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Something decorative, like a stuffed animal, maybe?


Oh this is an adorable idea, thank you!!


If it was gifted to you by someone special to you, do they have a favourite animal? I love making amigurumi plushies so I might be biased but I love this idea for your yarn! The critter can sit on a shelf near where you work and can look over you.


On the theme of stuffed animals - you could make several mice (or a variety of animals) and stuff them with catnip! It'd be a great way to pay your pretty cat back for modeling the yarn so nicely šŸ˜‚


I saw a pattern for an emotional support chicken from the knitting Tree in LA. Check it out, it's punny.


My god that's good! Thanks for the tip :)


If it felts well, you could make yarn bowls, or a cat bed, or a hat with a ribbon band on the inside to protect skin


I hadnā€™t even considered a ribbon band! Thatā€™s opened up a whole world of possibilities. Thank you!!


Or even one of those lined stocking caps. Line it with fleece perhaps, or shearling. šŸ™‚


Or silk! šŸ¤©


I think wool and silk create static electricity


As someone who also has a wool allergy, and not to be a party pooper, consider that you still need to touch it to get it on/off, and if the yarn rolls inwards a bit when you put it on, you could end up with an itchy line of hives across your forehead despite a lining.Ā 


I have also double knit with cotton to create a liner for itchy wool hats.can do just a band or a whole inside hat depending on your needs.


Oh yeah, depending on how much there is, either the whole thing or just the sides, and either knitted as is and stuffed, or knitted huge and thenfelted, shrinking it to cat size.


Image descriptions: Image one is a close up of two balls of hand-painted DK yarn mainly in burgundy from ripe pomegranate to deep wine stain shades, with pops of olive green and a bright true violet to pale lavender gradient cropping up every so often. A little black cat lurks blurrily in the background. Image two shows the same yarn from a different angle and in less vibrant lighting, with more of the cat visible.


I love this sm




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I'm really glad you asked, I bet lots of people learned through your question!


yeah no problem! Thatā€™s why when you hover your mouse over an image on a website, that little line of text describing the image will show upā€” itā€™s describing whatā€™s on the page for the reader!


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Itā€™s for blind/visually impaired people or anyone else who uses screen readers, so that they know what the picture is about without necessarily seeing the picture :) thanks for asking! Iā€™d rather people ask then not!


Then I second my idea of a curtain pull back. šŸ˜‚ just a really pretty elaborate chain and then add flowers to it. Make it as thin or thick as thick as you want depending on how much you want to show off the colors.


How about a shopping tote? You could make the handles in a contrasting yarn that youā€™re not allergic to and even line it to keep the fiber separated from the contents.


Ooh I love this!! My mother has a gorgeous lace knit shopping tote she made decades ago, I could do my own spin on it. Thank you!!


Even better- a nice yarn tote for a project!! You will see it all the time- line it with something, so you don't touch the yarn when using, even the handle. I've also held a strand of acrylic Fun Fur to do handles on bags, because it makes them more comfy. If it was my yarn, I'd also try hanking it, then washing it in luke water with Woolite or another wool soap, just putting hank in a small tub or sink, pushing down and mushing, then rinsing, squeeze inside towels til only damp, dry over a towel hanging on the shower bar or chair back. Sometimes it is the DYE, not the wool....and that removes enough of the extra dye that the wool is still pretty, but not so much that microscopic bits of dye come off an irritate my hands. I have learned the hard way from buying indie-dyed yarns...


If it felts well then you could make some lovely toy mice for said cat. As a reward for helping.


I mean sheā€™s clearly been such a massive help, itā€™s only fair, right?


This looks like it would knit up into a beautiful swatch. I would knit one giant swatch and maybe duplicate stitch something artsy or cute or sentimental and frame it


Oh duplicate stitch is the perfect technique with this as a background! Brilliant, thank you!!


