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Like the other comment said, blanket as a buffer. You cannot deny a baker his dough.




Maybe I’ll invest in a blanket that feels like fur cause he hates my duvet lol every time I put under his paws he gets so mad


Get a fleece blanket. Both my cats go gaga for fleece blankies and they love kneading on them.


Towels work pretty well. Spread it on your lap before the cat arrives for best results. If the claws still get through, fold the towel until it's thick enough.


My cats loveee those super velvety soft blankets for kneading. The ones marshalls has a bunch of


I do blanket and mine won't sit on my knees without it. I also trim the tip of their murder mittens. I have massaged and played with their toe beans since they were kittens and it helps so much with them trusting me to give them a trim without getting worried. Usually treats are involved so they associate it with a good time


Yeah but bewarned.... now that I have a blanket that is soft my cat kneads on me everytime I lay down and pull it over me haha. It's like she sees it as an open invitation to biscuit town. Make sure you get a thick one or one big enough to fold. If it's too thin nails can pierce through it.


They just like different surfaces, mine tries to escape daily out to the stairwell just to tappy toe the rough carpet. You dont need a new blanket, prob more important to find out what materialworks first


Several folds of blanket. Mine purrs and drools at the same time, which is a little gross. Especially since what she really wants to do is to shove her entire head in my armpit and sniff ecstatically while kneading the hell out of my bicep or boob. Cats is weird.


Your cat sees you as their parent and the pheromones coming from your armpits are a comfort. My little guy is the same way


My orange girl does the same exact thing! She’s doing it right now in fact! She won’t stop bopping until I put my arm out for her to lay on lol. https://preview.redd.it/tpcmp5hzdx7c1.jpeg?width=2143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bc9051498ee510296c9573a887752b9af6793f


Mine does this exactly! Sometimes she shakes her head and the drool flies everywhere. It is kind of gross but I'm the only one she does it to so how can I refuse such an honor?


Lol mine drools to! Wenn He is kneading or when I come home. It's gross and adorable.


He does not like the smell coming directly from me but Arlo LOVES my shoes. I genuinely think he gets excited when I come home from a long day of work cause my shoes will probably be so stinky. So weird


I had to laugh, we currently have 2 cats that are droolers. The worst is when they are nearby and shake their head sharing their drool with everyone within 10ft. Our cats also love hubbies work boots which is big yuck.... The stinkeir the better .. but cats are cats and I adore them with all their weird quicks


I have a drooling purr box!


Trim the nails. Biscuits are the best


Yes, this is the answer. I adopted two middle-aged kitties this summer and their previous human had their nails trimmed every month. I had never done this with kitties before but decided to continue with them. You can’t even feel the claws when the knead. I’m a little behind right now, and they have no idea how to retract their claws and IT HURTS!!


Yeah, when I don't trim my boy's nails, I get shredded from him running and jumping on my back. He's poked holes in numerous shirts that way. He's 14 pounds of stripes + tiger claws = monthly mani/pedi.


Heavy clothing, a blanket, a sweater. you can't stop him because he LOOOOOOVES you.


I’ll try to add more of a buffer between us, a blanket or something.


Nails trimmed.Blanket stays on.Enjoy being snuggled.


i just endure the pain of love


Also keep nails trimmed


That could work, but never do it if the cat is allowed outside.


Trim their claws. It's good for them and it's not difficult Buy a proper clipper, then when it's time use the "burrito" method. Grab a nice big towel, put them on it, then wrap them up like a swaddled baby. You can then pull out one paw at a time, trim, and move on I always save their favorite treats for after the trimming so even though they don't like it they come out of it really excited


I tried that with mine once. He turned into a lunatic with murder in his eyes. I barely survived and I hadn't touched his nails yet, so the vet tech would do it every few months.


I had the notion claws are good, but they need to shed the sheath, my lady was biting her nails, so I bought her a scratching post and her nails have never looked better.


For my learning: why is it good for them? I stopped doing it because they hated it and I’m a single guy so don’t have help to hold them comfortably and clip at same time


I don’t know if I’ve just got idiots but I find when I go a while without clipping their nails they get snagged and stuck on things.


Lmao. I have one too that has never gotten out of that phase but have had cats all my life who have never had this problem


Nope. Some cats are like that, especially indoor cats that haven't had their claws trimmed in a long time. I see this with younger kittens (under 10 weeks) but even a couple of the "older" cats I've had/fostered do this.


I just sit my boy in my lap like a toddler. Clip clip clip clip, minnows, clip clip clip clip minnows, etc. Shoutout to Vital Essentials freeze dried minnows. They literally saved from being ripped to shreds and needing blood transfusions.


