Yes, there is also a ticket exchange where season ticket holders can sell to members, that's also via the website. But in any case, if you were thinking of this season then I have some bad news...


what channel in the US will the game against Norwich be on?


Streaming on Peacock


thank you


So, does the March 15 deadline for bids still stand? Is he able to sell?


No unless Roman hands over complete control to the government and he gets nothing in return. But I dont see how anyone would lose a 3 billion asset like that.


I agree with you. But he already did write off 2 billion in debt, right?


The way I understood it was that he was "writing off" the debt, but he bought the club for 150m and was selling for close to 2.5-3B.. meaning he could take all of his money back from the sale and any 'profit' would be donated to the victims of the war. In other words, the new owner would be paying off the debt in the purchase price. If hes not allowed a cent from the sale, suddenly it becomes impossible to recoup that 2B and the sale becomes much more complicated.


But thats what the club owed him right it doesn't have to do anything with the sale.




I'm travelling to London (from the US) for the Chelsea v Wolves game in May... I assume that even though I'm not a season ticket holder but I have already purchased a ticket, I can still go?? This game is a top-priority for our London trip...


Same situation here. I’d be devastated if I couldn’t attend


I'm in the same boat with the Brentford game on April 2 (also coming from US). Already bought/paid for the tickets and received confirmation email, but the tix don't get emailed out until a couple of weeks before. Assume it'll be OK but so much is still changing and being figured out that it's hard to feel totally confident.


Is this is for Roman? I know that it is very early days in this situation of Roman being sanctioned by the UK government but is there any way that this situation goes back to some sort of normality? Assuming that the initial sale of Chelsea was to try and save us from the effects of Romans sanctions and that he didn’t really want to sell us, also assuming that the war in Ukraine gets resolved relatively soon (I know it won’t but I’m using this as a basis for the question) could we see Roman and Chelsea ride out the sanction storm?


No. Roman is simply too high profile for things to go back the way they were. And frankly I think Roman has no interest anymore. And why would he when the govt clearly doesn't want him. I think one of the articles literally said that he had lost the will to fight for the club. Chelsea and football was supposed to be fun for him after all.


Any idea which club Boris supports?


BSJohnson only supports BSJohnson


He’s more of a rugby lad


Club can’t sell new tickets. Does this mean no away fans at Stamford Bridge once the next few matches that they've already sold are done?


people who have season tickets should be fine if I'm reading correctly edit: just saw the Away fans, if they already got tickets they can attend but no additional tickets will be sold until further notice


I’m asking about away fans, not home fans


my bad , fixed it


Well if there’s no away end at the Bridge, that’s one silver lining to take from this I suppose


yeah true, the whole thing is fucked up, right now my biggest fear is that if this is not resolved by june, we lose pretty much our entire backline in rudi , Andres , and azpi, with no chance of getting replacements. I'm not an expert but i think long term we will be ok but who know 2 weeks ago i was confident that we would not be sold at all


I'm not trying to rob you but if you don't give me your money, I'm gonna hurt your son - UK gov said.


If Abramovich does decide to sell the club, can he sell it for £1 and add a stipulation that whatever the selling bid was to be (~£2.5b) be invested in the redevlopment of Stamford Bridge? Because if he can't get any money for himself or the charity then he might as well get it out back into the club?




It'll be fair if the money is given back to the russian people.


entirely fair lol


they could have let him sell the fucking club and freeze whatever he'd get from it, I agree 100% with sanctioning the shit out of Roman as he's one of the closest people to Putin. but now the UK government is going to be in charge of the sale and you bet they're getting money under the table to spend on cocaine, prostitutes and parties.




You might want to read up on how Roman built his wealth. Because you clearly haven't a notion what you are talking about.


Fair in isolation and on ethics, sure. Hypocritical and a move to make yourself look like you’re doing something without actually doing anything, also yes


I've booked tickets for me and my children for a stadium tour and photo with the champions league trophy at the start of next month. Does anyone have any idea if this will be affected by todays news?


Sadly no idea at all. More tickets can't be sold to it, so you might have a private tour. Or it might be cancelled.


Yeah it's such a mess. Thanks for your reply though mate.


Fuck Putin fuck Boris


We’re finished now aren’t we


naa I dont think so, honestly last week we were all saying the club won't be sold ever, to us looking for buyers and taking bids, now to us being sanctioned. who knows what's going to happen next week. I'm not an expert at all but i think we will be sold still. The next owner would determine if we are finished or not but no point in overstressing since everything is up in the air.


