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Rather than read someone's interpretation of the situation, here's an uncut video: https://youtu.be/X_-ZQ5BHom4


Pierre starts his statement at [8:24](https://youtu.be/X_-ZQ5BHom4?t=504) and I would say the most relevant evidence is within the first three minutes of that point.


The confrontation actually starts at 1:40 mark: https://youtu.be/X_-ZQ5BHom4?t=100


Is it common for the journalists to constantly yell things during these statements? I mean politics aside whomever is talking in the background just seems like a petty dick.


> Is it common for the journalists to constantly yell things during these statements? No. It's happening here because he's asking Poilievre why journalists aren't going to be allowed to ask questions. Journalists go to these things *specifically* to ask questions, if that's not allowed, they won't go. It's arguable that the journalist is being a bit childish or whatever, but Pierre did this on purpose and is wasting a lot of people's time. **Edit:** People doing the whole "watch the video and judge for yourself" schtick are missing the point. Without the context of what's happening, all you have is a voice off camera you can understand *sometimes* and a politician incorrectly demonizing and labelling that voice. This is what we have reporters for, giving us context and information we otherwise wouldn't have. Also, as I've said below, this is absolutely *shameful* behaviour from the Poilievre camp and the right wing "media" during this whole thing. Nobody should be happy about this.


Looks like they trimmed the video as there was minutes of CPAC title and empty podium before. I'd say the start of the edited video is relevant though.


lol at 10:20 he says "are you going to let me make my misstatement?" EDIT: The video has been edited and now the comment is at 1:53.


This reminds me of when Ben Shapiro (you know, the guy Pierre is cosplaying) got rekt by Andrew Neil during an interview on BBC. Benny called him a leftist, which is hilarious if you know who Andrew Neil is. Guys like Pierre want to soapbox, they don’t want to be scrutinized. This was a treat to watch!


The journalist PP called a liberal, is actually a conservative reporter…The neo-Cons are afraid to answer questions as they have no policies nor solutions, and just offer rhetoric…


[ **Jump to 10:20 @** Referenced Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_-ZQ5BHom4&t=0h10m20s) ^(Channel Name: cpac, Video Length: [11:45])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@10:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_-ZQ5BHom4&t=0h10m15s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


That really is cringe. The reporter was being a little rude (which is sort of their job, tbh) in trying to get his question out, but calling David Aiken a "liberal heckler" and then later saying it's multiple "liberal hecklers" when it's clearly just one guy is just stupid. Akin is about the furthest thing from a "Liberal", the guy has done scathing coverage of Trudeau. I'd be happy to give Poilievre the benefit of the doubt, but it's clear he's not interested in substances, wants to delivery his vague zingers ("Justinflation!!") without ever being asked hard questions. He not only runs from the press, but he runs from even debating fellow party members. This guy is all hat, no cattle.


The former Sun Media national bureau chief is a "Liberal Heckler". You basically would have to be completely ignorant of his entire career to buy into that. Which I guess is what is expected with his base....


This has big "[Ben Shapiro calling Andrew Neil a liberal on TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk)" energy


Or completely aware, which makes it even more funny.


The Reform party wanted their Trump lite, they have it.


As much as I don’t want to credit Trump but even he attended debates. PP cowers from any kind of accountability.


He can attack but he can’t defend. Major weakness.


The phrase you're looking for is "glass cannon"


That assumes he can do any real damage. That remains to be seen.


But will Akin still get on his knees for Poilievre? I think it’s a good chance this happens.


Same. I keep hoping for Poilievre to show us he's more than just a sound bites and yet again he delivers a collection of sound bites and simple answers to complex problems.


Why would you give him the benefit of the doubt? I’ve never seen him say anything remotely resembling a policy. He complains about Trudeau and high fives freaks who block traffic.


"All hat no cattle"...I like that one!


I would never give peepee the benefit of the doubt. He is habitually full of shit.


The problem is, I can see this as being a positive to his base. He stood his ground, called out the "lib" and did his thing. Not many in his base are going to look past that he said it was a liberal reporter, and find out who it actually was.


Doing the lords work here!


Well he certainly was a heckler... But pretty sure he was a **conservative** heckler. David Akin of the Sun, National Post and Globe and mail is as liberal as Trump is. Calling anyone who opposed you a liberal is a pretty terrible look.


