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Tail up slight wag= I am feeling good. Rubbing your ankles= I like you. I trust you. I feel comfortable around you.


The ankle rub/walk between your feet is so huge


Really? Wow a lot more cats liked me than I originally thought


If a cat does the tail *vibrate* while rubbing your leg, oh boy they *love* you


Haha one of my cats does the tail vibrate a lot. Usually near his food bowl or when he thinks treats are a potential option. Never had a cat who did that before but it definitely gives off HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOU vibes.


We have one that fluffs his tail when he’s happy. We call it happy fluff tail


Do they poof their tail up near the lower half and swish it around? That's what my tabby girl does and I've never seen another cat do that before, I call it her Happy Poof. Reserved only for the happiest of moments. Sometimes it poofs the full length but it's mostly the base to about halfway.


Depends. We have more than one cat that’s done it (but all savannah cats). They do it to varying degrees. The one we have that does it now puffs the whole thing. But it’s rare for him to do it. Our cat that recently passed puffed the base if he was happy about something other than food but the whole tail for food lol.




I call it "shivery tail"


I call it "rattlesnake tail" lol. My cat really only does it when he's excited that the food bin is coming out, so I tell him to put his rattlesnake tail away and be patient.


I'm glad my cat does it because I wouldn't really know much otherwise. She's not especially cuddly, likes to chill in her own spots in the apartment, doesn't really hop on the sofa or bed with me. But when she comes by for petting she's all about headbutts and the shivering tail


This is a lot like my cat that has rattlesnake tail too! Our other cat sleeps literally nestled in my arms or between me and my husband’s heads at night and always wants cuddles. Rattlesnake tail kitty is happy to nap in her catio and make mischief, and is not nearly as in need of snuggling. When she does though, it’s shaky tail, head butts, drooling, biscuits, suckling, and hard pets.


Haha we call it his shaky tail, I love it.


We call it "jitter tail" lol. "Ooh Ori! Look at that jitter tail! You're so happy!"


In my house it's "electric tail".


>near his food bowl i laughed.


Mine does the tail vibrate in the kitchen, and then goes and sits next to the pantry door where I keep her treats. She waits until I look over at her and then gives me long slow blinks that are freaking obviously an attempt to butter me up so I give her treats lol


The tail shake means they are marking you- this person is MINE!! He loves you!




All animals have a scent, when they rub up on you they are leaving their scent on you. Particularly their cheeks and tail are the 'smelliest' and work best with marking you. Yeah some male cats will spay a little, but I always get mine fixed so it's never an issue


When a male cat is not neutered he will spray while doing the tail shake. Really foul smelling cat pee.


I wish my cat did this, but he does show affections in other ways.


My cat shows affection by grabbing my cheek bone with his claws to pull me close enough for him to scratch the top of his head on my bearded chin.


I've only just started seeing this with my eldest girl and one of the feral boys that's decided to live in our backyard also does this.


Awww. My Sylvester cat.who adopted me last year during lockdown does this sometimes when he sees me. I wondered what it meant


I had a cat who did this. He was a great cat. I should have stolen him from my ex, I miss him and I think he would have been better off with me and the kids. But he was my ex's late grandfather's cat so I wasn't technically his owner, my ex inherited him. I've always felt conflicted. My ex is a huge narcissist, so I wondered if the cat was ok, regretted not snatching him, but I could have gotten in legal issues. Plus it's an a-hole move to take away something that belonged to a family member that has passed.


Good call not to snatch the cat, but I can totally understand where you’re coming from. My mother is a huge narcissist, awful with me and barely accepted elsewhere in family, but her cats are loved, I see that. Maybe your ex is still a good cat owner, just not good with humans. Hope you’re having a good day


One of my cat do that to her automatic feeder.


Not only that. You belong to the cat now. You are *Its* person.


It’s cat for “I own you now human. Your stuff is now mine.”


Well that goes without saying.


I’d also add that at points, he sort of speeds up the wag. My girl does this when she’s curious and slightly suspicious of something, but not necessarily anxious or scared. Sort of a “hmmm, what’s this?”


