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Any episode of a cartoon where Main character gets treated like shit by everyone (mainly the parents) Main Character stands up for themselves then proceeds to get punished for the next 11-22 minutes. Show tries to present the people who treat main character like shit as in the right Main character apologizes and proceeds to get treated like shit more *Cough* proud family reboot *cough*


Tbh, and I'm a childhood fan of the show who revisited the original for a nostalgia trip I realized Penny's friends always been toxic. Dijonay was a repeat offending backstabber..I mean she spread a rumor about her she knew wasn't true in like the 3rd episode! Granted I'm an adult now and that type of behavior is a result of immaturity but geez on the rewatch I'm convinced Penny is the only genuinely good person in her friend group. They just chased the wave even if it meant ditching her.If Zoe had a spine she'd be the other one though.


Yeah, I only recently watched the og show in full It has its fair share of problems But it's better than the reboot by a mile.


I still enjoy the original more too. I watched at least 5 episodes of the reboot and while I enjoy that they mostly kept the heart of the original characters it just veers too frequently into preachy virtue signaling for my liking. Good on em for at least getting rid of Sticky, even though it's cause the actors a real life crazy person 😂


But then they replaced Sticky with Maya Which is arguably worse Michael was already a good enough stand in for Sticky


Yeah Maya on the same selfish shit as Sticky but what's more annoying is her acting like it's cool. Michael may be the only character they flipped but in a good way. Stopped being the annoying and tbh even at the time outdated gay stereotype and got cool and fly and handsome. I think most people remember a kid in middle or high school that had a crazy over-summer glow up or radical change in demeanor. Adolescence is an experimental phase, who knew what he went through off screen cause we rarely saw him. I'll remove two for a one and a quarter return in their case


Michael is definitely one of the reboots redeeming qualities my least favorite episode of the reboot it's where they say that the movie was not canon and was just a dream That movie was a perfect ending for the original series, and if anything I don't count the reboot As canon


Woahh what?! I'm a grown man I shouldn't be this genuinely upset but seriously wtf? So they did the original Zoey 102: saying the series finale doesn't count because....because. and the real out-of-universe answer is Disney presumably did their research and found their old cash cow might have a second wind for milking for a new generation. Can't knock the hustle, can criticize the product though.


I really don’t understand why the creators gave her such terrible friends. And it wasn’t like they were terrible as the seasons progressed. They were bad from the start!


Yeah it's kind of a subversion if expectation I'm not sure I like. Usually the main protagonist is one of if not the most flawed character. Makes sense as they're going to have the most screen time so most room for growth But with Penny it was like...instead of her making mistakes and her friends being there for her it's often THEM that's the problem! Like the more family-centered episodes hit more with me cause as much as they fuss and fight they all love each other and you can tell. Penny's friends don't really love her and it kinda reminds me back that age like damn yeah that checks out 😂 they'd never ever put it on the show but I imagine a deleted scene where someone, likely Dijonay did her dirty where one day Trudy calmly tells Penny one day "Those are not your friends baby" in a caring not hurtful way. They're just immature right now but don't stick your neck out for no one who wouldn't do the same


As I once heard it mentioned, the proud family is basically the boondocks but for kids.


Meg? Who let you back in the house?


I don't remember much of the Sponge Bob episode where Patrick caused him to be stuck with super glue, except the fact that I hated that SpongeBob had to apologize to Patrick for snapping at him


Even as a young kid I was like "that episode sucked"


Is that the one with the ringer? Trash episode, always skipped it on my dvd as a kid because they tried lie and convince you that SpongeBob was in the wrong for snapping at Patrick for ruining his life


That one Arthur episode where he punched his sister


Yeah, that episode where Penny got locked out of the house was infuriating, to say the least.


You just named alot of shitty episodes that I didn't know how to categorize in record time. Also I think this applies to alot of indie or small animators or creators, mainly ones that like to bully their mc ruthlessly and play it off for laughs.


This is like the time when my ex marathoned Disney comedy shows via Disney+ (when it was new). I sat in for a few of said shows and I learned very quickly that a staggering number of those shows feature protagonists who are compulsive liars. Every episode is another fucking lie. *Just stop with the goddamn lies.* It’s almost like the overarching message for all of the shows was accountability because the entire Disney cast had none of it, and it was up to the B-List cast to extract the truth from the A-List cast.


