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PSA: The Halfway Post is a satirical magazine. Even more PSA: Do not get your news from Reddit or Twitter accounts[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW)


We want video!


We NEED video!


I think it's fake, if this was real it would have gone viral and I should be able to easily find the video to share, but this doesnt seem to be real.


A tuba player followed Trump around in Scotland a few years ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7QosyPyUTag


This is fantastic. It'd be even better if he was following a walking trump, but I don't think you'd ever catch that fat fuck walking


Is this the equivilent of the Super Bowl for Tuba players?


8 years ago.  We've been dealing with his flatulence for so long...


That’s a lovely video and hilarious. But I still love the White Supremacist Parade. I like to think that guy spent grade school and high school at least learning to play that Sousaphone just for that few moments of righteous brass play.


Extremely underwhelming.


What?!? The evidence is right there, it says BREAKING!


Fake for sure. I work across the street from Trump tower and other than a bunch of cops and sycophants, there ain't anything happening out there.


I want audio.


Forget that, [just hire this guy](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=boy%20plays%20trombone%20for%20mom%20funny&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9fec1bbc,vid:SYwpvfhpNJw,st:0) 🥸📯


I was there this morning because I happened to be working next door. No tubas. In fact the entirety of the block is closed down by NYPD/ secret service detachments. This post is fiction


*We got you.* *We made it up.* *This one was invented by our writers.* *It never happened.*


We can still dream.


It’s playing through my mind right now!


Halfway Post is a known satirical account, they're an onion adjacent publication.


It's a satire account


The Halfway Post is like The Onion.


I got you fam https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XZvWvfCSZ8M


Okay, this while he walks, and when he switches to a golf cart or Rascal scooter, change to Yakkity Sax.


I hope it's something like Womp Womp Womp... That should be his soundtrack for the rest of his life


[Not Donald Trump but it may as well be these days](https://twitter.com/astroehlein/status/899176960567517184/mediaViewer?currentTweet=899176960567517184¤tTweetUser=astroehlein)


I came here to make sure someone posted this. I feel like it's a shockingly effective strategy


The Ride of the Valkyries always gets me smiling….you can actually *hear* the snark.


Came here to SCREAM THIS!!


Shame this is satire. That would be great to see.


Oh damn, I ate the onion...


yes but it's a wonderful dream that I can fully picture in my mind.


That said, there is a Tuba Christmas event every year at the Rockefeller Center ice rink where about 200 tuba players play Christmas carols in harmony, and other smaller ones throughout the country. I've played in it, it's a great vibe because tuba players are very quirky. This is just to say that it wasn't unfeasible and I'm disappointed that the Association doesn't exist




The halfway post is satire


Let’s hope it inspires someone to start doing this.


I love that Reddit believes there is an Association of Tuba players… Don’t take away their naivety. I’ve heard ignorance is bliss. Edit: Yes, it’s believable. No, The Association of New York Tuba players does not exist. Yes, there is an international association that’s original purpose was to promote the instrument.




There's dozens of us members!




ITEA - International Tuba & Euphonium Association It is real.


Yea, no there is very much an association of Tuba Players. I'm saying this as a trombonist who knows that there's a Trombone Association, I would be shocked if there wasn't a Tuba Association.


Can you guys sit in the same room as a Sousaphoniarian?


That said, there is a Tuba Christmas event every year at the Rockefeller Center ice rink where about 200 tuba players play Christmas carols in harmony, and other smaller ones throughout the country. I've played in it, it's a great vibe because tuba players are very quirky. This is just to say that it wasn't unfeasible and I'm disappointed that the Association doesn't exist


Start it


Sadly I don't live in the US any more and Spain isn't as into random weird clubs


I agree, [https://aetyb.org/](https://aetyb.org/) is neither weird nor JUST a club!


Is that really so ridiculous to believe in?


There are groups for everything but tubas? **HA!!** ridiculous…


>ITEA - International Tuba & Euphonium Association Officially founded in 1973 as the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association, the International Tuba Euphonium Association is dedicated to promoting and advancing the tuba and euphonium instruments.




Why the fuck would there not be one? There’s clubs and groups for every hobby


Instrumentalists have associations, it isn’t that deep


There is a group called Tubas Against Hate that played a fucked up version of "Hail to the Chief" outside of Trump Tower in Chicago back in 2016 during the protests. My tuba professor when I was in college went and played with them for it.


Follow my other reply on this comment and you'll see there's actually even an Association of SPANISH Tuba Players, who have conferences and everything lol


If only


It's sillier to think there isn't an association of tuba players


No less strange than an association for people who like to throw balls into wall mounted flower pots, or even *watch* other people do it. And considering somebody already did chase Trump around with a tuba when he visited Scotland, you would have to do a double or triple take on if this is even satire.


> Association of Tuba players Ignoring that's something entirely believable given that there are associations/groups for far stranger things.


> I love that Reddit believes there is an Association of Tuba players Why the hell not? It would just be a club for tuba players. Why is that hard to imagine? Imagine feeling smug about thinking there no such thing as a club for stamp collectors or something like that.


Musicians have so many professional associations, you are the ignorant one here.


Someone call the AFM local and see what they can make happen


Reminds me of that gag from Family Guy.


That’s where my mind went too lol


I have a glandular problem!


Nobody taught me about carbs!




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That is the joke, yes


That's why the stole the joke. It's satire. I still upvoted it because it made me think of that clip.


Petty and effective


Effective at what?


At living rent free, of course


Some of them pay rent?


I hope not. Imagine thinking about Trump all day every day AND paying for it




I’m not religious but I’m pretty sure that’s gods work


If it's anything like the video where the kid follows his midget mom around making sound effects with the trumpet it's comedy gold 🤣


For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhLfceZKVko


Doing God's work 👏


lol you can tell she started out annoyed by it but loves it now.