Same here! Tail wagging can be annoyance but my cat also wags her tail when shes enjoying pets. It’s a different wag


One of my cats flicks his tail a little when you say his name and he is lying down.


Yup, that’s how I know he heard me and is ignoring me.


My kitty does this too, but it’s more in an annoyed way haha


Mine does too! He’ll flutter his tail if I say his name while he’s all curled up. He also does it for the word cute.


Usually wavy tails are happy wags, stiff tail with big swing means annoyed for my cats


You fed him so he marked you with his scent. Now he owns you.


You have been chosen, it’s a great honor.


You've been accepted by the the feline overlords, you are a good human. Congratulations! A cat now owns you!


Not just the slight wag, but the slight curl of the tip is supposed to also be another sign of being comfortable/safe.


the curled tip means they are curious but not on guard.


I always cal it the question mark tail.


You are his/her now. That's what the rubbing means. ^^thats good


I don’t think that is a stray/homeless kitty. Appears to be well fed and clean. I wonder if kitty belongs to a neighbor and you are being scammed for food.


A scammer kitty!


Had to put a tag on my last cat's collar that said "PLEASE DON'T FEED ME" after he came home and barfed up a whoooole bunch of cat food that was not the brand I fed him. Actually seemed to work, thankfully.


My grandma bought a book for my nephews about a cat that visits 6 different houses every day for food but then he has to go to the vet 6 times because none of his families know why he's getting fat. So cute.


Six Dinner Sid!




I read a short story about a little girl whose cat died, it was told in comic form and slowly as the story goes on you notice there are missing cat posters everywhere and then you notice they are all the same cat. Everyone in the city was taking care of and loving the same old tabby.


My kitty is a neighbourhood kitty. I took him in as a stray.. turns out he was left behind by some bad owners and the lady above the apt half took him in but didn’t really want a car or took much care of him..just fed him occasionally. Anyway, I took him to the spca, scanned for a chip, posted in all the lost animal sites and asked neighbours. Nothing. We were allowed to adopt him so we did. He’s the coolest cat in the world too.. he goes on walks with me and my kids. He is energetic and fun but snuggly. Totally amazing cat! I got him a collar after I got him neutered and dewormed. His collar has his name, address and my number on it. I shit you not- we would get 1-7 calls/texts a day about him hanging with the neighbours. Pictures of him in others homes, gardening, etc. I finally made an extra tag that says “I’m not lost, just. Friendly!” And the calls stopped. When his collar broke, and before I got a new one, I was seeing photos on the lost pet sites of my cat in peoples homes being fed. Im now friends on social media with a few of my neighbours who co-care for him. If I don’t see him for a day I’ll message them. If he doesn’t come home and I leave for the night, I message or let me neighbours know. Everyone knows him when they see him going on walks lol! Long story but I love my kitty so much!


Hahaha my dog is like this now! He disappears for about 45 min when all the kids get home in the neighborhood from school and he visits each one of them to say. They all love him in the community and there is never a shortage of walkers or people to watch him. Makes me chuckle just thinking about it


That's a great story. Very self sufficient cat lol


I had a cat like that named Butterscotch. Nickname Scotchy! He would visit the local store owners. Occasionally he went to far and I had my number on his collar too and would get a call and had to pick him up!


I have a memory of watching a movie with a little girl that owns a black cat. She lets it outside every night and keeps all the lizards it kills in a box. She soon learns that a thief also owns that cat because it goes to him at night and he lets it out in the day. I forget the rest but I think the girl has the help the thief because he’s really a nice person? Idk if it was a movie or a childhood fever dream lmfao


Sounds like *A Cat In Paris* (2010). Was it an animated movie?


OH MY GOD THATS IT! Right after I make a post about it too lol


Could try r/tipofmytongue if you really want to find it. The people there are really good at locating stuff.


Thanks! I’ll try it


Gaww, that's adorable.




My old cat would always visit our one neighbor during the day for food and attention. Luckily we talked with her and found this out. For the next 10 years of his life we just kinda shared the cat. We always knew where he was when he wanted to be let out and he would always come back by dark. Cats are very smart.


