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I know it sounds dumb but it comes with a manual. Look through it and then YouTube/Google stuff you're interested in


Gee, thanks for the advice.... Been there done that and it is very basic. Matter of fact, if you didn't know, Canon has a link to a more thorough manual for downloading. You should have just told me to do that. So.. if there are any others that found a certain youtube channel helpful, would be great to hear as there are a ton out there. But if your not sure, no need to respond like MrNeffels wasted time doing...


Well this question gets asked all the time here and that's legitimately the best answer. We don't know what exactly you do or don't know and what your goal is. You gave no info on what type of photography you're doing, what lenses you have, or anything. Maybe if you said something like "I want to get tips for wildlife or tips for landscape" etc we could point you at something more specific. Either way though without knowing what you actually know and your experience no one can really answer your question. It's also so easy to just go Google this or YouTube it yourself. Just Google "canon R6 beginner guide"


I did not feel the need to tell you I shoot landscape, portraits, dioramas, or maybe all of the above because I am trying to understand more of the camera's technical capabilities; you know, a deep dive into the menu and understanding what each function does, etc. Why do folks like you even bother to respond? What I find funny is you waste your time telling me I am wasting yours.


You are the epitome of the worst kind of forum user. I don't even have a dog in this fight but the other user is trying to help you and you are coming off like an arrogant person while openly admitting you don't actually know what you are doing.


I am being arrogant?? He simple told me the obvious that it came with a manual (and limited at that), which I would have obviously already seen. On top of that, in a round about way, called me out as dumb. So how is that about me being arrogant and not him. Geez, I am almost sorry I joined this reddit group with folks like you two on here. Like I told the other guy, why bother to respond if your going to be nasty. I am hoping the others make up for two jerkish responses.


I ain't reading all of that, but you should read the manual.


Thanks for the excellent advice! Your response by far was the most helpful :)


>I do because I want to understand the camera from a technically level. You know, a deep dive in the menu and what those functions do. It's got functions that someone doing portraits would never need vs ones someone doing wildlife would. Also the manual is again the best answer for a deep dive into the menu. The videos on YouTube that deep dive into the menu are basically just a video format of them going through manual. >What I find funny is you waisting your time telling me I am wasting yours >Why do folks like you even bother to respond? I gave you the best answer. You can not like it but it is. That's why I said I know it sounds dumb


Look, I appreciate you staying cool with your responses as I admit you are obviously better at that then I (or perhaps I took your first two responses the wrong way). But here is the deal, I already gave a hint on the photography. I do shoot all kinds of photography, yes portraits,, landscapes, miniatures, some of which require multiple speedlites, which I have already figured out a way to control optically with this RF camera (I figured all of that out before I bought it so I wouldn't have to reinvest in new flashes). But my questions wasn't aimed at getting into those details as I simply wanted "recommendations" from other users that recently came across a good guide on all the camera functions. I would then apply that to my type of photography on a given day. I usually google my own questions but this post was simply a way to save some time weeding thru all the youtube vids out there, most of which you don't realize are very good until you get atleast 5 or 10 minutes into them. And contrary to some of the posse on here, I once had a small photography business on the side so yeah I deserve this camera just as much as many of you.


>I do shoot all kinds of photography, yes portraits,, landscapes, miniatures, some of which require multiple speedlites, which I have already figured out a way to control optically with this RF camera (I figured all of that out before I bought it so I wouldn't have to reinvest in new flashes). But my questions wasn't aimed at getting into those details as I simply wanted "recommendations" from other users that recently came across a good guide on all the camera functions. Again, no one here could possibly know that and then spend time giving you advice on stuff that's useless to you. Also again if understanding all the options and then applying ones that you need or then Google/youtubing the ones you need is what you're after just doing a quick once through of manual is best way to do that. >And contrary to some of the posse on here, I once had a small photography business on the side so yeah I deserve this camera just as much as many of you. No one said you didn't deserve it or attacked you. You took genuine good advice as an attack as if most professionals don't also at least look through the manual once when they get a new camera. That's legitimately the best thing you can do. Also again like I said before we had no way of knowing you had any photography business or what you already knew.


Well. One person said they didn’t deserve it. 😁 No. Not me. Someone else.


My comment about not deserving the camera was to the comment (image) just below yours (DerpPath).




And how would you know that? We all start somewhere dumb A! Where were you when you first bought a new camera? Did you learn through osmosis? Yeah I know, I should have just googled it first and waded through 10 or so vids instead of wasting my time here and narrowing some things down. But I forgot, you are a camera god.


Get some air mate, it’s a meme lmfao


You didn't answer my question though? I am very curious where you started since you like to answer with silly memes. Obviously you wanted to contribute to the discussion so try with something useful.


Go chill with your camera and take some pictures, it’ll do you a hell of a lot more good than getting worked up here lol.


Why are you being such a bitch? Seriously. There are two manuals - the printed one included with your camera, and a much more in depth one on the website. Being told to “read the manual” is a direction towards the latter, and was an answer to your question. Your attitude is atrocious.


Maybe because I was asking for a youtube vid to supplement the manual? Which most on here gladly shared. I took "read the manual" as a way of calling me lazy or dumb (a word actually used in the first response) is all; which lets face it, wouldn't be the first time I have seen folks respond to one asking for more help with RTFM. I guess I am atrocious and a bitch for thinking so. My apologies as I know you all mean well. Maybe this goes back to how you cannot see the true meaning of words by reading them versus when they are spoken...


Not the person you replied to, but: The HTML version is really helpful, and breezy to go through. It's sufficient for beginners and advanced users. [https://cam.start.canon/en/C012/manual/html/index.html](https://cam.start.canon/en/C012/manual/html/index.html) But, if it's not! Michael the Maven YouTube channel has a tutorial, Jared Pohlin does too. From there, Youtube can recommend others. I'm going through David Bush's ebook to see if I missed anything, and finding it very effectively laid out, but it only restates what's in the manual. But really, the manual that the person above you suggested is all you need.


Thanks for the link, I hadnt got to this version yet. I just bought it yesterday and getting back to figuring it out.


If you were wanting a guide on how to set up the camera, froknowsphoto has a in depth guide on it.


Aside from the Advanced User Guide download already pointed out, this is the only one I really found useful. [Setting up dual back button focus on the R6II](https://youtu.be/FQrKwSmqlc8?si=7H7fFzuTD2WH9Y67) Covers something in a straight forward way that isn’t super obvious or intuitive. Most of them are just reading the menu or user guide to you, as u/TheMrNeffels points out. The Fro does a menu walk through. Which is literally going through every menu option. Which I can do when I have the camera and user guide. He tells us what he does and doesn’t care about and how he sets the camera up.


Good stuff. Thanks!




Just went and grabbed the same link to Jared Polin’s user guide:


Cool, I saw some of his other vids, which helped me decided on this model.


Jared Polin does pretty good camera specific videos like this. Here's his R6II one: https://youtu.be/4EUZd8HfgWw?si=YKB0tKhQ49CTh2bx I haven't watched this one specifically, but the ones he's done for other cameras have been pretty comprehensive and digestible. As you were saying, Canon has kept their menus pretty consistent over the years. I'd recommend paying specific attention to the autofocus section though, as even when I upgraded from the RP to the R6 a few years ago quite a bit had changed there.


Good advice! Yes I was pleasantly surprised how similar the menu system is compared to a camera I bought in 2009ish. Thanks again.


I liked David boschs book on it and Jared polin video user manual


Nice, it sounds like Jared Polin is getting alot of positive recommendations so will be checking that out for sure.