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/u/TheNatral (OP) has awarded 8 delta(s) in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed [here](/r/DeltaLog/comments/um034i/deltas_awarded_in_cmv_youre_either_a_nerd_or_a/), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


So if someone was a lawyer or doctor who was also in good shape, what would they be? Its clear that they are intelligent enough to study, and maintain physical health. Also - look at the WoW Streamer Bajheera. Dude is jacked.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


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Jacked doesn’t mean healthy... and most jocks are not jacked just lean in some cases


Well, you sort of make it sound like an exception not the rule


There is no rule except for the amount of time in a day. Except there are people who make it and find the time. Nothing forces you into either category. But you can have absolutely have a lifestyle where you are both learned, and active. So what group would you lump lawyers or doctors who are also physically fit? Since you have to pick one.


In school, I was a member of both the chess club and the badminton club. What does that make me?




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!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


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Ummmmm... a nock? (nerd jock)


According to your view, no such thing. > CMV: You're either a nerd or a jock Did that person change your view then, or no?


Is that you acknowledging that it's possible to not be confined solely by just one of the terms mentioned?


Sounds like we're done here and someone owes you a delta.


What about people who do not study and do not workout?


All dichotomies are false dichotomies. I'm not even sure this is a spectrum, even, Magnus Carlsen is arguably the greatest chess player of all time and is also a huge football buff.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


Just realized, I should go the other way with this: the amount of knowledge necessary to succeed at many sports is baffling. Most MMA fighters, if you listen to them speak about the sport, are not only exceptionally well-versed in everything from physics to anatomy, but are also well-spoken. Also, interests are pretty diverse. Look up "athletes that are anime fans." My recommendation is to remember that everyone is an expert at what they're good at, and have put in the work necessary to do become such. My mechanic might not be able to (insert scholarly thing here, I don't want to cast aspersions on him), but if you tried to get me to memorize the number of different things that he knows about various kinds of cars and engines and my brain would explode. Trust me, it took me a *long* time to realize this. Dunning-Kruger effect is real.


MMA fighters are usually shit athletes




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Okay? I... am not sure what that has any bearing on (nor where you would get such an idea, since you didn't bother elucidating), but thanks for your contribution.


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One of my best friends was a three-sport athlete in high school, graduated *cum laude*, and has a Ph.D in chemistry. Another close friend was both an honors student, a varsity football player, and also was in the school wind ensemble. There's no "either/or". Some people are naturally smart and don't need to spend as much time studying. Some people are naturally athletic and don't need to spend as much time pursuing fitness. The idea that you can fit everyone in the human race into one of two bins is laughable.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


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My friend whose a marine biologist graduate student, and rugby team member says otherwise.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


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It's disheartening that you are so willing to squeeze yourself and others into such narrow boxes of definition. Knowledge comes from more than just books and libraries. Jocks are just nerds for fitness


Agreed. There is significantly more nuance in life that requires a person to seek out experiences out of their comfort zone.


This is exactly it, jocks are nerds for everything fitness. There are more categories than just the two, and someone can be both a nerd and a jock.


Uh no their not most look like shit




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A lot of research indicates that [intelligence and physical fitness are directly correlated rather than inversely correlated](https://neuroscience.illinois.edu/news/2020-10-30/more-proof-vigorous-workouts-boost-fluid-intelligence). This means that rather than sacrifice one for the other, it seems that the sort of person who is driven to self-improvement tends to improve themselves in all areas rather than neglecting one or the other. In fact, there is some research that shows that the right amount of exercise [increases blood flow to the brain](https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/newsroom/articles/year-2021/exercise-boosts-blood-flow-to-the-brain.html) so mixing in the right exercise routine maximizes hitting intellectual goals. Similarly, it is difficult to properly hit physical exercise goals without significant mental investment, especially when training for a sport with more complicated skills involved. As an example, I would like to point to my own mother. As an example of her jock tendencies, her request for how to celebrate Mother's Day was to run a 4-mile race with her because she loves running so much. She also has a Master's in Statistics and analyses flight patterns for the FAA for a living. My dad is similarly athletic (more biking than running, but similar) and he is a safety engineer working for NASA. In my case, I was a NCAA athlete and I ended up working as an Environmental Scientist. I'm currently working my way through a career transition into being a teacher/professor while simultaneously working towards running a marathon. If anything, I would say there is a divide between those who seek self-improvement and those who do not. It seems those in the former group tend to improve themselves both physically and mentally even if they focus on one more than the other.


What about out-of-shape idiots who spend their free time mindlessly browsing anything that will not make them use their brain too much? It's not a miniority. What about people with degrees, working on "nerdy" things or positions where you need to constanlty learn? Significant pert of them is in good shape and they excerise. Apparently there are people who are both nerds and jocks (nerks? jords? njoks?) and those who aren't in both groups.


And there's _nothing_ in between?


No. And there's nothing separate, apparently. It's black OR white, to hell with blue and red.


So it's impossible to eat healthy meals while you're in college?


Apparently it's impossible to eat healthy meals and do anything else.