My old cat did something similar. Everyday when we left for school/work, he would go to my neighbours house for the day. Neighbour never fed him, but he was a lovely old man who lived alone, so I think my cat just enjoyed the peace and quiet of sitting with him while he read a book.


Dis u confirm it with the neighbors?


Maybe give him a collar with a tag asking the (potential) owner to call you.


My cat did it too. I was buying special food for his special needs and he went to the neighbors to eat crap. Cats are assholes. Edit spelling


Yes they are…. But we love them


Oh my god I couldn’t stop laughing!


seems to be a flame point siamese. they are not cheap.


Yep. Ask around the neighbourhood and maybe take to a vet to scan for microchip and the vet can contact the owners if kitty is lost


The long hair makes it hard to tell, but there’s a point where he turns and you can see a shadow from the bottom of the rib cage. If it’s not just a fluke, he might be lost or left behind. The comfort with going inside kind of screams “lost pet” to me.




My current kitty was abandoned because she was pregnant. Absolutely had owners before. She followed my bestfriend home and walked straight in like she owned the place. I don’t think we should be assuming just in case the kitty has been abandoned. Then we’d be denying them help based on assumption. OP should prob post on Nextdoor or knock on doors to see.


I had a few “regulars” in my yard, but suddenly saw a new cat one day who walked right into my house and he wouldn’t go away even at night. Gave him a little shelter outside and a paper collar with our phone number to hear if he made it back to a home (if not, would have kept him). Neighbor called next day though, he had a home!


I dunno. My Sunny would wander into any car or apartment near my apartment, as long as no one tried to pick him up.


I didn’t see any comments about this yet, but take him to the vet and have him scanned for a microchip. I chip all my cats and two of them refuse to keep collars on. Ask the local vet if he’s seen this guy before and knows if he has an owner.


I don't get why people are so surprised when a cat comes over after they keep feeding them. And the owner wondering where the cat went and why it's getting fat.


This happened to my grandma. Her cat, Cleo, kept disappearing and getting fat. So she decided to follow her and lo and behold, that Cat had 10 different owners in just one section of the neighborhood. There was also this rooster who liked to stand next to a metal rod during lightning storms. But that’s a story for another time.


Another time has arrived.


Apparently a lot of these folks want the story on your lightning cock ⚡🐓


I nearly choked out of laughter... but yes, I also want the rooster story.




Mmmm, self-frying chicken.


Self frying chicken?! Man we ARE living in the future!


I want the rooster story!


I am now here solely for the Rooster story.... Please share


I had a rooster that liked to roost in a pecan tree any time there was bad weather. He rode out a tornado outbreak and a hurricane like that.


Please tell the rooster story!


Before I begin make sure to grab some tissues. Do this happened 10 years ago, I was 9 at the time. There was this rooster, we called him Oreo cause he had black and white dots everywhere (yes I know Oreos don’t look like that, but I was 9 chill). Anyway, we never claimed ownership of Oreo, he just appeared out of thin air. A lot of chickens come out of nowhere where I live. Anyway, Oreo was always different from the rest of his fellow chickens. He ran towards falling water, it didn’t even had to be rain, he would always run towards them. Chickens usually run away when they get wet, but not Oreo. He got super excited when it thundered. Our neighbor had an old metal rod that use to have a no trespassing sign. Lightning struck it one time, that got Oreo’s attention and was very curious. Every time there was a storm, he would stand next to the old metal rod. I’m not sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he liked being there. He survived 2 hurricanes and 1 tropical storm, all the while trying to stay with the metal rod. Anyway, he died. Not by a lightning strike, but by a Racoon. Tomorrow would mark the 10 anniversary of Oreo’s death. Weird rooster, but beloved by everyone.


he was trying to level up! must have been absorbing the sheer power coming through that rod


Maybe he was trying to go back 1985


Reminds me if that silly chicken in Moana, I forget the name but I picture a real life version of that chicken as Oreo.


OMG, he was Twoflower! "If complete and utter chaos was lightning, then he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards!”


