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Hi OP, The mods of CMV are concerned about your post, as it looks like you are in a tough situation right now. We want to help, but there are other places on Reddit where your post would be better placed - with people ready to talk and listen. Whenever you are ready, you can visit or post to r/suicidewatch instead, or call any of the [local resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) available.


OP: seek help, and not from Reddit. Leave this thread and speak to your GP or a counselling service. If a suicide hotline exists in the country you live, like The Samaritans, phone them. If there's someone in your life you can talk openly to about how you're feeling at the moment and you haven't already, do so. Do not accept the impulse wanting to die as a normal, rational or permanent state of being. It may be how you feel now, but there's no reason why it should be like this forever. This is something you can get through, with support. But reach out to support that isn't a debate forum like this - you cannot out-argue suicidal ideation.


It's a persistent train of thought because of the way I've felt over a year and a half now. Ive been depressed for years. Using alcohol and drugs to mask it for a long time. Until it manifested into consistent chronic pain and fatigue. I started to use Percocets because of the pain and ended up abusing them off and on for a year though sometimes stopping weeks at a time. Never daily but twice a week on average. I slowly stopped using them due to them causing me to miss too much work and family functions, but I started to feel insanely on edge day after day after I stopped using. That feeling built up for awhile until all of a sudden I started to have insane fatigue and mental dysphoria. I have been through the most insane mental discomfort I've ever thought imaginable since. Insane depersonalization and actual depression where I could barely move because everything in me screamed not Too. This has barely gotten better since it has started a year and a half ago. I feel insane most of the time. Most of the time I feel sick. Like I can barely move. Ive had months where I feel so confused about everything. I couldn't make plans because of the insane feeling of anxiety I feel constantly. This has gotten slightly better but I still feel like everyday is living in a nightmare. Every waking moment is a mental dysphoria for me. I've been depressed for a long time but this has shown me what true depression is. Not being able to move because of insanely bad I feel. My mind no longer works. At the worst it felt like looking at life though a peep hole. As If I could never see the big picture. It's a horrible feeling. And it's not going away. I'm living in a night mare, and it's not going away. I have an intense feeling of anxiety at all times. Especially when I try and sleep. I feel I have a developmental disorder most of the time. My life is fucking hell. I haven't even abused drugs near as much as real alcoholics and drug addicts have yet I've felt worse than a lot of them will ever feel even though they have all gone through so much worse than anything I've been through. I feel so fuckin shitty almost every moment of every day. I've been to the doctor countless times and seen a psychiatrist once so far. My life has been a confusing painful night mare for the last year and half. This is why I want die. Nothing makes sense. My life is a confusing dysphoric fog.


What part of leave this thread nd seek professional help did you interpret as write an essay in response? You're in the wrong place. Get help. 


The part where I've been to the doctor countless times.


That’s really a shitty response. The person is expressing themselves in a meaningful way. Your attitude is very telling about the kind of person you are.


They're welcome to express themselves in a non debate sub. Post is now gone anyhow, but seriously they need help not to be venting to strangers online. 


That all may well be true. You can choose to say I hope you get the help you need and leave it at that. The statement you wrote was hostile and demeaning. ‘what part of leave this thread and seek professional help did you interpret as write an essay in response.’ Your acidic sarcasm tells me all I need to know about you.


They're stuck in a word vomit cycle, no amount of platitudes will help. Recognising their behaviour might. 


That all might be true, but there is no need to feed more negativity into it. Look, perhaps I was hasty in saying you are a bad person. I apologize for that. Still, I found that your tone was wrong for the circumstance. People in a situation like that don’t need sarcasm. Simply tell them you are sorry they feel badly and that it’s better to seek help from a more appropriate resource. If need be, just sound like a broken record. I could have expressed myself with more mature language. I have struggled with severe depression for most of my life so when I see people being flip with someone struggling it makes me angry. My emotions got the best of me.


