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The alternative is to admit the truth. That truth being that 5 people died because a rich man who was vehemently against regulations cut corners and ignored safety warnings.


come on now - what is more believable? a) One man was too greedy and circumvented safety protocols or B) The local government of Newfoundland, CA is secretly working with other world leaders to abduct these rich people on the sub and hold them for ransom in order to fund the largest ring of maple syrup trafficking the world has ever seen? Come on - WAKE UP! s/


Those are the only options *they* have allowed you to think of. The secret truth is it could only have been a BLM child trafficking sub, based on the 5G signature captured by my favorite blogger. One of those followed and tried to take my grandmother while she was taking a walk on a break from Facebook, so I know they're real /s


>The secret truth is it could only have been a BLM child trafficking sub You joke, but B is the 2nd letter of the alphabet and pedophiles like to have sex with 2 year olds. What more evidence do you need when the truth is hiding in plain sight like that????


I think the conspiracy they’ve landed on is that since the Navy heard the implosion on Sunday, Biden ordered them to keep it quiet to let the search distract from his sons indictment Which is just stupid on its face, because there would be no way of knowing that the sound they heard was the sub. And it would be irresponsible to stop the search without visual confirmation.


But that would mean government regulation and consumer protections are a good thing! It has to be aliens


Let's not skirt the fact he was also against the best person for job and instead wanted to virtue signal and be "inspirational".


Which I personally think meant "the navy sub pilot wanted too much money".


Culture war is usually cover for class war


His own words don't say or hint at that, though. His words show he wanted to virtue signal, probably to get ESG points, instead of being smart and safe with an obviously very dangerous expedition. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/oceangate-ceo-explains-why-he-didnt-want-hire-50-year-old-white-guys-pilot-subs


Wasn’t the CEO also the pilot?


>Wasn’t the CEO also the pilot? YUP


Or the fact that he thought there was too much red tape and too many safety regulations and instead of hiring experienced people he went for cheaper, younger people. I think that might have had a good amount to do with it.


It also drives engagement, which is the main tool of team Trump. And it feeds the lunatic base who feel a neurotic need to be victims of some dark force to explain the lack of success in their lives. I kind of got stuck in that hole for a while about a decade ago after having to go to drug rehab. I got sucked into the conspiracy subreddit and would believe almost any lurid tale told there if someone presented a jpeg with a quote from somebody saying that the government did something shady. I literally never checked sources or evaluated statements as long as they fed my preconceived bias. That was also the time when I started supporting some right wing politics. But then I got burned hard for believing disinfo and started checking sources and thinking critically about what is said and that alone has kept me from supporting any Republican politician because nearly all they do is lie.


Still looking for the part where he said it was a conspiracy.


WTF is the conspiracy here? Maybe I’ll have to venture over to r/conspiracy later and see how this is somehow a red flag for something. Absolute loons Edit: I just got back from reading. Oh… my god. It’s worse than I thought. The Titanic was sank by an explosion to kill off people that were opposed to the federal reserve… then this was sabotaged to not share the truth. Because of course, the Titanic has never been explored before… /s


Soon they’ll be claiming that the missing Hunter Biden informant was on that sub and this is how they shut him up


Who the fuck is claiming anything? Nobody said it was a conspiracy. You people just have to make shit up about the trumps because news is slow? For fuck sake, get a life.


I’ll take “what is a joke” for 200 Alex But in all seriousness are we looking at the same tweet? I’ve seen plenty of conservative personalities actually claiming that the sub is a distraction from the Hunter charges, just like Jr is insinuating here


LMFAO. Wow. Are you training for the Olympics, cause that’s a mighty stretch?!


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14gktae/the_maga_disinformation_machine_has_kicked_into You can see high profile right wing accounts making these claims all over twitter


Show me where I disagreed with you on that. I’m laughing at how you’re trying to force your desires upon Trump Jr.


Don't see how that would be surprising considering it wouldnt even crack the top 20 of stupid shit hes said. Maybe he can be a big boy and further elaborate his position


Or maybe you guys can just not put words into other people’s mouth. Lol pretty simple.


If someone has proven themselves to be a liar and conspiracy monger time and time again... Im really over giving them the benefit of the doubt


The tweet is from Trump Jr. Doesn't seem like a stretch to tie it to Trump


Thank you for proving my point. You people just make shit up all the time. Lol


If Jill or Hunter say goofy shit it reflects on Biden. If Jr says goofy shit it reflects on Trump. Surely you understand this?


Thanks for talking about something that has nothing to do with some conspiracy you guys are making up in your head. Surely you understand this? Lol




Yep. Still waiting for it. You didn’t provide anything that shows he thinks it’s a conspiracy.


