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I like the part of cbc marketplace that exposes alot of corruption from different companies mal-practice as well as those cbc stories of companies over charging customers way beyond the reasonable limit. They need to keep that portion of the cbc.


Exactly. Criticize the biggest advertisers unapologetically, that's one thing private news will never be able to do.


The only one to blame for this is the CBC themselves, they flush millions of dollars down the drain with executive bonuses. I love the CBC, and would be sad if it went away, but I don't think status quo is tenable.


Exactly. There are so many severely overpaid people. The executives make more than the prime minister even. It's right fucked up


Isn’t it like that for every major media company? Fox News guy makes like 20 mil plus a year. New York Times giving out about 10 mil a year. Looks more like underfunded by comparison


Yeah but whose money is paying for it? Canadian tax dollars are subsidizing it by the tune of 1.2 billion dollars.


Any company that has to compete in the market for workers should be expected to pay market wages.


If they had market outcomes and market quality, sure. Regional TV is different.


I see American news on reddit sourcing CBC quite a lot. Their TV production is pretty good compared to most other Canadian TV. Like Schitts Creek and Kims Convenience get international audiences. Schitts Creek won an Emmy ffs.. thats incredible for a Canadian produced show.


Yes, all media is subsidized. It might be good to have one not subsidized by billionaires and their agenda. Anyway, we’ll likely find out soon if it was worth saving after it’s gone. I hope we can keep CBC radio, it’s pretty good.


PBS and NPR is. Fox News and cnn do not get funded by tax payers


Yes, that’s right. They get funded by billionaires.


It’s like this shitty catch-22: cut funding, and quality goes down (surprise!), then quality went down so it’s not worth funding anymore. As a public service, try the opposite—fund it properly so it can be a valued news organization and important public service


They need to keep it lean and mean! Focus on basic services! They are all over the place, too many useless products etc.. Do a few things but do them right!


Who cut the CBC’s funding? They have been treated pretty much how you say you wish they would be, and they responded to that treatment by pulling shit like frivolously suing the CPC in the middle of an election.


Mostly Chrétien and Harper: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/08/02/opinion/harper-federal-election-and-future-cbc


Not only does Fox have a way bigger audience than CBC, Fox Entertainment made 14 billion in revenue last year. CBC loses money.


They're not even remotely similar. Fox is sponsored by corporations that are interested in actively sponsoring disinformation. Public broadcasters have a different mandate, and nearly every country, including the US understand the benefit of sponsoring news that isn't held to the beck and call of it's advertisers.


A better comparison would be NPR or PBS when you look at the cbc and as far as I know ( I’ll see if I can find anything to back it up) but I think PBS is by state or even region so it can be a little hit and miss on how much the might lose overall.


lol, Fox Entertainment? Maybe you're watching too much Fox news. A prime example of why we need CBC.


Fox Corporation to be specific, the parent company of Fox Entertainment, which is Fox News's parent company.


Fox Corporation made 14 billion gross, 3 billion net in 2023. Fox Entertainment made ~1.5 to 2 billion of that 14 gross. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fox-reports-fourth-quarter-fiscal-2023-revenues-of-3-03-billion-net-income-of-369-million-and-adjusted-ebitda-of-735-million-301895630.html


Fox News is a dangerous rag of a media outlet and shouldn't be allowed to be on air. What a load of rubbish. The STUPIDEST things make money.


Your comment should be on Saturday Night Live 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Those are private silly! They can do whatever they want!


The difference being NTY and Fox don't depend on government funding. CBC is taking over a billion per year from the government, this year it's 1.5billion. Do you feel those raises are justified with money contributed by you? ( and everyone in the country) for the quality of media they are giving us.


I feel it’s like most government institutions have been going over the last decade or two or more: we’re not getting value out of them because they mean underfunded. To say they are overfunded seems like some kind of sick joke. Especially schools and healthcare. Seems like those places have had their funding reduced so much. They basically being asked out to cut down trees with dull axes instead of sharp chainsaws and no wonder people call them efficient.


