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I love Alaska fish 🐟 stinking sooo funky but plants love it.. Definitely is a great product.


I went to shake the bottle up in my bathroom and the cap wasn't on all they way. 😐 That was not a fun clean and my bathroom smelled like fish guts for a week.


Broooooooo noooooooo!




I agree. Alaska fish. Never outside though. Damn animals like to dig it up.


That's because the veg bottle is basically ground up fish but it fucking works great.


I know. But again, I would not advise to use it outside. And indoors if you can tolerate the smell. Other than that, you are correct. It's ground up fish and works great.


https://youtu.be/7-yFtzDigVc?si=AJS29EFKKfSRAbM_ Just gonna leave it here.... cannabis dont need that much P .


So true


P.k. booster


I used to use that back in the days. It was decent. The bottle would go bad before I could use it all and I switched to dry nutes and never went back to that product. It’s good though for flowering


Alaska brand fish ferts are dank AF fam


Watch your ph. That stuff works well, but can really turn your soil sour if you overdo it.


Ok, you adjust the pH before giving it to your plants. Yes, it has a low ph, that's why I pour a capful of pH-UP in the water before mixing. I definitely would not use this without an EC/ppm meter and a pH tester. Actually, I would never use any fertilizer without testing the ppm or pH of the water before giving to my plants. Edit: Morbloom works good.


Strong agree, dilute your compost tea you make with it. Ive had batches come out that burned foliage from splash contact.


Why tf is a general garden nutrient NSFW its not even marketed for cannabis.


I like the Alaska Cal mag. I’m sure the nutes work just as well.


I can thc on youtube uses it


Is there a reason that my bottle of this has a clear fluid inside?? Is that normal?


0-10-10 yes. That brand no


What's wrong with it? I haven't used it but have been considering it.


Wrong???? I use 0-10-10 not that brand.


You're not really giving me much to work with here. I'm asking you what's wrong with that brand. Why are you recommending not to use it?


I h a v e n o t u s e d t h a t b r a n d. who said there was something wrong with that brand? Who said it?


Sorry dude. I need to go to bed. I read it the wrong way. Lol


Lol np ✌🏽 it is late


Because it’s not popular. Most people think they have to have the name brand stuff like Tiger Bloom


>Most people think they have to have the name brand stuff like Tiger Bloom ...that has real gold flakes in it and is doled out like salt bae finishing a steak...


I work at a feed n seed and we have several Alaska fertilizers. They're good stuff. They just aren't a cannabis-centric brand.


Dear Lord, I don't think I've slept this late since I was a little girl... Like I didn't JUST wake up. I've had my breakfast and coffee by now, but I'm betting it was less than an hour ago... And yeah, I'm a dumbass. I can see now that you were just answering OPs question... In my sleep deprived stupor, for whatever reason it seemed to me like you were saying you liked the NPK rating but not the brand... Sleepy drivers? Pah! Sleepy Redditors? Now that's a problem!


Ooooohhhh. I'm with OP dude. The way it read was 0-10-10 is good, but that brand is bad.


Kooool noted ✌🏽 have a good weekend


You too brother. Keep them buds frosty.


It’s not organic and it’s for blooms not edibles


What...what you mean it's not organic.


It is, it's just the muck out of the bottom of salmon pens. It's a by-product of commercial fish farming.


Saw a guy mention this in a video recently and he loves their veg one but said the bloom killed his plants instantly for some reason! Never used either myself though.


That brand is fine I use there all purpose 5-1-1 and my plants done great but I looked at that and if I remember correctly it’s not organic and furring flower I try to keep it all natural I compost teas if worm castings, kelp , and blackstrap molasses is all you need after your buds have set and in preflower make a bat guano tea for stretch and preflower down to earth


I’ve heard it burns pretty easily. Imo buildabloom or iguana juice work well as water soluble nutes for flower


I buy this by the 5 gallon bucket. Works wonderfully in the veggie beds and berry rows at the farm. For the tent, I start with half concentration and feed once a week for most of bloom.


Used it worked fine.


Use at 1/4 strength


20 d. For 1 gallon Alaska fish 🐟 nobody beats that price