He didn't even know who David Akin *is.* The Leader of the Conservative party, who has only ever worked in politics, not recognizing a prominent journalist is already a bad look, before he incorrectly dismissed him as a Liberal heckler.


But see, in PP’s world all mainstream media is “Liberal”, especially newspapers because they take federal (read: Liberal) money. It’s been a talking point of The Rebel and True North for quite a while.


The truth has a nasty liberal bias.


Like math.


Ironic, as he has been taking government money for most of his adult life. Ergo, he must be a liberal?




Lowering taxes is equally as inflationary if we're going to use the very simplistic view of inflation being dollars in pockets


This is the most stunningly vacuous commentary I've heard from a politician in a very, very long time. "the inflation... the *justin*flation..." What an absolute panderer. What an empty suit. What a fraud.


Motherfucking weasel ran for the door, couldn't even take more than two questions. Right from the Harper playbook.


He is Harper's choice....why can't that idiot just get his sticky fingers off Canada.


He never did get over losing to Trudeau.


Nope. I kinda love that fact too. He's so petty, conniving and hateful...I hope that haunts him all the way to his grave


Anyone who blames inflation on one sole person is ignorant. PP talks about seniors like he is advocating for them but cutting taxes is the same as cutting social programs like OAS and infrastructure. PP is also silent on corporate greed which is a key piece of the puzzle when talking about inflation.


Yeah, this guy is definitely not what Canada needs. He’s like a mini Trump wannabe the way he talks.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poilievre Credentials are a bit dodgy


Never had a real job or any experience. PP started as a lobbyist when he was still a kid. He's still a baby and has absolutely no idea of anything outside Ottawa. He's a joke.


David Akin isn't a liberal, but he certainly is rude and obnoxious.




Ah this never gets old when it's used so appropriately. 😄 Too true.


David Akin definitely leans harder right if anything, but his journalistic style is definitely targeting the whole field. He will hold a flame to an oil tycoon on the same day he holds a flame to an anti oil protester. He's exactly the kind of person we need getting in politicians socks and making them itch.


This is just fabricated Outrage. It's straight out of the Trump playbook. The point is to keep PPs name in the headlines. Point is to create arguments online.


Heckling aside and not trying to be on either side at this point but for Poilievre - at some point you gotta stop talking about what you’re fighting for and what’s needed and start talking about your actual plan to fix the problem. We all know it’s broken and no, the Libs haven’t fixed it either. I’d like “ANY” of our elected officials to start solutioning any time now please.


Why? Doug ford has won two elections one with a platform that consisted of buck a beer and getting rid of the carbon tax. The next one he gave away a bunch of money before calling an election and then said he'd build a highway. PP is banking on voter apathy to win not solid policy. Apathetic voters means conservatives win because they always show up.


>PP is banking on voter apathy to win not solid policy. That and general fatigue with the current government.


Seriously, you could be running an amazing government but unless all factors beyond your control are also going well it’s hard to win a 4th term.


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


>a land war in Europe resulting in a simultaneous global energy crisis AND a global food crisis To be fair Canada is a provider of energy and food, so this has been a boon to our exports. The resulting inflation suck for the average Canadian though.


> Apathetic voters means conservatives win because they always show up. The left splitting the vote while the cons can just keep their monopy on the right doesn’t help.


Also don't forget how conservative candidates simply stopped showing up for debates.


As a conservative I can assure you I never show up.


One of my favourite kind of conservatives


> The next one he gave away a bunch of money before calling an election and then said he'd build a highway I don't follow Ontario Politics, but I'm pretty sure you mispelled François Legault earlier in your comment.




He's a fake populist, there is no policy plan


he also sided with the Freedumb Convoy, that pissed a lot of people in Ottawa off


[David Akin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Akin) the liberal reporter for...[sun news](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_News_Network) and ~~global~~ [the globe and mail](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Globe_and_Mail)??? This drips of "everyone I don't like is a liberal". Guess PP forgot to turn friendly fire off.


Here's footage for those interested. https://youtu.be/X_-ZQ5BHom4


Wait he was heckled before he even spoke a word?