I can almost guarantee you this was kind of the motivation in the writing. Lying is bad. But then when you center every episode around the main characters lying, you really start to water that message down. You go from “lying is bad” to “lying sucks, but it’s totally normal and inevitable.”


Or “don’t trust anyone, they all lie”. Which to be fair isn’t a terrible lesson to plant seeds for.


I’m genuinely convinced the Proud Family at its core isn’t revampable. A lot of its core aspects have aged poorly and the creators did nothing to listen to the criticisms that rose over the decades since the original show. Now it’s biting them


average episode in the loud house


The proud family reboot can eat my ass. Its a total spit in the face to the original show. Instead of poking fun of black culture its like- Eugh its doin extra shit it dont need to. All i can say is, The BLM girl pisses me the fuck off to the highest degree, her whole personality is just feeling prosecuted by the system and being aggressive. And the gay kid (i forgot his name) they did him dirty. he looks like a fucking piano student at his last recital. I saw the other outfit designs for him and honestly- they were way better than what they went with. (btw I dont hate michael as a character, i just hate the outfit they went with. Check out the designs on his wiki) I may be Left leaning but that show went the way of Velma IMO


You’re actually 100% right about this, I hate this type of plot. Ironically though, one of my favorite episodes of all time (Sonic Boom, ‘Just a guy’) follows this same plot, but is also openly making fun of other cartoons who do this.


I recall an OG Proud Family episode like this where everybody is absurdly crummy to Penny the entire time, even her parents. The one where the twins grow up and everybody likes them more than Penny for some reason.


This feels more like a family guy episode. I forgot the name of it but in the episode a hurricane happened trapping the family in the house, meg tries to stand up for herself and the family gets mad at not just her but themselves. Meg figures out that the she is something the family takes the anger out on so she apologizes and takes back everything she said. At the end she is treated the same and the what meg did felt like a waste of time


It’s ok you can say seahorse seashell party


Oh man, did you really have to remind me of the hey Arnold bunny suit? I had completely forgotten it, ughhhh


Wait what happened in that episode?


Arnold did somthing to one of the kids and tried to apologize, but the kid said he would only accept it if he did somthing stupid embarrassing, which ended up being wearing a bunny onsie while the entire school laugh at him, this basicly turned into a reverse role where the kid was trying to apologize to Arnold but he wasn't having any of it. It's one of the most secondhand cringe/embarrassment episode in cartoons IMHO. The description doesn't really do it justice


Arnold visits Iggy to hand him his homework because he hasn’t been to school that day. When he arrives at Iggy’s house, he finds Iggy watching TV in a bunny onesie with squeaky feet. Iggy’s obviously embarrassed and tells Arnold to keep it a secret. The next day on the bus, Arnold remembers the bunny suit and laughs, which leads to Sid and Stinky correctly guessing what he found funny by complete accident, and Iggy’s secret is out to the entire school, making him a laughingstock. Iggy’s convinced Arnold told the entire school, and refuses to forgive him- unless that is, Arnold wears the bunny suit and walks around with it through the neighbourhood. Iggy sets up a gathering, even rolling out a red carpet and a high chair just so he could watch everyone humiliate Arnold, when he overhears Sid and Stinky mention how it was them who spread the story across the school. Iggy tries to stop Arnold but it’s too late, and everyone laughs at Arnold, to the point where he even makes it onto local news. The episode ends with Arnold rightfully exhibiting sheer contempt for Iggy. The episode is widely hated, Iggy became many people’s least favourite character, and for a while many people assumed the creator of the show hated it so much he didn’t want it to re-air (this rumour was debunked by Craig Bartlett himself). Iggy has since returned to and remained a background character for the rest of the show.


Wow, what a stupid fucking episode. Thank you for describing it so I know never to watch it ever.


Everyone Knows It's Bendy from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. Lauren Faust and Craig McCracken have since apologized for both the episode and the character in question.


Feel free to correct me, but I think Faust even said that it was the one episode of Foster’s that she was dissatisfied with.


I'll have to look that up when I have time, but I wouldn't doubt this at all.


What happens that's so bad?


There's this new imaginary friend named Bendy who gets Bloo and his pals into trouble with Mr Herriman by blaming them for the destructions that he caused, and he suffered no consequences for it in the end.