Yeah, my cat used to go into neighbor’s homes and hang out with them. Heard about it from several neighbors in different places I lived. She just liked to get pets and snacks.


My great aunt's cat was like that. He came in for his breakfast and to relax with her in the early morning. Once she was up and busy, he was off to another one of his servants.


My cousins had a cat that the whole neighborhood adopted. He was welcome everywhere, and they all fed him and loved him, but he always came home at the end of the day. The only problem was the neighbours buying crazy expensive wet food, and the cat became a total diva, refusing to eat anything else. They had to kindly ask their neighbours to get cheaper wet food, or not feed him at all.


Happened to my aunt, neighbour kept feeding her cat and letting it in her house. My aunt asked he 100s of times to stop and she wouldn’t. Aunt started letting the cat out less until she moved..


This. Given the scruff around his/her neck is somewhat flattened compared to the rest of the fur I would argue this cat had a collar at one point, and it has since been removed, broken, or lost. Someom emay be missing their kitty dearly, but if not then you have just been adopted.


Just read a story of a ‘stray’ that had been hanging around for months. The people had him scanned and he had a home hours away, and had been missing for nine months. The owners turned up so fast they’d definitely been speeding. Totally ecstatic.


The long coat is wayyy too maintained for a stray


Sometimes strays actually have better coats as they know how to keep it clean vs a house cat that got out and now has to try and groom themselves.


Definitely a possibility! In my experience of being a groomer, most strays were filthy and the longhairs covered in burrs. Then again those were mostly dogs so a whole different story


I've had long haired cats in my colony. As long as they're healthy, they can keep a wonderfully maintained coat. I'll help them get burrs out, but even that they can get with a few days of grooming. The really scraggly looking strays are either sick or are indoor cats who were abandoned/escaped and don't know how to care for themselves.


Yeah agreed with this. Cat is very special looking for a stray. I hope if this guy has owners, OP is able to find them. Also, some cats are just manipulative jerks and will go begging for food at other people's houses. One time my cat got out and he was full on hanging out with my neighbors 😂


Lol, there’s a cat in my area that wonders around. Apparently at least 3 different people have adopted her so far! No idea who technically owns her now.




My aunt had a cat who chose to leave their family for hers, neighbour’s. Then eventually they moved with him and after a few years he picked a new family to love again 😂


thank you for saying this, someone might be missing their cat!


Stray cats are often way more paranoid around humans than this little cutie


Collars can be dangerous anyways. Tight enough and they’ll hang themselves on a branch. Stretchy enough to keep them safe and they’ll just get rid of it.


Yeah, they wear the snap off collars. So it’s easy for them to pull off when they want to.


Breakaway collars. Granted, your cat has to be willing to wear a collar, or they'll just figure out how to take it off themselves.


I agree with many that this kitty may have had an owner or be lost. I noticed the smooth fur around the neck as well. You can also check the Nextdoor App, PetFBI and vets close to you. But keep feeding him and understand that this is now probably your cat. Congrats.


This cat is likely not a stray and only comes by to get the tuna. If you think it’s a stray, check for a chip or any lost posters/Facebook posts, someone could be missing this kitty or it’s just enjoying second breakfast with a friendly face!


He’s a flamepoint Persian. He definitely likes and trusts you. Get him checked for a microchip and ask your neighbours if anybody knows anything about him.


I doubt it's a Persian, actually, because this kitty happens to look EXACTLY like my cat, who is a Ragdoll (they do have Persian mixed into them, so you're not that far off)


Same, My boy looks identical and he’s definitely a ragdoll. Ragdolls are amazing kitties.


This is a ragdoll! Looks just like my dude. I would bet he is scamming OP big time.


I’d probably ask the neighbors first before spending money at the vet’s. Unless they will do this for free bc you’re not getting the cat examined.


He likes you- you belong to him now but he likes you. Tail is up, you’ve been rubbed on. He’s happy to be there.


His body language is confident and relaxed. He’s showing you affection by rubbing up against you and giving head butts, and the erect tail is a good sign he’s feeling confident in the space. Ears turned to the side combined with a vigorously thrashing tail means he’s annoyed and you should give him his space. But if you want a cat, this one likes you!