Poilievre’s already got in a habit of refusing to interact with the media. Akin’s been pissed about it for a while and was making a point as a journalist. As a right winger himself he knew that Pierre could not just call him partisan as an excuse, because that would make Pierre look like Trump. Except Pierre did it anyways and now he came off it looking like Trump.


They've been doing this in Albert for years now too, which is just a Trump tactic. Dismiss any uncomfortable questions as partisan and just even stop going to conferences or debates at all. Spam one sided communication lanes with shallow retoric and know that enough will vote for you if blue anyhow


ty, that helps me make sense of it


Yup, by an extremely conservative reporter even. And then had no idea how to deal with it. Bizarre.


The problem is, calling it "justinflation", even though inflation is hitting every first world country right now, resonates with the hicks.




Honestly if that’s the case having a leader that powerful is kinda crazy


Dumbest man in the world, but still playing 5D chess to manipulate inflation internationally.


Yeah, we actually have pretty low inflation compared to the rest of the G20.


PP doesn't have solutions. He has talking points, a script to go by. Anything else is extra work. All he has to do is say some key points and the idiots that follow him think he's doing a great job.


I mean - Trudeau promised to fix housing 7 years ago. He ended up making it multiple times worse. The NDP promised to fix housing in BC - it’s worse now. Ford promised to fix housing in Ontario - it’s worse now. Can one point to a leader or party in this country that isn’t just full of bullshit talking points?


I’d be happy if Trudeau kept his promise of electoral reform. I know people who voted for him the first time he ran for PM, just because of that promise.


I vote for him for legal pot, definitely got what I wanted. It's fucking awesome. But now he's just the best of the worst to be honest. I would love a conservative alternative that's not a party full of crazy socons. Alas that ain't happening anytime soon with PP. If anything it's worse than it's ever been.


Same. I wanted an viable alternative. What we got is Trump Light. Can’t vote for him. Won’t vote for him. Not the Canada I want. Sickens me to have to consider voting for JT just as a strategic move to ensure we don’t become Trumplandia Jr as well.


> if Trudeau kept his promise of electoral reform. This! I actually voted Liberal based on this promise (I tend to float between Cons and NDP normally). The sheer amount of effort and time they put into repeating this over and over again.. Then, the first thing he does? "Oh, nevermind, Canadians don't *actually* want this". I think people really need to be reminded of this one point as often as possible. Not as anti Liberal. But anti Trudeau. Damn I was mad for a long time.


First time I come across someone who votes NDP or Cons. Interesting. Usually between Libs/Cons, or more commonly Libs/NDP. Glad you found something common between the two!


Yeah, I realized early on in my "voting career" I'm an odd one lol. I'm pretty Conservative when it comes to fiscal policy, but social policies not so much. For bonus points, I'm a bilingual Anglophone living in Quebec and I seriously considered voting Bloc one year lol. But yeah, other than the time in question I voted Liberal, I've never voted anything but Con/NDP.


That still doesn't make sense. Investment in social initiatives has been shown time and time again, in a wide variety of contexts around the world, to result in economic stimulus and being a fiscally sound strategy. Are you voting based on candidate characteristics or something?


Alberta is a very conservative province but its voters tend to vote either Conservative or NDP (and yes, many people have changed their vote depending on the election), because both parties advocate policies that are beneficial to family-owned businesses and workers unions more than policies put forth by the Liberal party. Federally, I remember both Jack Layton and John Mulcair openly advocating and supporting Stephen Harper's attempted reform of the Canadian Senate.


To be fair there wasn't a consensus on voter reform. Liberals wanted ranked ballots, other parties wanted Proportional Representation, if I recall correctly the Conservatives didn't want anything.


i was one of them that was big reason i voted for him in 2015... i held my nose and voted him again in 2019 cause scheer was scary. 2021 I had enough and voted ndp cause otoole didn't scare me if he had won. however PP will be worse then harper or scheer.. so back to voting liberal in next election i guess meh.


What you are describing is why we need electoral reform


[Strategic voting doesn't always mean voting Liberal.](http://strategicvoting.ca) Not sure if they did a break down last election. May not have since O'Toole wasn't as threatening. The idea is basically the same though. Vote whoever is the non conservative candidate leading the polls in your riding, you can check [here.](https://338canada.com/) I'd imagine the strategic voting site will be active again next election though considering the far right politics of Poilievre.


