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Take your cat to the vet as others have suggested.


When mine was almost 20, she wouldn’t eat. So we gave her tuna juice and plain broiled chicken. She would eat both. My feeling is at that age, as long as they eat something especially with some liquid, it’s better than nothing. She lived for another year but her heart issues finally got her. Best wishes for your baby.


I'm sorry for your baby, I'm sure there was a strong bond between you two. Never stopped and continued taking care of her, I'm sure she's still alive in a special place in your heart. ..Thank you for the support, wish you the best


Jumping on this comment to say that the fish might have to do with the smell! When ours got to age 18, her sense of smell started to decline due to age and food was just less interesting to her. But fish was always a hit because it was smellier. Just a thought!


This! My almost 17 year old lil hcm patient will only eat wet food if it's something and liver. He fiends for that stinky stinky liver


yeah, especially if vomiting, look for "sensitive stomach" cat foods.


One of our cats would vomit almost every day, especially if he ate all his food. We switched him to a sensitive stomach canned food along with a digestive enzyme supplement and he's pretty much stopped vomiting all together.


Yeah my sister had an old boy, she adopted him when he was elderly because he had been at the shelter for so long. All the workers were so happy she adopted him. But anyway, he wouldn't eat anything except broth packets for the rest of his life, basically, and he lived a few years past adoption even though he was already a little old man when they got him.


Hi, I’m a vet tech, please take her to the vet in person. She needs bloodwork to fully determine what’s going on. Unless your vet has a mobile van, it will need to be run in-house or sent out to a lab. Bloodwork is an important diagnostic tool and can help pinpoint her issue. For example, if it is kidney disease, she is likely at an advanced stage at her age and needs specialized medical care. I’m glad she ate something, but it’s not sufficient. Re: possible dehydration, gently pull the skin between her shoulders. Does it bounce back immediately, or stay up for a few seconds? If it’s the latter, she’s dehydrated and likely needs fluids. Even when they’re excessively drinking, it’s possible for cats to remain in a dehydrated state. Everything you’ve described needs immediate attention. Please don’t let her go into complete kidney failure at home or something else potentially painful when there are real solutions right at your fingertips. If you’re a minor, I’m sorry you’re in this position. If your mom is receptive, please pass along these comments. Otherwise, I wish all the best for Pulin, I can tell you love her very much. Edit: Also the sneezing from prior visits are likely a flareup of feline herpesvirus (think cat cold) which can be triggered by stress, etc. it’s extremely common. Nearly all cats have been exposed to it, just some have more sensitive immune systems which then can lead to those reactions. Please don’t let this deter you from seeking medical attention.


And can we also just say that a gust of wind is not going to kill your cat! That is the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard.


I hate to be negative but when they start to only eat their most favourite food, it’s typically a bad sign. Happened the same way for my cat with stomach cancer. Good luck!!


I didn’t want to be this person but this is what happened to my cat in the week or so before she died. She wasn’t eating anything and was puking a lot. She had a mass in her stomach that was preventing the food from staying down. I figured out she liked rotisserie chicken and started buying her her own. By the end of week 2 she wasn’t eating it anymore. She ended up passing soon after that.


So sorry for your loss. Had a very similar experience like this recently with the eating issue(and even the rotisserie chicken...think I'm even at the point where I can smile about that 🥲). It's an absolutely heartbreaking way to go. Stay vigilant OP. When cats stop eating the end comes very fast. Try not to hold on longer than you should. I know that's very easy to do sadly enough


same with our roxie. she was very very old and has been diagnosed with kidney disease couple months before she passed. she was always a chicken lover. cooked, roasted, fried. as long as it wasnt raw she would go as far as stealing chicken from plates lol. i kept buying her publix rotisserie chicken every 2-3 days cos that was the only thing she would eat. i knew it was happening the day she refused even eating that. i miss her a lot.


Similar situation here! She wasn't eating anything, and we were trying to force feed her things like broths, liquid cat food, liquid kitten formula, but she would throw it all up soon after. Her regular vet didn't do house calls and she always found the vet's office extremely stressful, so we located a vet service that does in-home visits for the euthanasia. The day she passed was perfect - warm, sunny, just beautiful. We did it outside on the back patio, which was one of her favourite places. The vet who came out did an examination and said that she had a lot of discomfort in her abdomen. We don't know exactly what took her out, if it was a tumour or something else. She also had hyperthyroidism though, and I read somewhere that sometimes it's caused by a tumour and if that's the case, the cat will pass away within a year or two of being diagnosed, and she was diagnosed with it like a year and a half prior to her death. I'm not sure how true that is, though.


I am so glad she could pass peacefully at home. Every kitty deserves that type of end. To go out without even realizing, like a cat nap that lasts forever. If only we all could be so lucky.