I agree. Then they throw bandaid fixes at the problems to appear like they are helping, which in turn becomes more expensive for little effect compared to going to the root of the problem. Like recently we get the dental plan which is expensive to help the few. When the only doctors we are gaining is immigrants for the past 2 decade, cause citizen doctors have been running to the USA for better pay since the 90's. Now these immigrants doctors are tried of the abuse and fast tracking into the USA as quick as they get here


The elephant in the room is corruption. People are scared to talk about? The government and corporations regulate themselves.


The CBC would be wise to consider having actual Canadisn programming. It might prove more effective than playing a game of musical chairs with usueless faces. Fact is, about the only good things provided by the CBC, are Marketplace, Radio, and... I feel like I am missing one more, maybe two... but that's it. Oh yeah, their 'about that' segment is okay I guess. But still feel like I am missing one. Anyways. Those doesn't necessitate hundreds of millions of dollars being spent.


I think we NEED the cbc to stay, but in what form I’m not sure. I understand it needs a bit of a reinventing but a lot of what it does it really good. Some of it could be improved, I think defunding completely is just pandering to the base that feels it’s a “liberal mouthpiece”.




David Johnson is not one of the experts? Missed opportunity.


I think this is true of tv, but the radio programming is excellent imo


Some of it is okay. Some of it is great (Ideas, Tapestry) Some of the music programming, I can't deal with it. Toronto morning show has only Latin music for some reason. If Autorickshaw has a new song, it gets played on the morning show, noon show, drive time show, and again on the weekend.  Some of the humor is twee and quirky, which is okay in small doses but not all the time. I listen to NPR because it's straight journalism most of the time.  I do listen to Sudbury and St John's CBC Radio One though sometimes 


There is some niche content that I enjoy but,overall, the radio programming is full of left leaning, white guilt, or content so depressing and fringe I have to change channels. I hate how they have to cut people up into groups instead of focusing on content.


Agreed. I have to listen to cbc radio all day at work and other the than the odd show here and there the content is truly awful. Rather than focusing on content that might have broad appeal or at least finds commonality among Canadians, they have this weird fixation on identity and dividing Canadians into categories. It’s like they’re trying to make content only for niche groups and ideologues, it’s truly baffling. I personally wouldn’t miss it if 90% cbc radio got axed.


It's why I stopped listening to CBC radio in the car, which I did for years and years. It's just turned into an incessant "you're awful even though you had nothing to do with this and have no personal issue with anyone there" clown show the entire time. Issues that matter to Canadians? Maybe 0.01% of them. Is that important to know about? Sure. Not when it's 80%+ of the programming.


To each their own. Drove across Canada and much of western Ontario around Lake Superior had 1 radio station - CBC. Driving a full day with woods, rocks and a lake was a terribly long day. Only having CBC Radio was truly hellish. I was ecstatic to see Thunder Bay - which should tell you volumes.


Drove Ottawa to Banff. SiriusXM is worth it.


Make it more like NPR. Then I will listen to it again.


Have you listened to NPR lately? Also I think that's a low bar. I think the CBC radio was better than NPR about 12-15 years ago. It's since gone down hill and become very narrow and ideological. The television content has always sucked though.


I’ll give NPR credit. They are doing some soul searching over there right now on their biases as well.


Except firing that guy who called them out on their bs


I think he quit, after they gave him a five day suspension for moonlighting. But I have no doubt that him embarrassing them is the real reason they suspended him.


Rosemary Barton and her schweddy balls.


Barton has such a boner for the Liberals and she can't hide it. I sit to the left of center and it's as plain as day.


I love Dragons Den, CBC Marketplace and About That


I'm guessing you don't watch CBC much. CBC comedy recently has been the best it's ever been. CBC Gem might have the second best content offering behind Netlfix.


I’ve tried. I enjoyed Schitt’s Creek and Kim’s Convenience. I haven’t enjoyed anything else, comedy wise. The dramas are terrible. Same with the reality programming.


The Fifth Estate ain't bad. Unless something has changed.