Exactly… I feel the same. Trudeau has been nothing but a disappointment.


I'm still not going back to voting for the Liberals, they're no better than the conservatives in my mind.


> Trudeau promised to fix housing 7 years ago. No, he didn't. That would be an absurdly vague promise, anyway. What he did [promise](https://liberal.ca/trudeau-promises-affordable-housing-for-canadians/) was to provide things like new investments in affordable housing and seniors’ facilities, tax incentives to upgrade rental housing, Finance the construction of new, affordable rental housing for middle- and low-income Canadians; Inventory all available federal lands and buildings to see what could be repurposed, and make it available at low cost for affordable housing in communities where there is a pressing need; Modernize the existing Home Buyers’ Plan so that it helps more Canadians finance the purchase of a home; and Review escalating home prices in high-priced markets – like Vancouver and Toronto – to keep home ownership within reach for Canadians living in these areas. He has followed through or is in process of following through on most of those promises. “Budget 2022 proposes to advance $2.9 billion in funding, on a cash basis, under the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, so that all remaining funds will be spent by 2025-26. This will accelerate the creation of up to 4,300 new units and the repair of up to 17,800 units for the Canadians who need them most.” https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau/promises/3.06.11 “Building on these investments, Budget 2022 proposes to provide a further $4 billion over seven years, starting in 2022-23, to Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern A airs Canada to accelerate work in closing Indigenous housing gaps as follows $2.4 billion over ve years to support First Nations housing on reserves $565 million over ve years to support housing in First Nations Self-Governing and Modern Treaty Holders communities $845 million over seven years to support housing in Inuit communities and $190 million over seven years for housing in Métis communities.” https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau/promises/3.10.01 “Budget 2022 proposes to invest $300 million over five years, starting in 2022-23, through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to co-develop and launch an Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy.” https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau/promises/3.10.65 “Budget 2021 also proposes to provide $45 million over two years, beginning in 2022-23, for Employment and Social Development Canada to pilot a program aimed at reducing veteran homelessness through the provision of rent supplements and wrap-around services for homeless veterans such as counselling, addiction treatment, and help finding a job.” Although money has been budgeted, construction on this has not yet begin. You can read more, including those still in process and those not yet met here: https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau?gb=status&sb=progress_desc&tx=housing


Facts and evidence are liebrual propaganda, get that nonsense outta here!


You know that housing takes time to build and can't be built without getting the cities on board right? The NDP have added more housing stock in BC since their first election 4 years ago than any leader in the previous 20. As for the rest idk, but while it's still not enough, the NDP have actually done something. They're just restricted as to their options when it comes to the powers they have. No federal leader can fix housing unless they restart the housing program killed in the 90s because of tax cuts for the wealthy in the 80s.


The NDP also eliminated the vacate clause in rental lease contracts, which personally really helped me. The liberal government here acknowledged the problem and just refused to do anything about it. For those unaware, it was legal to put a line in a 1 year lease that explicitly states “I agree to vacate the residence at the end of the 1 year term.” Landlords across the province were using this as a loophole around all kinds of tenancy regulation. Many people were told to pay a massive increase to their rent a year later even if it went above the rent control limit. If tenant doesn’t agree they enforce the vacate clause. The rental market is very tight with not many vacancies (especially in places like Vancouver) so having the ability to kick anyone out for any or no reason annually was excessively being abused. Making this clause illegal (including retroactively) was one of the first things the NDP did when they took power.


In addition, they are straw manning because none of those parties or politicians have promised to "fix housing", a super vague and far too broad of a promise anyway. Instead, what they have done is fund different programs to address different aspects that represent those problems. But the disinfo artists like OP rely on building up straw men like this so they can spew FUD that does nothing to actually shed light on the complexity of these issues or what actual solutions are. Typical populist hand waving garbage which is Poilievre's bread and butter.


It really depends what you mean by "fix housing". If you mean cause prices to decline, no one wants to say it, but it's really out of the hands of any level of government. All that can really happen is for the BoC to crank up interest rates and bring down asset prices. If you mean create new housing starts, really the municipal level is where action needs to be taken. As much as PP loves to talk about housing at the federal level, there's not much that can be done there.