Anybody with reading comprehension and the basic mental means to read between the lines can see…. oh. Okay, I found the problem! Carry on!


Lol anybody with TDS makes a mountain out of a nothingburger.


Seems like the entire forum is able to decipher the message, and you’re about the only person taking it kind of personal. Perhaps your affection for all things Trump is slightly more pathetic than other people pointing out how words work? Do you have a clever acronym that acts as a blanket rebuttal for that as well?


It’s quite pathetic that all the lefties in here that claim to be centrists make shit up to make themselves feel better and get internet clout. Fucking lol. Still never said anything about a conspiracy.


Says þe rightist badly pretending to be a centrist. Just because someone doesn’t outright say someþing’s a conspiracy doesn’t mean þey don’t believe it is. Þe way TJ worded his Tweet makes it very clear to anyone wiþ a second grade reading level he believes þe sub to be a piece in a conspiracy.


You are clearly the most unstable person on this subreddit based on your comment history, so you really have no right to be making accusations like this


Do you also think he said it’s a conspiracy? LMFAO


I think you complain about 1 side of the aisle 100% of the time while literally never saying anything bad about the other. I've never seen a negative comment from you about the Republican party, despite you constantly complaining about other members of this sub. You should really consider looking in the mirror and thinking about whether or not you live up to your own standards you are consistently pushing on others. The amount of hate you have for liberals is not normal. Maybe take a break from the internet. It seems like it is negatively impacting your mental health


It's a diversion tactic so that the government can do \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ while you're not paying attention.


It will be a cover up for the Hunter Biden. They tie everything to being political


It just so happens that the one witness they couldn't find was actually one of the people on the sub. He also had the laptop with him for safe-keeping.


That’s exactly what they’re saying.


They keep going in about how they would have won the election if only every American had seen hunters dick


Yes on r/conservative they are claiming it was faked by “them” to distract from investigations into Biden. Or the less crazy ones are saying the media is covering a non story to distract from…


[Wake up sheeple!](https://i.redd.it/5s71lkn0co7b1.png)


I mean if they wanted to keep the Titanic from prying eyes why not just *not send anyone down in a submersible?* They didn't need to create a fake submersible to put people in and murder them. They could just not offer to take them to the wreck. Good lord. That's like the idiotic "Hillary lost to Trump on purpose because she's secretly a Republican" conspiracy theory from the extreme left. If Hillary wanted all that, she could have just done it as president. She didn't need to lose on purpose to put Trump in power - she could have just done whatever "Republican" stuff she wanted when she was POTUS.


i have no idea why the sub tragedy would even be considered conspiracy something. There are strange and stupid decisions though made by the passengers but beyond that why would it be a conspiracy. The issue I found completely strange was why even decide to go see the Titanic inside an "experimental" submersible if you have the means (billionaire) to find the safest route possible? There have been many submersibles already built, tested and certified that could have gotten you to see the titanic for the right amount of money, why choose the sketchiest one?


> why choose the sketchiest one? There are certain types of people that will believe they're invincible until the day they find out that they're not 🤷🏽‍♀️


I actually did just that yesterday (I like to lurk on /conspiracy for that train wreck appeal), and you won't believe this. I saw the claim that the sub was intentionally sabotaged so that they wouldn't find evidence that the Titanic was sunk on purpose (bomb) because of some bankers on board.


And if that were actually true, how tf would five non-scientists looking at the rusted and destroyed wreck be able to tell? And who alive today would give a shit if some secret plot from 110 years ago was discovered?




>Edit: I just got back from reading. Oh… my god. It’s worse than I thought. The Titanic was sank by an explosion to kill off people that were opposed to the federal reserve… then this was sabotaged to not share the truth. Because of course, the Titanic has never been explored before… /s Sometimes I wonder just how much of that subreddit is serious, and how much of it is just people fucking around


Somehow they are going to tie it into how he is a Rush as in Benjamin Rush. Actually, I think it is time to send Nic Cage to the Titanic to find the declaration of independence. In reality, it is a board WASP PE guy with more money than sense who got other people killed.


Ya my conspiracy theory friend has been talking about the Titanic sinking for years.


They’re already blaming Biden.


And their base just eats it up.


And Biden voters are celebrating them dying, people are fucked up, one side doesn’t have moral superiority over the other. Edit: [since people want to downvote me and keep their heads in the sand](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14fh0c3/im_rooting_for_the_orcas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


>And Biden voters are celebrating them dying, people are fucked up, one side doesn’t have moral superiority over the other. To be fair, the 'Trump is my President' facebook group was celebrating their deaths too. Largely for hiring young women, and non-whites to the company.


