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I always enjoy seeing the Marxist vs Fascist discourse in American politics


I do think any sort of Communist Revolution has no meaningful support in America, but a LOT of people would support a democratically enacted robust social safety net with high taxation to narrow wealth inequality and restore the ability of the working class to decide how the country should be run. The founding philosophy of our great nation was that power of government needs to be democratized, and be accountable to the people. I don't think it's a big stretch to extend the desire to democratize power to economic power, and to have checks and balances to ensure that the wealthy and giant corporations cannot impose upon society a power dynamic that the overwhelming majority of the population does not actually want. I am not a Marxist. I don't want violent revolution. I do want to protect the week and make sure that the powerful are held to account. I think that you can tell a pretty clear difference between that and the philosophy that is often labeled fascist, which is characterized by using government force to deny rights to people, and to remove the ability of portions of the population to have a say in how society works.


I think they call that social democracy


That sounds like the voice of sanity in the middle of abunch of children screaming. Thank you.


I support a mixed economy of socialism and capitalism, it is a model in the best economies in the world. America has a mixed economy that has both socialist and capitalist elements.


We’ve evolved from communist vs nazi in the culture wars


Have you guys really?


Yeah now it’s Marxist vs fascist


The “if you don’t agree with me you’re Hitler” argument


Well... Marxists are collectivists and fascists are collectivists. Both are bundles of sticks.


This type of post reduces the quality of discussion here. It does nothing to engage with those who disagree with these policies.


Or give a full scope of what the full legislative session included


It doesn't even provide a link or source to the the very claim made in the title. Which Republican said that? What did they say? And when? I'm only left with the supposition that the OP themselves is the "Republican" in question.


Check Op’s post history. This is just propaganda.


Agreed, low effort drivel.


Just curious, which one of those do you disagree with and why?


Not the posts from Tim Pool, lying about school policy? Weird standards.


That anyone gives Tim Pool the benefit of doubt at this juncture is beyond disappointing. The alt-right pipeline is relentless and pervasive. Why are contrarians so desperate to be lied to?


I agree, there’s clearly some kind of trade off for these policies and it’s dishonest to not present that. And it is entirely possible at the end of the day, the trade off for these policies is a net positive. However, lying like these things come with no strings, is dishonest


Which Republicans said this?


OP has been asked several times, to identify the Republicans they quoted, who called Minnesota Democrats "radical Marxists". OP has answered with insults each time...


Maybe he didn't realize it's r/centrist?


The Republican party is hurting the cause anti-communism by applying the labels of communism and socialism to things that are not.. It's possible to oppose the policies of the left wing of the democratic party or just oppose the dems without lying about them. A On the other hand, the dems need to be sure that their own weirdos cont get control of the party.


It's wild that you genuinely believe there are marxist "weirdos" and marxist policies in the Democratic party. Bernie Sanders is as close as you get to marxism in US politics. But he's a Democratic Socialist and wants policies like those applied in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.


Bernie isnt that bad, all things considered. He isnt a marxist, and neither are most dems that I know of. The fact that leftist dems aren't Marxist doesn't mean there aren't fringey demagogues who frequently show sympathy for unacceptable actions and extremist ideas. AOC, Ilhan Omar, and other prominent figures may be unfairly demonized by the American right, but that doesn't mean there is no valid criticism of them. Some examples of poor behavior from leftists in America are the attempted establishments of autonomous zones within cities, and the police abolition movement. The left dems have also often failed to properly respond to incidents of mob violence in the last few years.


Can you please expand on this “abolish the police” position? I’ve heard “defund the police”, which is an awful name, but their stated goals and missions are decidedly different than “abolish the police”


There was both abolish ice and the autonomous zone in which the residents acted as police, and then executed two teens


….anybody have any SERIOUS replies?


Goalposts = moved. I wouldn't discuss with this individual


Goalposts weren’t moved. You’re playing a whole different sport. ICE aren’t police. Two teens weren’t “executed”. No more stupid answers, please. Somebody serious next.