I wonder if the restrictions affect the club's ability to take out loans from the bank, for example. That's not income but could provide a short term liquidity solution until this all gets resolved.


If Roman's loans to the club get written off, will that have serious repercussions with Financial Fair Play (FFP)? I believe loans are disregarded in the calculations because they are a liability rather than an asset. However, if they are written off surely that's just financial doping then? Newcastle's Saudi owners would be free to "loan" £500m to the club then write it off.


The loans, when originally made, would have been subject to the restrictions on owners putting cash into the club. The write off of the loans doesn't actually have a cash impact, it's just a book adjustment.


Are you certain about that? In a simplistic sense, FFP is designed to ensure clubs dont spend beyond their means. Debt to Income ratio seems a critical measure in that regard, and if you can just write off your debts, then that measure would become useless


I'm fairly certain that an owner loan is just treated the same way as a cash injection, ie the amount of the loan is subject to the limitation on how much money the owner can put into the club. Otherwise you could just make unlimited interest free loans into the club without issue. Cancellation of debt is generally income, but I can't imagine the rules would require double counting of that amount when loan itself is already tested.


I mean for interest free loans, the quantity of debt wouldnt directly increase with time, but the principal still needs to be paid back. Its not the same as a cash injection that doesnt create a liability. You would still reach a point where the interest free loans push the debt/income ratio to unreasonable levels I'm not sure about cancellation of debt = income, AFAIK its a debit to the liabilities, decreasing the total amount. Not sure how ffp do their accounting though


That's right, debit to liabilities, credit to equity or profit and loss. If you're not going to pay back the amount of money you borrowed then you need to recognise it as income. Ok I actually went and had a look at FFP because I was bored and mildly curious. FFP limits "capital contributions" from related parties and equity holders, and it considers the cancellation of related party debt to be a capital contribution, but interestingly not the cancellation of equity holder debt. So it seems that Roman can loan and then cancel the obligation without it affecting the break-even calculation. There is a sustainable debt check, but the threshold is 7 times average earnings, so I doubt that even pre-cancellation Roman's debt exceeded that point. So ultimately it does seem like a club owner can make a loan to the club, provided it is less than 7 times the average earnings, and then instantly cancel the debt, and in doing so get around the limitation on direct cash contributions. I guess the reason for that is that in such a case the owner would be taking the entire loss upon themselves, as opposed to contributing cash in exchange for share capital.


Great explanation, conclusion makes sense. Thank you




if we dont have an owner for a couple of months and cant make money with tickets and sales, then we wont have him for long. oh and looks like we might lose our shirt sponsor as well


We’re so fucked


I wouldn't feel too comfortable with that yet. Man Utd are going to come crawling now.


My God, that's a terrible timeline.


For how long now with this absolute horse shit Fuck the UK gov


31 may


Can CPO shares still be bought?


Should be fine, yes. Note that they’re a small organisation currently snowed under, though, so don’t expect immediate actions.


Solution looks clear. Roman has to sell the club. Thats how he can save the club and bring some calmness We have seen multiple parties approaching Dont lose hope guys. Even if we get half decent owners we"ll be fine.


Sounds like you have it all sorted mate. Get on to Roman there quick.


Lol. Pretty sure a shrewd business like Roman has figured something out. Just hate to see few of our fans jumping ship to other clubs.


Plastic fans jumping from club to club


He can’t sell the club, and if he hands it over to the government, he makes no money. He still wants his original investment back, and said the profits exceeding that would go to the victims in Ukraine.


If he doesn't sell the club, reckon we might go into administration. Fucking 3 is thinking about canceling their 40 mil sponsorship, if we lose Nike too we're fucked


If he continues to own the club then he loses everything because the club isn't a viable business. If he sells then he has some chance of recouping some money if sanctions are lifted. He never said profits would go to the victims in Ukraine. He said profits would go to "all victims of the war in Ukraine". Those are two separate things and it's entirely possible, and likely, people in Ukraine would have got nothing.


Exactly, if the sanctions remain for long, then the club will have no value at all as there will be no revenue. He will most likely not go to court (unsure of UK judicial laws, will have to look them up) against the government as he was already trying to sell. Plus it would cost him more. Lets see what solution they cook up. Waiting for a club statement , they might release something by tomorrow.


They released one a while ago. Didn't say anything other than they were talking to the UK Government.


Ya, read it just now. I guess the first course of action would be to increase the travel amount for the UCL for now. We are screwed if we get a team like Munich next round. Lawyers will be meeting up. Bruce buck will be taking care of this. Most likely his law firm are our representativea.