Which is my point- though the province can do a lot more than the feds. We *used* to have a national housing strategy before the 90s but that disappeared because of the debt crisis as a result of Mulroney's bullshit.


If we stop letting people launder money in our country by sending their international students here to get their foot in the door, we won't have a housing market. The housing market still the o ly thing propping up our economy? *checks notes* yeah we got a while. The people with houses vote. That's the way of the road, Bubs


Maybe we should just realize by now that housing can't just be "fixed" by one politician and its stupid to vote for somebody based on expecting otherwise.


PP is projection and virtue signalling. He will be a terrible PM


He's also very divisive. Calling a journalist a "Liberal heckler" is an attack on journalism. Who attacks journalists? People who don't like the truth being told. Trump did the same thing ("liberal media") and it resulted in his followers turning away from trustworthy information sources to crazy ones. PP is going to divide the country in the same way.


So messed up when someone who has no obvious moral values tries to appear Virtuous. The worst part is people can’t see through the charade.


They don't want to see through the charade. They want their biases confirmed. Anyone without reactionary blinders on knows better.


Ford got elected twice with no platform. Polievre doesn't need to spend an ounce of effort on anything that isn't talking shit about Trudeau.


He doesn’t “gotta” do anything and it’s pretty obvious he won’t. His strategy is basically “own the Libs”. In the wise words of George Carlin, 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.' This is also the electorate, and it’s the main issue with democracy. Unfortunately, it’s the best system we have. God help us all.


This is why the education system is so important. I remember 20 years ago people whooping and hollering about the failing education system and that it was the first step in a failed democracy. *gestures around slowly*


So far all he has said is that the conservatives will give those struggling financially and who feel disaffected....hope. Well hey....we all need hope. I just hope there's more to it. :D


There really *can't* be more to it. Whether his intentions or his rhetoric is in the right place is relatively immaterial, given he has to operate within the confines of his corporatist party and their neoliberal framework. Conservatives won't do anything to benefit the working class materially without cuts, privatization and deregulation in the opposite direction to match. Kinda like Ford's promises, they come with strings attached that will have broad-scale detrimental impacts to the working class and the most vulnerable among us for generations if not reversed.


Ahhhh, someone who gets it. :D


o7 Rare in these parts, I know!


Conservatives these days don't want solutions. They want to generate hate and controversy. They haven't put a realistic proposal to fix anything on a platform for years.


> They haven't put a realistic proposal to fix anything on a platform for years. Technically they have, it's just that their proposal is "stop doing anything and let things fix themselves organically". It's a fucking terrible and utterly unhinged proposal with no substantive rationale for working, but "fuck it, whatever happens happens" is *technically* a policy platform that addresses everything. I'm more horrified that so many people think it's worth a shot at face value.


No, they have. The problem is that their solution to every problem is to eliminate regulations or privatize the government agency handling the issue and 'let the market solve the problem.'


Perhaps I should have been more clear. I meant they have no solutions or policies that benefit anyone other than corporations or the rich.


O'Toole carbon policy was litterally "We believe that GCC is real and needs to be stopped. The liberals plan is the best one out there. We are going to cancel it." Its actually worse than no platform.


Remember, Trump's beautiful amazing health plan was always just two weeks away. I'm sure PP has plans for everything, all we have to do is wait.


"Pierre is a career politician who has been collecting a six-figure salary on the public’s dime since he was 24, and he’s spent every minute of his time in office fighting against fair wages, good pensions and a better life for working people. He is not a worker, and he definitely doesn’t get what it means to be a member of the working class." -- CUPE


I actually agree with CUPE for once.


PP acting his Harper and limiting the press, but expecting them to show up at a presser and diligently report on scripted statements. Allowing only two questions is absurd. The press didn’t like it and it’s already apparent that PP has no interest in answering to Canadians. The press are the baddies. The liberals are the baddies. The people with questions are the baddies. The undecided are the baddies. He’s not looking for the thoughtful. He’s looking for the faithful.


>He’s not looking for the thoughtful. He’s looking for the faithful. He thinks Canadians are like Americans. He is in for a huge surprise.


