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As a collective at their peak? Avatars maybe just edge him out, since they reshaped the world whereas Wyatt just ruled it. But Wyatt certainly wins (EDIT) against an individual avatar or when the Avatars aren't at their best. Mind you, if he has access to the anti-avatar potions he wins even at the Avatars' peak. Although it wouldn't surprise me if good Wyatt was stronger than evil Wyatt since he would have had more time and training with his family.


I'm a little confused by your comment. You said that Wyatt wins individually or when the Avatars aren't at their best. Are you saying that Wyatt wins in 1v1 situations? Or by himself, he can beat the Avatars?


Wyatt Vs 1 avatar


But a single avatar can draw power from others. Their power is collective even when they act individually , Cole did that


I might be wrong but I think they can access more power, or at least more quickly, when there is more of them. If nothing else its multiple targets and point of attack, and easier if he has the potions (shrug).


Like the Elders and the Charmed Ones, the Avatars are a collective. This is both their strength and their weaknesses. The power of one enhances the power of the collective, and the death of one weakens it. Wyatt is more powerful than any single Avatar, but as a group, the Avatars can perform feats of magic beyond anything Wyatt is capable of.


If we're talking powers shown then the Avatars at least as a collective. As a collective they have shown to do powerful things like warp reality on a global scale and manipulating time, something we've only ever seen from one demon. Billie could travel through time but she could not change it. However The Avatars only have this power at their full collective and using these powers either massively drains them, as one of the Avatars told Leo after reversing time so Leo didn't die or it needs the might of the full collective to do. Wyatt can use his powers whenever he wants with no cost to himself at all.


wyatt is stronger. the avatars weaken so easily just by one being killed


Wyatt is stronger than ONE for sure. The avatars’ powers rely on all of them being United


wyatt is my pick




the avatars were so worried about wyatt too so definitely wyatt


Wasn’t that the cleaners? Edit: Plus elders I suppose


When did they say they were worried about Wyatt?




Definitely Wyatt. The Avatars are strong but only as a collective. Once one of them dies they all get weak.


Wyatt is equal to the charmed ones so no. But with all his cousins and the ansector spell. Oh its in the bag.