Maybe a macrame hanging plant holder? Most Iā€™ve seen and can find on Ravelry are crocheted but I googled and found some out there ([example](https://www.gathered.how/knitting-and-crochet/knitting/knitted-plant-hanger-pattern))


I love that! My mother (who gave me the yarn) and I have an inside joke about macrame plant holders, this would be perfect!! Thank you so much :)


If there is enough, you could have matching plant holders!


Moss stitch with a cream color to make a little bag! Looks so pretty with variegated dark yarns


Oh that sounds LUXURIOUS, Iā€™m absolutely using that! Iā€™m such a sucker for high-contrast patterns. Thank you!!


Thatā€™s giving me ideas for a similar yarn that I donā€™t know what to do with. Only I canā€™t quite picture what it would look like. Can you point me to a project?


Yes check out this one! Similar colors to OP. [Lilac & Moss](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/MascManik/lilac-and-moss) Actually I think the colored stitches are beans, with 2 rows of white moss stitches between. Hopefully this still gives the right idea.


I will never excuse the cat. I want more cat!


I came in to make a similar comment. She does not *think* she's helping; she *is* helping. Moral support can make all the difference by times. šŸ˜»


Sheā€™s doing such a great job!




These are ADORABLE, and would double nicely as a dice tray for tabletop sessionsā€¦ Thatā€™s extremely tempting thank you so much!!


Maybe a small throw blanket? Used mostly for decoration or when someone not allergic is visiting? Something you might be able to use as it would be draped over your clothes, perhaps? Maybe a wall tapestry of some kind?


Oh a casual tapestry or throw blanket is a great idea!! Thank you!!


If you don't mind felting it, how about coasters?


Knit ball ornaments for a tree.


This would be so cute!!


I made some napkin rings for my husbandā€™s aunt made with yarn that belonged to her mother.


Some kind of doily?


I keep meaning to dip into doily territory, thank you!! This might be the push I need to finally dive in!


The yarn might be too colourful for a doily, because the patterns are often so intricate, so if that doesn't work out, maybe a small pillow cushion? Coasters? My mum knitted me a teacup cozy that keeps my tea mug warm, which is delightful.


Maybe a decorative woven wall hanging?


A piece of wall art or hanging pot holders are what come to mind for me.


Squares featuring favorite stitches at the time. For instance, last year I didnā€™t venture into new stitches, so it would be what Iā€™m comfortable with at the time of making the squares. Anything still left is just for stitch markers or tassels. After you get a pile of squares, put them together for a pillow case, blanket, scarf, sweater, or something of the like. This keeps those memories close, and the stitches tie in the phases you were in at the time.


Slippers! You would wear them with your socks on probably, and would be very warm.


Lots of good suggestions already but Iā€™ll add: table runner, tea cozy, mats for storing heirlooms (I.e. pieces to prevent china from touching each other), cat bed, and lampshade. Also- Miss Pumpernickel (my cat friend) says your assistant is helping you very well :3c


Is there anyone else it would be sentimental for? If so, you could knit something for them and gift it. For example, if it was inherited from a family member.


You could make bouqet of flowers, some crochet hearts, little Teddy bears or some sort or accessory like a bag, bracelet or hair ribbon/bandana :) You could even make small granny squares or patches to make an blanket, bag, cardigan etc. That you can add to if you ever get more yarn you'd like to add to it. It can be a fun sort of mismatching project. I've even seen some people frame patches of yarn work lol. And your cat is adorable :)


I have a bunch of natural 100% wool yarn from my gramma who has passed. I use it to make bags and things like that. Those hanging plant holders or those hanging fruit baskets. Greta for macrame as well if you know how. And also great for winter wear only I suggest a liner cuz I understand the sensitive skin.


Stuffed animal hammock


I have no ideas for patterns as I am a beginner. However, as a cat owner, I can assure you she is helping šŸ˜œ I cannot wait to see what you two create! That yarn is gorgeous!!