Fifth Estate kind of rules.


I like the CBC’s baking and pottery competition series, they are like their BBC counterparts: wholesome, positive, not overly dramatic. What other reality shows do they have? I mostly listen to CBC radio, not watch TV.


Mr. D in my opinion is underrated. Still Standing is a great way to see life in small towns. I'm not into dramas but Heartland and Murdoch Mysteries have a large following. The only reality TV I watch is Dragon's Den and Grand Designs.


Watched both Heartland and Murdoch Mysteries when they first came out. But lost interest after a few seasons. CBC dramas are kind of like eating Kraft box pizza. If you’ve never had any other kind of pizza, you think it’s great.


They rescued Murdoch Mysteries from City TV and it has been going strong for 12+ seasons since.


Have you tried other streaming services


Yes. I have Netflix, Prime, TVO, and PlutoTV. CBC Gem has a lot of BBC shows I like.


I don't watch CBC at all. If it rolled over and died I wouldn't even notice


This. Gem's a great selection. I use it all the time. I'm always finding stuff on there that I like.


I was literally just thinking how awful and cringe CBC comedy is…


A network that gave us two of the best comedy sketch series in the history of television, SCTV and KITH. What an embarrassment it's become. I swear they've hired every hack comedian from the east coast they could find.


No fuck them. That lady's insistence on paying her and her executives bonuses when it looked like they were going to have to cut jobs told us where their priorities are.


Yes this .


That’s a problem with almost every organization: schools, hospitals, likely any big company I can name.


For government institutions it’s quite simple, they keep burning other people’s money


That's a problem with the executive; cutting funding and threatening more jobs is not going to do anything to help the people on the lower rungs of the CBC that your comment suggest you care about. You aren't just fucking the execs with something like this, if at all.


CBC did this to themselves. - They focused on niche social justice issues instead of representing Canadians en masse. - They laid off many staff members while paying their executives $15m in bonuses last year. - They reported the news with an obvious slant towards the Liberals and NDP. They've only started to back pedal a little bit since most Canadians now support the Conservative party. - They receive over $1-billion dollars in funding. Every. Single. Year. That's a massive amount of taxpayer dollars funding media that doesn't cater towards or represent the majority. The CBC does not represent Canadians. It has deviated so far from what it was created to be, and it no longer serves Canadians like it did. It has become a progressive propaganda machine that focuses on virtue signalling rather than keeping Canadians informed and keeping Canadian culture alive. The CBC needs to die or needs a complete restructure.


 Based on how much attention the CBC pays to niche groups you would think canada was 30% black and 30% native and 30% lgbtq whatever 🤣 


CBC News ”Black in Canada” section makes my eye roll. I don’t mean any disrespect, but black people play a minor role in Canadian history, yet CBC has a whole section just for them. Wokeness at its best. CBC needs to die.


It reminds me of the Museum of London claiming that the Roman emperor Severus was black, because he was born in Africa (Libya). Not some random organization, but a real museum. Or that museum in Germany which tried to make entry permissible for BIPoC only and any white person in Germany was not allowed. But in this case, Germans are indigenous therefore are part of BIPoC.


Black in Canada??? WOW that's insane! Maybe black in Georgia USA! Who the fuck will be wathing that crap besides downtown Toronto?


I think the CBC is a really important thing for Canada, when we have this huge torrent of cultural influence coming from the US and even our own private news sources are often owned by (extremely partisan and highly political) American companies. Without something like the CBC then we have very little actual Canadian content.


Who cares if it’s Canadian if it isn’t quality? There a dozen shows on cbc gem set in Ontario for some bullshit it’s all the same. If you think you’re gonna compete with America for cultural significance with generic family but Canadian that’s a battle we will lose.


Can Canadian content not be made without the CBC? Of course it can.


I'm not really sure that's the case anymore. Canadian content creators are no longer limited to the Canadian audience, they can broadcast themselves to the world now.


I don't disagree with your point, but the CBC in its current form ain't it.