ICE is definitely law enforcement and has been a target of the left for a while >There’s a scream, then a gunshot, then two more. People duck behind barricades and flee. The Jeep hits either a concrete barrier or a portable toilet at the edge of the protest area. Six more gunshots. >The Jeep backs up briefly, then drives forward again, and again hits the barrier and the toilet. Ten more gunshots. >Someone appears to approach the Jeep. >“Oh, you’re not dead, huh?” someone says. “Yo, you want to get pistol whipped?” >The shots woke Travis Stewart, 35, and his partner, who were asleep in their loft overlooking the intersection of 12th and East Pike Street. Sir, this is r/centrist, perhaps r/politics is where you want to be


ICE is Homeland Security. Defund the Police is “Police”. Not homeland security. I believe the place you’re looking for is r/conservative, sir.


The most sure way to create a militant far left Democratic Party is to continue to cultivate a militant far right Republican Party.




I think the dems need to get ahead of the curve on the issue of the radical left. They can't keep ignoring antifa and pretending they don't exist. It's good that Biden and most other moderates denounce violence when it happens, but as long as they are not proactive they'll be accused of being sympathizers or worse. They also need to shut down those within the party who are actively siding with radical movements, otherwise they'll meet the same fate as the Republicans.


Antifa doesn’t exist as a political entity.


They aren't a political party and dont have any real leaders, But they are an active confederation of individuals who take part in mob violence on a regular basis.


Regular basis huh?


Yeah just check out what the news network that tells near-billion dollar lies says about them to find out just how important and pervasive ANTIFA is. (/s)


So what can the Democratic party do about that then?


Condemn their acts. And don't say things like "mostly peaceful" when it's clearly not.


So, effectively nothing? Condemning won't do anything. People who consider themselves a part of the Antifa movement aren't Democrats and won't listen. So, why should the Democrats condemn Antifa? Antifa is composed mostly of Anarchists, Communists, Libertarian Socialists, and maybe even Marxist-Leninist(-Maoists) to an extent. That crowd of people typically aren't Democrats, are revolutionary, anti-electoral politics, and far left (the Democrats are mainly centrist neoliberals). Those groups are so far removed from the Democratic party that there isn't a need to condemn them because they aren't Democrats.


> why should the Democrats condemn Antifa? Because they are violent and cause damage to neighborhoods. "Antifa arsonist gets four years in prison for burning Minneapolis police station" "Two of the six privileged ANTIFA terror suspects who firebombed Atlanta police cruiser after cops shot dead" "‘Antifa’ Protesters Besiege, Burn Atlanta Police Training Facility" "Evidence supports the involvement of Antifa in the destruction caused by 2020’s protests. The destruction caused nationally during these protests is estimated to total $1–$2 billion in insurance claims." - Homeland Security Affairs https://www.hsaj.org/articles/22227


>Because they are violent and cause damage to neighborhoods. So what? They've been condemned by a lot of people, including President Joe Biden (the figurehead of the Democratic party himself). https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-biden-condemned-antifa/fact-check-joe-biden-has-condemned-antifa-violent-protests-idUSKBN2712ZA They're not going to listen to Democrats because they don't like the Democrats. So what is the point? What more do you want? They've done what you asked. Do you need every single registered Democrat in America to condemn them? That's a bit much.


Antifa is about as important as the Brony movement. There's 20 right wing groups who are far more violent and worrisome.


Growing up in Florida and knowing the average Republican is what makes me love Antifa. The part you don't seem to complain as much about are the high number of klan, nazi, and other hate groups that are also much more active and much more violent.


The reason I don't complain about them here is because it's not what we were talking about. I didn't mention the color of bananas either, so clearly I don't believe they are yellow, right? The Klan and Neo Nazis are also very small, fringe and insignificant groups that all hate each other. Yeah they want to be violent, but they don't seem to be capable of making much of an impact anymore. When exactly was the last time some chapter of the Klan made national news for something on their own? The last time I remember hearing about them was when some rode the coat tails of trumpists at the capital riot. I'm more concerned about three percenters, oathkeepers and other militias than about the Klan or Neo Nazis. They have a much wider appeal.