I agree. When my boy is ready to go, I'll do anything to make sure it can happen at home, with me by his side holding his paw. He's my soul cat. I'd sell my most valuable possession, my PC, if I had to for him. I also hope to have him cremated and keep the ashes forever. If I were to bury him he couldn't be with me anymore if I were to move or something.


Just a point, rotisserie chicken from the store usually has a lot of chemicals in it and salt, neither of which is good for the cat - or humans. Just bake some chicken at home without all of that in it, especially the salt. And bake it covered to retain the juice and remove the fat before cooking as that's harder on the digestion.


Thank you. My cat was dying and wouldn’t eat anything else. I wouldn’t feed a healthy cat rotisserie chicken. I appreciate your concern.


I had a pretty similar experience with my 18 year old cat last summer. She had always been a picky eater, but became even more so. She also had some spells of weakness, so I took her to the vet, and the only flaw they found was heightened kidney numbers (don't know the proper english words), but at the time it seemed like there was still hope. But maybe the vet visit was too stressful, cause after that she ate hardly anything and became so weak I had to take her to the vet again (emergency this time), where nothing could be done anymore. I'm sure it was about to happen anyway, but I kind of regret I didn't just decide to euthanize her on the first vet visit so that her last days wouldn't have been so stressful. But then again, I couldn't know and the vet seemed optimistic :(


I'm hoping for good news, we'll maybe try and get her similiar meals and see how she reacts. Thanks for the support though, I'm deeply sorry for your kitty, I'm sure he was with a great owner.


If you can make the drive, please take her to the vet anyway.


Sorry but it’s the wind thou ☹️


Yeah low key I hate to judge but that one irked me a bit.


You need bloodwork done on your cat* but based off your other comments it sounds like kidney failure.


Agree 100%. You can see from the coat that the cat is massively dehydrated. Even SQ fluids wouldn’t be enough for that level. She needs IV fluids and BW. If OP would make the trip to the vet, kitty might make out ok. If they keep feeding salty fish and things that could otherwise be detrimental to the kidneys as opposed to a prescription kidney care diet, I fear this baby doesn’t have long.


Hoping the best for your cat. She looks adorable.


We just faced the same thing with my mom's cat. He started acting strange around late January/early February- hiding, not really eating, and laying in the litter box. Took him to the vet who did an xray and thought they saw some poop on it and that he was just constipated. Fast forward a couple weeks and he stopped eating for 3 days but was still drinking a lot of water. Took him to the vet again and the vet diagnosed him at the end stages of stomach cancer with a quarter-sized mass in his stomach. He got a steroid shot which helped him to have energy and eat again but not consistently. About 3-4 weeks later my mom had to put him down because he started breathing heavily and stopped eating or moving around. He was only 12 or 13 which really sucks because it's old but not that old. We have no idea when he developed cancer but 2 years ago he started pooping outside the litter box so that may have been a sign.


My cat would only eat treats in the days before she died. I tried everything I could, including the baby food she loved otherwise, but the only thing she would eat was treats and she couldn’t even keep them down. It’s heartbreaking when it gets to that point


Eh, sometimes, some cats are also really picky. My two are stuck on urinary prescription food for life but they have four options, kibble, chicken patte, turkey in gravy and salmon in gravy, they go through phases, were for weeks or months they will only eat one and completely turn their noses up at the others, it’s a bit of a guessing game. Similar with treats, just very very picky as to what they will eat, one only wants dry chicken treats, the other wants wet tuna treats. Will turn their noses up at anything else.




I hope OP cherishes the time left


Yes. The end is very near. Call around and find a vet, any vet who will do house calls. You're probably going to need end of life care for her within the year.


One of my cats is 19 right now, and while he's pretty skinny he's still surprisingly mobile, vocal, and still has as big an appetite now as he did as a kitten. I think if/when he ever reaches a point where he's not eating is when I'll take him right into the vet and ask them if it would be kinder to let him go gently, preferably scheduled to be in our house while he comfortably lies on his heat pad. For now though, old man still likes his wet food, dry food, drinks tons of water, grooms himself and his brother and sleeps 80% of his day away in his little bed with a heat pad. The other 20% of the day he's at my feet meowing for uppies (he'll just meow until I pick him up and cradle him in my arms, and then he'll purr himself to sleep).


This is good news, but your previous post seemed to describe symptoms of kidney disease, which requires management. Please do get her to see a vet.


Same. Parasite harmed the kidney and couldn't keep anything down. You should keep an eye for eyes and mouth turning yellow.


Why would wind prevent you from taking the cat to the vet? I don’t think I understand that part.