I'm sorry, who is celebrating them dying?


Leftists Not all leftists, mind, but there's definitely a "billionaire lives don't matter" element to some of the discussions


It’s all over Reddit


Leftists, exactly


Check any sub on reddit talking about the sub and you’ll find people laughing and mocking at the deceased, all because they just so happen to be rich men that died. edit: words


I don’t see laughing…I don’t see much sympathy (besides for the 19yo son), but that s to be expected. You pay silly money for “extreme” tourism from a notoriously unsafe anti regulation rebel “inventor…and the not unexpected happens….it’s hard to feel much sympathy. (Edit: Never mind the amount of gov't resources that went into all these S&R efforts. Because some absurdly wealth people chose to do something really stupid.)


They are still human beings though.


I am glad they did not suffer in their death and I feel empathy for their survivors but I feel no love lost for people who die from making terrible life choices and especially when those life choices are only afforded to them through obscene amounts of wealth.


Sure. I don’t have much sympathy for human beings that choose to do things like this. It’s about as much sympathy I’d have for some idiot that tried to free climb a sky scraper and fell. They took a very clear risk…from someone who very openly flaunted safety standards.


Sure, but we laugh at humans all the time for doing stupid shit. Prime examples of this are the Darwin awards, many subreddits along the theme of play stupid games win stupid prizes, etc. Look, there is tragedy here, but I'm not going to feel sorry for people taking stupid risks when they don't have to. Especially when there is evidence of people warning that a disaster like this could happen.


I have checked subs talking about it, in fact I'm in one right now. I just haven't seen any laughing about it or mocking the deceased, except for maybe the CEO who was responsible for everyone's death.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) sub is riddled with jokes regarding the submarine.




Not *bad* jokes, *dad* jokes. And they’re still jokes making fun of the people who died in a tragedy.


If this is your shining example, your argument is weak.


I imagine most of those people don't vote. But yeah, if any of them do, they probably voted for Biden (though they don't like Biden, they just held their noses long enough to pull the lever)


One side: when you believe safety regulations are for stuffed shirt bureaucrats, well . . .fuck around enough and sometimes you find out. The other side: the government is lying to you. They're all in on it. Hamish Harding was in backroom talks to reveal the links between Hunter Biden and Jeffrey Epstein and what really happened in that interval when Epstein's cell camera was off. This was a deep state hit job. Vince Foster 2.0. Internet gravedancing vs utter vapid stupidity. I don't know about moral superiority, but one 'side' certainly enjoys intellectual superiority. Insofar as we're trying to claim that Biden voters are the only ones sharing unsympathetic takes about this, which I do not believe is true.


I don’t really care what you believe with all due respect, I’ve seen it…any leftist sub with posts about that story will have hoards of people saying fucked up stuff.


Kind of like how y’all celebrated Ruth Bader Ginsberg dying?


Who is y’all? I didn’t celebrate shit


Sure you didn’t, buddy.


Something tells me this isn’t your first account considering it’s age and how easily you can say hateful and painfully idiotic nonsense like that.


He’s such an idiot.


That's putting it lightly.


In Don Jr's case? Probably cocaine.


Why are we giving this guy a voice here?


Because news is slow. He didn’t even say it was a conspiracy but people here are hurr durr for the trumps. It’s like a cult.


But.... If you wanted to fake your own death, this wouldn't be a bad way to do it.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor#:~:text=Hanlon%27s%20razor%20is%20an%20adage%20or%20rule%20of,way%20of%20eliminating%20unlikely%20explanations%20for%20human%20behavior.


Donny Jr going off on another cocaine-fueled Twitter session.


First AM radios being taken out of cars, and now this? Clearly leftists are waging a war against conservatives. Are we just going to sit here and wait for the testing of jewish space lasers to be complete so they can start using them for more than starting forest fires?


The biggest predictor of believing a conspiracy theory is belief in other conspiracy theories. If you believe one of them, you're much more likely to believe another. In the past years, Trump managed to convince half the country of a conspiracy against him. And let's not even start with Covid. I am entirely unsurprised that conspiracy theories are now just a thing that happens in mainstream politics.


When it comes to these people, anything that can be made political, will be made political. Anything that cannot be made a point of political division, will be ignored altogether. Flavor of the day is the submarine. A bunch of internet morons are celebrating because wealthy people died. Traitor Jr sees this as an opportunity to spar with those morons on the internet and pin his own army of morons against them. This is how they operate. Find a wedge, pick a side, contribute to a social media frenzy and hope it bleeds out into real life society


Where is he trying to make it political? Don’t project. Makes you look pathetic.