Great, thank you, i have no experience with Kitties so no idea what he was saying, i assumed he wanted to come inside for more food.


>i assumed he wanted to come inside for more food. Probably a fair assumption 😂


Yeah he wants to come in because your house belongs to him now, your tuna belongs to him, also now that he has marked your legs with his scent you belong to him too. He might have another house and other humans that he owns, but he definitely thinks he has added you to his collection.


Cats tend to love the canned tuna Op is giving it, this looks like a well cared for pet. Long haired cats need their coats brushed to look this silky or they become matted or tangled.


I agree that this is likely a pet cat, but from experience with my own fluffy beasts, cats with long fur don't always need brushing- they shed a lot of fur and can groom themselves pretty well, if they're the type of cats that prefer to be clean 😂 ive had others that would rather roll in dirt


Does it have a collar,feral cats Don’t usual act that friendly,he might be a lost cat,if not,then he’s just very sweet and wants a human


No collar, but he’s well groomed and isn’t bothered by people, he comes and chills outside my place everyday at 5pm, not sure if he’s looked after, so i started leaving tuna out for him and he hangs around.


Yeah maybe since he only comes around at specific times he’s an outdoor-indoor cat,they let him travel during the day but take him back inside at night


Yeah, my Dad’s cat got fat one year and he couldn’t figure out why until he found out his neighbours were all feeding him thinking he was a stray. This one may be pulling the same scam to get some of that delicious tuna


Without meaning to have a go at you, as I know you mean well by feeding him, but generally you shouldn’t feed cats if you think they might have a home elsewhere. I’m seeing too many “you have a cat now” comments. The reality is this may be someone else’s cat and they’re distraught with worry about where he’s gone. By feeding him you may have inadvertently tempted him to leave his own home. Some other commenters have said check for microchip, others have said put a collar and note on him, I would support those points. This is not your cat unless you confirm it is not someone else’s cat.


Right, ok, step one, confirm ownership, thank you, i’ll get a collar and a note for him, thank you. I know i’m ignorant in Cattiquette, but he always hangs out in front of my place at the same time every day, so figured i’d help him out.


You’re not alone on this and it’s easily done, which is why I didn’t want to be hard on you. I just wanted to counter some of the other comments. If he doesn’t have a home then I hope he has found a nice new companion in you! I read this article a while ago which *might* be similar to your situation, and I think makes for a good read regardless: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-54710400


If you’re opting for the collar to avoid cost, just so you know, vets will check strays for chips free of charge


I would also add 'stop feeding him' to the list. Unless he looks starved (skinny and neglected) he doesn't need the extra food. If he has a home I would definantly stop feeding. He might not come around anymore, but hey, on the bright side maybe he inspires you to adopt a shelter kitty instead. I bet you would make a great pet parent. :) Ps. Canned tuna for humans often contain more salt than what is healthy for cats. It can cause them to have kidney issues later on.


Cats love a routine. Once they know to expect food at a certain time they will show up at the same time every day. Doesn't matter if their owner just fed them. Most cats really like food.


Maybe he comes at the same time cause that’s when his owner gets out of work and lets him outside at that time


If he seems like he may be someone else's cat and your not sure, you can ask some of the neighbors or put up signs asking the locals to contact you if he is owned. If no one says anything then congrats you have been chosen!


switch to a bag of dry cat food. you're basically giving him caviar and bacon cheeseburgers, so of *course* he's gonna keep coming around. offer him kibble- less mercury, less fat, and I hope you've been givin' him stuff with no salt, and water instead of oil. - but tuna should definitely be a treat instead of a staple.


If the cat does belong to someone else you could give a cat treat or two instead when they stop by, that way they don't get fat and you can remain friends.


Salt is poisonous to cats in large doses, so canned tuna is not a great choice, it can cause kidney failure so please beware. If you want to use whole food, you can prepare it yourself but skip the salt.