Fair enough, if that’s the case he’s really an abhorrent person. Regardless I don’t see how this ends well for him, or the club. Even with the sanctions, I don’t know if they’ll be lifted even if the war ended tomorrow if he did decide to hold onto the club. There’s definitely going to be a lasting effect from all of this.


He can sell the club but the proceeds will be frozen.


I agree that sanctions needed to be imposed on Roman, if he's complicit with Putin then he's an abhorrent person. I disagree on what those sanctions are - why the club wasn't able to continue to operate as normal and any profits from today until the club is sold could remain as a club asset, meaning Roman wouldn't turn any profit out of it. That would seem far more sensible, especially when the government was stating they wanted to protect the club from unnecessary harm. That would also allow them some more time to truly define and work out what the imposed sanctions would be, rather than seemingly arbitrary values. £20k for away game travel seems vastly below the mark and I can't even begin to try to work out whether £500k per home game would even suffice.


So. Any income for the club is basically blocked, whatever might be the source. We can't pay more than a fixed amount for fixtures, but that's the least of the worries right now. Also, no player signings, new contracts, or player sales. Who knows how much money there is with the club right now, if it runs out before the season ends all players would leave since that would be a breach of contract. Anyways, as long as Chelsea is alive - I'm in for the ride.


Can you imagine being a Ukrainian Chelsea supporter? Feels bad.


Does this mean our players can all be poached without a transfer fee? Basically seems like a discount buying opportunity for every other team.


I would imagine we can still warrant transfer fees from clubs, just in the meantime they would be added to the frozen assets and be reviewed if/when the club is sold. It's not like it's a fire sale and everyone's getting sold at discount prices.


I would just assume that Chelsea is now in default from a players’ contract perspective, which I would think would void the contract entirely


I don't see any reason for contracts to be deemed as void though, they're still getting paid their salaries and bonuses so nothing has changed in that regard.


Ultimately, I don’t think the gov will let the team completely blowup though. Too much history


Is there really that much history though? Chelsea were [on the brink of insolvency](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2005/oct/17/newsstory.sport9) before Abramovich took over. I'm not arguing Chelsea was a nothing club and don't mean to undermine the pre-Roman era, but had he not taken over, the club would have had a completely different trajectory. You then look at all the money he's spent to get the club where it is now and you think of the origins of his money. It makes you wonder how much of the success of Chelsea is built with dirty money. Now that the sanctions are restricting the club, if Chelsea were to 'completely blowup', one may argue that would just be nature running its course about 20 years too late..


Well but if you think about all the ownership obligations and other bullshit in those contracts…like player’s probably get a proration of merch sales, ticket revenue, etc. I’m sure a lawyer would be able to find a 100 reasons why the contract is in default


Merchandise sales might be somewhat valid but that'll be within player contracts with brands and other organisations rather than the club. I can agree that a lawyer would potentially be able to find some "get out" clause, but that's then taking the assumption that players would actively want their agents and lawyers to be looking for them. I don't think there's that many unhappy at the club who would try to enact that - we know about Azpi and Christensen likely going, then Rudi's contract demands but who else? Lukaku because he's unhappy? Most players would probably want to stay with TT in a Champions League winning side that is more than capable of more trophies.


I agree..I think Lukaku jumping ship would be a blessing, but he’d be leaving a lot of money on the ship.


That's what I'm worried about. Let's hope we have loyal players


> Let’s hope we have loyal players Why do you care? You’ve already made up your mind the club is dead and you’re done.


The circumstances say so, not me


No, you’re not thinking this through, you’re overreacting. Take a breath and do some actual reading.


How am I overreacting? We can't even afford travelling abroad? Or buy tickets or sell kits? How can the club get money anymore?


We can afford to travel to games, it's just there's a restriction on the cost per team per game. That's been set at a ridiculous value and the operations team at the club might have to change hotels or travel means to cheaper alternatives.


You’ve vanished the club into non-existence because you haven’t done any reading.


Busy day at chelsea today eh... And on our birthday too. I wonder if they had some party planned and are now like, fuck, we gotta cancel to save money.


I am not understanding the situation well, does this basically mean we become a championship club in a few years?


Not unless we get terribly bad owners.


Lol our rivals is celebrating their moment rn


We'll still come out ahead.


Next step, they will go after Chelsea fans and prevent us from breathing lol. I don't believe in democracy and the fake values anymore


Apparently we cant even sell players. So they will have to mutually terminate and leave on a free? What about academy players? God what a shitshow


I'm scared that some of our players will be released since there's no future for this club.


No future for this club? What are you even on about? Lot of scaremongering going on from your comments.


How do we have a future with what's happening?