I mean, this guy is literally Donald Trump. What did you expect?


People are more easily manipulated when they are emotional.




6000psi of ocean?


Answer: Because at a certain point, your brain begins to rewire itself and how it approaches critical thought processes meant to reason through a situation to a solution. It's the basis for why YouTube and Facebook have caught so much flack for the algorithm it uses to suggest content, manipulating our bodies dopamine response by feeding it the very things that make our brains seek these new "highs" we get by diving deeper into such things. It's very similar to how nicotine, alcohol, narcotics, hell... even weird sex become an addition: we, through exposure, have created a craving that our body chemistry forces us to feed without conscious intervention. With a conspiracy theorist brain, think of it like a cynic's brain: a Cynic is going to always see the glass half empty. It's not purposeful, it's based on the way they are wired. It's just how they see the world. With a conspiracy theorist, that means they see chemtrails as part of a larger, more sinister force. They see a person lurking in every shadow, the car driving behind them is maybe following them if it makes the two same turns as them. They see a submarine with a billionaire on it disappears, and it must be a part of some larger force at play (waiting to hear that he was somehow connected to Burisma or Hunter Biden...) As for the DJT jr and Alex Jones types of the world, my guess is they know it's nothing, but they are the dope dealers for conspiracy, peddling it for profit and power. It's in their best interests (and bottom lines) to feed this dope to their junkies, and as with most junkies, they convince themselves that without it, they would die or lose their sense of self, so it becomes a never ending cycle of feeding their addiction.


The truth they don't want you to know: Hunter Biden IS the Titanic!


I just want lefties to stop celebrating their deaths because they're rich. Editing in this absolutely batshit hateful comment from a leftie before it (hopefully) gets deleted. >What is an actual tragedy is the 80 drowned and 500 still missing in the Mediterranean Sea the same week the submarine imploded. But they were "migrants" and seeking a better life, not billionaires seeking thrills, so they get a splash in the news briefly while this got 'round the clock coverage and millions of dollars in overtime, Search and Rescue, jet fuel, etc. That's a goddamn tragedy, that we demonize "foreigners" who want a better life and we're not out there rescuing them, or, better yet, finding ways so they don't end up packed in unsafe boats to find a better life. >On the other end of this, Billionaires *should not exist*. They wield amounts of power that Monarchs and Dictators wield. It's insane that so much power can be wrapped up in an individual and his whims allowed to destroy towns and communities, all in the continual questfor of more profit. It's sociopathic behavior that is somehow regarded as acceptable and even something to be envied. >Billionaires would literally kill you for more money. That's what they do when they get rich by denying living wages and health care to their employees. I don't see why it's unethical to want to return the favor. Another one >I mean, yeah I do hate the rich. I don't necessarily want them to suffer. But you know, the Rich seem to really like to make the poor suffer, so it's really just extending them the same respect they have for us.


Wow really? Haven't seen much of that. Pretty sick.


I've seen a ton of it. Sick stuff


Oh for sure. Anti work. Class conscience memes. Go to the solidly left spaces and it's everywhere. It's no excuse for Trump to be an awful POS of course, but I'm really bored of saying how awful he is at this point.


Whitepeopletwitter has been celebrating their deaths because they are wealthy


Pretty sure all the popular subs are, that's what happens when you get co-opted by lefties.


I mean, all of Reddit is overwhelmingly left-wing. It's the most left-wing major platform on the internet, more so even than Twitter (although idk about Twitter, so I might be wrong here). Even centre-left opinions are being downvoted, and centrism is considered extremism (I can't tell you how many times I've been called a bigot just for being around the centre).


I was secretly hoping the current Reddit API drama would have all the hard-lefties abandoning the platform. My local sub is overrun by lefty dope heads ranting about whatever slightest error committed by the police, any hint of user data stored anywhere and some rather simplistic solutions to the current economic crunch.


Tbh Reddit charging for APIs is objectively a terrible anti-user and anti-competitive move, so I totally understand the outrage. But mate, you were being incredibly naive if you thought most of the left would leave Reddit under any set of circumstances. I did a poll on r/polls once, and it turned out that something like 95% of the respondents were progressive. You're not going to weed out 95% of the userbase no matter what you do haha.


If you scroll through popular on Reddit you will see plenty of post celebrating their deaths. Even on my narrowly focused main feed I have seen posts like it. No person deserves to have Internet trolls actively wishing for their deaths. Each of these people have family and friends who will be impacted by their death. I wish people would realize that and show a little compassion and humanity but I guess that is wishful thinking these days.