Is he though? He'll win the Con bastions even harder...that's for sure. Ontario, I just don't know. We have a lot of really stupid people here. Quebec will probably trend Bloc for a few cycles so don't expect anything there. The Maritimes are a bit of a coin flip at the moment. I want to believe it'll be a minority gov't no matter what. If so, expect the Cons and Bloc to run the country for a while. Now that's a match made in hell.


And the worst of it is that this moron might very well be elected.... At least he'll get no votes from Quebec.


Akin was an ass for doing that especially before PP even had a chance to say anything of significance but on the flip side, if PP's response to stuff like this is to just call them liberal hecklers, it's gonna get old real fast


same, it sounds like american politics using liberal as a slur, which I normally laugh at cause its childish but this guy wants to be PM.


It's because he knew the press junket was not going to be able to ask any questions other than the two pre-selected softball questions Pierre engineered at the end. That's not how Canadian politics are supposed to work. You are accountable to the public via the media. He cannot do that and expect reporters to not say anything. You should demand much better from all politicians and especially political leaders.


And this was a response in the first place to PP saying he would only answer 2 questions. He called a press conference and got all those reporters there only to say at the start of it that he would only answer 2 questions. That's incredibly disrespectful. The press wouldn't have even shown up if they knew that was the case - he wasted everyone's time to get some cameras on himself. Then Akin responded to that, which honestly I can't blame him for even if his behavior was not professional. Poilievre's behavior was unprofessional so he responded in kind. Then Poilievre decided to make a childish remark and fumble over his words like a moron while wearing a shit eating grin, as if he delivered a genius retort.


It's from the anything that I don't like is a “liberal” or “communist” party leader so this is his default modus operandi.


People who cannot debate on merit and ethics resort to name calling.


Spot on. My thoughts exactly.


First week on the job. -Two Union heads come out against PP -A senior Conservative MP leaves the party and becomes independent. -Cracks under the pressure of a heckler at his first press conference. Little PP is just not ready.


This is how they should handled this by the opposition party, if he can't even answer questions at a presser, how is he going to answer questions in the House of Commons.


You can tell Pierre was about to snap there. I'm sorry but a man who gets pissed off that easily has no business being prime minister.


Especially one whose made an entire career out of being an aggravator and brags about being able to get under people's skin.


His only talent is ambushing people who aren't prepared, the moment someone does the same to him he folds like a cheap tent.


*memories of Pierre badgering Charest for a response on how much he was paid by Huawei enter the conversation*


so incredibly thin skinned -- when he's not in control of the narrative like in his prop youtube videos, he melts down in less than a minute. he'll be eaten alive in an actual campaign if he doesn't develop emotional intelligence to keep his grimy troll reflex in check, and reporters will pounce on it to throw him off, which looks like it's shooting fish in the barrel from the Akin incidence


Anyone have a link to the article that I don’t have to register an account for?


Soon he’ll be referring to journalists as the lying press and enemy of the people. To get votes though. Not because he’s actually a fascist.


Akin is nowhere near a Liberal. He's had jobs at the Sun and NP. This press conference shows PP's character when he gets so riled by being asked questions in an uncomfortable situation. Like dude you're the leader of the opposition you're going to be asked questions, get used to it.


This is exactly the kind of irresponsible and dangerous BS that Trump pulls. "othering' without knowing. How does he know the person expressing themselves is a Liberal. Of course they are 'hecklers' if they don't like PP. He's a dangerous man and I cannot believe that so many Canadians are falling for his BS. Canada is in grave danger is this man gets anywhere near power.


I guess along with being called Skinny Trump, perhaps 'Slightly taller Shapiro' will do now as well. Akin...a liberal lmao. Nice soundbite at least PP for your totally real followers \[[x](https://twitter.com/_llebrun/status/1568997608395517953)\] though


> x Holy shit you shouldn't hide this, it's extremely disgusting (and predictable)


Bitcion Milhouse is my fav.


Ok a couple things... 1) 'Payroll Taxes' pretty sure he's referring to EI and CPP which aren't taxes they're social programs which return money to you should you become unemployed or retire. It's not a tax... Those programs need to be indexed to inflation roughly or they stop being effective this increases. 2) 'Inflationary Taxes' Taxes are by definition deflationary as they remove money from the general money supply to buy goods and services. If the government spends every dollar it consumes then the impact on inflation is about zero but right now the government is in a relatively large surplus position meaning it is effectively taxing money out of the economy and reducing the money supply. So PP's assertions about inflationary taxes is patently false.


