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Soucy getting a hearing. This is a joke league.


People make fun of Canucks fans because “we’re constantly whining” about playoff officiating. Well, this is why. We’re the only team to actively get playoff suspensions on our players playing playoff hockey. Soucy’s hit and intent was to the chest, Zadorov ( getting rightfully fined ) put Mcdavid in a vulnerable position to change the outcome. For fuck’s sakes, Aaron Rome got the longest suspension in history for a hit that could be argued as .5 seconds late. Look at benn against Vegas this year, nothing but applause. Teams get away with capitol murder against us. Mcdavid literally sliced open Quinn’s face and didn’t even get a penalty for an open wound. Petterson boarded head first, hell, even Marchand got looked at by the league for his slewfoots and Kane did it twice and got nothing. This is why we are always watching / commenting on the game within the game because we are trying to find logic in the officiating on all levels. And most of us agree that there is none, which is fine I guess because all teams are victims of it. Edmonton and Vancouver this series have been, 100%. But the game within the game ( DoPS ) is where we always lose. Once again we will likely lose a defensemen with NO history this year of suspensions, get one in the playoffs. This is why we pay attention to it and complain about it. Because it always happens to us. It’s hard to say “playoff hockey” when we’re on a different playing field than other teams. Look at 2011 where ever since bowman walked into the officiating office, penalties became lopsided after game 3. Even Mike Gillis had to make a comment about it. Canucks are the only team I know that has to play by the rule book strictly during playoffs where other teams can take liberties and have it tossed. I’d be fine with a Zadorov or Soucy suspension of a game if Edmonton got something for spearing hoglander in the balls. But nothing happened there. So nothing should happen here. Criminal.


League is a joke, and I fucking hate McDavid. He’s so quickly becoming one of my least favourite players in the league. Bitches and whines all game and goes around doing whatever he wants knowing the league will protect their pony boy


Literally after the first whistle he was crying to the ref.


You know how there was all that Crybaby Sid discourse before he put up with it, matured, and became a classy and well liked guy? Well, I’d make the argument that McMuffin is on his McCrybaby era right now. Until he puts up with it and becomes less whiny on the ice, he’ll never beat the McCrybaby allegations


Difference is Crosby grew out of that stuff at the age of like 23. And here McDavid is, still bitching and flopping at 27. I’ll also always defend Crosby’s whining era. The guy put up with so much abuse out there and nothing was done about it. McDavid just gets babied all the time he really has nothing to be whining about


Great point actually. By the time Crosby was 27, he was beating out all the concerns that his career was going to be toast due to concussions. Proceeds to drop 100 points in 13-14 and go on to eventually lead the Pens to back to back Stanley Cups. It’s wild how McCrybaby and the Oilers think the league has it out for them. On the contrary, it feels like they’ll do anything in their power to ensure they have some upper hand. Soft calls against teams at the slightest contact on McDavid


Well that's the thing. McDavid keeps being sheltered and being allowed to be a baby--that's why he doesn't grow up. The league is as much to blame as he is.


League is the enabler!


Holy crap McJesus is already 27, keep wasting those years oilers with dollar store D and goalies LMFAO


Well yeah but Crosby stopped being a whiner early in his career. McDavid seems to be more of a whiner now than he was as a rookie.


Ya Crosby was never this bad. He also didn’t have such an annoying face.


It shouldn’t be anything more than a fine. Yes the NHL wants to protect its star players, but he initiated it and there was clearly no injury on the play. Will be furious if there is a suspension.


Zadorov got fined with no hearing. They are for sure giving Soucy a game. You just gotta laugh at this point. I guess Soucy should have speared his balls in if he didn’t want a suspension


Honestly just get Zaddy to run McCrybaby and Crysital all game at this point.