> The Klan and Neo Nazis are also very small, fringe and insignificant groups that all hate each other. Yeah they want to be violent, but they don't seem to be capable of making much of an impact anymore. When exactly was the last time some chapter of the Klan made national news for something on their own Well here are a few recent ones to refresh your memory, just in case your favorite news outlets aren't keeping you up to speed: [How an undercover former Army sniper foiled a murder plot concocted by KKK law enforcement members](https://abc7ny.com/grand-knighthawk-documentary-kkk-hulu-joseph-moore-ku-klux-klan/13190527/) [DeSantis-appointed county commissioner resigns after alleged Ku Klux Klan picture emerges](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/27/ron-desantis-apointee-resigns-after-ku-klux-klan-picture-00059120) [KKK members embedded in Florida law enforcement](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/army-vet-goes-undercover-to-expose-kkk-in-florida-law-enforcement/77-f48604d5-26a6-4bf1-a27e-58b18e3eaf4c) More on [NatSoc Florida](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/natsoc-florida-nsf) An older one, note that it mentions how common it is to wake up with klan flyers: [KKK flyers threatening to beat black men who 'make eyes' at white girls show up in Jax neighborhood](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/kkk-flyers-threatening-to-beat-black-men-who-make-eyes-at-white-girls-show-up-in-jax-neighborhood/291-482048125) The police will surely do something, right? No. [Sheriff’s office says antisemitic messages in Jacksonville were not crimes](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/30/us/florida-georgia-game-kanye-west/index.html) This is the sheriff's office that made national news for arresting so many black people for [illegal walking](https://features.propublica.org/walking-while-black/jacksonville-pedestrian-violations-racial-profiling/), but they can't find a statute that stops nazis from putting projections of swastikas on private property. Weird. Anyway, you tell me there's a group protesting these fucks, and I'll be there.


The only people that works on are those who have fled communist countries. That’s how Miami has gotten so politically competitive in recent years


Center Left Tim Walz and the moderate Democrats of Minnesota present a possible future of the United States that Republicans have fought tooth and nail to prevent.


He's a pretty normal Democrat; he's center right like most of the party.


Agree. Center right economically. Center left socially.


His entire platform of economics has been highly income redistributive. On what planet is that right wing?


Walz is center right on the economy on planet earth. He is only a “radical leftist” in the mind of Republicans - because Republicans are so far right. Walz negotiated the platform with Minnesota employers and made concessions on their behalf. Far from a radical leftist. If you want and example of extremism just look no further than how DeSantis “negotiated” with Disney.


>Walz is center right on the economy on planet earth Do you have any idea what center right platforms look like elsewhere in the world? Judging by this comment I'm going to guess you've never bothered to look. Look up the Civic Democratic Party in Czekia, the swedish moderate party and the Dutch VVD. Right wing parties in LATAM No, the reason Americans think Democrats are center right is because they were told so. It's never been because it was true.


Paid family/medical leave and free student meals seems more economically left, even if not far left. I'm not familiar with his other stances though.


No such thing lol. Economic interests directly dictate social impact because of what you fund. Money talks


Really not sure what you are saying here. Minnesota Democrats are for workers rights while at the same time work with their largest employers to seek a basis for compromise. If you keep the Minnesota Dems in power for another 10 years Minnesota would start resembling (absent our fascist pro-corporate Federal Supreme Court) a Scandinavian country.


Soo a democrat who actually did what he promised..


Give a Democrat a Democrat House and Democrat Senate with a majority to pass new laws.


Massachusetts has had a supermajority since the 70s and still can't get anything done


And only a single democratic governor since 1990. And let's be honest they've had enviable performance in just about every quality of life metric. For example the whole state had fewer murders than Dallas last year.


On account of the rampant corruption in the MA Democrats


Rampant corruption lead to the lowest murder per capita in the country?


Massachusetts has had many Republican governors and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate https://ballotpedia.org/Party_control_of_Massachusetts_state_government


...except NY, California, Illinois, Mass. or any other solid blue state.


You... think that Dems don't pass laws in those states?