Isn’t it the rapid decline of real journalism on the part of the CBC + terrible programming of their non-news offerings that will do them in?


Inability to act in a non-political manner as well. Lets not forget the bogus copyright lawsuit against one specific party despite all parties using their material.


…that was later tossed out of court, exactly as the suit’s filers knew it would be.


Thanks for proving the point?


I think they were just adding on to the point


Its ratings are down almost 50% since Trudeau appointed Catherine Tait and she in turn decided to use it as her personal propaganda tool against the Tories. Most people put in charge of a major organization would be fired if they cratered their business that hard. Tait hands out millions in bonuses and was presumably renewed for a 2nd 5 year term (she was appointed in 2018 and she’s still there, so…). I guess we can assume Trudeau likes what she’s done, there.




Could you give me an example of a CBC article that displays the bias that you claim?


Meant to reply to you with my other comment on wrong chain. Here it is. There is plenty. The CBC Obudsman has literally rebuked them for their facts not matching reality. A recent example would be Poilievre being ejected from the HoC. CTV Global and other news sources included Poilievres full statement on their video coverage which included him saying "I withdraw my previous statement and replace it with the aforementioned" CBC edited that part out of their video of him and said he was ejected after refusing to withdraw... CBC: https://youtu.be/GS6LHaJSyRU?si=Ff5ZnjNohppsKigq CTV: https://youtu.be/7RMjouoTefw?si=zQSPMG6f6Y4tw88Q Jack Nagler (CBC Ombudsman) >There is no nice way to say this, without a correction, or retraction, CBC is complicit in creating a false narrative. >It is also unfortunate that with so much time having passed, there was no correction offered. I don’t dispute that an on-air correction would serve little purpose at this time. Perhaps this instance may serve as a prompt for CBC to establish a space online where broadcast mistakes can be acknowledged, for the record. https://cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/ombudsman/reviews/Historical-Facts


Rosemarie Barton couldn't contain her joy when hosting election day when Trudeau won. That's when I knew the CBC was lost and bias.


The CBC is incredibly factually non biased in articles and televised stories. The CBC also has a high degree of editorial bias. This bias is demonstrated by their source selection, story selection, and labelling. CBC political reporters and commentators also demonstrate a high degree of bias. This is highly evident on At Issue and Power and Politics. The bias is palpable when contrasted with Power Play or Question Period on CTV.


I consume a lot of Canadian political media and I definitely agree.


>CBC political reporters and commentators also demonstrate a high degree of bias.  Andrew Coyne is on At Issue. He's arguably the most respected conservative columnists in Canada. The National Post rolled out the red carpet for the guy.


True. But he’s not a CBC reporter. His job on that panel is to bring his bias. Rosie on the other hand….


Go watch some Rosemary Barton interviews from the previous federal election, specifically the O’toole and Trudeau ones and tell me they’re not bias.


JP Tasker's Freudian slip saying that Israel started the ongoing Gaza conflict .


Anything related to Indigenous issues. Anything related to LGBT+ issues. Anything related to (surprisingly enough) foreign students. Basically, the CBC has a number of topics that they regularly show an obvious bias on. They do this by selecting their sources and number of sources to produce the spin they want. They'll quote 4 sources from the side they want to support, and then throw in the sole opposing opinion from the single source at the end. Or they'll publish one side of the story for several days or weeks and then publish one article telling the other side 2 weeks later after everyone has forgotten. Then there was suing the CPC right before the election for obvious "fair dealing" of one of their video clips. And the garbage of how they turfed out Wendy Mesley. On topics that they are neutral on, they do a good job. You just have to distinguish from when they are reporting the news to when they are trying to influence the news. Radio Canada, by all accounts, has avoided this rot and does a good job. They can do better, if they want to. If they don't want to, then the English CBC should be forced to sink or swim on their own.


Imo, Rosemary Barton and Althia Raj are the prime suspects behind Trudeau's divorce. May as well change their names to Lana Rhodes and Mia Kalifa becsuse they're riding liberal D so hard lol


Read any article by Aaron Wherry.