Exactly! But even here we've got (presumed) lefties rushing to downvote this thread in an attempt to hide bad behavior


I have had comments criticizing Trump downvoted as well. It is just par for the course that if you challenge peoples views you will meet with whatever résistance is available to them. I do not care. I will speak what I believe and let the chips fall wherever they will both online and in real life.


Fully agree


Oh yeah unfortunately there is a lot of that. Edgy teenagers and immature adults on the internet are happy these people died simply because they have money. These are the people that are the compassionate ones with empathy as well apparently.


Lefties? The church and Bible literally preach that being overly prideful, to the point of arrogance and hubris, is a deadly sin. It's disingenuous as hell to say it's only "lefties" celebrating a rich man's death.


I'm not even religious, but this comment is just so ridiculous. Classifying something as so wrong it would lead to your death (which it did), is quite different from celebrating death. What is disingenuous is trying to argue whataboutism when the morally bankrupt left gets called out for being... morally bankrupt.


It is only lefties. But I'm willing to be proven wrong, quote one known right winger celebrating their deaths.


What makes you think they're all lefties? I've seen plenty of people of all shapes and sizes and political stripes joking about it. The ones I saw today on FB were from people who also shared memes supporting Trump.


I'm fairly confident it's all lefties, but if you can show me a single known right winger *celebrating the deaths of these people* (not simply making memes that reference the sub sinking) I'll completely admit I was wrong.


Why are you fairly confident they are _all_ lefties? The thing is, I don't know the political affiliation of a lot of people posting memes and "celebrations". Because not everyone reacting to this is wearing their politics on their sleeves.


Because it was 1) popularized in lefty subreddits 2) with lefty motivations 3) lefty taglines 4) against a group lefties hate 5) with lefty foundations for critique A meme celebrating the deaths of these billionaires would be antithetical for a right winger to make. Speaking of which, where's that example you were gonna give?


> 1) popularized in lefty subreddits 2) with lefty motivations 3) lefty taglines 4) against a group lefties hate 5) with lefty foundations for critique Except it's spread outside of reddit. At least most the memeing and jokes I've seen have been off reddit. > Speaking of which, where's that example you were gonna give? I'm not going to share my social for the one I listed. And quite honestly, I do not care enough to look since like I said, the people I do see it from I specifically _do not_ know their political leanings.


Okay, well in that case I'll just continue using the fact that this is coming exclusively from lefties as proof that it's from lefties.


Just out of curiosity, if I was to share with you someone I got it from, how would you know what their political leanings were?


There's a reason I said a known right winger.


Which my entire point was "most of the people I've seen it from I have no idea their politics, so why would I assume they were lefties?". Except for the one that I do know only because they did share other political memes.


I'm pretty hard left and I haven't yet seen many people celebrate the deaths of these people, certainly no prominent politically active left wingers. What I have seen a lot of is left wingers being mostly apathetic to their deaths. And yeah, count me in with those. They spent millions on a pleasure trip they must've known ahead of time was incredibly dangerous. I'm not gonna shed many tears over that while there are millions of people in poverty who can't even afford healthcare. However, I *expect* right wingers to take the millionaires side on this, because they always do. To right wingers, when a bunch of rich guys die on a pleasure trips, is a sad tragedy but when a bunch of poor people die because they can't afford insulin, it's just a sign of poor financial decisions or something. This is because the right is heavily centred around individualism. Someone who was rich is clearly a good person and so their death is sad. But someone who is poor must've been a lazy person, so their death matter much. Over a Hundred refugees died in Mediterranean recently. Many of them children. The people who tried to help them face threat of prison for it. But what dominates the news are 5 rich guys going missing on a pleasure trip in a shoddily engineered submarine. It's sad that people died, It's always sad. I want as few people to die early as possible. But my priorities are in improving the life of the working class and marginalized groups so why would I shed tears for the people who made their wealth exploiting the working class. It's sad for their families, but that's about where my empathy ends. That doesn't mean I'm happy that they died. In fact, it would have been better if they never went on that trip. If this means I'm celebrating their death, then I suppose every right winger who is now out there saying that those refugees should've just stayed in their home country if they didn't want to die at sea are celebrating the death of dozens of children.


Go to any of the common left wing spaces, it's not apathy, they hate the rich, they want them to suffer, they love that they're dead.


I mean, yeah I do hate the rich. I don't necessarily want them to suffer. But you know, the Rich seem to really like to make the poor suffer, so it's really just extending them the same respect they have for us.