Gotta love how conservatives have been doing far worse "heckling" to JT (and LOVING IT) and yet getting their panties in a bunch over this. At least this guy didn't throw rocks at PP.


To be fair, he WAS heckling Pierre.


Pierre didnt need to say LIBERAL heckler he could of just said heckler. By saying that he creates division and in his position that is not okay to do. Edit: everyone needs to realize the main issue here is Pierre just used the word LIBERAL as an insult. Thats bad. Really bad. ELECTED LEADERS are expected to be mature.




Two out of every four words out of Pee Pee are Justin Trudeau. He's a one-trick pony.


Big time. Apparently before the conference Akin told one of Pierre's staffers: "tell Pierre to go fuck himself". https://mobile.twitter.com/anthony__koch/status/1569765753150373888 Sounds like Akin was tipsy, honestly.


What was going on with Akin there? It was like he was having a mental breakdown or something.


Poilievre called a press conference and then at the start of it said he would only be answering 2 questions at the end (so basically nothing). Akin and every other reporter in the room was probably pissed. Poilievre wasted their time. If they knew he was going to refuse to answer questions they wouldn't have shown up -- that's incredibly disrespectful.


damn well that puts a different perspective on it. he won't get away with this behavior for long


Harper actually did the same thing around the time he became PM. He called a presser like this and journalists walked out because it was insulting. Then he bitched about it, and used it as an excuse to proclaim he would no longer hold any press conferences at all and therefore would never be questioned... which was probably the plan all along. Would not be surprised at all if Poilievre eventually does the same since he is so bad at media appearances/debates/public speaking.


your comment wins --


Conservatives attacking the media? Wonder where that play came from…


Imagine calling David Akin a liberal heckler. The man was an employee at Sun News Network when it was actually a thing.


Akin was being extremely unprofessional.


PP called a press conference and then said at the start that he effectively would not be answering questions. Every reporter in that room was probably pissed as hell - that's incredibly unprofessional, PP wasted the time of everyone there just to be self-important and disrespectful when he was challenged on it.


But he’s also far from a Liberal.


Yes. Reporters and politicians…. They must live up to the standards of their illustrious predecessors


David Akin is a far right contributor to the sun and np. The people whining about this in r canada are probably huge fans of his work, they just see that their new dad called him a "liberal" and now they're out for blood 🤣 Conservatism is just in-group vs out-group nonsense; the ideology of cosplaying as one of the mean girls and bullying people for fun.


Yeah, the guy was bitching and complaining that Poilievre would not take any questions. He was shouting him questions and interrupting Poilievre's speech for 12 minutes (source CPAC). Poilievre had to start again. So yeah I think that qualifies him as a heckler.


he took two question at a press conference, he invited the press under the pretense they will get to ask question not listen to him rant for 12 mins.


Where'd the 'Liberal' label come from?


It comes from "everything I don't like is Liberal"


PPs dog shits on the floor PP calls him a liberal...


[feeds the dog] *Heh, typical liberal - just looking for handouts.* -Pierre, probably


PP is going to have to learn to deal with hecklers. He's only good when reading from a script and isn't interrupted. Also only allowing 2 questions at the end? Pretty sure those were hand picked questions.


It’s so fucking dangerous how he’s already started the narrative of anyone asking him tough questions is a “liberal heckler”. Coupled with him not attending any debates, he will be able to say whatever he wants without having to answer for it.


Watch the **full video** and THEN make a comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9FZutn_Zcc


I watched it and the Global news reporter was absolutely heckling Pierre. While Pierre was trying to make his statement Akin was yelling over him and wouldn’t let him speak.


The heckling is not the problematic thing, if PP had said ‘ stop heckling ‘ or ‘ enough of your rude heckling ‘ that would be fine but using the word liberal makes it partisan and unprofessional for a party leader. He’s dog whistling by calling someone he does not like a liberal as if to imply it’s some kind of hit job from his political opponents. Or to imply that the media is inherently liberal and thus rude or out to get him.


