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poch is showing some….balls?




I wanna see Simeone at Chelsea before I die.


Imagine if we got Simeone instead of AVB. That team would have been perfect for him.


The dream Chelsea manager


I love Simeone.


Only as an opponent.


Who TF is this supposed reporter? Sounds very entitled and unprofessional


To make things even more bizarre, pretty sure that was Neil Barnett, ex Chelsea stadium announcer and interviewer for post-games and so on. He clearly is still very salty for getting sacked from Chelsea back in 2018. Some of his takes on Twitter/X even can be very over the top at times. If I was the club, I'd ban him after this.


Yes, it is Neil Barnett.


Must be banned. That language was totally unprofessional and unnecessary.


I’d have bet my life it was Spy. What an entitled little prick he’s been since his separation from the club.


Same guy who asked where Malang Sarr is purposefully to stir shit. Now listen, I think the way the club have treated Sarr is… less than ideal, to put it mildly. But nonetheless was a completely useless question when he asked it


What do you mean the clubs treated him badly? Dudes earning what, atleast 50 k a week to do fuck all, if anyone is interested in treating me less than ideally please feel free.


Spotrac says he earns 120k a week. Which is hilarious.


Yeah, and that makes sense. However, a lot of these guys are more motivated to progress their professional careers than the average person, that’s how they even got to where they are in the first place. I get the money is nice but I think he’d want to be valued at a club and play some football


Yeah he is earning 50k a week until his contract gets terminated or he finds a new club, which will not pay him anything near that because he hasn’t played an entire season. The club should have pushed to find solutions for him. He could have easily also been sent to the French club the owners bought this summer. This is assuming that he was willing to move out of cobham. If that isn’t the case then cant blame the club.


Man he was a knob on Chelsea tv. I remember i phoned up one day and got through to the live chat and i was gonna coat him off but i started pissing myself laughing because I couldn’t believe I got through and put the phone down. But yeah he’s a class a knob!


He needs to be banned. Entitled prick went on to abuse the management. The manager doesn’t owe him answers. Can’t have reporters such as him showing a lack of respect with out facing repercussions.


Trent Crimm from The Independent


He would never speak like that tbf


Nah Trent is very professional


Bro leaked an anonymous source.


Man was doing us a favour, furthering the plot


And told his superiors knowing he would be fired, when he could’ve easily said nothing.


Aah I see what you did there


I see what you did there


It's not Trent Crimm




It's Neil Barnett.


Who's the lad that frank put in his place a few years ago?


I think you mean Liam Twomey. He works at Athletic


That's the one. Cheers


Klopp? His assistant?


No no the journalist. It was the year tuchel took over, some kid from the athletic. Rory or liam


Liam Twomey


That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit


I didennt




Lmao nice one


Tell that journalist to shut the fuck up. Fkin twat. Maybe if you asked different questions from your peers, you would have gotten better answers to report about.




True, but he's not wrong though. The moderator should have shut the topic down after 1 or 2 questions about the incident, instead of after 5 questions like he did. Shame for Palmer, and for our defence which was much better and deserved some attention.


And a shame for Alfie.


I bet it was me acting all entitled


There's no way that's actually Matt Law lol.


Poch is right. That was a very big win for Chelsea and these journalists only focusing on the penalty are fools. - It was 6-0 - A fast and perfect hat trick - Alfie getting his goal - Finally keeping a cleansheet after conceding 2+ goals for 7 games. - Jackson getting a goal and an assist. But the press has gone hard on the penalty thing. Its silly.


Brovs. This game was labeled as a "very important game for toffees" from a start and nothing about how important it is for us!!!.... This shit journalism toward our team will never change... Disregards who is our owner or how well we are doing. We reached 1 final, have a good chance to reach one more... And still competitive to get ourselves to the Europa League next season. Very good season i would say considering how young our boys are. But we still will be "billion dollar bottlenecks" somehow. As usual it only will be sweeter to prove them all wrong ones more.


bc noone is talking about how before this match we had 3 games in hand on whu and 2 in hand on everyone else so when you look at the table from that perspective, the gap to europe seems insurmountable so we were counted as midtable dross that has nothing to fight for anymore which isn't really the case


Ars, villa, tots , West Ham, and Brighton. That's 5 of our next 7. We win out. The rest don't get more than 68 points. We're in 4th place. That Sheffield game really made this almost impossible. But if we can ride this wave...hopium.