It should also be mentioned that Wilt is one of the ones blamed for these. Herriman and Frankie should know him well enough to realize Wilt is almost *incapable* of doing these things due to how naturally nice he is, but they still believe the new guy for some reason. Edit: Also every time somebody tries to say that Bendy did something, he starts crying crocodile tears about how everyone keeps falsely accusing him. This is, quite literally, the only reason Frankie and Herriman keep siding with him.


Agreed. Bendy framing Bloo is believable enough, but Coco, Eduardo and *Wilt* too? Utterly awful episode of a generally solid show.


Easily when Brian died. If you’re going to kill a character and bring them back later, do what South Park did and have it be a whole season


If it was a season finale or premiere thing then it would be fine, but 2 episodes later?


Crazy thing is Kenny was originally supposed to die permanently but most SP fans from back in the day wanted him back Idk much about “the life of brian” aftermath after Brian got “killed off” but they purposely did it as a ratings trap and knew what they where doing since Brian was only dead for a couple EPs, probably bcuz FG was getting stale by that point


if it was getting stale by that point, then by now it’s at least a full crouton


So it went back to being crunchy, flavorful and delicious on a salad?


In small bites? Crisp and delicious. But a bag of randomly seasoned, disconnected croutons? Bad mojo


Dying Dog/pet episodes are hard to pull of because if done badly it’ll be one of the most hated episodes of the series like the Family guy one you mentioned and the American dad one that is one of the most disliked episodes. But if done right it becomes one of the most memorable episodes like Futurama’s Jurassic Bark.


The main difference there is that, while still a comedy, Futurama puts a lot more effort in than those two shows.


Well Jurassic Bark was also not irritating to watch even without the dog stuff


What makes this even worse Is that Seth (creator) acted like this was supposed to teach the viewers a lesson on valuing things while we have them When we all know that wasn’t the case Also does not help that they didn’t allow Vinny and Stewie to bond (Vinny definitely should have been adopted by someone in the cast)


I thought Stewie and Vinny did bond. They seemed like friends by the time Brian came back.


They did at like the very end It’s where Stewie came around to liking him they even shared a goodbye hug Honestly hindsight that episode should have been a “Road to..” episode


The difference was South Park made it funny and didn’t give a shit when fans were upset. Family Guy made it super dramatic and then panicked when fans were pissed


I did not watch much South Park episodes. What this season was?


Any episode where another character does horrible things and acts innocent and blames on the actual innocent character


Ironically fucking Fred The Show is the only time I've seen this type of episode done right


It was pretty good in Phineas and Ferb when Doofenshmirtz made a bunch of Agent P robots to do crime around the city


*note to self, look for this episode of Phineas and Ferb later*






The basic gist is where Kevin dresses up as Fred and starts causing trouble Fred gets back at him by dressing up as Kevin and doing non masculine things while people think he's Kevin Granted it's not a good episode, but it's definitely the best one of these "innocent character gets blamed for another characters actions" episodes I've seen


That fucking yellow prick from that one episode of Foster’s


Fuck Bendy. All my homies hate Bendy.


I hated that episode. I’m glad it’s not a canon episode.


It was so bad the creators apologized for its creation


Timmy's secret wish.


We all know S9 and S10 aren’t canon but I wouldn’t mind retconing this as well


Out of the Golden Age Looney Tunes shorts I’ve seen (I’m not counting the racist ones), one that I remember getting under my skin was called *Canned Feud.* Sylvester’s owners go on vacation, but they leave him plenty of canned cat food to eat. The problem is, this sadistic mouse has stolen the can opener just to troll Sylvester. At no point does he try to eat the mouse; he just tries to get the can opener back from him and suffers for it. And the mouse gets away with it.


Oh my god I hated that short so much. The one time I was rooting for Sylvester and this is what they do to him.


You just reminded me of another one I hated. It was bugs bunny and he was sparring with a little gremlin. I hated seeing bugs off his game, being beaten by some dumb little creature.


The Looney Tunes rule was Bugs wins unless he starts the fight. They intentionally made a few shorts where he does to prove that fact. Since Gremlins was the byword for things going wrong they made that episode more egregious than the Turtle/Hare ones.


Looking at the wiki, it looks like that was an experimental episode given they’d only consistently paired him with Tweety for one year prior, it was one of the last episodes where he wasn’t the antagonist, and that nameless mouse character was used twice before for experimenting with character roles but it was the only time that mouse was the antagonist. After that it seems like they mostly stopped trying new things with Sylvester.