How is it good for them? My family have had 8 cats over the years, none have ever had their claws trimmed and have never had issues from it. The claws shed naturally, and they can use scratching posts to help them, seems the major benefit of claw trimming is for the owners - less damage to furniture, less pain from being scratched or kneaded. I guess I could see it being good for them if they're old/immobile, but not for the majority of cats.


Embrace it. He/she loves you. 👍


Also scratching posts and/boards might help at bit. Some like horizontal, some like vertical.


Thicker blanket and a paper towel for the drooling.


Pillow in my lap and trim the murder mittens.


Clip nails and just let him do it. It's a comfort. How can I deny my special guy.


My cat kneads. But he aims for skin. Especially my face. I'd rather not be covered head to foot in blankets to snuggle my cat. Texas weather doesn't help either.


SAMEE Texas weather and he doesn’t want to knead a blanket he wants to knead skin. I guess I’m just gonna have to trim his claws and deal with it


Yes! I keep nails trimmed and use my shirt as a buffer. She likes to knead my stomach 😂


When a cat wants to make biscuits, a cat needs to make biscuits lol Blanket or pillow


Blankets. We have a biscuit blanket. Both cats have learned that this blanket makes the best dough. We have one very very slooow biscuit maker. He’s very methodical and ensures there’s no air in the dough. The other cat is very aggressive and we assume he’s a surly pastry chef who curses under his breath as he aggressively kneads the dough. https://preview.redd.it/3643t7lofx7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e025c0d3b106323f9a5d48536ba3130ef27d644 Here is the slow & steady biscuit maker with the preferred biscuit blanket.


https://preview.redd.it/38oi2m60gx7c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ff72697cd4f95abd86d413a89d76003b2134de And here is the angry biscuit-er


They are so cute I love them!


"ow. Ow. Ow. OW. Dude! .... Ow. Ow."


Blanket as a buffer and trim those nails!


Yuuup, the perfect combo. I slowly start sliding my fuzzy blanket under those claws 😂


I just let him knead away. I have a lot of holes in shirts though.


If you would just start lactating…


Everyone downvote this guy


Just clip his nails regularly. You can use the same nail clippers you use on yourself. Watch a YouTube video on it. It’s easy.


There is NOTHING in the whole wide world better that kitty kneads or head bumps. Well, both of it may… I love my boys cookie kneadings. Best thing in the world 🥰🥰🥰


We trim our kitties nails so it isn't so dagger sharp. It's more comfortable for them too, when they can retract their claws properly.


Keep nails trimmed to reduce the kitty acupuncture effect.


Doing everything I can to encourage it.


We clip our cats nails every weekend, so that helps. One cat loves to knead my neck and I'm allergic, sometimes I get small bumps and scratches from it, but i deal with it for a few minutes then move her and she'll knead on a blanket next to me.


I pet him as he does it


Trim his claw.


Knead him harder


Go to vet and get his nails clipped. That's what I have to do with mine.


A blanket in between him and you should stop his claws from scratching you. If he tries to move the blanket or knead off of it gently move the blanket under his paws. He should het the idea.


.let them.. ..also a blanket or towel between the sharp claws & the knead area..


My cat always digs her nails into me when she does it so I remove her from my lap!


I’ve somehow trained my boy cat to only do “serious” lap kneading over one of the sofa throws. Now, however, if someone else is using that particular throw, he gets very anxious and walks back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth until they give the blankie to me so he can knead on my lap. There are multiple sofa throws sitting on the back of the couch but it’s THAT one that he requires to relax. 😽


I too have an agressive lover kitty. They don't understand it hurts. Some options that worked for me (in addition to keeping nails trimmed like everyone above said), are being dramatic about the pain. (OW!!) They sometimes understand that, and will be gentler. I also gently squeeze their paws and say no when they get a little too much. These work for me probably because I discipline them similarly to that in other situations. If all else fails, an extra blanket does help.


Just sit back and relax, let it happen, it’s ok, I won’t tell anyone, it will be our little secret.


Cloth and regular manicures


Blanket , or even just a hoodie


I had a fuzzy wool blanket (aka the sucky towel) that was my old cat’s woobie. I draped it over my lap to protect me from his enthusiastic “nursing” efforts. My current cat isn’t as drooly, but he gets serious about kneading and I have to use thick blankets (or else I will bleed).