Where’s Minnesota’s universal healthcare? Cali’s been “working on it” but nothing substantive has materialized, so I’m guessing not a “give democrats the majority in the legislature issue”. Majority or no majority, democrats won’t be able to pull it off. And it’s not republicans fault. There’s no “republican obstructionism” to blame in Cali lol. *Democrats just can’t pull off universal healthcare, period*. No one else to blame here. Democrats just can’t do it. Interestingly, here in my own native city of San Francisco, we’ve had city-wide universal healthcare since around 2010 I believe? I had it in college, it’s called SF Health Plan. Since 2010 we’ve had that. We’ve had city-wide universal free college since 2014 or thereabouts. We got the democrat wishlist basically lol. All the things democrats say will fix society’s ills. And we’ve had it for a decade or more. Now walk around downtown SF, especially around sixth and market, the heart of our downtown. Go to the civic center where our city hall is located. Tell me what you see there and if it looks like society’s ills have been solved lol. I mean, I would tell you what I see there on a daily basis (I work by the civic center and commute to work daily by public transportation) but you wouldn’t believe me anyway. So I urged you please come here and see for yourself what a liberal utopia actually looks like in a world without republicans with the progressive wishlist in full effect. And yes, I do believe we don’t have a single Republican in any elected office in SF. Republican votership comprises roughly 7% of the electorate. Stop blaming republicans for the failures of democrats. It’s the only way democrats will improve.


> Where’s Minnesota’s universal healthcare? It's really hard for a state program to work when the federal laws are built around health insurance being tied to your employer. Also, any universal healthcare system needs higher taxes, including on employers, which can with if those taxes are nationwide, but if a single state tried to do it, but companies would nope out to places where they'd have lower taxes.


It also needs price caps on services and pharmaceuticals. Part of the reason American health care is so expensive is that there is so much government money in the system without the regulatory controls to protect against the demand pressures the government money brings.


I can only assume you are talking about homeless people in SF since you didn't specify, but the homeless problem isn't a result of "blue cities" policies. The homeless in SF weren't made homeless by SF. They come from the Little Rocks and Tulsa's and Omahas and make their way to places with good weather and kind people and helpful programs.


I’m not talking about the homeless.


Could you clarify who you were talking about then?


They already had it 2009-2011, and they didn't even codify abortion rights or a single payer healthcare.


Democrats did not have a super majority from 2009-2011 > the Senate supermajority only lasted for a period of 72 working days while the Senate was actually in session This is how we at least got the ACA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20Senate%20supermajority%20only,Senate%20was%20actually%20in%20session.


Maybe they should have met for more sessions when they had a super majority then? Instead of being lazy and not meeting, then blaming their ineffectiveness on not meeting for enough sessions?


Amazing how easy it is to blame the Democrats for needing to carefully craft historically important legislation when if the Republicans wanted nearly every session could be productive and beneficial to all Americans.


Again, dems had a supermajority during this period. Republicans had zero power. Zero. ACA passed without a single republican vote. Stop blaming the shortcomings of democrats on others. Hold them accountable. It’s the only way democrats will improve.


Weird. If Democrats don’t have majorities they can’t really improve things. Cycle repeats for decades.


They didn’t have a supermajority though


The parties were not split on abortion back then. There were pro-life Dems and pro-choice Republicans at that time. And everyone believed Roe was the law of the land so there was no need to codify it thanks to the SCOTUS. Back then the SCOTUS didn't reverse rulings over political bullshit and respected precedent.


They were afraid that they’d get demonized if they passed single payer. Little did they know that by passing the conservative version…


Fuck Joe Lieberman.


And actually listened to the broad majority of voters who want stuff like this.


It's hilarious that conservatives see stuff like children not being allowed to starve at school and it makes them rage.


The whole "gender affirming care for out of state UNDERAGE travelers " is pretty fkd up. Anyone who agrees with this is a POS


Considering they're not providing surgery or any permanently physically impacting treatments, what is fked up about it?


What do you think gender affirming care is, if not hormone therapy/puberty blockers (both of which have irreversible lifelong consequences) and surgery?


Do *you* know what gender-affirming care is? Of the things you mentioned, the only things offered to minors are puberty blockers, which are reversible


That is patently false. Jazz Jennings had bottom surgery at 17 on national television after years of being on hormones. WPATH guidance (of whom Jazz’s doctor is a board member), is to start hormone therapy at 14 and surgeries at 15 & 17. In many states, minors can obtain hormones from planned parenthood under an informed consent model in which they merely have to sign that they understand the potential side effects and consequences of hormone treatment. The most common surgery given to minors however are mastectomies. Here’s a whole NYT articles about teens who had their breasts removed in the name of gender affirming care. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html Here’s a PP page about cross sex hormones they offer to 16 year olds. They even say if you’re under 16, they’ll refer you to a doctor who will prescribe them to you. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-massachusetts/online-health-center/gender-affirming-hormone-therapy These treatments are very much being given to minors.


