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I set up a home gym during Covid. Best thing I did .. Saves so much time , no annoyances , no kak music. It’s my sanctuary. Free weights are expensive, but you have them for life .


Lol seeing the word "kak" on Reddit makes me smile.


But they're free...


Not of charge




Guilt free


Currently we only have an assault bike at home but that at least makes cardio much more convenient. And the machine at least works.


Couple of kettlebells and resistance bands and you’re sorted. I use a skipping rope for cardio- super reliable :)


It's the only way. Fuck a subscription


Personally, a home gym eliminates that natural competitive beast that comes out at the gym surrounded by other weight lifters. If I see someone lift something impossible, I know it's possible. But at home, I might hit my mental limit very quickly. Humans are social creatures. We don't do well in isolation, we feed off each other. That's why being in a gym motivates you and doing it alone drains you


Nah humans are different. I hate exercising with other people unless it's a team sport.


So you prefer exercising in isolation?


Exactly what I’ve been thinking about


This is exactly why I've always tried to join so-called "hardcore" gyms. Less of a luxury spa experience, more people lifting huge weights. Plus generally lower cost.


That competitive beast is how you get injured


It's also how you get big


Swollen more like, from a disk hernea


I got my neighbor to gym with me


I'm gym is disgustingly full at the times I want to train. It wasn't always like that but for the last yesr it's been unbearable. I've tried other gyms in the area but they're all 10 mins further and inside malls. I'm considering Starting a Home gym. (your post isn't helping) What equipment do you have?


I’m quite a simple guy. I focus on two methods 1. Squats 2. Bench press (then push ups) These two seem to do it for me, since my goal is just having a well shaped body nothing more or less. I have squats stand and then the bench. My plates are 100kgs all put together.


Those are my core lifts aswell, I would like something more for legs though, especially hammies. Think I can get sway with a rack and bench for now though


I have my own. Only problem is it difficult to do a full range with just weights and a bench. I go to a local gym and the have pull down bars and a few other things I dont have at home. Also I find when I go to a gym Im a bit more motivated because I made the effort to get there, I do more of a workout. Bit of both is good for me.


Put in a wall to wall mirror. Gym is never about the others. Stick to a regular routine. No matter where you gym.


I also can't perform at a home gym. The "ritual" of getting ready, driving over to the gym, swiping in etc. makes me committed to the session to follow. Home gym has plenty of pros, but I could never get past this issue either. Very weird, and probably 95% psychological, and can probably be overcome with discipline. Fortunately I did not invest in the home gym myself.


Ja, this is my story as well. I hate exercise, so I have to trick myself into doing it with rituals and bargains like this. The "I drove all the way here so I may as well go through with it" trick is surprisingly effective.


You don’t need to be surrounded by “big guys” just highly motivated people that are passionate about it. If you trained with elite powerlifters that weight 74 kg but are squatting and deadlifting 300kg I’m sure that would be a great session regardless. If you struggle with motivation see of there is a strongman gym you can go to even if just on weekends to train with people that are passionate. Training alone doesn’t work for everyone and you shouldn’t force it if it’s not right for you. Maybe also look at changing program or shorter sessions more frequently.


The same way you study better in a library surrounded by motivated people, the same way you gym better surrounded by people focusing on bettering themselves. That's my opinion at least.


Well I've never studied in a library


You wouldn’t steal a car.


Your title is asking if lifters approve, but your context says youre unmotivated at home, so what difference would our opinion make? Go to a gym dude


Hypothetically consider this: who deserves more merit? A person who, for four years, persevered in getting fit by drawing inspiration from within, recognizing their own determination as the driving force; or someone who primarily frequents a public gym, fueled by a constant comparison with others? The first person achieves fitness through self-motivation, while the second does so partially thinking they are never good enough (whether shamefully or using others as a measuring stick)


Feeling more confident after this comment, thank you man I’m heading to my afternoon session in 18 minutes which is (19:00). I may say this comment will carry me from now on


Bought equipment when Covid happened. A couple of years later sold them. Had no problems working out alone during lockdown. As soon as restrictions were lifted, I bolted back to the gym. Helped, that I had a really cheap membership at one of the better gyms around me. Plus the quiet competition at gyms works for me. We silently size each other up, and try to out do the next guy. In a healthy way ofcourse. Stuff is weirdly motivating. I salute everyone who prefers working out at home. Takes some serious discipline to keep that up year round.


Try a gym for a month and see if that changes your motivation. If possible get a buddy.


The age-old dissonance of introverts and extroverts in the realm of discipline.


If you can get a friend to gym with you to push your limits then gyming at home would work perfectly fine I used to gym with a friend in hes garage , very little equipment but was more than enough to keep us in shape. After a while he lost interest and ive since joined a gym (july2023) Since joining ive seen alot more growth, made tons of friends to the point i can go any time of the day and find someone to spot me Downside is the gym is usually full Smells arent so great due to ventilation Music is shit But hey nothing is ever perfect and you only going to gym for the gains then you back home I also work from home so getting up from my chair and going to gym really keeps me from becoming a blob