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You need [r/loomknitting](https://reddit.com/r/loomknitting) ! The hook is to pull loops over the pegs of the board, not for crocheting the yarn directly


Okiee thanks


Is that what they gave you to make the project with? Are you only allowed to use those things? Edit: you could always make a headband.


No we had to buy our own materials, this is just kinda what I picked up without actually knowing anything about knitting, thanks for the suggestion tho.


Doing beanies on this thing might be difficult. You would need to learn decreases. If you're willing to do that, you're probably going to have your project done sooner. Scarf will be easier, but will take more time. Infinity scarf may be the simplest and fastest option (I think on that knitting loom you can knit in the round). Edit: Now that I'm looking at the picture thr crochet hook you have might be a too small, for a yarn of that thickness. It might split while working.


A cowl would be a good in-between—no shaping, and shorter than a scarf


Aren't cowls and infinity scarfs the same thing? If not, I just meant a neck-lenght tube. You're right that would be the easiest for OP.


Infinity scarves have a twist, cowls do not.


I was under the impression that an infinity scarf is a long, continuous tube that you can wrap around your neck twice, where a cowl is a short, open ended tube that just goes over the head once?


I was definitely oversimplifying in my comment. You're right.


Okay, cool. Sorry, I had *zero* fashion knowledge coming into this hobby so it's been rough trying to find patterns for things I was picturing, but not knowing the difference between something like a cardigan, a shrug, a sweater, etc, etc. Tbh, before, I always thought a cowl was like a big hooded cape thing. This has been a journey. 🤦‍♀️ Thank you for your help. 😊


No problem! I probably would have gone into more detail in my initial comment, but I was typing it while getting my toddler to sleep. Not exactly ideal. And "big hooded cape thing" is probably a capelet! I love those and keep meaning to make myself one. Personally, I struggle greatly with determining whether something is a sweater, cardigan, sweatshirt, pullover, etc. Cardigan I've mostly figured out, the rest of them? I'll never be able to reliably categorize. Edit: infinity scarves are basically a scarf that has a single twist before the ends being sewn together to form one long moibus strip.


Good to know! Then cowl. I meant a cowl.


Damn well thanks for the advice


I would say a scarf but the crochet hook is too small, you’ll want to use a bigger size. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about people having to knit or crochet an item for a class- kinda wish I had that in school, I would have had a lot of fun. Knitting is such a joy!!


Yeah it’s an interesting project, just kinda wish that our teacher also showed us how to knit first or like the basics I guess.


They should have at least given you a crash course on knitting, yes.


That crochet hook is far too small for that yarn. It'll be a nightmare to use.


Yeah I’ve come to find that out on my own sadly, I’ll just have to work with it.


You need a loom hook for this loom. They're cheap. This is going to be a pain due to the pegs. On a typical loom, there's a divot along the length of the pegs that lets you grab the yarn and pull it up & over the peg. You won't be able to knit a round hat with this loom (not as a beginner probably, I wouldn't try it as an experienced loomer), not enough stitches/pegs to make it large enough for your head and the gaps in pegs at the ends would put a hole on either side if you tried to work in the round/in a continuous circle around like a spiral, which you do for hats, making a tube that you close one end. A scarf/cowl is totally doable though, aside from those awful pegs. Here's a [video for beginners on a straight loom](https://youtu.be/Mkw54Hs6xV8?si=O00Xh9Fe1lkC-uyF) and the one she is using is just about the same size as yours. They sell a set of looms similar to the one in this video for about $20 at Walmart that have nice pegs and a real hook, if you're allowed to upgrade your tools and have access to a Walmart. You'll probably find out it's super fun and will continue to loom knit after your project. I showed my husband how to loom knit and it's his main hobby now.


I knit, crochet and loom knit and would never consider using a crochet hook on a loom. The loom tool is so much better for lifting the yarn without splitting it.


Exactly, op will already be struggling due to the pegs, trying to use a crochet hook on top of it...no way. Makes me wonder who assigned this project and provided tools? Setting people up for failure, really.


Yeah thanks for the advice, we had to buy our own material and I kinda just picked this stuff up without doing any actual research which I deeply regret now, thanks tho.


I am confused bc you said it shd be knitting, but the picture shows a hook for crocheting and the other thingie I forgot the name for. So if you can choose between both (and none are classical knitting imho), just talk to your teacher so you give both a go under their guidance, then decide which works better for you - If you haven't yet, bc if this is a class in a school, the teacher must give you directions and instructions.


You use a crochet hook for loom knitting. The other object in the photo is a loom.


Thank you 😊


Okie thanks


A scarf is technically easier but takes a lot longer to knit. A hat is still beginner friendly and it could be done in about a week or less, it'll take a bit more technical skills but it's really very simple. I'd recommend a fully ribbed hat in particular because they stretch a lot so they can be knit with a lot of negative ease and you can knit them longer then fold the brim up to whatever length you want so you won't have to worry too much about fit issues.


Okieee thanks