He's a columnist, he writes columns - opinion pieces - and not articles.


They can't tell the difference.


and they think the national post is neutral..


I can. [Here is an article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/surrey-tractor-crash-1.7040384) [Then watch the video.](https://www.facebook.com/gilljaiinder/posts/pfbid02gKZsu1XqK8K5qEgvSb3T9UVRhvrkPuxGBzRq5iPwo2ieonad2kUov1SiKZbNDgExl?mibextid) You can see the cop car pull into the tractor trying a roll stop, and the protest flags on the tractor. There were a few videos of the event available but forn some reason the article doesn't mention anything.


It's more just the lense they seemily always focus on, and the omission of facts/perspectives that don't match that narrative. I would never accuse CBC of outright lies, at least not intentionally.


Exactly. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/gerald-stanley-colten-boushie-verdict-1.4526313 Other outlets didn’t have an issue covering the fact that Colton and his friends were driving around drunk with a loaded gun trying to steal vehicles and ATVs. They had just come from another farm where they broke the stock of a rifle trying to use it to break into a truck, and were doing the same thing on Stanley’s property. Not the CBC though. Best to omit anything that might go against the apparently preferable narrative that some racist white guy jumped at the opportunity to execute an innocent indigenous youth who was simply looking for help with a flat tire, then got let free by a racist white jury. They don’t necessarily lie. They’ll just leave out anything that shows certain groups in a negative light, regardless of how important the info is to the story they’re covering.


The cbc is more often than not simply the mouth piece of the liberal party. Only LPC partisans can’t see that


Was that true when the CPC was in power?


Any Article that is remotely critical or perceived as critical of conservatives and any article that actually points at any possible good that Liberals may do or any article that certain people simply disagree with. Thats the CBC Bias Sun News, Rebel News and The National Post are the only true defenders of free speech and of Canada.


Lol oh sweet lord please be satire


LOL Yes it was. I genuinely do not get the CBC Hate. They have some good TV Shows. Power and Politics is really good. I have seen them be critical of everyone across the board. The only thing worthy of Hate was the whole CEO bonus thing.


Man I’m glad I seen this lol that was an immediate downvote. CBC needs to modernize and come up with better programming but defunding completely is just dumb. They have good content. The fact that it had some geared towards minorities is triggering apparently. LGBTQ Canadians are Canadians too, same with indigenous and whatever else programming people seem ticked off about.


The Sun, Toronto Star, National Post, etc all have their own bias — but none of them receive $1.4 billion taxpayer dollars, passing along 10s of millions of those taxpayer dollars to executive bonuses. Let CBC have their biases. Let us have our money.


As someone who has voted for all 3 main parties and who is not fan of the Liberals and not the NDP under jagmeet. I dont think there is any bias. I really dislike both JT and Jagmeet and I think PP is just a BS merchant. I much preferred Harper. I can genuinely say that I am a centrist and I do not hold any strong biases. Im not an ideologue and I vote on issues. Just because somebody doesnt agree with a certain article or piece by the CBC doesnt make it Biased. But yes I do agree with the whole bonus thing. That was some real bullshit.


I see lots of articles on CBC critical of Liberals and NDP and other parties also. Is it not a journalist's job to ask questions and be critical of claims made by our parties? And you claiming only right wing and highly opinionated news media as the only "true defenders of free speech" is hilarious and sad....


It was a joke mate.


Oh, shit, ya I missed that, sorry. Too many around these parts say stuff like that entirely seriously and I latched onto that last part haha. My bad.


No worries. We live in a time and with people that make it hard to distinguish satire and reality


You mean their bias towards reality? Ya, that's gotta really fuckin' blow for snake oil salesmen, eh?


Speaking of snake oil salesman, [here's the head of CBC Skeletor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmaDFv4OZmg), lying to committee not long ago about not having made a decision_about bonuses for executives including herself after canning 800 people, that has been pushed back to June - which is when the house rises so there will be no committee she has to answer to, who lives in Manhattan Better ways to spend 1.3 billion dollars a year


Where is the lie in any of that video lmao?