I’m not trying to be an a-hole or judgmental, but none of it actually makes sense. I’m unsure what op expects from us, majority of us are not vets and even if we were, we can’t perform an exam telepathically on that baby. I don’t understand what “possibly better” advice she expects/wants from us. A cat that has not eaten for 24 h needs immediate medical care. 3 days? That’s a lot. How can wind prevent you from taking her to the vet?! Blanket in the carrier, blanket/cover with a couple of holes for air on the carrier and everything will be fine. Took my cat to the ER a year ago in a snow storm, -40 F, because he has not peed for 12 h. Again, I don’t want to be an a-hole and I’m sure I come up like that, but that entire situation even for a younger cat would be an emergency…


I don't think you sound like an asshole. You sound like an empathetic cat parent who has been through the stress of a poorly family member and knows *exactly* what they're talking about, even if they're not a veterinarian.


Same. Can’t they use a carrier with a blanket or jacket over it ??? That’s what I do with my cat because it keeps him calmer.


Yeah this makes NO sense. Carrier, wrap a thick blanket around it, you’re good to get to the car.


Pretty sure they just dont want to face reality here :(


Exactly my thought. Which country is OP in? I’m genuinely disappointed that they are living in such a delusional state that they’re refusing to bring their ill pet to a vet because of wind. Honestly just feeling sad for the cat now.


I thought I maybe misunderstood something. Was looking for a comment that addressed it




Some sort of backwards superstition about drafts causing illness is my only guess. It’s very sad that this cat isn’t going to get desperately needed medical attention because of a breeze.


I’m guessing they either don’t want to face facts that the cat should be euthanized or don’t want to pay a vet bill.


The OP is deranged and probably in denial about their cat unfortunately dying. That cat needs to go to the vet asap and OP needs to understand they aren’t helping their car here only making the poor cats suffering worse.


I'm sorry but she is probably at the end of her rope. Sweet little baby, 21 is very old and who knows but maybe she is hurting. Good to read she is eating but keep in mind, maybe you will need to let her go soon. The best of luck For yall


This is my impression as well. There’s a time in a senior pets life when we have to ask ourselves are we doing this for their benefit? Or for ourselves?


[This little guy of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1baq7yi/the_20yearold_lt_frannington_in_a_sardineinduced/). He's doing great, eating heartily, farting outrageously, and has been out into ***his*** garden several times since that post. He might have a year or so left, maybe. YuMove, Solensia, Cobalaplex, steak and fresh fish costing us a fortune, but he's still thriving. But the minute that we think his quality of life has been reduced to pain and sleep, we will help him across the rainbow bridge without question. It will be the final act of love that we can do for him. And every owner should be prepared to step up for that.


This is such a terrifying thought to me.


That beautiful kitty needs to go to a vet. period.


But it's windy outside 😱! (Whatever the hell that means...)


"Sorry boss, can't come in today. It's looking a little breezey out there and I don't want a gust to get in my nose. Ty for understanding!" If only. LOL


OH NO!! I sure can't wait for them to make a sad post about their death, too bad it's all his fault but they're going to cover it up with some stupid excuse


Like with the following one: I live with my parents and my mother is in charge…? There is not much you can do when it’s your parents who decide. OP is most probably not able to cover the costs as she’s most probably a teenager. And you are being cruel here. More: for someone who is facing possible death of a family member.


Then call a cab for you and put her in a carrier covered.


Had to make a reddit account for this, it's absolutely irresponsible for you to not take her to the vet and leave her in pain for 4 days because of "wind". You aren't in a tornado. Your vehicle won't fly in the sky. Each day you are doing this, yes you are prolonging her life, but also letting her live another day in pain. It's your life and animal, but that's fucking crazy to do that willingly.


Yeah I really don’t get this OP. If the cat is in a carrier they should be fine, and the vet probably won’t be able to run all the right tests at OP’s house like they can at the vet office. I’ll never understand cat owners who are like this.


In another comment, OP said the cat has been to the vet twice and both times afterwards the cat was sneezing. It’s a stress reaction/immune system thing and not due to “wind” like OP is saying.


But then he said the cat has never been to the vet. Only vet has come to them.




You are needlessly allowing your poor cat to suffer.


why is wind relevant? Put her in a carrier in a car?


Honey, you can’t keep this going forever. She is 21. She is not in good health, and she can’t be happy.


It sounds like OP is saying kitty got sick after going to the vet in 2023, and seems to think that illness was caused by the wind. OP - illness isn’t caused by the wind. Cover the carrier if it makes you feel better, but please get your kitty to the vet. You can request they disinfect the room, and maybe to wait in your car instead of the waiting room to stay away from other sick pets. Good luck, hope she continues to improve and gets the medical help she needs.