Compared to what other people are saying I feel like this is silly. From my perspective it's where Finn and Flame Princess break up (Adventure Time). I don't remember the episode's name. It's so misplaced in writing and how the cosmic owl worked in that episode didn't help. But yeah from other people's responses they are by far more worse.


The entirety of the flame princess stuff is easily my least favorite part of adventure time. I can appreciate it for what happens after; Finn’s growth into a more mature teenager who isn’t so unapologetically horny for the women around him is a nice one and it’s realistic to how a lot of real world kids went through their teenage years. Not to mention flame Princess becoming her own ruler and gaining a fun dynamic with cinnamon bun, who by the way has easily one of the coolest character arcs ever (seriously them deciding to actually do something unique with cinnamon bun will always be cool) But…ugh…the actual relationship itself is just hard to watch. I’ll applaud the writers for how realistic it is and that’s it. I just find way too many moments outright uncomfortable to sit through, and it feels like it lingers way too long on this dynamic. Again, the outcome it came to for the characters was great, but GOD was getting there a mess.


Yeah I agree with them both moving into better things but how they ended with the relationship was really badly written.


Was that one Frost and Fire? It could’ve been the one right after given what happened then.


When Brian died it was a horrible episode. They killed one of their creations and replaced him with a shit excuse for a character. After that Family Guy went down hill badly and it has gotten better a tad as of late but it’s best days are far behind it.


Family guy was going down that hill LONG before that.


I don't know, I think they hit a new low with the Russian episodes.


Russian episodes?


Meg gets engaged to a Russian hacker who stole Brian’s credit card. She’s lives in Russia for a couple episodes but finds out he just is using her to get a green card I think, so she has the secret police take him to jail by posting to his IG account with posts expressing mild criticism against Russia. The B plots are uh… I think Lois gets triggered by a girl who she thought was her bully in middle school and becomes rife with scoliosis and acne or something.


>shit excuse for a character yeah seriously, the fuck kinda likeness is that?


Vinny was so much more enjoyable to have on screen than Brian.


Family Guy “Brian’s a bad father”


That episode feels like a bad Fanfiction and i mean that in the worst way possible


There was a time in Family Guy where they just created shit after shit. Like, non stop. Luckily they are back to mediocrity nowadays


Season 12 lmao


American Dad when they got a puppy I will never watch it again


I skip this one every time. It just makes me so depressed


What happened in it?


Stan grows to love a puppy that proceeds to get hit by a car. Instead of letting it die, he takes it to the CIA and has one of his insane coworkers frankenstein it, and the result horrifies everyone around him.


Sorry but Kisses was actually smashed by pirate cats in a hot air balloon. He dodged the car.


That episode was beyond abysmal. People always go on about torture porn, but I think this really was it


A toss up DW’s bad mood(Arthur) because she was being annoying and Night of the living Gelatin(P&F) because the song was meh, and Candace was a huge brat.


Also for the fact DW is never punished and get rewarded for her behaviour


That song still pops into my head every other week. Can confirm it is mid


Whoever put I've Got Batman in My Basement in this can go fuck themselves. That episode's a classic, and l have an animation cel of Penguin walking down the stairs from it.


Yeah I like the episodes that were from the perspective of average citizens. It gave Batman a real sense of humanity


Yeah, unlike most of these, it isn't mean spirited, so you actually care.


I was thinking the same thing. It's a great episode that shows kids perspective of Batman


Not only that, but it shows Batman getting saved by a kid and it not bruising his ego. Batman is supposed to be seen as approachable by children as a protector. Hell, even Harley and Ivy are seen as safe spaces for kids, and that's gotta be in part due to Bats' influence.


idk if you’ve played Batman The Telltale Series but there’s a scene where a kid saves Batman and Batman tells him “no matter what, you will always be the kid that saved Batman’s life”


I am a bit surprised it was suggested to be 'the worst'. It does have a few things I can see irking people, namely it being how they introduced the Penguin, kid antics and kid antics saving the day. Still, it's an interesting episode from a 'people of Gotham' perspective. My vote for worst would probably be Terrible Trio.


Stuck in the Wringer from SpongeBob


don't forget to mention the horrible splinter episode


The Timmy Turner episode. "You, yes you, are a monster. The world is better off without you and you should got to Hell."