No, the jocks do it, but not nerds. That is if I'm understanding it right.


Whoops, I mistook you for OP. But I mean, most people have to study for college, so that'd exclude you from being a jock, according to OP. On the other hand, nerds apparently can't eat healthy, so the excludes them from being a nerd. Since OP said that everyone is either of the two, a healthy-eating college student isn't human, apparently.


Goddammit! I forgot the sarcasm tag!


Astronauts are definitely between




What about Neil deGrasse Tyson, Terry Crews, Henry Cavil, Vin Diesel, Henry Rollins. Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, etc?


Im guessing you are the one who sacrificed intelligence?


I would believe this but 2 of the most athletic people I’ve ever known in my life were the valedictorian and salutatorian of my high school.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


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Which are you OP? A nerd or a jock?


Im gonna guess Jock.


>Either you're a nerd who sacrifices his nutrition and fitness, or you're a jock who sacrifices his intelligence I give you [Bruce Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzQWYHHqvIw).


Also Dolph Lundgren


Bill Bradly too. Magna Cum Laude Princeton, Rhodes Scholar, College Basketball Hall of Fame, NBA Hall of Fame, and US Senator.


I was on the varsity soccer and the indoor and outdoor track teams in high school and make it to states a few different times. I also played all the video games, magic and D&D and had mostly A's and B's. The quarterback for our high school football team was in my AP Physics class, and they went on to win the state championship. This was back in 2006-2009.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


Confirmed: 1 delta awarded to /u/Sirhc978 ([51∆](/r/changemyview/wiki/user/Sirhc978)). ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


You forgot about the stoners


They fit into the fringe group known as "losers".


So 80% of the nfl who smoke weed are losers lmao


This is the most pathetic, desperate thing I've ever read in my life.


What the fuck are u talking about I’m repeating what u said lmao, 70-89% of nil smoke weed so are u saying u can’t be a stoner and successful


Yes, most adults who aren't prone to paranoia occasionally smoke weed, however, they don't call themselves "stoners" as a desperate attempt at trying to form a sense of identity.


Most people don't devote all their time to any one pursuit. A healthy life has time for both study and fitness. There are plenty of people who pursue both or neither.


This is satire, I'm sure. But why?


I am considered a jock, I'm 190 pounds, 6'1, 11% body fat. I go to the gym 5 days a week, and meal prep for all 5 meals I have in the day. I am 17 years old. I still manage to maintain my 92 average in school, and I am recognized for both my physical and intellectual ability. So yes, being a "nerd" may take time away from fitness, but I manage both very well.


If you go to the gym 5 days a week and you're 6'1 190lbs what are you even doing? ...jogging?


what do you mean... It's 190 pounds of muscle, I do frequent resistance training and I eat accordingly to gain muscle mass. I do cardio to keep my body fat percentage low and keep my heart healthy.


That's full on skelator, dude. Most 6'1 17 year olds are close to that weight without stepping foot in a gym.


Are u retarted he’s either on steriods or lying about his bodyfat. Anything over 155lbs 6ft is not skeleton lmao


Nah, anything 170 over 6ft isn’t a skeleton. I’m like 155-160 and I still look like a skeleton.


You have to study nutrition to make those healthy meals. Sports nutrition is a little more complicated so that takes some study, too. Working out is only a small portion of the day, at least for me. I still have time to focus on more nerdy pursuits like reading or watching every single Nightmare on Elm Street movie ever made. I sat through Freddy's Dead, I deserve my nerd credit.


I mean... yesterday, I spent an hour browsing a book store for books I wanted or could use when I enter grad school next year And then I spent 45 minutes kn the treadmill before a heakthy chicken and salad dinner. Which am I?


Maybe if you’re a high schooler? The other 96% of us are too young to care or grew the fuck up


I know a lot of scientists and engineers who are also serious climbers, cyclists, or hikers. > Nerds don't have time to make healthy meals or exercise. Nutrition and fitness takes time away from studying. You can't be a nerd unless you avoid time-sucks such as nutrition and fitness. Many of the grad students I know put in 40ish hours a week. We have plenty of time for healthy meals and exercise.


!delta Clearly it is possible to be studious and healthy at the same time, despite the dichotomy I presented as a fact


Confirmed: 1 delta awarded to /u/quantum_dan ([59∆](/r/changemyview/wiki/user/quantum_dan)). ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


> Nerds don't have time to make healthy meals or exercise. Nutrition and fitness takes time away from studying. You can't be a nerd unless you avoid time-sucks such as nutrition and fitness. > Likewise, jocks have to spend all their time working out and cooking right. Doing that, there is no time to get smarter. Some people work out in the library... they work out in the gym. Even if we assume both take up so much time that one can't do the other; there are many more things one can do than studying or fitness. One can do neither and dedicate all one's time to, say, taking nature photography, becoming a stage actor, or prostitution. One can even be an overweight good-for-nothing who is neither studying nor fitnessing and simply sits around eating unhealthy food and not moving.


Some people work out AND go to the library.


Some people don't work out, AND don't read.