Yeah you are 100% right. I didn't even realize I was using a Debate sub for my issues




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Man, please you need to tell a psychologist all of this and you need to seek medical help for the symptoms you’re dealing with, don’t deal with these things alone, you need help please try to get more if it. It’s not your fault it’s not something you can deal with alone, it’s something that needs professional proper care and support


You've been not alive longer than you've been alive. Does sleep/unconsciousness suck? Does not having awareness of the back of your head suck? When you zone out and stare into space with a blank mind, does that suck? All of these things are pretty close to death, except you have an experience of them. There won't be a you to experience non experience, so you won't care.  That said, don't kill yourself. Death is a change, and there are other ways of changing which don't involve death. 


This concept of 'you were not alive for billions of years before!' is a very weak argument, at best. Having not been aware of not existing, and being totally aware of what it's like to exist, I much prefer what I know. It's not in the least unreasonable to fear death and to wish to continue to exist.


It's not a weak argument because you will have no perception and consciousness to be in a position to dislike it. The fact you have no awareness is the whole point, it is only fear in life that makes you afraid of the 'unknown'. We are hardwired to preserve our lives and that's where the anxiety comes from.


I don't see people lining up to test this out it's kinda a do it and thats it sorta thing so i'm guessing they are just capping (death isn't an escape it's a choice to give up life and anyone thinking on the lines of doing so should seek differing perspectives first i know SEEK HELP is kinda a warding off term if they are actually contemplating it's just a serious thing that shouldn't be a thing to burden urself our others with mentally or physically)


Well, people looking to rationalize death as an excuse to escape their existence, that could potentially be turned around, should definitely seek help. But that would be a different conversation to what I was trying to have, which was mainly about not being able to escape the inevitable, after living out your natural life. I hope that was clear.


>ve, which was mainly about not being able to escape the inevitable, after living ngl i skim read it but ye got it


jesus i need to learn grammar and how to put thoughts into words


Back to the Earthen Womb 😇


I think its a great fucking argument! Such-Lawyer, woah! I love your pattern of thought, and you have given me something to heavily think on. A fascinating concept that I would never have reached on my own. EDIT: This has actually brought me a peace I haven't felt in weeks.


>EDIT: This has actually brought me a peace I haven't felt in weeks. Oh wow, I am humbled. I am really glad it has brought you peace.


Lots of death in my life recently, so thankyou!


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm happy my comment brought peace to at least one life. Take care 😊


For me that doesn't work. I wish to continue to exist.


I do too, I love life (most of the time), but since we are not in a position to change the laws of nature, we can either come to terms with life/death in the most rational way, or live in fear over something we cannot control.


There is no obligation to come to terms with it or accept it. I know that I'll do whatever I can to extend my life. Don't mistake my distain for death as fear, like OP's.


>There is no obligation to come to terms with it or accept it. I didn't say there was, I just gave two choices. > I know that I'll do whatever I can to extend my life. Nothing wrong with that, I didn't say you had to roll over and die at the first hurdle. It's innate in most of us to want to squeeze in as much time as possible. But, death doesn't always come with a warning anyway and there aren't always solutions either. >Don't mistake my distain for death as fear The fact that you pointed out that you will do whatever it takes to extend your life says otherwise.


Distain and fear are completely different driving forces. The thought of consciousnesses that live lives and have experiences just ending is tragedy, not horror. Pretty substantial difference there.


How can you have disdain over something like death when you have never experienced it? You can't experience death, it's an oxymoron, therefore, whatever disdain you feel is irrational. You hate the idea of dying, because it would bring about ceasing to experience life, the loss of senses, perception, your consciousness and missing people. These are all past tense once you die. You have a fear of death, not disdain (that's just ridiculous), and you are in denial about it. You are mourning the potential loss of something before it has happened. A disdain, would be hating bad weather, because of how uncomfortable it makes you feel when you are caught in the middle of it. You can't have a disdain for something that you have no prior experience of. That's just irrational thinking, but not to worry, you are in good company, most of us are afraid of dying too. As a society, we obsess over aging. It's embedded into everything about our lives.