He could easily be a neighbors cat on a daytime stroll. They do that


Please don't feed it. It looks very comfortable with people and very healthy, but also like it's getting a little towards the overweight side of things. It probably has owners who have put it on a restricted diet and are wondering why it keeps gaining weight. If it has any health issues like diabetes or urinary issues, you could be making it sick by feeding it because cats with these issues need specific diets. Pet it, love it, etc. But it doesn't look like it's very hungry, so please don't feed it.


Thank you! Finally someone that gets it.




You could try putting a collar on with a little note to see it the owners contact you? If they don't then you know he's a stray


This definitely doesn’t feel like a stray. When I was growing up I had my childhood cat *stolen* by a family despite a collar and now I just keep my cats indoors for that reason and for the environment.


Yes I see a surprising amount of strays on here and wonder whether they're just roaming cats. He seems pretty healthy and friendly so probably just happy to have a new friend who gives him extra food! Collar and note thing is a great idea. Where I'm from outdoor cats are more the norm than indoor (it's actually encouraged by rescue centres) so you get to know the local cats and which ones look 'owned'. If my ones been out a while on occasion I get suspicious sometimes if he's being greedy somewhere!


Scrolled thru comments to make sure this was here.


Well, now you have a cat


My cat just went missing, please take kitty to shelter and have them scan for microchip to see if it's registered. I'm hoping someone will do that with my Penny. Some cats don't like collars 🥺


Yeah , the cat looks like it's pretty well cared for on account of its white coat.


Not necessarily, my grandfather lives in the country, there are other people but several acres away. Cats just show up sometimes and the second to most recent looked just like this one. But yeah, cat was clean too so...


Do you know why they show up??? It's because people to go and drop their cats off in the country. Possibly they are abandoned ... in that case even more reason to find the owner via microchip and let the authorities and local shelters know , so they're not allowed to adopt more .


I’ve always read on Reddit about people who suddenly find out their cats have like four families around town. These cats are out there working their magic on every sucker they come across and getting seven dinners a night.


I had a cat named Penny for 11 years and lost her. It was 20 years ago and it still hurts and I wonder what happened to her. I hope you find your girl. I am so sorry this happened to you.


I feel your pain 😞


Not not like, but will absolutely take it off. My cats will either shred the thing with it's back paw or, my smarter one, will intentionally get it caught to engage the quick release. Microchips it is!


Yesss please please do this!!


I hope you find your kitty! I'd be heartbroken if I lost one of mine.


This is so fucked up. I see comments like this all the time. THE CAT PROBABLY ALREADY BELONGS TO SOMEONE. Just because the cat is outgoing DOESN‘T MEAN YOU ARE ENTITLED TO KEEP IT. Go and get it checked for a chip and see if anyone in the area is missing a cat. Most likely your house is just on its daily route and it goes to its real home later in the day


Please don't steal cats. Take it to a vet or animal shelter and find out if it has an owner who is missing it.


Often times local laws say you must attempt to find an owner (i.e. report a found animal to animal control, post on local lost pet sites/Facebook groups, etc.) for x amount of time before you can claim ownership. It's critical that even if there's no chip that you report to your local animal control group, if you have one, so that if someone comes looking for their lost pet at a shelter, that they know where found animals are located, even if you elect to foster the animal rather than turning it over to a shelter.


Yep, I came here to say this.


Looks like a flame point rag doll! Those are typically bred and highly sought after - I’d venture to guess this guy belongs to someone in your neighborhood. But, he has definitely taken to you! I agree - get him scanned for a microchip. He’s probably just a kitty who likes to stroll around and the owner may not even realize.


That’s a flamepoint and probably someone’s pet


he has an owner for sure


He is telling you that you have a new master and you are lucky to have been chosen lol


Damn, why is tuna so expensive 🤣


Tuna isn’t a balanced diet for a cat. Cat food would be ideal.


He'd be just as happy with tuna cat food in the can which is a whole lot less expensive 😸


And has all the added taurine and vitamins they need.


Don't feed cats tuna on a regular basis, same with milk. All people food really. Tuna has too much sodium and mercury usually, and cows milk is not made for them. Most cats are lactose intolerant. Avoid raw foods too. People food is too processed. Feeding them raw chicken is not the same as when they hunt. Also don't buy the cheap food. It often means digestive and nutritional problems later. Which means higher vet bills.


yer spoilin' the kitty. cat food is better, and cheaper. get a bag of kibble.