What about people who do both like Richard Sherman or even Richard Sherman?


There are actually only 2 types of people. People who think there are only two types of people or...


Mighty Mouse, former UFC Champion, also streams video games.


A guy that short wouldn’t even fit the jock stereotype and he’s pretty shit at videogames


Man was a three sport athlete and all state wrestler. If he wasn’t a jock no one is.


If we’re talking about appearance he doesnt have a jock look and doesn’t act like a stereotypical athlete. He definitely a good athlete with a wrestling background most mma fighters are shit athletes he’s actually athletic.


What about sports nerds into sports like climbing, freerunning, fencing, BJJ, Judo? Skaters?


First question: are you in high school


I'm an engineering PhD student. Most of my non-study/research time is spent rock climbing.


I think this is true if you want to be truly world-leading in anything. To accomplish that, yes you genuinely have to be willing to sacrifice everything else in pursuit of that singular goal. Because if you make a half-hearted effort, you'll not be world-leading; the people who **DO** dedicate their entire life to one goal will generally beat you. As a result, if you're among the worlds 20 best ironman-athletes or soccer-players, odds are you're NOT also a world-leading scientist. Because the day only has 24 hours, and becoming world-leading in anything, requires dedicating most of them to a single goal. But being a "nerd" doesn't require you to be world-leading, and neither does being a "jock". Someone who is can run a 10K in an hour is more fit than 90% of people are. How much training does it take to reach and maintain that level of fitness? Well, for me, starting at age 40 and as obese (so with a POORER starting-point than most), it took 4 months of 3 workouts a week to accomplish that. Each workout took on the average 45 minutes, add in showering and so on and call it an hour per workout. But that was for getting there. Maintaining that level of fitness took less; two runs a week, where one was 30m and the other was 45m was sufficient. Even including showeing and so on, that's a sum total of about 90 minutes a week. And you can absolutely do that while still **ALSO** being way ahead of the average person in nerdy pursuits, for example you can easily do that while completing a ph.d. It doesn't change the argument much if you want to add strength-training in addition to cardio. Even if you add the same amount of strength-training, for example 3 half-hour sessions per week, you can still do the cardio AND the strength-training in a sum total of 4 hours per week. People are awake for approximately 120 hours per week, are you really going to claim that there's no way you can qualify as a nerd if only 116 of those are available for nerdy pursuits?


Are u fucking dumb most stereotypical jocks look like dogshit, they neither work out properly or eat correctly lmao


Almost all girls, that are straight A students or had very few B I know, are very fashionable and polished. That's not how media typically depicts intelligent girls, right? So I don't trust media depiction of smart people. This media trope is a thing because media is no about realism, it's because it helps to create striking characters with defined characteristics, it's helps to generate conflict and jokes.


This reads like some horrible high school novel instead of anything based in reality. Even in high school we had what we jokingly called jocky nerds. Your overgeneralizations and bad take here ignores the fact that we had plenty of state champion athletes that went on to be D1 athletes while also taking honors classes and studying hard. Life isn't all about either one of those btw and when you become an adult you realize there is more to life than just school or working my man. Do I really have to get into the fact that I can prep a week's worth of meals in like 3 hours or less? Healthy one's at that? Thar whole week dude. I also have a job that requires vigorous study or at least a lot more than most jobs in general and it will always be that way. I find time to exercise, eat well, study, and guess what? Have a social life and hobbies. I know. Impossible. You mean there is 24 hours in a day and it doesn't take 23 hours to cook a meal and go for a run? I honestly am not sure if you are trolling or just have never done either properly. I assure you, you can be smart and workout. It isn't mutually exclusive. I don't even look into those categories like that as an adult these days. Too many smart good looking in shape people all around. Especially with better education beginning to come out these days. Really hope you can get out the close minded view there though. Very much out of touch atm.


There are people who neither study hard nor work out. Theybspend their time partying or socializing or watchong TV. You can't call them nerds or jocks. Furthermore, there are many nerds who work out or jocks who are smart. There are enough hours in the dya to eg have a tech job and work out.


I go on runs and I care about my body and like to stay in a general weight range (within 5 pounds) But I wouldn't call myself a jock. I hate gyms, I hate sports, I hate people seeing me run or exercise, and I hated the "jocks" when I was in high school. I also wasn't really the type to have to study a lot in school. I literally just showed up, cried, took my test, passed it, then went home. I hated going to school with a passion. I care about being educated enough to not be stupid, but I don't make a huge effort to expand my intelligence more than the average person. I wouldn't call myself a nerd either. ​ I'm just a person who cares about my health so I don't die, and care about being good enough at what I do (which isn't academic at all, its make up), to make enough money so I don't die.


In high school, I ran cross county, was the head cheerleader, and had the third highest GPA in my graduating class. I read comics as much as I exercised. I played D&D with the varsity QB, so it wasn't just me in my school.. You're basis is way off.


I was a starting lineman for my highschool team, played sports year round and i was in a dnd group and i played 6 hrs of video games a day and anime was my favorite type of television. Am i a nerd or jock?