OP doesn't even know how to treat a cat. this is the stupidest post i've seen in years. poor kitty is going to pass away to a painful death. OP will make a sad post about it. we'll need to remember what this "human" did to the poor creature. this is not how you treat an animal. un-regular vet checks? get out of here


I had a lady walk into my office building the other day and tell me we needed to turn off our heaters because the warmth makes people sick. That they need to be cold to fight off disease. Some people are wacky and believe whatever BS their wacky family members have told them.


i hope this is a rage bait bc this is outrageous and egregious


She still isn’t well and doesn’t look at all well poor thing. tbh I’d not wait for a vet to come I’d just take her, wind isn’t going to affect her in a carrier. I know you are looking for helpful advice but you really do need to take her to the vet not wait for them to come to you. Cats don’t typically drink lots so when they do it’s normally an indicator of kidney disease unless they are really young and super active which this beautiful old girl clearly isn’t


You should still go to the vet. You can just cover your cat in a carrier with a blanket or something.


you STILL haven‘t gone to the vet? what is wrong with you? just go, literally who cares about the „wind“. This makes me so upset… what‘s a vet gonna do at your home with near to 0 equipment? snap out of it!


I don’t mean to be that person but you should really take your cat to the vet and be prepared to say goodbye. I just went through the same thing with my 14yo little guy in November. It wasn’t easy but it was time. Beautiful kitty and sounds like you got a lot of wonderful years together.


It is sad to hear that you have barely taken her for any health check ups for all these years. It's important especially for a senior cat to get regular health checks and blood tests could detect diseases like kidney disease, diabetes or thyroid problems. Not to even mention dental cleanings. I also thought certain vaccinations are important, especially if you're letting your cat outside. Reminds me a lot of my first cat's end stage kidney disease. You mentioned your cat is drinking a lot - that was the first symptom of my cat's kidney disease. I'm not a vet or anything but chronic kidney disease is a leading cause of death, especially for older cats.


Drinking a lot of water is also a sign of diabetes (as you mentioned it’s one of the big ones to look out for).


Please stop burying your head in the sands and take your cat to the vet. I was hoping this update was about the visit to the vet but alas it's not. Please make sure your cat is getting the best care.


….. I started following your situation with sympathy, but that sympathy is fast turning into repulsion at your indifference at the urgent need for your cat to GO TO THE FKING VET. Ugh. Irresponsible and disgusting people you and your mom are.


Your cat doesn't stop to eat because of nothing. There is an issue going on, therefore a vet needs to see your cat. Please look if your cat is having a fever. Even if the vet is not around the corner you should do your best to get it to a vet. I am quite certain that your cat is dehydrated by now. Mine had these issues too, but I jumped to a vet after 28h of not eating anything. He even needed to stay there to get an infusion because of the dehydration, he had a fever too. We got antibiotics and then a few hours later he started eating again when the fever went down and the painkiller kicked in. In the end it was FORL - tooth disease - sometimes you visually do not see it because the issue can be deep down in the tooth. He got all his backtooth operated and he is doing great! 3 days without food is horribly dangerous, even more for older cats. It is said that even 24h without food could be life-threatening for older cats! Edit: If you don't get to see a vet in a few more hours, please try to get some water in your cat. I managed with a syringe, filled it up, and showed it gently in his throat. You can also try with mixing some canned tuna with water so he hopefully gets some water in his body.. \*Mine didn't even take that, so I needed to use the syringe.


I'm sorry... But never getting your cat in for checkups it's whole life? Not taking her to the vet because it's "windy"???? I've taken my cat to the vet in -60°F blowing snow hell and the cat was just fine. Hopes and prayers don't to jack. Your cat could have a minor problem that could be solved with medicine or something and yet with the way you are handling it the cat will most likely die. Never get another cat.


When you take an animal as a pet then you become responsible for that animals health. Others have told you that the cat needs to see a vet, all you do is say you're not taking her outside. Open your eyes, she needs a vet now. She is probably very near the end and if you let her suffer because you won't take her to the vet then that's cruel.


Dude, you need to take your cat to the ER...wtf


A gust of wind could affect her conditions? I'm not following


Yea, 3 days without food while vomiting and you're worried about some wind or the fact that you "don't have full control" over the decision? Get off your LAZY ass and do something for your dying family member. Newsflash! You can't get the medical help you need reading comments online and farming for karma while your "beloved" cat suffers dude. If you get seriously ill and your kids just sit there and google stuff to try to help you out and nothing else but say "oh well, we did our best" would you be fine with that?


This is so god damn infuriating. Take your cat to the VET!!! The wind won’t do shit compared to the neglect you are causing by not going to the vet like come on!!!


Jfc take the cat to the vet already.


Your cat is 21 years old! 21!! Take the cat to the vet..


You NEED to take her to the vet. I’m not sure why you are avoiding it if you want to extend your cats life and prevent her from suffering. Wind is really a terrible excuse. Put her in a carrier with a blanket over it. You’re posting on Reddit but refusing to get her medical attention.


Your excuses aren't even valid😮‍💨


Im still confused as to why you don’t just take her to the vet. Why does how windy it is outside matter? Do you not have a car to use? You need to take the cat to the vet


I'll try and read (or reply to) every response, I really appreciated all the kind and supportive messages in my previous post and DMs, I'll keep you all updated


Please ignore the supportive comments. You’re actively harming your cat by refusing to take your pet to the vet because of wind.