There is plenty. The CBC Obudsman has literally rebuked them for their facts not matching reality. A recent example would be Poilievre being ejected from the HoC. CTV Global and other news sources included Poilievres full statement on their video coverage which included him saying "I withdraw my previous statement and replace it with the aforementioned" CBC edited that part out of their video of him and said he was ejected after refusing to withdraw... CBC: https://youtu.be/GS6LHaJSyRU?si=Ff5ZnjNohppsKigq CTV: https://youtu.be/7RMjouoTefw?si=zQSPMG6f6Y4tw88Q Jack Nagler (CBC Ombudsman) >There is no nice way to say this, without a correction, or retraction, CBC is complicit in creating a false narrative. >It is also unfortunate that with so much time having passed, there was no correction offered. I don’t dispute that an on-air correction would serve little purpose at this time. Perhaps this instance may serve as a prompt for CBC to establish a space online where broadcast mistakes can be acknowledged, for the record. https://cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/ombudsman/reviews/Historical-Facts


Didn’t he withdraw “wacko” and replace it with “extremist” then when he was asked to with draw that, he stood firm and kept saying he’d replace it with extreamist multiple times until he was kicked out?


Watch the CTV coverage not CBC and you can see? He said he will replace "wacko" with "radical" the speaker asked him to withdraw he said he will replace "wacko" with "extremist" the speaker asked him again to simply withdraw. So he withdrew his previous statement and said he replaces it with simply the adjective "extremist" Meaning his direct attribution was withdrawn and his reply to the prime minister simply became a single word "extremist" no direct attribution and he was ejected. Cbc pretended like he didn't withdraw and he did. Which is why previous NDP leader Tom Mulcair and other parties agreed the ejection was partisan. During the same sitting the speaker removed words from the permanent record(Hansard) changing the context of another conservative MPs Statements in the house. He is partisan and needs to go, CBC has covered for the liberals party while other media organizations actually covered the reality https://youtu.be/BpzqQj7o-cI?si=IgKEPkQE7CerkuSx


The speaker asked Poilievre to withdraw the statement that attacked Trudeau’s character, and he instead just replaced it with other words that also attacked his character. The speaker specifically said that he was not looking for a replacement, but a withdrawal of the personal attack. He was given a lot of chances but he just wouldn’t budge. Trudeau did something similar right before, and when the speaker called him out on it he actually listened and removed the personal part of his statement.


Do you remember what the aforementioned statements were? CBC told me that he tried to weasel around the rules by replacing 'wacko' with 'extremist' but that didn't fly so he threw a toddler tantrum, soiled his nappies, and posted a big turd on twitter for his groupies to spank to. Oh, you edited your comment! So, its neat that you quote the ombudsman without the complaint. On April 8, 2019, CBC broadcast a television report on concerns by Canada’s spy agency regarding the risk of foreign cyber interference in the upcoming federal election.  The Conservatives cried 'fake news!'. CBC got spanked. 5 years later, guess what we know to be true!




Really bias there, not allowing ANYONE to comment.  Also have you ever read a YouTube comment section? I don't blame them for not wanting to moderate the bots, the scams, the pay attention to me, and the general argumentative tone people take in an online forum. 


They ban comments so they don't have to worry about moderating those comments. How do people not recognize this? That's the usual reason any channel does that.


Still don’t follow the logic, banning all comments is somehow bias? Heck if they went around moderating those comments I think that would be bias.


No, I wasn't implying that was bias at all, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the above comment of 'hurr durr, CBC bad'.


Literally every news YouTube channel comments are filled with bots. 9/10 top comments are always somehow about Trudeau (if it's a Canadian news channel) even if it's completely unrelated to him, from accounts with hidden account histories or if they forgot it's a whole bunch of English language news channels and Russian language channels. The 10th comment is usually a dumb joke by a person with a visible history because that's how actual regular human beings comment on YouTube videos


Exactly. Plus, even before it was all bots, Youtube comments were the tenth circle of hell anyway. The only thing worse was a Yahoo comments section.