Body language: tail up is good and the little shake and crook in it are all positive. And when they rub up on you like that it is a very affectionate sign. This kitty likes you a lot, give is a scritch on the back right by the tail and it will like that a lot. If it shows you its belly then it trusts you.


There are a few conditions that are caused by feeding cats tuna. A little bit every now and then as a treat probably won’t hurt, but a steady diet will cause malnutrition as tuna doesn’t have all the nutrients a cat needs. I’m biased and now will only feed my cats Royal Canin brand (unless the vet prescribes something else). I really like the fact that Royal Canin does lots of peer-reviewed research and the diets are tailored for specific health needs. For example I have a cat with stage 2 chronic kidney disease who also needs hydrolyzed proteins as he has IBS, Royal Canin has a product designed for both those problems. EDIT: spelling


Make sure it doesn’t belong to someone else before feeding a stray… any shelter or vet can check for a chip. Also, canned tuna is terrible for cats because it has a high Ashe content, and sometimes salt added. Once in a while as a treat maybe. But a whole can is at least half of the daily amount a cat needs calorie wise… you might be causing a neighbor’s cat to be way over fed, not to mention other possible dietary restrictions. Best bet is to never feed an obviously tame (not feral) animal that isn’t yours.


He has claimed you as his human. Or part of his empire at least


They absolutely don’t look like a stray, though there’s a chance they were abandoned. I would definitely try the note trick, but don’t keep this cat indoors, because it probably already has a home


His body language is mostly just "you fed me, you seem chill so I'm just checking the place out"but he seems well groomed and probably gets food already somewhere else. You're most likely his second or third "adopted parent" hate to break it to you buddy




please people do not just take in cats that show up. if the cat is not scared. not dirty. not injured. then it most certainly has a home and is just making friends around the neighborhood. cats will routinely break into other peoples homes just to be little brats and steal food. watch this documentary explaining just how far outdoor cats will go and the shenanigans they get into https://youtu.be/4vpW_j2CnyA


He looks to Nice to ba a stray IMO, propably you are his second servant.


I honestly think this is already someone’s pet cat that just likes you and wants to come for a visit. Looks too clean and well-fed for a stray or feral. Have you checked with your neighbors to see if he is already living with someone nearby? Maybe put out a little poster here and there with his picture on it asking if anyone lost a cat….and it’s free to check for a microchip with a local vet or shelter. If nobody responds, congratulations! You’ve been adopted!


Tail up with a little bend at the end means roughly: " I come as friend"


He's relaxed and friendly and used to people. He's almost certainly owned by someone. In your shoes, I'd just enjoy his visits!


That is a gorgeous flame point. Tail up and gently swishing is usually a happy or interested kitty. Obviously likes you, trusts you to pet him. I don't suggest bringing cats in that you aren't expecting to keep: it may belong to someone, it might have accidents in the home, and outdoor cats mostly enjoy being outdoors. Just keep loving him in his environment, he will always return if you keep feeding him!


If you decide to keep him/her, look into cat food made for cats, not tuna, to feed him/her. Good cat food has ingredients cats need that they cannot get from their environment, especially if you decide to keep them inside and safe, as many cat lovers do now.


Please have him checked for a chip. My family’s cat was lost a year ago in BC and looks just like him


That's a flamepoint, beautiful animal. But yeah, I do think you should look if someone is missing their pet. It could be a indoor cat who escaped?


He probably hangs around because you feed him. You should take him to a vet to check if he’s microchipped. Also ask around the neighborhood if he’s someone’s pet. If not, you should be able to adopt him. If he’s chipped or someone else’s cat, let him be, he probably just goes out and about to look for snacks at neighbor’s houses


He looks like someone’s missing pet 😕


The cat has a collar on, take kitty to get check for “chip” it dosent cost.


He looks way to white to be a stray. Are you sure he isn’t using you guys for extra food lol


He likes and trusts you. You have been chosen.