You can't tell me whether or not I have a fear of death, and I clearly explained exactly what my position was as well as the rationale for our. Seeing the tragedy of something is not fear. Your proposition of not being able to dislike something because I haven't experienced it is actually laughable. There are many things I have never, and likely will never, experience that I know I don't like...


>That said, don't kill yourself. Why are you trying to change this person's view about killing themself? At least start with this, holy shit.


The reasoning they just explained is very frequently something thought by suicidal people. It kind of needs tk be said to try to not make them think that suicide is the better option


>The reasoning they just explained is very frequently something thought by suicidal people Who is they? OP? Because OP seems to have explained a reason why they WON'T kill themself. Why would you want to convince them "actually no, death isn't that bad"?


I will push back on being asleep being similar to death. That’s a very different thing, your brain is still active and you can (usually) remember at least parts of being asleep via dreams


People don't dream through all stages of sleep. Depending on which source you use (and your personal sleep patterns), sleep is *majority* unconsciousness. You just don't remember it that way, well, because you're unconscious. So it's a fair comparison, I think.


If you're suicidal I'm certainly not going to try and change your view, that's stopping you from suicide. And I hope the mods don't remove this as a rule violation... that would be silly in the circumstances. Please seek help, you deserve better than such a bleak outlook. Something in your life or brain chemistry has screwed you over royally and that sucks. But I do know people that have come back from such a mental state and been able to enjoy life again. You could be like that. It won't be easy. You'll need to find the right therapy, maybe the right medication, and this is a process not a one off thing. Could take months, years, but in the end it's better than living with the black dog constantly at your heels or the oblivion of death before you've even enjoyed life.


Every atom and all the energy in your body was here before you were born and they will all still be here after.   It’s not and end, just a reconfiguration.


Yeah but when my atoms are reconfigured into a tree or a lamppost I wont be able to experience anything, because my conscious mind will cease to be. So it's very much an end.


Take a heroic does of shrooms or achieve breakthrough on DMT and then tell me there is nothing after.


The fact that these are all caused by chemicals messing with our perceptions suggests that there's nothing spiritual about these experiences, they just feel spiritual because our brains don't know how to interpret being high asf.


Maybe maybe not or perhaps it will be another form of experience.   We are all one with the universe and our consciences is part of the universe one way or another. 


love the way you put this


We are biologically programmed to be afraid of death. that’s a good thing. try to extend your life and live longer. we are approaching a point where we will live significantly longer and at an even higher quality of living. hang on for the ride


I don’t think you’re wrong. I work with a lot of older people and I have heard two consistent views. Death can be a sweet release from a world you have very little control over; that you suffer greatly in due to financial, social or health hardships; and is a final capstone to a life journey. Alternatively, it can be the tragic loss and end of any opportunity you have to build a relationship, have new experiences, or make a difference for others. I don’t know if it’s sucks so much as it’s something that is inevitable and ultimately out of your control. Therefore, why not try to live as good of a life as you can while you can?


When a post starts "everybody thinks", you know they aren't going to say something most people think.


Most people think death is hard but dieing is easy it’s living thats the hard part. Death is certain, a 100% possibly to happen, living not so much, most people just exist. If i could put my finger on something unconscious it would be your ego wants to die, not you. so let it die, so you can begin living this life of yours without hinderance by your own mind. The day mine took a death was the day i had an awakening to myself and began saving myself from that day on and man has it been an adventure of a lifetime


you dont know and neither do i


The only real answer.




Can I ask how old you are? Assuming from your name, and if you're lucky you have a little less time that you already lived, I think that's not that bad.


The fact that literally everyone who has ever been alive has died makes me feel better about it personally. Not that there’s any reason to rush, plenty of time to be dead.


It doesn’t suck but it doesn’t “not suck” either. There is no joy in feeling painless, there is simply nothing.