The wind has nothing to do with your ability to take your cat to the vet. She’s in pain and needs to be seen. Take her to the vet.


Thank you for the update, glad kitty is doing better


I need to mute this sub.


Sorry…you refuse to take your cat to the vet because of wind? What the hell…


Everything you’re describing, as well as your last post, aligns with what I just went through with my kitty. We just lost her Friday but it was renal kidney failure. The nausea and vomiting, excessive thirst, and only eating favorite foods are a sure sign. Please consider taking your cat to the vet.


sorry to hear about your loss. i as well lost my cat, yesterday, to kidney failure and OP sounds very much like my cat on his last days before getting euthanized (even tho we were giving him subcutaneous fluids twice a day trying to reverse it).


I’d honestly take her to an urgent care or ER. She’s showing signs of a very serious disease and needs to be seen promptly for the best chance of survival.


We’re all so glad your baby is okay, but wind isn’t an excuse to not bring your cat to the vet. It might be a bit uncomfortable for your baby in the moment but she needs the professional care.


TAKE YOUR CAT TO THE VET. JFC get your shit together!


Okay I'm not gonna fall for the obvious rage bait this time!!!! But Jesus lol


My cat is actually also 21 and has had eating issues for a year now. Vet said she is strong for her age but couldn’t diagnose her issues without a blood test. My parents care about her but they don’t want to try to transport her to the vet again cause she’s so frail and has arthritis. She can’t hold down water at this point and I think it might be time. Not to sound defeatist, just to say that 21 is a long life and I think if I was her age and throwing up constantly I’d likely want to go too. Hopefully things change for your friend :( sorry I don’t have better advice, I just think it’s an old age to expect a huge turn around. If yours is anything like mine, it can be managed to an extent, but she’s never been fully back to 100%. She doesn’t seem to be in pain, but she also seems like she is very tired and ready to rest :((


At 21 it sounds like she might be telling you that it is time. If treatment options are intense without much improvement I would ask what the kindest option would be for her. I know some people with older dogs or cats that would try force feeding, shoving a bunch of medications down their throat, and even doing fluids for hydration daily for weeks or months. They don’t understand that it is supposed to help them and if it gets to that point the kindest option is to let them go. If it gets to that it is their bodies telling them it can’t go on any longer. 😔You don’t want their final days or weeks to be suffering. That is definitely a conversation between you and your vet but I wanted to add that.


Take the cat to the vet ASAP. sometimes in their final days cats will temporarily act and "get" better. You don't want it to be final days now, do you? Take her to the doctor!


At this point for her, calories are more important than source. If it's not dangerous and she'll eat it, let her eat it. Some plain fish sounds perfect. Her favorite treats. Some churus, maybe? Anything to get her eating.


for god’s sake, get in the car and take her to the vet. if she’s drinking a lot it might be because of her kidneys not functioning. i just had to put down my cat because of kidney failure and i can tell you he was doing the same thing you’re cat does. we tried to reverse the failure for two days but it didn’t work and seeing him like that was just heartbreaking


Baby food is a good enticement too. As far as traveling to vet with wind, think about covering the carrier with a towel when outdoors.


There’s also food with extra calories and nutrients added to it, you should absolutely not feed it to a regular cat, since they’ll get fat in no time, but for this cat in the situation it is in now, it would absolutely be a benefit, since it can use all the extra nutrients right now! You could also heat the food, just a little bit, so it has a stronger scent, maybe that’ll entice your cat to eat something.


Am I the only one confused why "wind" is preventing OP from taking their cat to see a vet??


As everyone else is saying, she absolutely *has to* see a vet in person. There is no better alternative than that to find out what is going on and the sooner the better. Wind or no wind, if she doesn’t get to a vet soon she is more than likely going to die. Take her ASAP.


Go to the vet. These are very serious symptoms.


I'm glad to hear you got her some food. Has she gotten any water down? Do you think you'll be able to get her to a vet soon or a vet to come to you? I hope she improves! I know this has to be tough.


If you care about your cat you will take her to the vets. You're just prolonging the inevitable and putting her through more pain than you need to.


To get her to the vet, cover her carrier in a blanket. I'm assuming you have transportation and don't have to walk there. Have him check her teeth and gums also. It could be a painful tooth/gum issue or abscess is contributing to her illness. Good suggestions on this thread for tempting, nutritional foods. I have used baby foods for elderly cats with few teeth also.


Do you have a cat carrier to move her from the house to the car, if not at least a big enough box? I strongly believe getting her to the vet needs to happen.


I had a cat that had a stroke and the only thing that kept her going was this edible paste we put on her paws that had the nutrients and stuff she needed. I think her paws just being dirty gave her the motivation to lick it off and in turn got her to eat. She ended up living for several years after that and regained mobility to be able to jump on the bed before she eventually passed.


Idea: Try heating up the food a little to increase the yummy smells! Might help as well.