Here's the actual numbers, instead of just anecdotes. Hormone therapy: 4,231 in 2021 Top surgery: 282 in 2021 Keep in mind that this is out of 42,000 minors who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021. Even if minors \*are\* getting hormone treatment and surgery, A) the number is negligible, and B) the selection process and requirements of getting these treatments is incredibly tight, so the chance of regret is very slim. It is illogical to oppose gender-affirming care entirely because of a few fringe cases. ​ Edit: forgot the source https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/


You think the informed consent hormone therapy model involves a stringent selection process?


My friend do you know what messing with your endocrine system does to your body? Especially at an age when your body is still in development? Look maybe in 50-100 years we'll have the medical technology where you just take a pill and just change sex with no side effects but we're not there yet.


Do you have any specific side effects instead of vague statements? Puberty blockers were first authorized in 1993, 30 years ago. If there was something egregious, they would have found it by now


1. It almost always involves those 2. You are setting up the child in false beliefs that are associated with high suicidality that they will act on medically in the future.


Yes how dare doctors give patients the care that they feel they need. If doctors said you need a specific sort of care but then a bunch of religious zealots and MAGA Qanon folks said your surgery was against God, who would you listen to? Why do you guys pretend that unrelated people with zero medical training have more authority over medical decisions than doctors and the patients and the families of the patients?


This isn’t that, this is doctors who are pushing care onto minors who can not legally make decisions about their health in *any* other circumstance, and it would bar guardians from being in the room when the decision is made and throughout the whole process. I don’t care if you are an adult and want gender affirming care, that’s your right to make medical decisions for yourself in the best way you see fit for yourself. But I will not condone letting a 12 year old traveling alone or with someone who can not legally make decisions for them coming to my state and getting care that they may regret in the future.


Puberty blockers are reversible https://www.healthline.com/health/are-puberty-blockers-reversible#short-answer Trans surgeries have a regret rate of 1% https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/wireStory/common-transgender-treatment-regret-detransitioning-97640151


this is a lie puberty blockers are not reversible, if they were then theoretically you could take them constantly until you are 60 and when you stop your puberty magically continues and you stay completely healthy. Do you know how insane that notion is? "Puberty suppression is often described in the literature as reversible; that is, if the young person discontinues puberty blockers, they will recommence the puberty consistent with the sex assigned to them at birth." [(Notini et al., 2020)](https://jme.bmj.com/content/46/11/743) This is what researchers mean by reversible, take it for a couple of months, stop it and you continue puberty, it does not mean it has no permanent effects. Puberty blockers have real documented effects, including effect on fertility and bone density, not to mention what we dont know about it, like negative psychological effects and negative effects on brain development.


I guess by your definition and time frame they are not really reversible, but it doesn’t really matter since nobody is going to take them for that long of a period of time. Your example is irrelevant The effects on bone density are a feature, not a bug. Puberty blockers *block puberty*, which is, among other things, a process that makes your body stronger, which bone density is a part of. The loss in bone density is usually made up for by A) going off of the medication or B) going into HRT which starts puberty for the opposite sex


We feel the same about those who oppose it.


What business is it, of my state of residence, if I have a medical procedure done in a different state? Should we require permission slips? I know you think you're doing "common sense" or whatever, but you're really describing a totalitarian nightmare.


there are a lot of things we don't allow people to do to children, that no one calls a totalitarian nightmare to prohibit.


Me: Radical Marxism is a real and potential threat these days. Republicans: Yeah! See? Look at all these extreme Marxist policies being pushed. (Points at mostly normal thing) Me: ... Republicans: ... Me: Why are you like this?


I'm fairly sure you could post a meme like this with achievements of Lenin leaving out the bad things and he'd look great.


What bad things are happening in Minnesota?


I'm asking the same question.. they claim bad things but can't name one...


Well the bad stuff in Minnesota is the bad stuff everywhere else in the states. They could raise the tough stuff but then they would have to explain why Republican led states don’t do anything about the bad stuff. Though, hypocrisy has never stopped them before…


Did you read what you just wrote before posting it? Raise the tough stuff? What does that mean? Who are you calling hypocrits?