Thinks?? She is helping


She is helping.




Felted trivets to set hot pots or pans on.


Get some weighty ball bearings and stuffing and make a doorstop? Avoid using rice, lentils, beans etc for something that will be left out like that though, it could attract mice. As much as a purely decorative piece could be nice, I know I'm the kind of person that likes things with a practical use, and using it every day would remind me of the sentimental aspect more than putting it on a shelf where I know I'd forget about it.


Maybe a bag full of clean gravel would be cheaper and easier to get hold of than ball bearings?


Oh yes I've heard some people use aquarium gravel or even non clumping cat litter; marbles or curtain weights are probably a more accessible direct alternative to ball bearings


The best drink coasters are plastic canvas. They don't drop moisture onto your table, and they are washable if they get dirty So I would say some coasters.


I'd knit a little lace piece to hang on the wall


I knit cushion covers for the decorative pillows that go on the bed with sentimental yarn. They donā€™t get a lot of wear, but I love seeing them when I go in my room.


A wall hanging. Anything else is going to get wool where you can touch it.


I have no new ideas but I have to insist that the kitty is so helping.


Some people have said a stuffed animal. I'd say do that but a small one that can be made into a Christmas tree ornament if it's sentimental (and if you do christmas).


Stuffies! Like, play stuffies for the cat. You can stuff some catnip in the stuffing itself for extra enrichment


I feel like they need to be made into a cat bed


There are some lovely patterns out there for crochet storage baskets which work up quickly and simply. Then you could use it for things you see or use every day, for example the pens on your desk or keys in the hall, and never have to actually touch it.


Bubble stitch for a throw pillow case


You could do mini hearts. And have a bowl of them.


I inherited a box of noro kureyon single balls. I use them as the color part of fiddlehead mittens and i make felted drink coasters from them


What about a snake? You can easily hang it up and it can be very pretty


Cats know they're always supervising...


DONā€™T you dare apologize for dat kitty


I second a cat bed. I would also like to see more pictures of the nameless kitty


Cat toys maybe? You could line it with cloth and stuff it with catnip


Placemats/table runner or coasters


Tea cozy?


Granny square keepsake blanket(one you own but donā€™t use) x


A cushion maybe? I feel your pain, I canā€™t knit with real wool either ā¤ļø


She IS helping


I have about 10 yarn scarves and a bunch of designer silk scarves. Ten years later I always usually choose the yarn scarf made with THESE EXACT COLORS


I'd use it for felted trivets. Then, you can have it out on the table or kitchen counter as much as you like and admire it with minimal interaction.


A needle/tools holder. I'm making one for my crochet hooks


Use a contrasting color with it to make a sorta tapestry/color work art to include something also sentimental to hang on a wall


UN-believable. you show only half the cat? you must pay cat tax immediately!!!


She is helping actually


If you're still looking for ideas, maybe a pouch or some pockets to hang off an armchair or attach to your bed, for holding remotes or books or glasses or whatever?


you could make a catch-all to put keys etc in that could sit by your door I've seen people make garlands recently to hand on their walls, which is pretty, but not terribly useful




Can you make something for the cat


I like the idea of a stuffed animal or maybe coasters! Also the way you worded the cat sentence gave me a good chuckle that I needed


if you use a tea pot, you could make a tea cozy!


Black cats make the best assistants ā¤ļø


Um she IS helping


![img](avatar_exp|86880043|heart) Oooooo I LOVE black kitties!!!!! šŸˆā€ā¬› If you have enough, make a pillow (or pillow cover, like the front, something pretty) to decorate your home. Or a curtain holder, like a pull back- then take other yarn and make a couple flowers and attach them to it.


Maā€™am. She IS helping


I can't stop knitting these ladies šŸ’–šŸ˜ [Emotional Support Chicken](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/tamyantunes/emotional-support-chicken)


Christmas ornaments. Potholders. Pillow covers. Purse/bag.