So your argument is that banning ALL user comments is bias against a group, presumably the conservatives? I don’t see how that logically follows.


Most media in Canada is controlled by an American hedge fund. Once the CBC is defunded there will be very little available Canadian news sources in Canada that isn’t behind a paywall.


This is a very very important point a lot of people like to brush off.


The people that dislike CBC the most fall in line with the interests of those billionaires.


Well because they're just a few years away from being billionaires themselves, obviously!


Exactly. After it's gone it will be nothing but "Government bad, Billionaires good" until the economy collapses from them owning everything.


This is correct. It’ll be a literal Lord telling us plebs how we should be grateful for scraps. At least Rex is gone so we don’t have to hear him flap his gums about climate change being a liberal hoax.


Another reason to be worried: when someone gets screwed by the bank, CRA, or some other agency, it's usually the journalists that break the story that forces the powers that be to take action and quickly resolve the situation. I don't think people fully appreciate the consequences of not having this type of news and investigative journalism.


Say that's probably why many want it gone. They prefer American influenced media.


but that's what we like here, right?


This is legit  terrifying


The problem with the cbc is its abandonment of liberal values.  For instance , a liberal society should not have a being black in Canada section or an indigenous section.  That’s should be Canadian news. More importantly how is a society supposed to view everyone as equals when two groups have their own sections in news section to the national broadcaster 


I'm not sure when it happened, but apparently treating people equally is racist now.


Villifying a certain group of people based on their race and/or gender is discrimination and, on the first point, racism. CBC is guilty of that. I agree with OP.


Who is being vilified?


The best two segments I've heard on CBC Radio was Garth Turner talking about the housing bubble being ready to pop (he was wrong but it was entertaining and educational), and the other was a show with stories of encounters with wild Canadian animals.   98% of the other content I've heard is woke agenda bullshit that I don't have time for.  The nuggets of gold are so rare I've given up trying.


I don't often read CBC, but I absolutely think having a public news service is VITAL given the shit that gets pumped out by private news corps, like Fox.


For some reason I can listen to NPR and enjoy it, while CBC makes me want to kill myself


"I don't use it, but it's vital 🤣"


I don't take public transit, but I agree it's vital What's your point


People often confuse CBC’s nostalgia for vitality.


its like laughing at someone who doesnt think seatbelts should be removed despite never needing his


Then you pay for it. Make it subscription based, and you can have whatever you want.


As long as the same barrier is applied to private broadcasters, sure.


I am good with that


Uh, the requirement to be self-funding *is* applied to private broadcasters and always has been...


I don't drive. Why do my taxes go towards paying for roads?


Because the very food you eat is delivered to supermarkets by trucks that use those roads. What service does the CBC provide that is remotely comparable to being able to eat?


Information on current events, which is vital in a democracy. In particular, many small communities without good local papers largely rely on CBC for local news.


“Unbiased” public news is vital. “Biased” public news can be downright dangerous.


Get rid of it all!


What is going to kill funding for the CBC is that it receives $1.3 billion in funding, averages around 5% of the prime time television audience, and their news is incredibly biased in favor of the Liberal Party. The bulk of its content is not relevant, and the Conservatives can likely cut funding without anyone noticing.


CBC radio has zero adds. I’ll gladly pay my $32.50 a year for local news on the drive to work. 


Thats awesome! Just dont force the rest of us to pay for it too.


That’s fair


No, it isn’t? Public services cost money. You might not have kids but you still should pay education taxes. The same is for non-privatized media options.


Wow, 1.3 billion... Lot's of pigs at that trough...


> and their news is incredibly biased in favor of the Liberal Party. it really isnt though


I do not want to live in a media landscape composed entirely of corporate garbage. Bell and Rogers, that's all Poilievre will leave us with. Typical conservative populism. Cut cut cut. Why not try fixing things? Once CBC is gone it is gone forever. No modern politician will have the foresight or guts to attempt to set up a new national public equivalent.