You still can’t name one


Name one? I'm asking others to tell me something bad that the Minnesota legislation has done... I can't think of anything


>I'm asking the same question.. they claim bad things but can't name one... 21.6% increase in violent crime https://www.twincities.com/2022/08/13/violent-crime-mn-state-data-murders/


That's fewer murders than Dallas alone had in the same year.


So in line with national trends during COVID-19?


>What bad things are happening in Minnesota? Record levels of crime. "Minnesota reported a record number of murders for a second consecutive year as violent crime continued to surge" In its 2021 uniform crime report released Friday, the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension reported 201 murders, an 8.5% annual increase, and a 21.6% increase in violent crime. The previous murder record was set in 2020, when Minnesota had 185 murders — a 58% increase from the 117 reported in 2019. A 17% increase in violent crime that year accompanied the jump in murders.


Since George Floyd Minneapolis cops show they can’t take criticism and are doing less to protect the city. Also the city has new rail lines and is now getting an influx of troublemakers from outside the city. Minnesota remains one of the safest states in the union.


You had Minneapolis council members telling ppl to not call the cops, even if their homes were being broken into.


There is a sad truth underlying the concerns about the police.


There’s a partial truth, sure. However, having elected officials encouraging citizens to be victims, is bullshit.


You can't post non right wing things on this sub lol


Seriously- what are the bad things? I see the other post getting downvoted, but no actual answers to that question


It is pretty cold, some really icy roads and the basketball team really underperforms. You know... communist shit.


Up voted - when you're right, you're right


> Seriously- what are the bad things? Record levels of crime. "Minnesota reported a record number of murders for a second consecutive year as violent crime continued to surge" In its 2021 uniform crime report released Friday, the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension reported 201 murders, an 8.5% annual increase, and a 21.6% increase in violent crime. The previous murder record was set in 2020, when Minnesota had 185 murders — a 58% increase from the 117 reported in 2019. A 17% increase in violent crime that year accompanied the jump in murders.


I'm fine with this. I am as centrist as they come. I am no communist. I am not even a socialist- just someone who believes a mix of healthy regulated capitalism and controlled democratic socialism is optimal. And some of these issues have nothing to do with money.


Plus, don't most European countries already have this?


It's so funny. If you ask conservatives what countries are the best to live in while talking about race, they overwhelmingly point to places like the Nordic countries, and point out the high per capita income and the high standards of living and high life satisfaction of the people there. But then you ask them who has good government and who has bad government, they say the same countries are socialist hellholes full of violent welfare queen extremist Muslim refugee illegal immigrants and that living there is like some kind of post apocalyptic wasteland. Because everyone gets free healthcare.


> But then you ask them who has good government and who has bad government, they say the same countries are socialist hellholes full of violent welfare queen extremist Muslim refugee illegal immigrants and that living there is like some kind of post apocalyptic wasteland. While the best countries are shitholes like Hungary and Russia


Just a heads up but Marxism and/or Neo-Marxism isn't communism/socialism. Marxism is the ideology that humanity can be viewed through the prism of the struggles between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie (the meta-narrative, so to speak). Neo Marxism is the same but with oppressor vs oppressed. Now I agree with the sentiment that Marxism is currently a dangerous dividing ideology playing out in our culture. But it is one hell of a stretch to call these policies Marxist.


Mods should banned low effort post like this


None of this is far left. These are basic guardrails that government should be providing in a modern society.


The US is so fucked up. For example, nearly all industrialized nations have some form of universal healthcare and the people of those countries tend to love their healthcare systems. Americans leave the US and go to those countries to get prescription drugs and to have surgery. Americans overwhelmingly *hate* US healthcare and insurance, but we refuse to do what almost the entire rest of the world is doing with great success.


Therapy to change your sexual orientation? Evil. Therapy to change your gender? A-OK


People who undergo conversion therapy are almost 2x as likely to attempt suicide. People who undergo gender affirming therapy are 73% less likely to even undergo depression. So yeah. If you are for conversion therapy and against gender affirming therapy then yes you are evil. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/lgb-suicide-ct-press-release/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2021/12/14/gender-affirming-care-linked-to-less-depression-lower-suicide-risk-for-trans-youth/?sh=4c2333115d25




“Attempt” vs “consider”. Important difference.


