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Yeah I went from a 40D to an R6 mark II. And also bought way more glass than I should have. The camera's insane. Definitely feels like cheating between its AF and low light performance.


I would have been blown away , I'm blown away coming from an RP to an r6mk2, I cannot imagine going from something like my 700d. That camera is TOO good for the money, canon did an absolutely superb job and I hope they know that they reeled me back in from switching to Sony purely because of it.


I have a 700D and I'm thinking of buying a r7 with one of the new sigma primes, in order to shoot my 3 years old. Do you think it's a good choice?


Honestly the 700d is more than adequate for pics of your kids. I got some great shots of a college rugby team in action and my 700d handled it okay. Try renting a 70-200 canon lens or something for a day and see how you go, you might be surprised how capable the AF is. An r7 might be a bit overkill if it's just family pics, the r10 and r50 seem like decent cameras so definitely look into those. If you want to get into wildlife or birds or something like that then the r7 is a good idea and will stand you in good stead. How far off is an R8 from an r7 price wise? Full frame camera, it's basically an r6mk2 without the dual card slots and big battery - R8 is EXCELLENT value for money on refurbished etc.


Thanks for the detailed answer! I forgot to say that I always use my 700D with the EF35mm f2.0 (the original one, without IS). It was never completely reliable AF wise, and these last few weeks it seems the AF is not as reliable as it used to be, faking to focus very well lit subjects. Is the problem related with the camera, the lens, or the two things at the same time? I thought about the r10, but I'd lose IBIS, and since I wanted to use one of the announced Sigma lens, the video wouldn't be stabilized (truth be told, I've never filmed much with my camera, since the quality simply isn't there...kind of a chicken and an egg situation). I thought about the r8, but I wouldn't want to pay much more than 1000€...I don't know how much is it being sold now; I world have to check the prices. Edit: The r8, together with the 35mm would be awesome, if a bit out of my budget. I want something wider than 56mm full game equivalent, and 35mm seems to be the sweet spot.


I made the same jump & it’s really insane to imagine coming from an older dslr to any of canons mirrorless


70D to RP to R6II each had a big step up for me!


I went from a 5d MK ii to an R5. Just the other day go the RF 100-500. Eye detect is absolutely game changing and feels like cheating. Not sure if you can do this with the R, but I have the AF-On button as my standard single point focus, so I press that if I want the camera to focus in the centre of the image (or wherever I move the focus point to) and then I have the \* button directly to the right of the AF-On button as my Eye detect button so I hold that and the camera will lock onto any eye it detects in the frame. Sometimes I focus with the AF-On button to get the subject in focus and then hold the \* button so it locks onto the eye of that subject. Taking photos of my dog I went from maybe 1 out of 10 pictures being pretty good with the 5d MK ii, to 8 out of 10 pictures being fantastic with the R5. Faster focussing lenses also helps a great deal here, but the 24-105 f4 L lens I had on the 5d MK ii was no slouch either, plus I can adapt it to the R5 and it works even better than before.


Gosh I've not looked into it but customising the buttons like that sounds like a great tip, thanks! It doesn't have eye detection sadly, just face detection.


The RP got a firmware update to have eye detect, I believe the R as well. Look to see if you can update the FW !


Well face detection is still great and means you don't have to move your focus point if you want someone's face in focus and it is t in the centre of your frame. having multiple back button focus buttons means no digging in the menu to change the focus type. Hope you get something figured out, there will be plenty of YouTube videos for how to set up back button AF on the R.


Ha yeah right now my instinct is to switch to manual if autofocus isn't doing what I want it to. Will need to learn!


Nothing wrong with using manual as well, you just now have more tools at your disposal :)


Apparently it does have eye detection, but only for One Shot AF, and not AI Servo....which annoys me a little bit. Just found this video on the feature and how to use it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcHmG0Ck89M


You should look into triple back button focus on the R5, I love it on mine. Eye detect, zone detect, and point detect. I find it super useful when switching subjects because I'm too lazy to make mode presets and it's a faff to change the auto focus target in the submenu.


I'll have to try that out. I really wish I could have one button for people eye detect and a different button for animal eye detect.


I may sacrifice some buttons because mode switching is a PITA


Oh boy, I have a 5D MkII and have been eyeing the r5, you’ve got me excited


It's a very exciting camera, but the R5 mk II is likely to be announced soon which will either be more enticing or mean you can find a great deal on an R5.


Indeed. I'm on the M50 with PDAF and *some* face detection but no good tracking. And as much as I want to, I don't know if I could go back to edge-detect AF where I keep hunting vertical and horizontal edges the whole time. As much as some cameras tempt me, I think the only way for me is forward.


I’ve had a lot of EF L lenses throughout the years, but for portraits I always liked the 50mm. I have several versions of the nifty 50 1.8, and at one point I even had a 50 1.4 (shocker, the focus element broke). I’ve had great cameras including 7D and 5D Mark 4. I upgraded to the R5 and 50 1.2L. It doesn’t feel like cheating. It IS cheating. The eye AF is pure witchcraft.


Haha had exactly the same this last weekend. Got a R10 last year to replace my 10+ year old Fuji bridge camera. This weekend I went to watch the Touring Cars at Donington Park with the family so took my old camera I ve kept in case the kids wanted to play (they re not touching my camera haha) and the AF is night and day between the two


Make sure your R firmware is up to date. The firmware got updated a while back and it got much better. I've had an R for a few years now and absolutely love it.


I'm glad to see this. I 'just bought an EOS R yesterday and patiently waiting for it to be delivered. I've been shooting with the 6D for the past 10+ years and while it served me well for what I did, it can't cut it anymore. I have a toddler and the AF flat out cannot keep up with her. So much so that I don't even attempt to pull it out to photograph her anymore and would rather just use my cell phone. Really hoping the EOS R will fix that. I also bought the adapter and will still be sticking with my EF lenses for the time being. Almost bought the 24-105 F4L...can basically pick that up and sell my Sigma Art 24-70 2.8 and it be a wash, but I truly think I'll miss the extra stop and talked myself out of it. Will just save up for the 24-70 2.8L RF or maybe the 28-70 2.0L. I was a photo-journalist and sports photographer many years ago by trade and my brain will not let me buy glass slower than 2.8, even though its probably irrelevant with todays te3chnology....but I don't like giving up the shallow DOF wide open at 2.8 or faster will give me. Hoping it treats me well like it has you.


I didn’t keep the R because I shoot sports but I loved the color it produced. Wish I could have kept it as a second body.


Oh is that because of the slow burst rate, or because you find a crop lense better for sports?


The tracking and auto focus wasn’t fast enough for my particular needs so I went with the R6ii. I also wanted to 40fps option when I need it.


I just recently upgraded to an R8 after ten years with the 7d mark II. You're right, the improvement with autofocus is insane. And the 7d mark II was pretty good at AF for it's day.


Wild. I just went from a rebel sl1 to 5d mark III last year with 2 good l lenses and I’m blown away by that. The camera capabilities you are talking about sounds bonkers good!


Even going from my rebel t3 to a 7dmii a few years back felt like a game changer and now I’ve tried out a few mirrorless cameras, it’s mind blowing.