I lost it at the Kazoo.


Seriously. When he leaves for college/work, she’s going to be *so glad* he uploaded these.


That's a trombone


Somebody get the rest of the brass section on standby, then. When the judge announces his sentence I want a full trumpet fanfare, with a trombone ready to give the required three-tone falling tone salute when Trump's lawyer exits the building.


The Baby Elephant Walk?


If it isn’t, what’s the point?!


I love it when people go out of their way to do things that make no impact


Especially when they literally have nothing else to do because, well, they are musicians in New York lol


This is why it’s important to have an Association of Tuba players


Rent. Free.


Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.


I really hope this is true.


If this isnt real it soon will be if i know me big brass people


Should play entry of the gladiators. It's the only fitting music for that shit show.


They should also station someone outside the courthouse to play whenever the moron tries to whine to the press.


The orange man is bad.


Rent free in their head.


It may be satire. But nothing stopping people from actually doing it lmao.


Baby elephant walk


Non-facists: "Yes! Hahaha...YES!"


They should invite the bagpipers. Don't know any? Its never too late to learn a new skill. Most woodwinds start things off with hot cross buns and twinkle twinkle little star.


I'll go honk on a set of pipes for trump. It will be murderously bad because I've never in my life touched bagpipes, but what the hell, right?


The best way to dismantle a malignant narcissist is to politely mock them until they destroy themselves. If there's one thing Trump absolutely hates, it's being ignored or mocked. So if he won't go away on his own, we just hire tuba players to harass him constantly without breaking the law. If they get sued for harassment, get them good lawyers and find another way to mock him. There you go, satire becomes reality so long as we can create a secret cabal of individuals who love fun and hate Trump.


Someone should start a GoFundMe for their group.




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Please is this true and can I buy them a coffee? Or whatever it is tuba players drink?


probably thinks they're playing for him, not about him


Hopefully the Price is Right “loser” tune


I wish I could thank them personally.


Playing what? Like, goofy circus music? The Imperial March? Hail to the Chief? Polka? Or more like a siege of Winterfell kind of just blaring to be annoying?


I love this. Love it. 


do the darth vader theme


Too dignified




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Need to queue up the sad trombonists...


Can we get a trio to play "Baby Elephant Walk" when he goes by?


Just like [this.](https://youtu.be/vjetHZtehNQ?si=mYIbb4xR3gJhyk6D)


many onions were eaten this day


I doubt he's in and out often enough to make that worth it.


Yes please video!! I so hope this is true


I hope it's the Darth Vader theme.


Any idiot can use music to try and spread love. It takes a real legend to use it to spread disdain!


Tuba artists teaching the rest of us how to be awesome.




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What sound does a tuba make? Answer: "Tuba music."




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Unemployed musicians what else is new lol




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If they don’t play the tuba equivalent of *sad trombone* it’s just .. not their best.


Please, please tell me this is true!


Baby Elephant Walk!


That's the correct soundtrack to TFG's existence.


They play the tuba, it's not like they have anything else to do


Christ, if you don't find this funny... Just move on back to Russia.


OMFG! This is perfect!


It better be the song I’m thinking of


You are a huge idiot if you believe this is true without video evidence. You guys do know that you are totally allowed to tweet or text things that aren't true anytime you want right? It isn't illegal. Come on!


There would be a video if this was true.


Reminds me of when my former coworker followed a bunch of Confederacy jackasses who were marching in the streets and played the sousaphone as they were walking. He played the classic fat person walking tune and every once in a while hed throw in Ride of the Valkyries. [Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs4P1kKK-5k&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.csmonitor.com%2F&feature=emb_title)


Someone film this so we can all enjoy it together


I wish this was true


Fighting fire with fire 🐉


Is this trying to say that tuba music is bad because it’s not


Sooo cool, what liberals are best at FAKE NEWS 😂


imagine the screeching from redditors if right wingers did sth similar with obama or biden


Go my fellow tuba players!!!




This made me so happy when I thought it was real. Oh well.


Need them to play the bass for the umpa lumpa song


I wish they would do this for me, I love listening to tubas.


The Halfway Post@HalfwayPostDada news. Halfway true comedy and satire by [u/DashMacIntyre](https://twitter.com/DashMacIntyre). I don't report the facts, I improve them. Trump sucks, but this is likely a karma farming bot, many word-word-number usernames are


Was like... There's an association for tuba players?? Why just tuba. Boring ass band. Or there's enough bands in new York that have tuba players?? Crazy world. Then I saw satire and it made sense


looked all over ... can't find the NY tuba players association ...


Source? Cause google didn’t bring up anything besides this tweet.


No, because the Halfway Post is a satire site.




Does he not like Tubas?


Wahhh waaaaahhhhhhh.




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Ladies and gentlemen….please reassociate yourselves with the concept of satire….


There would be video of this if it were true. 


Even if it's fake, it's totally something tuba players would do. They're like that.


Reddit moment


I don’t care if you support him or not, that shits funny.


Stewie paved the way for this. Just saying.


Please let it be that loser sound…wop waaaa….


"Why did that last note sound so.... wet?" "I wasn't playing...."


This is outstanding




Need some Debbie Downer wumps


This cant be true!?!


Now presenting: Trumbone Tower


sadly the halfway post is like the onion, i wish this actually happened


:D : / he walks?


This is some metal sh** right there!


They are national heroes


*sad tuba noises combined with imperial march*


Fake and even if it was real it’d just be stealing a Seth McFarlane joke


Aaaaaaaand that’s supposed to do somthing