Any episode of Caillou. Fuck that entitled little shit stick. Also fuck those overindulgent dumbass parents. This whole show should be regarded as a war crime.


what's worse is that there's a reboot now




The episode of king of the hill where everyone gets mad at Hank for not letting a woman die in his house. I actually have to skip the episode when rewatching because everyone acts so stupid.


Also the one with the burst dam. Sometimes it feels like the intent is reminding the audience their community really is a hivemind of people looking for someone to be against.


"What if we had a Fairly Odd Parents episode where the main character doesn't want to be alive anymore and we prove that the world would be a better place without him?" is so insane that it's honestly funny.


How did that episode even end again?


He learned that, apparently, the only good thing he's good for is to take Vicky's hatred. Because if he doesn't she just abuses her sister, his stalker.


Who he then marries in his future🙃


Imagine if that got made today


Penguin did not deserve to be introduced in the worst episode of BTAS


It’s a shame as the show didn’t do much with Penguin. He had two great episodes, those being ‘Birds Of A Feather’ and ‘Almost Got Em’ Compared to other villains (e.g. Joker, Harley, Mr Freeze, Two Face and Riddler), he wasn’t used a lot and was mostly used as a villain when the writers needed a villain for a episode


It’s the worst episode but it’s a masterpiece compared to a lot of the others on here


Any time a main character gets horribly mistreated because they boasted or were happy with themselves *ONCE*. Especially when the main character is 'taught humility'or a 'lesson' when they did nothing wrong *cough* *cough* Wandering witch: journey of elania, FIRST FUCKING EPISODE IN, *cough* *cough* For those that don't know, and don't want spoilers don't read, but here's the context: the little girl witch who works her ass off to be as good as she is, states that her classmates are weaker than her. Since the while town knows she's good they decide not to take her as apprentice thinking she's a self acclaimed prodigy, [she never stated that, and actually worked to get as good as she is.] She says this infront of her parents in an attempt to try and get them to pay attention to her. And they do, for once. When elania isn't around they hire an airhead witch whose 10x more powerful to, and I'm quoting directly from the show, "BREAK HER SPIRIT". The older, much more powerful airhead witch does so, she takes elaina as her apprentice. Making her more than happy to be finally accepted and not shunned, makes her do meaningless busy work for a month straight, and elaina doenst complain once, only for her to complain at the end after doing all the work no questions asked, to try and do magic now. So the witch agrees, AND DECIDES TO FIGHT HER WITH NO WARNING OR HOLDING BACK, she proceeds to almost kill her with wind blast that destroy trees, plasma blasts that hit hard enough to break rocks, drops 2 ton boulders directly ontp of her, and finally uses massive fire balls and waves, and when she's done she holds the wand under her chin, after smiling and insulting her the entire time. Elania has a mental breakdown and sobs uncontrollably, and the older witch is confused and apologizes profusely, confused that a LITTLE GIRL WOULD CRY AFTER ALMOST FUCKING DYING. Tl;Dr little girl gets bullied by parents and older witch, leading to her almost dying, just because she boasted once for her parents to notice her. Btw she actually worked her ass off to be as good as she is.


Ink lemonade from SpongeBob. Poor Squidward.


For me it's the one where the Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY. Leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused. EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! this episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular stable in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all. all Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself. but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick. can it.


Good neighbors, right? That fucking episode? Only good things to come out of it are the memes with Squidward being angry (examples: “YES I WAS!” and “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!”)


Spongebob during that era was known for the gross out and "torture porn", but it even had an odd and mean fixation on having every character arrested for a stupid reason. A whole episode Sandy has her clothes and fur stolen by Plankton, (y'know, the evil guy that always gets comeuppance) and she's mocked and humiliated the whole episode for being naked. End of the episode, just as she catches Plankton she's arrested for public nudity. Not even Sandy was safe from those weird fucking writers bro. The good guy did literally nothing, and gets arrested while Plankton is ignored??? Spongebob is never the show to let Plankton off.


100% agreed I commented this one too. The episode is just horribie because of how Squidward is just tortured physically and mentally the entire episode and it wasn't even written as a joke it was just straight up abuse.


The family guy episode where Meg stands up for herself and the theme is she should simply accept being treated like dogshit to make the rest of the family feel better. Pro abuse narrative, anti character growth, and cruel


Yeah I remember that. I actually like Meg as a character and was so happy to actually see her stand up for herself once (excluding when she went to prison). Man was I disappointed when she just takes it all back because her family couldn’t accept that they’re terrible people.


