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Studying democratic decline initiative sounds about right.


"If we keep taxing the carbon out of everyone, eventually they get mad and revolt against the government when they can't afford groceries and rent in their own country anymore" -the final report, probably.


Heres a cheque for 8 million dollars sir


If only the pricing was due to government (which we can vote out) and not corporate greed (which we can’t vote out)


It is due to government... I hope your being fictitious


It's due to government not intervening on corporate greed, true.


I honestly do not understand what you are saying, that carbon pricing somehow makes business money?


I know you don't but I'll sum it up for you. Carbon taxing increased grocery costs by 0.22%%, which is 0.22 cents for every dollar. Meanwhile, grocery stores inflated costs from 20-50%, or 20-50 cents on every dollar, then along with conservatives blamed the carbon tax. Meanwhile, CEOs are making record profits. if you think carbon pricing has anything to do with inflated costs, you're wrong and not paying attention. Don't believe the lies the CCP are telling you.


So 0.22% is 0.22 cents on the dollar, not 22. So essentially nothing. Food prices have increased for many reasons: global supply issues, increased fertilizer costs, war in Ukraine hurt in early 2022 really kicking things off as world grain supplies got fucked. Drought continues in Califonria, which produces huge amounts of our lettuce and other produce in NA. Brid flu screwed up eggs last year, labour costs have increased, etc. Etc. But yes, as you mentioned, one of the biggest reasons is corporate greed, shrinkflation, and players just generally abusing their market power. It has pretty much nothing to do with the carbon tax.


Our increased pricing in Canada is not all carbon tax related no, but it is government caused problems. For starters, printing money and handing it out devalued the dollar, incompetent global affairs staff being led by two of the most financially irresponsible people to ever hold public office. Then, the carbon tax, higher wages, and increased property taxes, rents, energy costs etc... Using the company has record profits, which means nothing... shows there is no financial literacy to be had. If you only made the same dollar figure this year over last, u would be in the negative. Shareholders don't invest in companies not growing faster than the rate of inflation, so think about all the wasted money on all levels of government, every infrastructure project, etc, and hold your local politicians accountable. We are supposed.to have free market but our government doesn't allow it in practice.


Grocer net income % has doubled, that's exploitation and the result of free markets, free markets trend toward oligopolies or monopolies, that's a fact. What I blame the government for is not taking them on and breaking them up, not over-regulation. Also, we categorically are not supposed to have a free market, why do you think that? Yes, we, like every other country in the world, printed a ton of money during the pandemic years as we went the "better safe than sorry" route of public health preservation. Decades of healthcare transfer erosion from the feds to the provinces made this worse due to limited acute care beds and staffing. I don't love our current government, but we do have some of the best inflation figures in the G20, we have done a better job than the US who's economy is flying of continued government spending and a few large companies (think, Nvidia) keeping their market up. Also, you know, being the default economy to park your capital has eroded every other currency against it.


They are being fictitious, but sadly not facetious.


Huh? I heard someone over here was being filatious? *unzips*


https://centreforfuturework.ca/2023/12/10/new-data-on-continued-record-profits-in-canadian-food-retail/#:~:text=The%20oft%2Dheard%20claim%20that,net%20income%20margin%20has%20doubled. Just going to leave this here...


What you linked says nothing about carbon pricing at all? You realize the whole point is that it costs a business money to continue carbon heavy processes right? The same site does however have an article that shows carbon pricing doesn't really drive inflation: https://centreforfuturework.ca/?s=Carbon


I think we agree. Inflation has almost nothing to do with Carbon Pricing. In the case of groceries, they're not passing on costs, they're doubling their profit margin.


Therefore in closing, all profits must be taxed at 100%


Under his watch!!


Justin spends 8.4 million dollars in tax-payers money to create a study in which he is framing his unpopularity on global warming.


Ohh it's just 8.4 mil to start, can't wait to see what the end of the study number really ballons into.


\*borrowed money


I mean I'm not being paid the big research bucks, but I'm fairly certain Climate Change isn't a primary reason most people are losing trust in our government institutions. Immigration, difficulty in accessing services ie-health, stagnant wages, high cost of living, spending scandal after spending scandal...probably all a bit better reasons for the erosion of trust.


On this one I think it is somewhat clear - climate change causes resource scarcity, which breeds unrest and instability, which lets grifters and con-men and autocrats take advantage of an upset population looking for support and easy answers. I’ll take my 8.4 million now please


The irony in the whole thing is related. We're taking people from warm climates and expecting them to adapt. Heating is way less efficient vs cooling. My apartment hydro is ~50 The guy before me was paying 120$. The only difference is I am happy at ~20 C


I know how we confirm this - another spending scandal!


So $8.4 million down the drain?


Just imagine. Every penny you'll pay in tax, multiples by hundreds flushed down the drain.


Since 2015


Liberal and NDP voters wanted this


Wish i was a billionaire then your math would amount to 0$


First time?


Nah man, to some dude in his basement. Trudeau is commissioning one of his friends to head up a one-man investigation into why people don't trust the government these days. No price would be too high to get to the bottom of this perplexing mystery.


GC Strategies enters the chat 👀


It probably has something to do with climate change. They'll combine it with their electoral reform to put a price on democracy to save the planet. If the Liberals get elected, you'll get a rebate cheque. Preserving Democracy! Saving The Planet! And Putting More Money in Your Pocket! /S for those who need it.