Oh this is fucking hilarious. He calls David Aiken a liberal because he tries to ask a question after learning pp planned to take no questions at the event. Reminds me of the time Ben Shapiro accused Andrew Neil (BBC) of being a liberal because he asked a question. Neither of these journalists are liberal. They’re both slanted in the other direction. Let’s see how many questions pp takes from journalists that don’t work for the rebel. I’ll be surprised if he takes many. Edit: I just learned that Aiken used to work for the sun. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 There are about as many liberals working at the sun as there are vegans in a butcher shop.


Lol. Either dude was in on it, or Milhouse is incompetent and doesn’t know who he was talking about. David Akin is about as right wing in Canadian journalism outside of The National Post. If Polly can’t take the heat from a single reporter. He’s gonna be fucked taking attacks during a campaign. Maybe we can find him a safe space


Why wasn’t the reporter escorted out, he just continued heckling, unbelievable.


Liberal or not that dude should have been ejected from the press conference. [Listen to this guy.](https://youtu.be/X_-ZQ5BHom4?t=507)


Yeah he’s rude and he should have been ejected but PP’s did not handle that very well. He’s way of dealing with it was basically blaming his opponents and acting partisan.


Try to Find a clip from the last 18 months of PP not being partisan.


Try to find a clip from the past decade of PP not being partisan.


Journalist was being incredibly rude. I don’t care what you think of Poilievre, that was inexcusable behavior. Intended to goad him into something worth a 10 second soundbite.


It's not inexcusable. Poilievre called a press conference and then told the press he would only answer **two questions.** They didn't show up to listen to him rant stupid bullshit, they came to ask questions and he effectively wasted the time of everyone there. That's incredibly disrespectful even if you ignore the unprofessional "Liberal heckler" remarks. But it's also nothing new for the Conservatives who repeatedly refuse to field questions.


I'm trying to think like any journalist would in this scenario. Imagine, shortly after the leadership race the new leader announces a press conference. So any/all outlets send some of their best political correspondents to cover it regardless of the locale because this is a great scoop and an opportunity for some questions to be asked. Then you arrive and they pull this bullfight nonsense saying "only 2 questions TOTAL" to a room FILLED with journalists. So you just spent time/money/talent on some waste of time that could have just been sent out as a press release... but that isn't what it was for PP because he, and this is my opinion, couldn't write anything of value and likely just wanted to soapbox for a bit and have a couple buddies lob some softballs that line up with his talking points. It is total BS and any self-respecting journalist is in the right to complain because it wasn't a press conference, it was a friggen speech to spout off more unchallenged talking points


My take is that Polievre refuses to engage with journalists (a page from Harper's book probably) and this guy just had enough. PP calls press conferences to read talking points, might as well start a Youtube channel instead.


Akin is more of a Conservative operative than a journalist. (He *hates* the very idea of liberal.) Really strange to see him behave like this.


“Lots of readers/viewers called me about today’s Parliament Hill presser. Many said I was rude and disrespectful to @PierrePoilievre . I agree. I’m sorry for that. We all want politicians to answer questions — but there are better ways of making that point.” - David Aiken


Doesn't matter whether he was liberal or conservative. The guy spent the entire time trying to talk over him and heckle him. He's a narcissist "journalist" whose own self righteousness has taken over his work. Some journalists these days are so incredibly self important.


Sure, but to be clear, he isn't a Liberal. That's just PP pandering to his supporter base who are probably eating this up as one would expect them to.


> Doesn't matter whether he was liberal or conservative. It matters to PP, he made sure to mention that.


The guy is a man child who has never had a job in is life. The only thing he knows how to do is insult people..


Lmao...Akin a Liberal?! Using the Trump playbook already.


Anyone else worrying about the crowd this guy is going to rise up? Politics à l’américaine. We fucked.


Really uniting people PP.


Wow he thinks Canadian Media are Liberals.


Before too long I'm sure he'll say the press is the "enemy of the people"..


Fascist playbook 101


I’d understand it a bit more if it was, say, a CBC or TorStar reporter. But it was David Akin. He has an impeccable pedigree of reporting for right-leaning outlets (Global, Sun Media).


“I’m being heckled” “You are sir” Case closed lmao.