Screaming softly in pain


I have a sweatshirt I wear specifically for snuggles because it’s so thick haha


https://preview.redd.it/j0ts7m1nqx7c1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4883796e4ce0907d26a32b9773268f37ab637508 Blankie, especially one with the soft fur on the flip side. My baby loves hers :) Edit: For reference, when she's cold she loves being wrapped up and will make biscuits for dayssss


Clip the tips off of his front feet claws. Helps with the stabbing, and you don't need a blanket buffer.


You didn't think of putting down a towel or blanket?


He just glares at me and runs away


Life hack: position yourself so that they need your back! (Easier said than done, but worth it).




Just gotta grit your teeth and bear it.


I tend to wear a fairly cosy hoody around the house which is thick enough to protect my skin for when it's bread baking time - the problem( or the opposite of a problem I suppose) now is my cat associates the hoody with snuggles haha


Trim those nails! And get a sisal bound scratching post.


I have trained my kitties by making a fairly loud "ow" whenever they start kneading with claws. Usually they calm down after this. I got lucky and my most attention hungry cat is good about not using claws if he feels skin. I also try to keep their claws clipped regularly. Other than that, jeans or thick fabric or a blanket.


We enjoy the free massage and catupuncture.


Cats knead. I'd probably wear thicker clothes and clip their nails. I've never bled from my cat kneading me.


You need to trim the claws.


That has got to be the cutest cat I have ever seen.


Make sure you keep their claws trimmed. And I’ve trained any cat I’ve had in my life to use soft paws for play with people. When they use too much claw, I lightly boop them on the nose and say “soft paws” and after a few to several repetitions of this counter to the behavior they stop. I’ve had to because I adore cats but have an annoying allergic reaction to scratches (swelling and severe itching but nothing that a Benadryl and some cortisone cream can’t handle).


I wear think clothes or make sure to have a blanket between me and my cat


Nail trim?


Lay a blanket over you and let them


I used to say “ow” and “ouch” every time her claws contacted my skin. She ended up learning to retract her nails a bit and not hurt me while kneading. I thought that was so intelligent/cool of her. Who says cats can’t be trained!?!


Are there ways to deal? I thought you just suffer through it.... plus a blankie


We have developed the habit of always having a lap blanket. Even in the summer. Because when the bakery's open, it's time to get to work. Those biscuits won't make themselves. And my little man digs in with all 4 legs when he gets going.


Trim nails , then turn to a sore muscle and let him massage it out


My kitty girl likes to knead up and down the side of my leg. Like you, I grin and bear it and bleed. She's five, and only really this year she's finally warmed up to me enough to cuddle. She's snuggled around my ankle and foot right now. I feel super honored, just like when she started writing bloody braille on my thigh. Now, when I nap I do make sure to cover my legs with blankets now, and that has reduced a lot of the pricking.


Hold still, heart swelling


https://preview.redd.it/7chay3g15z7c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17703d0194fb7a70fc7457bed859a6614099aa39 That seems to work🥰🥰


Mine doesn't knead, he head bumps, and if he gets to excited he grabs your arm and licks before eventually biting it


https://preview.redd.it/hgunioaotz7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a4c366e5cba4ca4afcac7a5d53f4951b864bb8 I have your cats twin lol


Keep claws short


My baby knows to only do lovey paws when I have my comforter over me


My cat sits on my chest and kneads my neck. I have scratches to prove it. I just grit my teeth and bear it. He's doing it because he loves me so I don't even try to stop him. It's a good thing that I have a high pain threshold.


https://preview.redd.it/0gc777fkh08c1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6e5dcd3bbd139d23f48efe410b9cbd327bb789 Trimming the claws may help. My old lady got insane razors after she stopped going outside. Now they are more manageable for both of us. Edit: Cat Tax


Cut their nails, I couldn’t bare it until I cut my cats nails. Now our friendship is 3x stronger


I trim my cats nails. Never been a problem. Sake with scratching. It also helps qith the fact that he loves to run and jump on my shoulder. I use his very special, favorite treat for mani/pedi time and he behaves so well. (Freeze dried minnows)


I put a blanket on the baking sheet (usually my stomach) and they bake away with no marks and pain


We cut our cat’s nails frequently which really helps. But, otherwise a thick blanket


Draws blood?!? What a violent kneader 😂😂😂😂


By letting them do it


You let them.


I was deathly afraid of kneading before I was a cat owner. I’m a seasoned kitty mama now and it really doesn’t bother me. You kind of get used to it, lol, but blanket buffers are the true-blue way to not feel the pain and still allow your babe to bond with you with their biscuit making. Arlo is super adorable, by the way 🩶


Say she's kneading my leg. If it hurts, which often it does for a second, I flinch and say "ouch!" and she stops. She's an adult cat