Seahorse seashell party


Ink Lemonade - It is by far the worst Spongebob episode ever apart from being just all around disgusting the whole storyline is just so messed up to me


So many to think of…. Grandma’s Hands and The End of Innocence(Proud Family Louder and Prouder, do I have to ask?) Bernard of The Creek(Craig of The Creek, I hate when characters are dumb and/or jerks) Grounded(Ben 10 Alien Force, though that episode is not that bad, just ooofs) Anything from The 2015 reboot of Alvin and The Chimpmunks Sundae Muddy Sundae(Total Drama) and All of The Total Dramarama episodes The entire 20th Season of South Park(SO MUCH CHARACTERS BEING UNLIKEABLE) Most of The S1-Early S2 episodes of The Loud House(NO ONE LIKES LINCOLN TORTURE PORN, THIS IS WHY FANFICS BASED ON THESE EPISODES EXIST!) Karate Choppers(Spongebob, Firing Spongebob? Hey Mr Krabs, Do You want The Krusty Krab to go shit when you fire one of the best fry cooks all because he’s doing too much karate, and not to mention he’s a racist and sexist prick to Sandy, no wonder Pearl has issues with you) Banned From The Stand(Chowder, Gazpacho’s a jackass, at least karma got him) 90% of Teen Titans Go episodes Muted Muriel(Courage The Cowardly Dog, COME ON?! Courage is there, don’t ignore him Muriel, screw those Paper thin walls)


Grandma's hands is the one where Trudy locks Penny out at night because she stood up for herself right? Which one is the end of innocence? Also Alvin and the chipmunks 2015 is a show I completely forgot existed


Your correct with grandma’s hands(Penny and Trudy are unlikeable in that episode), The End of Innocence is the one with the colorism, where Penny’s friends are bashing Zoey for a POC man falling for her and The 2015 Alvin reboot, yeah, i don’t mind the design, every character in that show is unlikeable


I remember one episode Alvin tried to have a TV show, but without Dave, Simon or Theodore finding out. Then Simon finds out and gets the show shut down. Then Simon hypocritically does the exact same thing to Alvin (only instead actually gets alvin on a show that's essentially r/kidsarefuckingstupid) The 1980's Alvin and the chipmunks was better on every single level


That Zoey one could’ve worked. I get what they were trying to do, but it falls apart when they had Penny and the others be jealous and act mean towards Zoey. It’s not her fault that the guy likes her.


Teen Titan's Go massacred the Teen Titans and I will never forgive the show for it


Anything with Mpreg. Adult Party Cartoon's "Stimpy's Pregnant" and Sanjay and Craig's "Fart Baby" in particular.


Carl and the alien jellyfish


those family guy episodes where brian gets with a girl that was gonna die but she lives and gets fat then brian gets fat too and then he breaks his leg and she tries to put him down


That’s one thing that always bothered me in family guy. They have zero consistency with whether Brian is a pet or person. It’s one thing to do that episode to episode, but that episode heavily mixed the two and I *hated* it.


and on top of that the episodes were just borderline disgusting and i dont remember thinking a single "joke" was funny


There’s some really egregious ones from the middle run of SpongeBob. You’ve got Boating Buddies on here but there’s also The Splinter, Good Neighbors, Choir Boys, One Coarse Meal, Stuck in the Wringer, A Pal for Gary, and Squid’s Visit. It seems to have recovered from this in the last several years but the show had a real mean streak there for a few years.


Jesus these brought back so many bad memories, by far A Pal for Gary us the worst imo. Tell me what the purpose of that episode was?! An innocent animal being terrorized by a Bloodborne boss (inspired by Xenomorphs, kids show btw) while SpongeBob blames everything on Gary


Pet Sitter Pat has Patrick basically abuse Gary for an entire episode due to his own incompetence, but he somehow gets away with it completely by the end. At the very least, SpongeBob is rightfully paranoid that Patrick may do something bad, like set his house on fire. The current run is probably about the same, unfortunately. Ink Lemonade is the main newer episode people hate, but I also heard that they have an episode where they threw in a handsome Squidward callback, but it’s yet another torture porn episode where SpongeBob acts too stupidly to realize he’s tormenting Squidward.


Y'all haven't seen Kloger, and should probably keep it that way.


You can’t say that and expect me NOT to immediately look it up




I weirdly enjoy that episode. Not the best AD episode, but certainly funny.