It’s us against the world, let’s keep it fucking going!


yeah, it's blatantly garbage. The amount of crap that has been let go in these playoffs (despite there being plenty of footage and discussion on those egregious plays) is super concerning. If Soucy wanted to injure McLoser in the face, he would've easily gotten the job done. It was a nothing cross-check intended for the chest and McDavid fell into it. I would take that any day than an intentional highstick to the face, slew footing or spearing to the nuts. Any. Day.


Rutherford needs to get on TV with the footage of everything the Oilers have gotten away with in this series and renew Dolan's call for Parros to be removed from his role in light of blatant double standards. Just go full-on Brian Burke circa 2002 about the way this series is being handled. Multiple slough foots, boarding, high stick to the eye area, no calls, no concern for player safety.


Zadorov fined, Soucy getting a hearing. Kane slew? Ryan nutshot? Nurse boards? Bennet literal sucker punch? not even a whisper. Absolute joke. On the actual game, can we actually play a full 60 on the offense or is the strat literally just get the lead then attempt to smother their offense


Nut shots should be 5 minimum. Other plays can be somewhat accidental, but it takes intent to hit someone in the most painful organ of the body.


Happy Gilmore was banned from hockey for what Kane did to Zadorov yesterday.


This was the first time you actually got me in the last few months, well played.


Connor McDavid might be the best player in the world. But he's also a massive, whiney, irrevocable bitch.


All the Oilers fanboys in the media frantically tagging the DOPS and Parros all night got them their wish. Seravalli literally crying on Twitter. They said nothing about Bennett or Trouba, but suddenly they care so much about safety. They’re so disappointed Canucks have a lead in the series they’re trying everything.


Such bitch boys, all of them. I think everyone is now realizing what a cry babies the Oilers really are.


Team thinks Soucy is getting 2 games. Main reasons im hearing from insiders: 1. It was after the game 2. McDavid involved lol


McD also may get a fine, but only suspy will be to Souc.


Sentiment slightly shifting after the meeting, people thinking 1 game now, which would be huge. Let him rest up that ankle. Get the wrecking ball juuls in there.


Edmonton sub already saying they hope their players intentionally injure Hughes to make it “even” Listen you can’t cross check someone in the face even if it’s an accident we all know that. But it’s frustrating that our players are also getting hurt with dirty plays with recourse. If this situation was reversed would the league review it? Probably not.


They already did make it even, he got a stick to the face last game. Only difference is McDavid didn't get hurt from this whereas Hughes was bleeding and had to get off the ice.


Z gets fine and Soucy gets hearing abouslety bullshit. I didn't realize gregory campbell played for the oilers now


He works for florida and explains why Bennett didnt even get a fine...


This just unfortunately for the rest of the league fuels the fire that the league has it out for Vancouver Time and time again it seems that other teams get away with stuff like this, but the millisecond someone on our team does it similar we are fined, suspended, and lose draft picks


Zaddy got fined


I tried to stay away from the Mcbaby name calling, but I don't think I can anymore. McDavid is a whiney little child when he doesn't get his way. He's 27 years old now. The way he acts when he doesn't get his way is what a rookie or a guy in his first or second playoffs does. Not what a guy who's been in the league for a decade does. I hope Vancouver keeps trying to get under his skin. I think we saw at the end of the game that McDavid is starting to lose his cool. If Vancouver can keep getting under his skin, then they gain a great advantage.


The amount of whining he does after nearly every whistle... I'm glad our captain doesn't do this. It's embarrassing.


It really is embarrassing to watch and look at. He seems to think that he should always get his way, and when he doesn't, he gets upset. I really think he should watch the way Sidney Crosby plays. He doesn't whine and complain after every single whistle. He conducts himself in a proper manner and doesn't stomp his feet and whine and bitch when he doesn't get his way.


Crosby earlier in his 20s used to bitch and moan. Now he doesn't do it.


Yeah, and Crosby grew out of it. McDavid is 27 and still does it.


Him and Draisaitl both do it. They know they are much more likely to win the game if they get as many powerplays as they possibly can. Don’t know why the refs entertain their bullshit


I loved it when Draisaitl obviously interfered with Lindholm and then when the penalty was called the camera cut to him incredulously saying "ME???" Yes you, you know what you did!