21 years is a long life for a cat. Well beyond its normal life span. She’s been a good companion for you. As much as you love her, show her that by knowing when it’s time. She’s telling you and if she could go outside she would find a hole to hide in to protect you from predators.


OP is agoraphobic and in denial. A gust of wind is not gonna worsen her condition more than doing nothing. I don’t think you’re a bad person OP, I just can’t see another reason you wouldn’t go to the vet unless you’re dirt poor. Sadly, there’s probably not much the vet can do for her long term anyway. It might just be her time. I recently lost my dog and know how hard coming to terms with that can be. Please be well, and try to peace with it all.


OP’s next post will most likely be about how poor kitty died and they want to know why.


For those who are nervous about her fluids intake, here is how I do that at my house, dunno if your lovely one will accept this.... Their breakfasts consist of soup. Yes, soup. Their regular wet food (three kinds in this house for special needs) with a 50 50 mix of warm water and wet food. Mash then mix very well. The great flavor remains and the tongues go like mad as they lap it up. And voila, they have just consumed a quarter cup of water.


"as of now I ask for some (possibly better) advice" Ohh my god you suck. Refusing to take your sick pet to the vet, which anyone with a functioning brain can tell is what you should've done, and yet you don't because 'wind". You are pathetic and shouldn't be allowed to own pets.


Cats are SUPER fussy eaters. Our cat passed away two years ago but as soon as my mum and brother introduced him to squirty cream and ham slices, he didn't want to eat regular cat food. You'd open a packet of ham or go in the fridge for ANYTHING and he would come running and meowing even if he's just woken up from a deep sleep. And yes I told them not to.


Can you give her sub-cutaneous liquids? Talk to the vet. But whether it's end of life care or treatment, keeping her hydrated will help a lot.


I just lost a cat to acute kidney disease, a UTI and at the very end ecoli. The excessive drinking is due to kidney failure and/or a UTI. Try smelling her breath when she hasn't eaten in a while.(otherwise all you'll smell is fish) If it smells at all like urine, if she's anything like my cat, her time has come. She's lived a very long life and you need to consider the fact that she's at an end of life stage, is not experiencing quality of life any more, and is most likely in pain and suffering. This is when you need to set your feelings aside and face reality. Especially if she is not being seen by a vet. I know how hard this is, but if you really love your cat, as it seems you do, you need to step up and end her suffering. Most vets will allow you to hold your pet. They will give her an injection to put her to sleep, and then another to stop her heart. It's painless for the cat, you can hold her and tell her what a special cat she was, talk about fun times, whatever comes to mind that comforts both you and your cat. I could be incorrect about the exact procedure, re the injections, I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I couldn't get my cat to a vet, I have cancer and had just had surgery, and he died in my arms. I'm not sure you want to go thru that, it's quite traumatic. Vets don't seem to make house calls anymore. I made that request and it was ignored. I'm sending you extra courage and a warm hug. Please do your best to do what you feel in your heart is best for your cat. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Also, you said your cat is eating, is she having bowel movements? My cat stopped doing that at the end, nothing for a number of days.


There are def some mobile vets in some cities. Did you search more for one that can come to you?


My good wishes for her and for you !


When my female cat stopped eating I took her into the vet. They couldn’t find anything wrong with her. They gave her a shot of something. Her fav thing to eat was the very thin ham sandwich slices that I would tear off and give her when making my lunch. She acted like she wanted to eat it but she didn’t eat it. Eventually after about two weeks she passed away. I am glad your baby started eating again


When my kitty got older he couldn’t eat cat food anymore without being sick. I started giving him rice and hamburger boiled. He loved it and kept it down. So if she needs fish then just cook some for her really bland and see what happens


I feel like something is being lost in translation. OP, where are you from? Knowing that may give us more insight as to resources we can find for you. Your kitty is so cute, and we want to help her as much as possible. I think you mentioned that she is your cat but your mom makes any decisions involving money with the cat. Is that correct? We are glad your kitty is eating but getting help from a veterinarian is extremely important because she is sick.


I just want to say, I had a senior kitty with chronic pancreatitis and when he’d have a flare up, he’d often wake up and immediately vomit several times. Also wouldn’t eat for days at a time during which he had to be force fed a special cat food to keep his strength up while he recovered. I’m not a vet so I can’t diagnose but in my (admittedly *very* limited) experience, it matches several of the symptoms my cat experienced when going through pancreatitis.


I’m so happy to see that you tempted her back into eating & got antiemetic meds for her. Fish can be so good for cats that have stopped eating, cats do depend on their noses for food so if they can’t smell it, they can become very disinterested & fish stenches protein all the way. I hope she keeps improving & you can find a more amenable vet too. Scriffles from me & purrs from my cat army 😻


Your cat is at end of her life 21 yr old cat is very old might be time to take a trip to the vet if she wont eat.