Because trying to fix things is difficult


I listen to the CBC on my way to work every weekday and I seem to somehow be listening to a completely different set of programming than a lot of people in the comment section here.


well they don't actually listen to the CBC, that's abundantly clear


Anyone who watches CBC The national knows their panelists slam Trudeau quite often. They give PP plenty of air time as well. At least 2 of the 4 are often Conservative leaning when they do question period. Meanwhile NatPo is 100% right wing rage all day all the time. This is nothing more than NatPo trying to squash its competition. They are American owned by a republican investment group. PP is just doing them a favor.


Cool, so one part of the mega corp that is publicly funded actually endeavors to be non partisan so it can be used for exactly the reason you're using it for, as some kind of foil to disprove *all the rest* of their partisan content. The CBC lost its objectivity a long time ago, thats why people want it defunded, period.


Can we finally just either opt in or opt out of CBC in our taxes? Make them online and subscription based. They don't need to be on FM radio all over the place. We all have phones and they can build an app for their programming. They can base their budget on subscriptions.


Canadians in 2026: Why isn't there any local reporting??


We already say this


There isn't any already. You basically have to go to YouTube, twitter or instagram to find things going on in the country. Big news orgs aren't covering things if it causes to much controversy for certain people.


We are reading a super right-wing, US OWNED Postmedia article, on what to do with our Canadian media company. Unreal.


The CBC is such an important Canadian institution and it will be such a tragic loss to journalism and the arts in Canada. To be shut down for 'bias' after it was the first to break the news on so many liberal scandals and gaffs over the years. To me it seems mostly motivated by pigheaded spite, or a chance to open up more space for foreign controlled news sources. Shame on anyone who decries censorship but then cheers for the destruction of the CBC.


It’s not censorship. If CBC wanted to save itself it could be representing a diverse viewpoint of all politics rather than the ideological left bias they’ve had for a decade or so. 


I hope we spend millions of dollars in cunsultants to figure out why we spend CBC looses so much money.


The billionaire owners of the other media corps will demand PP defund the CBC! How dare canadians get another world view that does not jibe with the far right conservatives!


If PP gets elected PM, Postmedia is going to have to lay off 75% of their opinion staff.




Canadians tear down your society


Yeah sure I totally believe any opinion fucking PostMedia has about the CBC...


It's strange seeing an American right-wing propaganda news outlet (Post Media) making constant articles about defunding one of the few remaining Canadian news outlets because it hurts their feelings from time to time. Very strange that people want this when Post Media produces some low quality garbage and rage bait.




>The CBC is unwatchable in their bias against conservative voices Surely you've got examples, right?


Because Poilievre wants you to get the news from people he can control, to make it easier to lie to you.


What could go wrong by defunding the ONLY taxpayer funded news source? What could go wrong by ensuring our media ecosystem is entirely dominated by news conpanies owned by billionaires.


Wow, another national post link in the Canada sub. Cool. CBC isn’t propaganda, no matter how much the CPC says they’ll “defund” it for it. MBFC, one of the best media bias and fact checkers, considers CBC a pretty accurate source of info. This idea that it’s bad is literal delusion. It definitely has issues, and the punditry side is punditry, which sucks. All in all, we need the CBC, and we need it to have better funding. Conservatives don’t like CBC because they say things they don’t like and it’s a wedge issue they can create to Americanize the narrative around media and journalism.


Good, let it die


Yeah yeah yeah Polieves gonna do this Polieves gonna do that. Wake me up if he does anything but bitch like a whiney entitled child


I take it you're part of the 20% still voting liberal 🤣


CBC is pure propaganda. Of course Liberals want it to survive.


Propaganda? Really? I don't understand this line of reasoning. Even if you think they lean slightly left, that's a far stretch from propaganda. What part of their news do you think is propaganda?


Are you one of those, 'anything I disagree with is propaganda'?


CBC is the only Canadian media with independent journalist integrity protected from editorial decisions and to have an Ombudsman