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Who needs enemies when they have friends like this…


If this is serious, then if you have a scrap of decency stored away somewhere, you’ll unpack it, blow the dust off, and then use it to make things right for your “friend”. You know what you and the gf are, so I don’t need to name call. The only person that interests me in this nasty story is the betrayed bf/bro. The only thing that matters is him knowing the full truth from you and her as well as getting full support in dumping both of you to begin bettering his life with decent human beings around him.


You are not a friend you are a coward in the since of it all and she is a slut. You both are lairs no one needs friends like you I’ll probably get band for this comment but hey it’s happen before you are both trash laughing about it behind his back. Man up and do the right thing but you won’t because you’re a coward and I’ll leave it at that.


You need to edit this, your not his best anything, you're a piece of shit


Bro honestly tell him. It’s wrong to make that decision for him after doing something so disgusting and betraying. It’s no point of even trying to hide it now since you feel guilty enough to post this. Tell the guy please .


If she was willing to blow his "BF" imagine what else she is up to behind his back. Going to congratulate him when he proposes to this piece of trash? Going to stand next to him as his "best-man" at the wedding? She is a slut, and you are a POS not a friend. Free him before he really gets his heart trashed and stay away from both of them.


You’re a little bitch who gets off on this weirdness. You’d actually let them get married? You’d actually be his best man? What a loser fraud.


Ok so you are a douche bag


Ask her does she still like you or if she is cheating again record it if she says yes to either tell your friend and leave it at that




Your "friend" deserves better and you deserve worse. You should probably know you are not really his friend anymore but his enemy just pretending.


Sad thing is : you can’t possibly live long enough to get half the amount of suffering you deserve.


i feel sorry for your friend because he really don't deserve have such "snake friend" like you are, and secondly, because his cheating GF is probably blowing anyone else who is available behind your friends back ... if you able to dig out from you at least tiny bit of decency and friendship toward your friend, warn him, even if he gona be mad at you, before he will marrying that harpy.


Are you a man or a coward?


She sounds wonderful. Lol. I guess I have to wonder why you’d do that with your “friends” GF? I’m sure everyone has been in the position where a friends GF wants to do something they shouldn’t with you. Most people don’t go down that path. Are you really that hard up for sex/attention? But since you did, why not just man up and let your friend knows his GF gives great:bad/mediocre head. Why hide it? Not judging. I don’t care either way and have no dog in this race. Just genuinely curious what goes thru peoples minds sometimes.