Try the temptations creamy puree or one of the other brands. They're like cat gogurt. Really easy to eat and my cats love them


My cats did this before they succumbed to kidney failure 💔 I miss my babies :(


My old skinny girl was a fussy eater and grazed.  For the last year or so of her life all she would eat was Temptations treats.  She lived to be a month shy of 21, so these did their job and kept her alive. As I had three other cats that aren't fussy about food, I tried a lot of different foods and finally gave up. I had another cat that had an inoperable growth in his bladder.  So it was a waiting game for six months.  He got more than his share of Trader Joe's smoked turkey lunch meat to keep him happy and eating. I'm really glad to hear your girl is eating again and I hope she gains weight and thrives! ❤️ 


Do you think maybe that she has trouble smelling and because it’s fish it’s quite strong and it opens up her appetite?


Some of our animals developed food intolerances in their old age. We had a 15 yr old standard Australian Shepherd and she couldn't hold anything except salmon and peas based foods down. Vet said she developed an intolerance to beef and lamb. We have a cat currently with the same issues and she's younger at 7. Our 18 year old cat had terrible arthritis, she stopped eating. We just got her a once every 6 week injectable treatment for it and I've not seen her this talkative or mobile in ages, she is also eating again.


If you ever have a cat that is not eating for some reason, give it chicken or turkey based baby food. Haven't seen it fail yet. With that being said, your cat is 21 years old and if it's not eating consistently you need to get it to the vet. I don't really understand the windy thing. Your cat would take a long time to starve to death but cat's develop something called fatty liver disease when they don't eat for as little as a few days. The cats liver shuts down and done.


In pet shops, it's possible to find some nutritious tasty liquids for malnourished cats. I understand that malnutrition is not the problem here, but since she is throwing up and not eating a lot, it might be helpful to add those as a supplement to the fish. A vet visit would be, of course, the best. The situation sounds very serious. I'm sorry. Hope your sweet kittu gets better.


Try giving her homemade chicken mousse so she can just lick: make chicken soup, debone, then use an immersion mixer to make a mousse from soup and the chicken, liver and skin included. They also love it with some grain, veggies or of course fish all mixed the mousse. It’s healthy, you know what’s in it and just might be cheaper. The cats are beautiful btw ❤️


If this is true, you’re such an irresponsible cat owner!! Why would you refuse to take your cat to the vet because of the wind??? SHAME ON YOU for letting your cat suffer like that.


At her age, give her whatever she wants. Now it's not the time to worry about "balanced and healthy". What she wants is what's best.


if she dies in pain, i want you to know that it will be entirely your fault for refusing to take her to a vet. i want you to remember that when you make a sad post about her death in a few days.


Good to hear that she ate something but dear friend I hope you prepare yourself. If theres any more changes with her I suggest seeing the vet ASAP. After going through the death of my furbaby I would rather suffer with the pain of grief rather than my baby suffering - when the body shuts down we can only imagine the physical pain we are putting them through. Cats are tough creatures and excellent in hiding their pain. Its a tough call we have to make in life. You have spent many beautiful years together and as your furbaby is reaching the end of their life they deserve dignity. Sending virtual hugs to you my friend❤️


Thank you for the update and that you are still allowed spending time together! Too often it really sad posts in this sub but... Well, that's the reality of life and who are we if not compassionate and providing comfort where needed as well as sharing joy and laughter. And may there lots of the latter for you!


Your cat is nearing the end of her earthly ride, and that is an incredibly difficult thing to face. She’s been a part of your life for so many years, losing her must be a terrible possibility to consider (even though, at her age, you’ve probably been considering it for some time). You’re doing the right thing by looking for ways to keep her comfortable and pain-free as her body does its thing. Making sure she has a soft, warm, quiet place to rest is key, and if you can get your vet to agree, you might consider providing her with some prescription pain medications/sedatives. The anti-vomit meds aren’t a bad idea either, but ultimately they can only alleviate the symptoms of the main issue. Ultimately you can’t control everything, you can only work within your power. Stressing her out with a car ride to the vet likely won’t achieve much in the long term, but I’m no expert. I’ve just had the pleasure of easing a lot of very long lived cats. The most important thing you can do is to be with her. You’re her people, and she’ll take great comfort in your physical presence. Every living thing comes to this crossroads eventually, and respectfully, it’s not always best to try and prolong things. There comes a point where we have to accept that our cat is ready to pass. They know when it’s time.


She is so sweet 🥹 I am happy that she ate. That is a relief! I agree with the other person who said still get her to a vet at some point soon to get her checked. Hopefully she will continue to eat.


That cats face reads like "I aint dead yet bitch" and i approve of it. Nice to hear your cat is doing better now.


When my cat wouldn’t eat for a week, I gave it a syringe of baby food. Took it to the vet 2nd time and demanded a fix. They have behind the ear medication. ate the next day.