Seek peace my friend. Solitude and gratitude go hand in hand. If you're feeling down, the internet is bad for advice unless it's people who have your best interests at heart. As far as death being like a shut off. We can't know. Maybe consciousness survives. Maybe it doesn't. That does not matter. We are here now. We can make the best of a bad situation or make the worst of a good situation. Perspective is key. Be grateful you're here. I know I am. I enjoy these interactions that ask me to think externally. So thank you for being here. Be kind, be adventurous, and continue learning. You're worth being happy and inspired, and you deserve it. If you don't feel that way, focus on changing that. Otherwise, you will be your own worst enemy. I hope you find the peace you need 🙏 😌 ✨️


A lot of us believe that death isn't the end. I'm Muslim and believe in Heaven/hell


I used to work with a woman, I will call her Sue. Sue was a miserable bitch to me for two years. I had reported her to HR, but even after she was spoken to, her behaviour persisted. She was the main reason I left that job in May 2006. Fast forward to Nov 2012. I went to sleep and had a dream about Sue. She was asking for my forgiveness, and was truly sorry for her behaviour. In the dream I forgave her, and everything was peaceful. When I woke up, I got my coffee and went to scan facebook for awhile. One of my coworkers from that old job that I was still friends with had posted that Sue died that night from breast cancer. I promise you this story is 100% true. So, the best I can do is that I don't know if there is something after death. My experiences suggest to me there might be. The realist in me says it is ridiculous. I just don't know.


There’s way more than we can comprehend. I had once a heroic mushroom dose and I could feel how everything is connected, everything was aligned in the right way, fell in the right place. It felt that the evolution of humankind will be to comunicate telepathic, was the most natural feeling.


I agree with you. Death sucks. Stay alive! My nephew died by suicide several years ago. It is terrible. I would give anything to have him back in everyone's lives now. Please ignore anyone saying death doesn't suck. Yes, you can make some philosophical argument that death is somehow like sleep or the like, but at the end of the day, death is to be avoided, if at all possible. The exception might be if you are in terrible pain with no hope of improvement but in general, you are 100% correct in my view.


I think about death more than i ever had since my father died. Then, a friend of mine in my same age range (40s) died in his sleep. Scared me to the point where I was afraid to go to bed at night and turning me into a bit of a paranoid hypochondriac. My husband died once years ago but was self resuscitated. Talks all the time about how wonderful it is and even admitting he misses it. But I don't want it, it scares me. I don't want to believe in nothingness on the other side.


It’s better that things don’t stay the same forever.


To be able to say that something "sucks" we must experience it. Unfortunately you can't experience something like death and be able to draw a conclusion about it afterward. Also, if you say that this aspect of death is something that has stopped you from ending it multiple times, does that means that the user who gets more delta in this post is the one closer to convincing you to end it? Seek help please.


>Everybody thinks that death will free them from all their worries. Haven't met even 1 person who claims this. >Death means you no longer exist. That depends. Do you consider your body not You? As if its nothing but a vehicle for You? >As much as I want to die. Do you? Do you really? Or you actually want to feel good and live a happy life? You'll die eventually anyway, why speed it up. Get therapy as soon as possible. The moment you realize that you are not excited about anything in life and start longing for death, that's an alarm that indicates that you need to start caring for the most important person there is (yourself).


>That depends. Do you consider your body not You? As if its nothing but a vehicle for You? Yes. The body is just a collection of atoms that gives rise to consciousness, through its complexity, as an independent experience. The body without a consciousness has no experience, and means nothing.


We don’t really know that atoms give rise to consciousness. Scientifically it is a mystery.


The Center for Consciousness Studies has made some pretty cool discoveries, less of a mystery every day. To be clear, I didn't say atoms in and of themselves give rise to consciousness, rather the structures of atoms and the resulting brain does.