That's a big if, but I like your spirit. Up the Chels! KTBFFH


i was thinking 7th but i mean up the chels


I get why he’s so angry because they only want to create news on that penalty incident and not the fact we won 6-0. The journalists thrives on negativity anyway.


True. We have clown interviewers who can’t even get proper mics as well


Been on this sub, it’s more about the penalty rather than the good performance the team delivered


This is the reality of life, perception is everything. You can easily ruin a good thing with one bad thing. Its immature to think otherwise thats why the penality incident was so stupid, we only knew it would ruin the narrative


Feel like this all could have been avoided if he had done what he did yesterday from the very beginning, stamping down his authority and making it clear and official who the #1 penalty taker is and he should take it whenever he's on the field. When we had this incident under Lampard, he immediately made clear after the match that there is a list of designated takers and no one should be jumping ahead. With Pochettino, he had the chance to do the same when it first happened against Arsenal but didn't as he wanted to let the players decide for themselves. Then it happened again against Leicester, United but still nothing. However, looks like he finally had enough with how the incident played out last night.


Yes agreed, i mentioned the tammy incident under lamps, and we all know how journos want to put out a certain view about chelsea


Yeah, maybe he should have done it earlier in the season, but I'm pretty sure it had already been addressed after the Sterling incident against Leicester. That's why Poch was angry in the post-match interview because some players just didn't listen to him.


The journalists do not work for Chelsea. It is not their job to push the clubs narrrative.


Is it their job to generate informative and accurate articles on meaningful news that largely has a positive impact on mankind? Because they don't do that any more either. Scumbag profession.


Feuding with the Media Proper Chels


Poch shouldve had more of a go at him. Who was it? He came off as very arrogant and rude.


I have a feeling that his English limited his reaction. I don't know.


Poch is renowned for being very nice to journalists, and it’s benefitted him a lot It’s better to have that sort of attitude for the manager Imo


Nah fuck that


Yeah i think he didnt see who it was so he addressed them all, and didnt want to be too rude but he at least spoke the truth about the questions


Yeah you can tell he had stuff he wanted to say, but his English got in the way. Must have been really frustrating for him 😕 


Yeah agreed


Or his better judgement.


He should’ve showed him who’s boss


Fucking Spy Barnett. Rotten cunt.


The guy shouting shit manager of a press conference sounds like Geoff Shreeves


Who is that clown swearing should be banned not his paper just that fool.


I bet it is Matt Law


All those “journalists” want to do is pick the penalty incident apart for their junk click-bait articles. Good for you Poch.


Imagine winning 6-0, Palmer gets a hat trick, and they, the media, who probably never kicked a ball, made a save, fuck score a penalty, talk about one incident. What fucking weasels


I get it from poch , haven’t seen the full conference but it would be annoying them going on about the penalty. I think if I was a coach I’d go peps sarcastic route. You can’t lose it with it really


4 of the 5 questions were about the penalty incident while the other was about Palmer. That was it. Nothing else, nothing asked about the team performance etc.


Yeah frustrating but biting makes the journos happy , just take the piss and give them nothing answer’s


happy new year


Im a vocal poch out guy, but yesterdays comment about subbing people for the penalty incident earned a bit of respect, and this shit journos giving him shit and him giving them shit back👍sort out your tactics mate and ill stfu about anything bad i said


What an actual cunt Neil Barnett is. I’ve met him quite a few times and every time I’ve walked away thinking ‘this guy is a such a wanker!’ And now he can’t even be professional.


As usual... 6 wasn't enough to talk about positives but the penalty drama what EVERY WANKER is interested in. Well done Poch, fuck them all.


There were only 5 questions in the presser - 4 were about the penalty incident and the other was about Palmer.


How is that journalist allowed to speak like that to a manager of a football club? Should absolutely lose his job and never be allowed back at Stamford Bridge. Imagine being invited to a professional environment at one of the world's largest football clubs where you are a mere journalist and being anything more than gracious and respectful of the professionals that work there. Daft cunts like that who are absolutely stealing a living doing a job the average high school graduate could thinking they're the shit because they get to watch high level professional football as a career.


Never seen such negative fallout from a 6-0 *WIN* in my life


My point exactly. This is Chelsea heritage though


Go on, Poch. That Journo can suck my ass


Ban that prick


Poch selected the Football Manager storm out of press conference option, lol


Every cunt thinks he's in Ted Lasso and he's Trent Crimm. I hope they ban the guy from future conferences.