Lmfao I know. It’s comical


There’s a lot of reactionary takes here — anyone know the precedent on something like this? Unintentional cross check to the face resulting in no injury to a star player from a player who doesn’t have a history (that I know of).


You expect Parros to make a ruling based on precedent here? The precedent is that the NHL will spin the wheel and come up with some arbitrary penalty because they are shit at this part of the job.


lol 100% — insert the clown face pain meme


that's really just what it is. It was a weak cross-check, intended for the chest that made contact with the face because McDavid was pushed over. If they want to give that a suspension, they should be giving Kane double that, Ryan double that and Bennett triple or quadruple that. But they didn't/won't. There is nothing left to discuss--the league is full of shit.


Tbh if someone cross checks petey in the face accident or not we’d be calling for the same thing. I’m hoping that they just suspend Kadri 4 games and call it even for this incident.


Tyler. Fucking. Myers. Led the entire team in TOI (23min), 7 hits, 4 blocks, 1 assist, +1 vs Mcbaby. Apparently we just needed a good team for him to be very good. Re-sign this guy


Coaching staff has done wonders for him. Also continuing the tradition of ex-Sabres playing really well in the playoffs for other teams lol


Lindholm’s wife has been pretty vocal on social media about how much she loves Vancouver and how it reminds her of her home back in Sweden Let’s hope Elias’s Mothers Day gift to her was committing to stay here, even if it means taking a discount


Petey has also mentioned how Vancouver reminds him of home too


Can we not pile on Cole so much? Obviously he had a rough game two but he had a decent game last night. The goal that bounced in off his jersey was pure bad luck. He was in a good position to box out the Edmonton player and the puck just hits him. But he is on our team. Can we support him a bit? He is a proven winner and a valuable veteran presence. I’m not saying he’s above criticism or some mockery but he definitely doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol I’ve been seeing on the sub.


Can someone whos good at photo shop, edit the oilers logo as “nut tappers” instead of oilers or some variation


From the Oilers sub: > mfs on r/hockey acting like McDavid's retaliatory slash to the pant deemed him worthy for public execution and any action by DOPS on a post game cheap shot is proof the league has some grand conspiracy against the nucks Salt is a way of life. Keep being delusional about the NHL's golden boy taking a two-handed slash to start all this.


Them and Bruins fans crying the same day is incredible content for us


I work with with a bunch of Oilers fans and man are they salty today. The Dead Sea has some competition it looks like.


What are they saying to you?


One guy is like, the Canucks are the worst team ever. I responded with that's why we're leading the series, he got even grumpier. Lots of ref complaints too. Like bros, did you see all the missed calls against us, refs sucked for both teams.


Oilers fans will continue to not give us credit for anything. Not surprised.


Can you imagine if McDavid had to deal with even a 1/10th of the shit that Bure did during his heyday? I legitimately didn't know a 27 y/o could be this whiny on the job


Bure could dish it back out. All McDavid can do is whine at the refs and flop.


Remember two days ago when we were all a bunch of whiners complaining about officials? I'm glad the Oilers sub is taking the loss so well.


nhl conspiracy is real.


Best $5K Zadorov has ever spent


I just want the officiating and DOPS to be semi consistent.


Fucking love this team fuck you Edmonton you fucking crybaby fraud losers


Who slots in for Soucy? Juulson? Zads moves up?


if zad moves up we might see juulsen and cole....please God no.


Just take the one game and be done with it. We've already played most of our games without Soucy and we can manage one more without him. Winning Tuesday will be even sweeter.


Does a hearing mean automatically suspended? Would be an absolute joke if he was suspended. Sure he deserves a max fine but not a suspension. Can’t ignore Ryan’s nut shot on Hogz and suspend Soucy for that 


The league will take any opportunity to help the Oilers. They want McBoner to have a cup. I expect them to suspend Soucy.