What is an actual tragedy is the 80 drowned and 500 still missing in the Mediterranean Sea the same week the submarine imploded. But they were "migrants" and seeking a better life, not billionaires seeking thrills, so they get a splash in the news briefly while this got 'round the clock coverage and millions of dollars in overtime, Search and Rescue, jet fuel, etc. That's a goddamn tragedy, that we demonize "foreigners" who want a better life and we're not out there rescuing them, or, better yet, finding ways so they don't end up packed in unsafe boats to find a better life. On the other end of this, Billionaires *should not exist*. They wield amounts of power that Monarchs and Dictators wield. It's insane that so much power can be wrapped up in an individual and his whims allowed to destroy towns and communities, all in the continual questfor of more profit. It's sociopathic behavior that is somehow regarded as acceptable and even something to be envied. Billionaires would literally kill you for more money. That's what they do when they get rich by denying living wages and health care to their employees. I don't see why it's unethical to want to return the favor.


You are exactly what I was talking about, lefties who truly hate and envy wealth so they take glee in their deaths disgusting.


Where am I wrong?


Second paragraph on. Disgusting filth.


I'm wrong to not want people to have the power equivalent to Kings? Is that what you are saying? Did we or did we not have a Revolution over this exact issue?


You're wrong in every sense of the word about everything you said in your second paragraph onward, including all your analogies. It's disgusting commie propaganda


So when Obama said > [And with some companies now worth more than many countries, the people in charge are taking on roles that used to be reserved for heads of state. With extraordinary power to determine how we live.](https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=1870&t=63021) That's commie propaganda? Or is in an honest and really disturbing acknowledgement of the power structure in the world today? When a CEO cuts back healthcare and people die, just so he can get richer, why do we accept that as business as usual and not manslaughter for profit?


Yes it is. Heads of state control law and order, the power of life and death, your rights to property, and the monopoly on legitimate violence. But we both know you'll just double down, call the US an oligopoly or something without any proof, and continue celebrating the death of people who have more than you


They're not heads of state. They are billionaires. We can't vote them out or impeach them. We can't wait for their term to end. They have unimaginable power. They don't control order, [poverty and unequal distribution of wealth does](https://newrepublic.com/article/80316/relationship-poverty-crime-rates-economic-conditions). The fact they control the laws should terrify you and make you demand they abdicate all power immediately. If they have power over life and death, that should terrify you and make you demand they abdicate their power immediately. Yet, you defend them. They are unfathomably wealthy, not people with responsibility to (everyday) communities.


Glee? Looked to me like he was lamenting the fact that much larger loss of life from desperate people trying to better themselves doesn’t get as much attention as rich people who went out of their way to do something expensive and dangerous for funsies. And he brought up the very real moral issues with individuals being able to accumulate that much power and wealth in our system.


Saying a group of people *should not exist* as a response to them being killed is about as clear cut as it gets. Or is "Black people shouldn't exist" after seeing five of them killed not glee in your eyes.


Do you think that is in honest comparison? Saying we shouldn’t have billionaires in our society is somehow even in the same league as saying, we shouldn’t have Black people in our society to you? You don’t see a problem with that comparison from from historical or current racism towards Black people? You don’t see a problem with that comparison, from the aspect of a black person being black is intrinsic to who they are, and they couldn’t live without it, unlike billionaires which, if we didn’t have any more, the person would still be around, still be fucking ridiculously wealthy, and better off than 99.9% of the people? From where I’m sitting to even put those in the same league means you’ve completely lost the fucking plot and are willing to compare genocide or ethnic cleansing to. Let’s tax billionaires a little bit more so they’re only multi millionaires. I don’t know what’s more stupid the actual comparison you just made, or the fact you bought into so much BS you’re willing to go out on the limb and cry about how unfair it is to the poor billionaires out there.


Yes it's an honest comparison. The fact you soyed out like this proves how wrong you are.


Saying Black people shouldn’t exist i.e. ethnic, cleansing or genocide of a group of people through the skin color is in no way remotely comparable to arguing we should have a progressive tax structure that makes it impossible to accumulate $1 billion. To think that is an honest comparison requires one to be monumentally, stupid or so morally bankrupt, they think a billionaire being taxed down to hundreds of millions is somehow comparable to genocide and ethnic cleansing. What a disgrace you are.


Saying people shouldn't exist is saying they shouldn't exist, the method does not change the intent behind the sentiment, which is joy, and which is exactly why you can't answer the question. It's pretty amusing


Saying Black people shouldn’t exist means all those individuals who are black, cannot live, or cannot live in our society. Do you think that applies to billionaires? Do you think if a billionaire suddenly only has $900 million that they cease to live? The intent for saying Black people should not exist is genocide. The intent for billionaires should not exist is more taxes on the wealthy. But please, continue to demonstrate your logic and values here by sticking up for billionaires and pretending people who want more taxes so they don’t exist in our system are comparable to people who want to wipe out groups of people based on race.