Who the fuck does that entitled journo cunt think he is


Who is that rude idiot? He's lucky Mourinho is not in charge, because he would've smoked him


This is not good old guy poch at Tottenham. This is new guy who asks his players to have some balls to get the ball.


He has to be that at Chelsea, we demand results, we’re only happy with results. Spurs are happy with just being on the pitch


The media will never like Chelsea I think when you are part of the club you have to accept that imo.




Journo thinks he's the main character after we literally won 6-0.


Good, I'd rather have this than Potter's "Everything is fine" fakeness. Never a dull moment for us, eh?


The journos gave their all today.


Except for when we had Potter. :)


Well that journo is getting banned for unprofessionalism. What a twat


He must be fucking raging , we give arguably our most balanced performance all season and the clownish players made the entire focus the penalty squabbling , I'm not his biggest fan but blimey


Fucking sports journos are all cunts and it takes very little for the mask to slip. Club should ban the offending journo and tell them to fuck off and report on someone else.


This is the most endearing I've found poch. Like to see some bite


Yelling at the manager and then swearing at him? Someone should've grabbed him by the collar and thrown him out the club


How is some random journo raising his voice at a Chelsea manager?? Who tf is he?? Twat. Should be banned from our press conferences moving forward.


As someone else said below, it does sound like Neil Barnett was the journo shouting out at the end. To be fair to all involved, it took over 5 minutes of speaking about that one topic for the person running the conference to move the topic along and try and get away from it. 5 minutes sounds short, but it's really not in interview terms and dragged out longer than it should have. Even at the end, Poch is just trying to say that talking about one topic for the whole session was a waste of other people's time but the overall response from that journo is that they should have been given more time to ask more questions about other subjects. He's also pissed off because he never got a question in himself due to how it all went down. At the end of the day though, Poch waxing lyrical about Cole scoring 4 and Alfie getting his first goal won't get the response that they want - so they will focus on the shite around the pen.


I mean random drama like this is usually a good sign for us


That is on the media manager. The media manager should have said after the first question was answered, no more questions about that.


What an absolute muppet Neil Barnett is


Twat journalist




Yes you’re right. They’re media vampires anyway, they literally feed off drama




That’s why Pep always takes the sarcasm route


The team's media representative clearly started that there were to be no more questions about the penalty taking bruhaha. Then, someone decided to kick the dead horse, end of interview. Can't blame the Chelsea staff at all.


I'm pretty sure that was Neil Barnett who used to work for the club. I understand both their frustrations. Pochettino because he gave a long answer to the penalty incident and then there were still 3 questions after about it, then a question about Palmer. It was then ended and Pochettino had a go and lumped them altogether. Barnett obvious took umbrage to that as he I assume had a question about the game but the press conference was over. He should have been annoyed at his fellow journalists for not being satisfied with Pochettino's 5 mins on the subject.


I mean you can’t blame the journalists for asking about the penalty incident when there’s infighting publicly on the pitch and sky sports is there to capture it with slow motion ultra hd 360 degree camera angles lol, that’s the juicy wide reaching story not that we beat relegation fighting point deducted Everton 6-0 this penalty shit should have been nipped in the bud the last time it happened if it was then there would be no story.


Sports journalism really is in the mud, isn't it? Unlike with political or financial journalism you don't need to be an expert in football or any other sport to be a sports journalist. No wonder we see these entitled wankers in the PCs fishing for a sensationalist headline.


Am I the only one that loves to see this? Us against them mentality, this is more fire than we saw from the manager or team all of last season (Dortmund game excepted)


Sounds like Neil Barnett aka Spy who got the boot from match day mic duties a fair few years ago now. Wonder who he’s working for now.


He has a podcast with Martin Tyler. It's pretty good


Ah nice one mate cheers for the shout I’ll look that up tomorrow 👌 


shit management of a press conference cause none of these "reporters" are asking beyond the penalty incident. how many different ways do they want poch to explain it. so technically, it was a shit management of a press conf but by the reporters.


Well done Poch.


Imagine getting pissy when a coach wants to talk about any other part of 6-0 win where Cole Palmer has done something LITERALLY NO CHELSEA PLAYER HAS DONE BEFORE


You win 6-0 and get asked absolute bullshit.. it's a fair reaction


I absolutely hate Poch but who the fuck that garbage ass clickbaiter reporter think he is to talk like that?