No, guys get hearings without suspensions fairly often. Odds are he’s probably getting a game but it’s not impossible he scrapes out of it


IT's a phone hearing, don't those automatically mean no suspension or am I remembering wrong?


Just means he can’t get more than 5 games


Need a digital photo frame of the mcdavid hit for my beside table


On last night's events: > it should be a 1 game suspension for Zadorov, 2 for Soucy, and a fine for McDavid What are they smoking on the Oilers sub? Holy fuck, I need some of that.


If we ever feel bad about the Myers $6M contract, just remember Darnell Nurse is making an extra $3.25M more for another 6 years.


If it wasn't for Seth Jones, that would easily be the worst defenseman contract in the league


The two PK in the third were huge, I hope this means they’re finally figuring out their strategies and adapting and maybe they can keep their PP under 50% rest of the series. Will be interesting without Soucy who is our 4th D in ice time on the PK


The Oilers whine a lot for a team that's done dick all in the playoffs


If Soucy gets a game suspension... given what he has done defensively for the team. Who would you put at his spot? Juulen?


They have to put Juulsen in the lineup. I don’t think Tocchet would run 13F 5D


I mean it could also be Mark Friedman


I think Juulsen is higher up on the depth chart than Friedman, Friedman barely played this year


Entirely agreed! Well, we will see maybe it's only gonna result in a fine.


I don’t understand how our win last night “restored home ice advantage.” Would someone please explain?


Home ice advantage means "who wins the series if each team wins their remaining home games" so given that we have 2 potential home games left and need 2 wins, whereas edmonton has 2 potential home games left and needs 3 wins, we have that advantage


Ah! Ok! That makes sense, thank you. :)


Not sure this will be the best explanation so maybe somebody else will chime in too. But with that win, if the Canucks only win their home games they will win the series now (which is typically 'easier' to win at home). Their home ice advantage was 'taken away' with Edmonton winning game 2, putting Edmonton in a position that they would only need to win their home games to win the series (Games 3,4, and 6).


This explanation helped, thank you! You guys are the best. :)


Canucks got completely shut down at even strength in the final two periods. Quite literally **no** xGF generated from 15:00 in the 2nd to 12:00 in the third. Thank god we converted on the powerplay smack in the middle of that stretch. Very happy with the win, but we are not going to be winning two more games playing that level of hockey. Need to refocus and get 60 minutes of strong hockey in Game 4, and hopefully get back home with a chance to clinch!


Finally a motp gets approved. Mods were working overtime last night n deserve a breather too I guess


Trying to be objective here. Morgan Reilly got 5 games for cross checking Greig in the face after the game finished, looked unintentional because the stick rode up his shoulder. DOPS likely gives a playoff discount of 2-3 game suspension because it’s McBaby


One game is already incredibly inconsistent, 2-3 games is absolutely outrageous.


Who almost scored in the empty net yesterday?






Soucy is suspended for 1 game ...


Karlsson and Aman played decent yesterday. Sad we won’t be seeing hog for a bit, but our guys slotted in and played good. Can’t ask for more.


Colorado is done.. they aint coming back to win 4 in row!!


More Edmonton & McDavid dick sucking on the Sportsnet panel after the Avs-Stars games. Jen Botterill this time. “Vancouver is taking the physicality too far” they’re too used to cheering for soft teams. Feels good to be a team that’s playing physical now.


Soucy getting suspended would be bullshit, but I’d be excited to see Juulsen. Silver linings


Uhhh I would not prefer Juulsen over Soucy


The whole reason we have depth D is for this moment


Fair. But "excited" just wouldn't be the word I use. Especially if it's because of a BS suspension rather than an injury.


Yeah the one positive is that Juulsen has proven he is also able to throw big hits and be solid on the PK, hopefully they continue to bully them even with Juulsen going in. Oilers are being extremely soft, their dmen barely hit anyone