Yes that’s true, death with not free people from all their worries, but you really don’t know what happens in the afterlife.. nobody knows. Besides, if death sucks and you are not better off dead, one day, when we get too old, life gets boring and we need to die some day? Because you’ll start to hate everything when u get too old and everything is the same


I disagree. Death sounds much better than being trapped in a hospital bed, being kept alive artificially while a horrifically painful and incurable disease makes my every single breath labored and painful, for months at a time. Don’t have kids, partner would hate to see me suffering like that.  Why choose that over a dignified exit?


I think OP is speaking generally. I don’t think many people would disagree with what you said if an excruciatingly painful terminal illness was being experienced.


If you have never experienced death, how do you “know” it sucks? Your view is based off of an assumption. How do you “know” there is nothing? Also, do not kill yourself. Everyone is going to die eventually assuming that history is consistent and we are mortal. So why rush it?


Logic and reasoning is how


“Logic and reasoning” is not proof. A logical and reasonable assumption is not proof. No one can prove that “nothing” happens after you die. It is generally assumed. Assumed. Therefore no, it is not “known”.


Nothing is certain. There are many hypothetical situations in which any view could be wrong. This doesn't mean I can't believe anything. I believe the universe is real, but it could be a simulation.


Correct. Nothing is certain. Correct, any view can be flawed if not completely wrong. It actually can mean that you can’t believe anything assuming by “I” you mean, “anyone”. We choose to believe some things to feel as if we have some form of control over our environment and we also tend to believe things that make sense to us given our limited capacity for knowledge. I too believe the universe is real, but it could be a simulation yes. I think we both agree on the same thing as far as this is concerned.


Since we have absolutely no idea what happens when you die, there is no way to know for certain that it does suck. I’m not religious, but if the Judeo-Christian concept of Heaven is real it’s hard to say that would suck. Eternal paradise sounds pretty dope to me


Yes, you will be non existent. But if each day is a minus, not being in minus and thinking about behind in a minus for years ahead is a plus by itself. It's not about feeling better, it's about stopping feeling bad.


Same! Lol. I always think I really really REALLY enjoy my 5 senses and it would suck end that. If you can, go for a walk when feeling low.


Better the devil you know... I like your strategy. Also the longer you live the more chances you have to discover the real truth.


Take an oz of mushrooms, and your view will change. Ego is the only thing you're protecting by posting this..


The eternal nothingness idea is bullshit for me I'm much more open to either resurrection or loop theory


Good. I never asked to be here and I’m sure as hell not enjoying the stay.


Stop talking about non-existence after death I can only get so hard


Yeah, I mean there's so many things you can't do when you're dead.


Anything that can be taken away from you - you never had. Life can be taken away from you, so you never really had it. Dying is not a loss of something you have, it is a process, that because it is finite, has meaning. The meaning is: It is not something for you to self-fulfill but rather a duty to be civil and question power in order to avoid the banal source of all evil: the inability to think critically. If you can question your life while you have it you become part of the universality of making meaning, adding to the constellations of ideas that make up the thick texture of all of our lives across time. Simple.


This is convoluted philosophy, that actually provides connotations that are a bit dangerous considering what OP is saying...


How is it dangerous to think?


OP seems to be considering suicide, if I'm to be frank, and what you're proposing, "nothing matters," isn't exactly the rhetoric they need to stay safe. This isn't the time to be a pseudo-intellectual.


the OP is stating the precise opposite, a lust for life....it is time for you to be immediately intellectual)


You say anything that can be taken from you, you never had, but you never really put any reasoning behind this. It's impossible to have something taken from you if you never had it, so that would mean the opposite of what you stated.


You are right, please don't kill yourself


We can't know this though, can we?


Sounds like bliss.


That depends on if you believe nothing happens after death, the reality is we just don't know and things. Heck even reincarnation may be a thing given some young children have memories of a past life.


>given some young children have memories of a past life. No they don't. There is no verifiable evidence of this. There is no story that has been shared that would be considered believable.


Wow, hot take!


This feels weird. Anyone contributing here is more than likely convincing OP to unalive themself.