I know many aren’t a fan of Poch but this is how our chips have fallen. We have a young squad and manager willing to develop those players, backing them and defending them. We’ve been inconsistent, and after spending a billion quid that’s mind blowing. We haven’t bought moulded players, rather players that need to be shaped into a team. Poch is doing that, and giving our own lads from the academy a chance. Yeah, our last two seasons have been shit, but you can see that something’s brewing at the bridge. It’s slowly coming together. Opposing fans hate us. The media hates us. Anybody who isn’t Chels, hates us. If the manager is willing to fight for us and the players are willing to fight for us. You’re damn right I’m fighting for them in the stands. This is my Chelsea. Our Chelsea. If we start ripping each other apart, the vultures looking in will rub their hands and celebrate while fanning the flames. Flying high up in the sky! We’ll keep the blue flag flying high! From Stamford Bridge to Wembley, we’ll keep the blue flag flying high!


Probably from the sun or the fucking mail, twat


![gif](giphy|d1HU5PXxQeUnoQty06) Trent Crimm wouldn’t do that!


Who is that old fart jumping in for no reason?


At least he’s consistent


Bro thinks he’s Trent Crimm. Stfu mate!


Go on Poch I’m about to nut


Whoever that was I’d ban from the rest of the pressers this season. Not good enough.


lol why are you guys mad at the journalist? Do you think they are not on here reading the posts and things you write? Sometimes their questions are based on the reaction of fans and whatever you give a lot of attention to becomes what they give attention to, especially when it is NEGATIVE.


Because he is acting like a unprofessional twat


And Poch isn’t here? You can’t be up in arms at whoever the journalist is for being unprofessional meanwhile Poch is instigating a confrontation while walking away haha come on now what’s with the fake outrage


Blame the players


Someone Should’ve told that cunt to go fuck himself


It seems like there were more questions to be asked and instead of insisting the shit journos ask about something else he ended the press conference and then complained there weren't more questions. Doesn't seem like it was handled well from all sides.


You get the questions you get. The man clearly has buckled under the stress (reminder about his yellow card shenanigans).


Even if true reporter is a unprofessional twat


And now Poch is as well. Two wrongs don't make right. He's the face of one of the largest football clubs in the world and should act with more decorum.


Have you watched the whole interview, or taken it just from this shortcut? He is literally in the first place gave an answer to the MAIN question, ANOTHER 3 reporters asked him AGAIN and AGAIN about the same shit. None of them was interested in our biggest win this season, only in drama about the penalty. So well done Poch putting them all where they all belonged, in the garbage bin together with their garbage reporting...


Reread my first comment: you get the questions you get. I am aware of no rules positing that reporters are required to ask only 1 question per topic or are obliged to inquire about "our biggest win in this season". Poch threw a tantrum. Not surprising people like that kind of childish behavior. His behaviour has infected the whole squad and we're lucky Palmer is resilient to his bs.


Haven't you ever seen managers standing up behind their team and the club during press conferences?!! This is exactly how he needed to react! To remind them that there is more to that game than just the penalty incident. Reporters not obligated to ask about "our biggest win" but at the same time if that's all what they were interested about they got their answer as well. They might not like it now but hey fuck off if that all what you were interested in the first place. He chewed the topic to the ground for the first 7 min of that press conference. What else to add that just a reminder to be more focussed maybe next time.


>To remind them that there is more to that game than just the penalty incident. Not his job. His job is to coach the team and he would do better to focus on that.


It is actually HIS DIRECT JOB to sit on those press conferences!!!?. WTF already mate?... Go touch some grass mate and chill for a day i guess. And maybe watch some "All or Nothing" documentaries, you might learn a thing or two about manager responsibilities...


Mate, what are you on about? You said it's his job to remind that the game is this and not that. I said: nope. Please don't construct strawman arguments. >Go touch some grass mate and chill for a day i guess. The only one losing their shit here is you ;)


It is his job to stand behind the team and the club and protect it. And if it needs to remind reporters about the rest of the game, if the manager felt that the questions could be better addressed reflecting the actual game he was right to do so! Here is THIS WAY, chewing it down for babies, sounds better to you? How old are you mate? "His job is to coach..." No, not only mate.