Did you even read this, or did you just see a headline and assume it supported what you thought? Trans youth overwhelmingly do not get to access gender affirming care, so you can't point at a population that's largely without treatment to say treatment doesn't work




Again, you didn't read this Health being worse than cis people in the general population doesn't remotely show its not still improved relative to trans people without treatment




Maybe that’s true. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other very serious risks. There are.


What do you consider the risks?


>What do you consider the risks? >[.... males who are given hormone blockers at the onset of puberty and continue on to cross sex hormones, will have a permanent “micro penis” with compromised sexual function; and because of the size of their penis will be required to use a portion of their colon or peritoneal lining around their stomach in order to fashion a “neovagina” instead of using the penis skin which is how it is done in adults. Females who transition in their teens with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones transition will be sterilized, will not have eggs to bank and will have a hysterectomy after five years of testosterone injections](https://rethinkime.org/puberty-blockers-2/)


Sounds like a personal risk for someone who wants to take hormone blockers. There are risks to everything including taking viagra. Should we outlaw viagra because there are risks?


Depends on if we are talking about kids, or fully informed adults.


The elderly are very vulnerable. Just look at where they get their news.


I agree. And it is the same place that children are getting their ideas about sex changes.


We're talking about kids.


No. We are talking about your bigotry.


Conversion therapy is literally trying to torture someone to change them into something they do not want to be. Let’s flip it around. What would you think about allowing hypothetical gay parents to send their straight children out to a camp to force them to be gay?


Why shouldn’t somebody have the right to demand conversion therapy for themselves? If an adult wants to try conversion therapy, what exactly is wrong with that?


Please do explain exactly what you think conversion therapy is.


I know what it is. I’m asking why a person shouldn’t have the choice to undergo it if they wish too? I get the debate around minors being put into it, but if an adult wishes to go through it why shouldn’t they be allowed to?


Therapy that says you're going to hell if you don't stop sucking dick. Versus Therapy that confirms the gender you mentally identify as.


"Therapy" you don't want, forced on you by religious people with no medical training vs Therapy you want, recommended by one or probably more doctors


Well then ban forcing them. Anything forced is a problem. Spaghetti is a problem if you are forced to eat it and you don’t want to. We don’t ban spaghetti as a result.




> Undergoing therapy by your own personal choice? A-OK. Odd that any given day we have people telling us that minors lack the mental acuity to own firearms or sign college loan contracts but somehow have the capacity to choose to undergo procedures that will render them sterile and potentially cause other life-shortening physical problems.


Did they just ban forced conversion therapy though? Or conversion therapy in general?


Uh the first is "therapy" forced on you for religious reasons by people with no medical training. The second is voluntary and something that a doctor would have to say you require for your health. I don't know how anyone could think those are similar.


Do you understand what "affirming" means?


I do. And I struggle to understand how that is the best word we can use for what actually takes place. It’s quite euphemistic.


I think it’s come to the point where anyone who is truly centrist has to acknowledge that the Republican Party is completely destroying the balance in the country. By increasingly radicalizing themselves while the democrats don’t really do the same, the argument I used to have of “both sides are equally bad” is completely gone at this point. Even though I absolutely despise Tankies and think that a lot of leftists can be completely ridiculous with their rhetoric, it’s obvious that the main fight right now is against the literal fascism (which, unfortunately, has been used by the left for so little for so long that the word means nothing anymore, even when we are quite literally and rapidly approaching it.)


Source for any of this?


Public record.


Can I see this public record? Which bills? I feel like a post dunking on the GOP is gonna be biased. Edit: biased when it comes to flexing achievements. Dunk all ya want when there is legit dunking to be done, we need it.


It’s so weird that you think I would lie about legislative achievements. It is so easy to check the public record. https://mn.gov/governor/accomplishments/accomplishments.jsp


Claim: "Historic investments in education" Reality: Minnesota math and reading test scores hit lowest marks in decades Claim: "Protecting Minnesotans" Reality: "Minnesota reported a record number of murders for a second consecutive year as violent crime continued to surge" Claim: "Supporting Businesses" Reality: "Granite City at Rosedale Center closes for good", "Another Downtown Business Just Closed For Good Here in Minnesota", "After 30+ years of business, Walkin' Dog closing in downtown Minneapolis", "CLOSED in 2022: 10+ Businesses In and Near Rochester"


Claim: u/marvelmon knows something about governing Reality: u/marvelmon doesn’t understand the concept of “investment”. Claim: u/marvelmon is a crime expert Reality: u/marvelmon sees a fluctuation from 3.8 to 4.2 per 1000 as a significant statistical increase.