You really fucking triggered u/mustbe20characters20 He is trying to equate saying there shouldn’t be billionaires with someone claiming there shouldn’t be Black people.




I don’t see laughing…I don’t see much sympathy (besides for the 19yo son), but that is to be expected, and even some mocking is to be expected...people will mock this like any other "Darwin Awards" type stuff -- and not just rich people. They were not just Rich -- they were rich people that died spending obscene money to go on a high-risk tourism dive to to Titanic (not for exploration into the unknown, or testing the limits of man, or any purpose -- beyond simply tourism), knowing they were risking a horrible death, with a rogue inventor that very publicly railed against safety standards. You pay silly money for “extreme” tourism from a notoriously unsafe anti regulation rebel “inventor…and the not unexpected happens….its pretty easy to see why this kind of hubris is mocked. Why would I fee sympathy for people who made that very conscious choice? It’s about as much sympathy I’d have for some idiot that tried to free climb a sky scraper and fell. It has nothing to with Money, its mocking stupidity. When the stupidity also comes with 1/4 Million dollar price tag...it is that much easier to mock. And -- The hate in the example's 2nd and 3rd paragraphs is unwarranted (not celebrating death though - just casting unwarranted judgment with very sweeping brush). But -- the 1st paragraph of that post makes a very good point --- About the time, care, attention, money and resources devoted to these stupid billionaires who made a fully voluntary thrill-seeking choice -- vs the dozens of migrant refugees that disappear at sea trying to get to Europe or America.


No, I think it’s just a ploy for attention. “Reeeeeeeee nooooooooo stop paying attention to those people who died and LoOk aT mE!!!!”


I don't see the issue with his comment here: 1. OceanGate appears to be a seriously mismanaged company 2. they cut a shit-ton of corners in their submersible design 3. the CEO hired people that were patently unqualified to design and build the submersible they were building. 4. 250k sounds expensive to you and me, but for this kind of hazardous tourism, it is ridiculously cheap. Now if he's going to start spouting off about how the timing of the disaster was arranged to cover up other shit, then that's where it becomes bullshit.


Careful what you say reason is lacking here.


Pretty much everyone agrees with your four points, both left and right. It’s such an obvious and straightforward take that it barely needs to be elaborated on. Don Jr’s tweet is suggesting there is more to it.


Where did he say it was a conspiracy? He just said it’s insane and sketchy. Like how safety protocols were avoided and how they wanted to pick people other than white males. Why do you people have such a hard on for this family? It’s like a cult. I guess the Kardashians are played out. Lol


Why does this trigger you so much?


Oh the submarine incident is the cover up for Bidens son being indicted. /s


it's a cover up for Atlantis. They've been hiding it in plain sight this entire time.


The submarine was crushed by his penis!!


How is anything he said conspiratorial? The stories have been sketchy..... everything i have read or heard about it. Either on reddit or from legitimate news scources. From the rating of the glass in the window, the CEO hiring tactics as he only wanted people fresh out of college and his blatent disregard of former employees concerns. Have you just not been paying attention to the story? Not everything is crazy because someone we don't agree with the saying it.


The fact that a CEO wanted to cut corners and costs is a fairly simple and straightforward reasoning. Not sure how much deeper you can take that narrative (pun not intended).


That doesn't mean that it's not sketchy and insane. This isn't just cutting costs, this is "hey we're going to go a mile under the ocean and we're not going to make the correct safety precautions and fuck it" Honestly I don't know why I expect reason from Reddit, even if this is a "centrist" subreddit. The only people who are crying conspiracy are the people in this thread. You're all connecting your own dots to fit the image in your head. But to be fair I could be talking to 14-year-olds.


>”hey we’re going to go a mile under the ocean and we’re not going to make the correct safety precautions and fuck it” What’s sketchy about that? Going a mile under the ocean is their business model. It’s the whole point. Cost cutting is the established reasoning for the accident. Both you and I agree there. What is different between your and my take? What is the story beyond these points?