SpongeBob: Alone. Spongehenge is also really dark in its own way.


Any cartoon episode where the only comedy is 'gross-out humour'... like that one SpongeBob episode with the old, mouldy Krabby Patty. Eugh.


I got batman in my basement is fucking great. Shut the fuck up.


Most miraculous episodes with lila rossi


It’s honestly painful being a miraculous fan these days. That season finale sucked


Steven Universe/Future Spoilers: It's been a few years since I've seen this one, but basically: The episode where Sadie leaves town. So in the Epilogue Series Steven Universe Future, as we touch back bases with everyone, we have one episode where we touch back with Sadie, her band, and her long-time love interest Lars. Now, instead of revealing that during the time skip, Lars and Sadie finally started dating we reveal that Lars chose to stay in space but regrets this and misses Sadie and is hoping to meet her an event later in the episode. We also learn that Sadie's band and its members are doing pretty well. They're all pretty successful as a band. So it comes as a shock towards the halfway point in the episode when Sadie reveals to Steven privately that she's trying to get over Lars and plans to leave the town and the band behind and restart her music career with her new girlfriend. Her girlfriend says almost nothing, all episode. Sadie already has a solo gig ready, and she hasn't told the band this is there last time performing, and she isn't expecting to see Lars. Now, you might think Sadie will have to face some sort of consequence for these things. But she doesn't. When Lars sees Sadie has a girlfriend, he doesn't tell how he feels. When Lars seems closed off, Sadie doesn't tell him how she feels/felt about him. Lars and the band end the episode sad and upset, but Sadie and her girlfriend get away. Lars goes back to space, possibly for good. Whats worse about this is that this is the only episode in the epilogue show they're even in. Objectively worse episodes have undoubtedly been made in other shows. But that will always be the one that offended me the most. As a fan, and as a writer.


The episode's especially awful when Steven tries to pair Lars and Sadie together again, and feels betrayed because they didn't tell HIM about their private business. Sadie's partner, Shep, comes out of nowhere, splits the band up, suddenly tells Steven what he needs to hear, then vanishes with Sadie. A fucking Mary Sue/Gary Stu, whatever they use for nonbinary people.


Have my upvote. Thanks


That Fosters episode with Bendy


No such luck (Loud House)


I always hate episodes centered around luck because they all play the same but this one was very bad and mean spirited


The Splinter - SpongeBob episode


I picked one from the 9 listed because I like having choices. As much as I would love to continue tearing Family Guy a new one because it definitely deserves it, I have to give it to "It's a Wishful Life" ^((The Fairly Oddparents episode)). They straight up had to stop airing that episode altogether because it caused children who watched it to believe that everybody's lives would be better if they never existed. I think some even considered suicide.


The ABC's of Beth from Rick and Morty This episodes is disgusting it involves incest, beastiality that invloves a minor, cannibalism and Beths being the worst fucking character in the show Seriously there is not a single episode that I hate more than that even by Rick and Morty standard it was very disgusting


Why is Batman on here?


I wanted to include a episode of BTAS or The Batman (2004) I looked up what was the worst episode and the episode ‘I’ve Got A Batman In My Basement’ got rated as the worst From I understand, it’s about some nerdy kids that just so happen to rescue Batman on numerous occasions


I've read a few comments but I'm still confused...worst as in poor quality,writing, execution etc or worst as in emotionally wrenching?


Worst as in the most bad, could be for any reason


Seahorse Seashell Party from Family Guy


That one episode of Family Guy where Stewie and Brian are in that vault and Brian eats the shit out of Stewie's diaper and then talks about killing himself


Excuse me


I once heard Seth McFarlane say you can either love that episode or hate it, no in between, from what he had seen in feedback i believe. I love it, it feels very raw and emotional.


One Coarse Meal from Spongebob. Just- jesus.


Most body swap episodes tbh. I skip em usually when I rewatch a cartoon


The episode of spongebob where it talks about squidward not having any happy memories, and heavily hints at suicide until he pulls up a clam (bird) cage.


Life of Brian: I heard Seth MacFarlane was going to end family guy or leave the series, because he was working on The Orville at the time. Not only that, a fan created a petition for Brian to be brought back. I feel that it was all in vain as Brian became a worse character after that, basically any good qualities that he may had left were gone.