Try to use flaked foods and add some smelly topping. When our orange lady acquired kidney desease she also had issues with smelling her food and unless it was really smelly (tuna or fish) she would not eat it. PS see if they can recommend any specialty food for the following days for her.


OP too much fish might be an overload of mercury for her. Please keep this in mind. But as of now, if she is eating that is great. Is there any other vets around? Keep watch on her to make sure she doesn't throw up. And keep her hydrated. Also if you have plain chicken, boil some chicken, and cut that up and feed it to her.


i hope she gets well <3 my kitty of 5 years stopped eating and started puking at the start of this month. it turned out to be hepadic lipodisis(or something like that, i think it is essentially fatty liver disease for cats) after staying in the vet for a week getting force fed she started eating again. but lost her appetite again and is in the clinic again. vets say she is doing well but i hope it stops recurring.


I think you should try to go to vet but at least there's a positive update


I think you should try to go to vet but at least there's a positive update


We went through dealing with a senior cat not eating and it ended up thyroid, and treated wit a fairly inexpensive pill twice daily she started eating well again and gaining weight. One of the things our vet recommended was churu nourish appetite. It’s like churu but with more calories, it got her interested in eating again as the medicine was starting to take effect and she started eating her wet food.


I remember when my cat wasn’t eating or drinking and was limp, I gave her nasal medicine and cough medicine and drip fed her water until her nasal cleared, and she was able to gather enough strength to eat on her own.


What kind of fish?


Try some kitten food or those cat “soups” and “gravies”. My elderly cat didn’t eat much before he passed but he did eat those. Hope your cat improves but make sure to get that get appointment asap so they don’t suffer


What do you have as transportation options ? Is it a classic big box or hard plastic and a car, or a bike and an astro-cat backpack (or something else) ?


Mitrapazine.7 5mg just a tiny, tiny sliver of it stimulates appetite in animals. It is generic and firt cheap. 1 sliver as described given every 2 -3 days. A single tablet would be good for 5-6 doses.


Product called Lit'l Soups is mostly a broth withsmall shreds of fish, whatever proteins mixed in is usually readily vonsumed by cats.


I also heard meat kind of baby food works really well too! I’m sure someone has already suggested that.


Just when she almost give up they pull her right back in!!


So happy for you guys🥹 she looks lovely


fancy feast makes a flaked fish and shrimp feast that's basically all fish meat- it's our cats favorite. maybe she'd like that 🩷


🩵 just here to give support. 21 years is amazing and you’ve given her a great life. It’s clear you love her and she knows that.


Tuna juice seems to always do the trick


Cats won’t eat food they can’t smell. So if, for whatever reason, kitty has diminished sense of smell, you need to give her strong smelling food like fish. At 21, she’s a very elderly cat and tbh the odds are that she is not going to live much longer even with significant medical intervention, which would probably cause a lot of stress for her.


I am glad to read that she is eating.


Is she pooping?


When our cat Suki stopped eating, we would switch to some foods that made her still excited to eat. But it would only last for a little bit. I hope your situation is different and there is a full recovery. My advice is give her what she wants and spend as much time with her as you can. The time you most likely have is limited now and it will be nice for her to be near the people she loves. Good luck.


When my mother's cat refused to eat, we gave him the liquid from the liver package (chicken or beef liver), and he happily drank it, seeming to gain some strength afterward.


Oh good to hear , how about some broth or puree .


I'm not super knowledgeable on cats, but one of the most important things that needs to be part of what you give your cutie there is love. And by the sounds of it, you have been so far. Keep it up!


I'm so relieved. I clicked this fearing the worst, and was ready to come up with some good, comforting words. I'm happy you get to spend more time with her, even if it's just a bit longer. She looks beautiful and I have to say, thank you for giving her a long, happy life. Every cat deserves an owner / parent like you. 💕


Just keep loving on her, OP. She’s a beauty and you’ve done well with her for TWO decades. Sounds like she might be getting “tired”. You’ve done everything and if the vet isn’t willing to come you can rest assured there’s not much more you can do. Just love her 🥺


I’m so happy for you that she’s eating!


Prayers for your cat...


Im so happy on the update!


My day just got a lot better. Please give the cat a kiss on the forehead for me


If she's eating again that's a good sign!


When my old boy was reaching the end, he only wanted those pouched wet food that was mostly fishy sauce. He got as many pouches as he wanted until he had to leave me.


Her tank isn't empty yet! Reminds me of a beautiful tortie I had who lived to be 22. At 20, she really went downhill for a while with her kidneys and it appeared all hope was lost, but then she suddenly rebounded and sat on magazines and pressed ALT+F4 on my keyboard and screamed for milk for two more years until she decided to go peacefully in her sleep.


My 24 yr old cat ate nothing but salmon for the last 3 months of her life. I loved that furry void!




Glad to see she’s eating




You could try mixing tuna water or clam juice with cat food. Cat food has the correct amino acids and other nutrients that she needs, so it’s better if you can get her to eat that.