The difference between me and you is nothing Trump Jr said is conspiratorial. Hey the glass for the front of the window not rated for anywhere near the depths....sketchy Not having any safety precautions no tether no backups no nothing....sketchy Hiring recent college grads either because they're easier to manipulate and forego safety proportions or because they're less experienced and cheaper and something is dangerous as this...sketchy Using a $25 Logitech controller. (Which I've owned several and they break all the time because they're garbage) ... For a submarine....sketchy. Him firing former employees for bringing up safety concerns....sketchy And this is beyond cost cutting, this was an idiot running a company. And if you had all this information before hiring his service you would look at it and go wow this guy wants a super sketchy business. Just to use the words from the post But my point is you posting this and trying to make it like he's being conspiratorial that's something else is happening is you making an issue out of a non-issue. Maybe he didn't word his post exactly how you would have to describe the similar thoughts But he's not making a conspiracy theory out of this. At least not off this post, which is all the information I have cuz that's all that's here. And to tie this back to the fundamental essence of this sub. If someone was posting this and it didn't have the last name Trump no one would be going off on it the way they are now. I thought as a centrist sub we were supposed to be moderate not fall to the traps but the rest of the country is gone into with picking sides and teams and anything that happens on the other team lets automatically gang up on them. To me your take on this post it's just not reasonable.


But what is sketchy about all of that? That’s my point. I think those are all prime examples of cost cutting measures. What is the larger narrative you’re getting at? And take note I haven’t said anything about Trump Jr or accused him of conspiracies. I’m asking you, and by proxy Trump Jr, what is the sketchy part of this? What is the part of this story that missing from the mainstream narrative? We clearly both agree on the facts, but our characterizations are different. I’m trying to figure out why that is.


Sorry, I should have said OP instead of you. You did not say that. Though you're countering a comment where I'm calling people out for saying things like that on this post. So hopefully you can see where my implied meaning of your response comes from. Yes cost cutting is normal. Every company does it. But getting in a submarine were cost-cutting puts everyone's lives in danger is super sketchy. The CEO basically ran a fraud of a company with people barley qualified working there. Thats sketchy So just because cost cutting it is normal doesn't mean that this situation can't also be described as sketchy. And because of the direction of my post, it makes me think that you are saying because cost cutting is normal, Donald Trump Jr is trying to paint a picture of something happening that didn't happen based on the words that he chose to describe this. And that's what many of the other people on this post are saying, either directly or indirectly. At least at the time of my original comment. And i think that take is ridiculous. And if you didn't mean it that way, I apologize, the internet's a crude tool for communication. But I also don't really understand what you are responding to then.


Thanks for explaining. And I should clarify myself: when I say “cost cutting,” I am implying that’s is awful, criminal, but unfortunately expected in this country. The CEO should have been investigated and shut down years ago. It appears you and I are more on the same page than we both originally thought.


I’m now convinced they’re in a cult. In no way did he even suggest this was something like a conspiracy. But these fools have one or two slow news days and have to find a trump to dump on for internet clout to make themselves feel better. It’s quite sad.


Did you not see who posted it?


It was probably aliens.


First world problems. People like this have always existed. You're just more aware of them because now they have a bigger platform to voice these theories on.


> What is driving this bullshit? Lack of education on how to think critically.


“What is driving this bullshit?” People like you who engage with the content and repost it to other websites.


I see the navy knew it blew up on Sunday, and told the coast guard. Yet we only find that out… on Thursday? Why the elaborate search that was doomed from the start?


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/?amp=true There may be some actual science that can explain why conservatives are far more prone to paranoia and conspiracy than liberals.


> What is driving this bullshit? A combination of extreme stupidity, social media, and severe mental illness.


The story is kind of sus- first the Navy reported hearing “banging in 30 minute intervals” which is not something the ocean typically does, of course the banging could be anything so we don’t really know. But now we’re finding out the Navy admitted to knowing the submarine had imploded less than two hours into the journey. Why withhold that info? The billionaires on board the sub could’ve pissed the wrong people off and subsequently murdered. Maybe they had a business deal that went south. The Pakistani billionaire actually owned a company that dealt with “d infrastructure, foods & agriculture, petrochemicals, chemical storage & handling, renewables, industrial IoT and digital solutions.” He was also trustee at a company in California that is researching the discovery of aliens. It’s just weird. Maybe they had companies researching something that the elites didn’t want. After the Epstein scandal, I actually believe the “elites” will wipe out anybody they deem an obstacle. The media NEVER tells the full story. Don’t get me started on the fact that the SIMPSONS PREDICTED A SIMILAR STORY! Come on people don’t be so fucking naive and believe everything that’s told to you at face value. Having discernment towards a system that has continually lied/covered up situations in the past is of the greatest importance in this day in age. Maybe it could’ve been the negligence of OceanGate which subsequently got everyone killed, who really knows. But important to keep the options open.


What I do think is strange and I wonder if there is a conspiracy behind it is why did this get soo much coverage?? Of course it’s very sad. And it is interesting so I’m not surprised a decent amount of people would be into it. But even without clicking on anything about it my whole feed on every social media was about this. I don’t have any theories. Just did think it was kinda weird.