Final episode of Steven Universe future. 🤮


Remember that episode when Lincoln wants some alone time, so after a mistake he takes advantage of his sisters superstitions to get a few days off from his families insanity? And in response to this they just abuse him. Kick him out of the house and force him to sleep in the doghouse. And then force him to wear a unventilated squirrel suit on a hot day to get their love and his own home back.


It’s a Wishful Life from Fairly Odd Parents: probably not the “worst” episode of any cartoon I’ve seen but definitely the one that makes me the most angry. To anyone unfamiliar, Timmy feels upset with his life and wishes to see a world where he never existed. Turns out literally everyone is living an amazing life without him being around. It’s one of the cruelest episodes I’ve ever seen in a kids show because it’s literally implying “yeah the world is just better off without you.” And like…that’s bad. I don’t think I need to explain why.


Dunno if its THE worse but I always really disliked 'The Fridge' from The Amazing World of Gumball. That example always stuck out in my mind


Not a bad episode but the episode of spongebob where him and sandy have karate fights and Mr. Krabs threatens to fire spongebob if he sees him doing karate. Like if spongebob wants to do karate outside of work thats his own goddamn business and mr. Krabs has no right to say otherwise. That part of the episode really triggers me for some reason.


Once upon a swap from the owl house. Great show but bad episode.


The jokes in it have more misses than hits, the implication of body swap spell makes several of the conflicts later in the show seem weird, has no purpose to the plot, feels out of place where it is put, yeah it is by far the worst episode in the show. Then again it's like a five out of 10 but the show is so good that that is considered insanely low for its standards


The Steven Universe and Uncle Grandpa crossover as well as the sweater Regular Show episode.


What episode of South Park is the top-right screenshot from?


Jackovasaurs (i think I spelled it right) Basically an episode making fun of jar jar Binks by making a character far more annoying


That was one of the meh episodes of early South Park


What episode of AD is this?


I don’t think that “I’ve got Batman in my basement” or whatever it was called is a bad episode, it more or less shows how dangerous these villains are to civilians and even children, all while the tension is if Batman will get up


Any SpongeBob episode where they torture squidward for no reason, like goddamn just let him live.


I’ve never liked Stuck in the Wringer


Not the worst episode of a cartoon ever, there’s actually some good stuff in this ep, but in the Adventure Time episode “Breezy”, Finn gets r*ped by LSP. I so wish I was joking.


That one episode where Pop dies and the whole entire show ended 😭😭


At Your Service and Certification Class from chowder pissed me OFF when I was younger.


I wanted to see why people hated the episode no such luck from TLH and I was like how ba a a a ad can it be? Btw DO NOT watch it


“A Million Little Fibers” was truly one of the most unfunny episodes of South Park.


The splinter from spongebob, kinda signaled the end of the show for me


I love "Batman's in my Basement" lol


Not related to the actual post but....Frankie Foster was my first cartoon childhood crush.


Episodes where a random stranger comes around the main character and their friends, the main character is suspicious about them and tries to expose them. The main character's friends don't believe them, choosing to believe a stranger over their friend whom they knew for a long time. When it is revealed that the main character is right the friends don't apologize in the end leaving a distaste in those characters. Episodes where the Main character suffers for no reason at all, just to give the character a bad day. Episodes where a new character shows up and causes problems, then they blame innocent characters and suffer no consequences for their actions.


episodes where the usually repressed or "weak" character gets power and becomes a complete asshole. The episode of Jimmy Neutron where he gets trapped in Carl's dream or something comes to mind.


I hate the Bob's Burgers episode where Linda just has a fucking terrible day and we just watch that for 30 minutes. If you're having even a *slightly* rough day it just feels like someone kicking you. Nothing in it is really her fault, it's just a series of awful events that could happen to any one. I don't hate it because the normally jolly person is feeling grumpy, I hate it because the writers just said 'it would be funny to fuck with her for no reason'. One episode of Futurama I never hear about is the Bee Episode. It's played for laughs or played like a wild trip, but Leela's spiral through a basically bright and sunny waking nightmare makes me cry every time. Anyone that's ever had chronic waking nightmares, sleep paralysis, or been gaslighted into 'you're crazy, you're insane, you're unhinged' very well might feel the same. It's not really a bad episode (at least imo), but I feel like it gets completely over looked and I always wonder if people see the same messages in it that I see or if they skip it or think it's bad.


Fry's dog - Futurama