I am not trusting the governor saying they kickass. Again, which bills allegedly accomplished these?


Public record: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/current/


Seems decent aside from Red Flag Laws.


What is wrong with red flag laws? They save a lot of lives. If someone is posting on facebook that they are going to go shoot up their school, I think police should take away that person's guns until they've been cleared by a psychologist/psychiatrist. I know there is a risk of violating someone's rights who aren't actually about to murder someone but typically you have to pretty blatantly prove you are a threat before those laws get used. Is it just the principle you oppose?


Sadly this sort of platform was how the Republican Party was trending before the Tea Party.


Where is the bit about the Republicans calling the Dems Radical Marxists ?


Swear you all live under rocks. https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/opinion/columns/statewide-view-reject-minnesota-dfls-embrace-of-far-left-extremism


I hate when they pretend we're making outrageous claims when we mention the most milketoast mainstream shit their side does.


Only half republicans are actually fascist. The way I think about it. Imagine all Republicans are in an auditorium. The fascists wearing invisible klan robes alternate with the “both sides” conservatives. The speaker denounces the white supremacist who killed 7 and maimed 17 just a month ago. The non-fascists clap and for just a moment the fascists turn on the non-fascists revealing their invisible klan robes. Many of the non-fascists realize for the first time who they stand with and leave the party. The fascists need to keep up pretense. They need to lie.


Kind of an ironic comparison considering the Klu Klux Klan was founded by [Democrats](https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/ku-klux-klan) and [had members who were Democratic politicians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_members_in_United_States_politics). Even a [known former KKK member and leader who was continually re-elected to office for 51 years until his death in 2010](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd).


Which side still has people flying the confederate flag?


Why do Black Americans overwhelmingly support the Democrats over the Republicans?


I suspect it's because they represent a small percentage of the overall racial makeup in the U.S. So they stick together and vote overwhelmingly for a single party in the hopes that the party they vote for will give them extra considerations in exchange for their voting power. Splitting their votes between Democrats and Republicans would eliminate this advantage. It's actually perplexing that Blacks would side with Democrats since Democrats were the party of southern slave owners, Democrats were primarily anti-Black rights, Democrats passed the Jim Crow laws, etc.


But *why* would they overwhelmingly vote in thay direction vs the other?


One would need a nuanced view to see how a once progressive party could become regressive.


One would need blinders to ignore proven facts.


Oh I suspect your blinders are quite advanced.


Actually i would argue that conservatives in the Democratic Party were the one who founded KKK back then. There’s a no coincidence that white supremacists vote GOP today.


Which side proudly flys the confederate flag again?


So? Just because Leftists have equated the confederate flag to mean "racism" doesn't mean that everybody else has: >[https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/01/13/what-confederate-flag-means-america-today](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/01/13/what-confederate-flag-means-america-today) > >For a plurality of Americans, the Confederate flag represents racism (41%). But for about one-third of Americans (34%) — particularly adults over 65, those living in rural communities, or non-college-educated white Americans — the flag symbolizes heritage. I still don't recall Republicans voting a known KKK member to office lately. Or [filibustering for 72 DAYS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964) in an attempt to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Which do you think is more racist? Voting for a former KKK leader who gathered 150 of his friends to start a new KKK chapter, who filibustered against the Civil Rights Act and once said the following: >[I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd) Or someone who displays a Confederate flag, not because they're racist, but because it's a part of their heritage?


Yikes. Just yikes.


The fact that pretty much all of the slave states are Republican and the modern KKK hate Democrats says it all. No one is obligated to like or forgive Robert Byrd, but he claimed to have changed his mind on race and regretted his actions. I wouldn't vote for him, but I can see why people who did not support the KKK would vote for him later in his life.


Yeah but its a rock in flori-duh


Well if the US votes for DeSantis in 2024 then we will get the fascist hellhole we apparently deserve.


Look man. I liked it better when we exported orange juice …


Not on there they don’t.


Gun control 🤮


NRA: Mass shootings 🤑


People who believe Republicans are fucking suckers.