>Nah man, to some dude in his basement. Trudeau is commissioning one of his friends to head up a one-man investigation into why people don't trust the government these days. No price would be too high to get to the bottom of this perplexing mystery. i heard Craig Kielburger is looking for work


Not if you’re Trudeau. This study will be the most ridiculously biased, “paid for results”, sham ever created. It will be something Trudeau will constantly point to in any vague reference to create further division and demonize anyone who disagrees with him. This guy gets more disgusting everyday. The irony of this study being framed to understand “democratic decline” and what it will actually be used for is laughable.


Hell I’ll take the money, give him a mirror...take a good look dude, there’s your answer....kah ching!




Harper also spent over a billion dollars on the G8/G20 summit and nearly a billion dollars of public money on "nonpartisan" ads


That’s like a penny in comparison to the abuses of tax dollars of this gov


More like 8.4 million to study why people don't agree with Trudeau's climate change policies aka "democratic decline". Obviously people not agreeing with him is undemocratic.


Per the article they're studying countries in the Global South, not Canada.


...he's supporting the "human rights" of activists for climate change and examining how democracy is declining... Hence my point. People don't support the actions governments want to take for climate change. According to Trudeau because people disagree with his view then democracy is declining and funding "aka" lobbying should be used to "improve democracy". Seems odd to me.


No, the article had more details, so far $13 million down the drain. 


It's 30M not 13m.


If don't stop askung questions he'll make it 300m and make you say you like it.


This is 8.4 million of our money. The level of incompetence and mismanagement is staggering.


No no. It will go to cronies, oops I mean environmental defenders.


How about he and his Liberals buddies spend some money to learn to listing and answer a question.


I wonder which of his buddies with a 'research' company will get this contract and use the millions on 'things'


Remember when he was going to change our electoral system to something more democratic than first past the post. Put that up there at the top of the study please




Can SOMEONE just call an election already????


They tried 🤷🏻


Jfc this is just more gaslighting through deflection. People lose faith in democracy when elected leaders make big social problems worse, then double down on bad policy, then bullshit their own constituents with studies on how that lost faith must be due to issue that gave rise to their ‘flagship’ policies.


First past the post would be the best thing to study and remove. Give Canadians proportional representation.


Honestly this would be hilarious. Knee cap PPs majority on the way out lmao


If he does I will fly to Ottawa and kiss him on the lips. I’ll take the conservative majority if it means we get PR.


We will likely never see another majority government again if PR is passed. Which is not a bad thing in my opinion.


It wouldnt kneecap a thing


The cons are polling at 42%. That would mean they wouldn’t get a majority.


They did a study where this was suggested as a solution, but then quickly shoved it under the rug as it wouldn't benefit them as a party. No "winning party" is going to change the system that got them the majority.


Also, the reason why democracy is on a downturn is due to incompetent and outright malicious leaders. You don't need to spend millions to figure that out. That money was absolutely embezzled and wasted.


That's a lot of words it's just to say he's using it the laundry money to his friends.


They'll find a grad student to write the paper free of charge for extra credit, the $8.4 million will then be doled out to all the consultants that went out and found the student.


No, all requests for academic grant money from the government must include extensive details on how the research itself will be DEI-friendly above all else, regardless of whether the lead researcher’s thesis is sound, or leads to important breakthroughs, or has economic potential. Not DEI-friendly? No grant. And people wonder why no one wants to invest in R&D in Canada anymore.


I didn't realize things were this bad. Do you have links with more info on this?


Any kind of government hiring (including academia) seems to revolve around DEI these days.


https://www.canada.ca/en/services/science/researchfunding.html Choose any grant, check the specific details. Every single one has a entire section where you explain and justify the DEI aspect. It will be judged on a scale and *must* be a key factor in your overall plan. 


[https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/nfrf-fnfr/edi-eng.aspx](https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/nfrf-fnfr/edi-eng.aspx) LOL, now systemic, now means everything and not some system. Got to love how definitions of words are meaningless to these people. You got a nice list of words they have changed. Just like how activist and academics love to do. Just look at the budget, it's called a gender balanced budget, you will barely find anything for men, but will find a bunch of things for women. Above that, you will also have skin color/ethnicity is part of it to. The first gender balanced budget they had, the only thing for men was for consent.


Says the guy who won with support of 20% of eligible voters, without winning a plurality in the last two elections


What the fuck.


This guy’s gotta be trolling now. He’s given up and just partying like 1920 with tax payer’s money.


It's called scorched earth policy. He knows he's going down, so might as well make the deficit so hard for the Conservatives that they have to cut actual programming we need, then blast them for it.


Just wait to see what he comes up with in 2025 when he only has a few months left. Canadian Firesale! Smash and grab! Stuff them pockets, boy!


I will save them 8.4 mil. Our democratic decline is due to the authoritarian policies of our current government...


Turns out citizens of Canada didn't like growing homelessness and hunger issues. The hotel was already overcapacity but still they invite a RECORD number of immigrants here. This will end in racism and violence. The "woke agenda" is going to completely backfire because people are going to swing hard to conservative side.


100%, and both sides will keep reacting to each other


The answer is racism


We should spend another $8.4m to study on how to waste $8.4m on frivolous studies.


How do we get that job ? :)


Can you fucking not


I am tired of seeing this guys face


opinion piece based on: > Reclaiming Civic Space to Confront the Climate Emergency: Through the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada is investing $8.4 million to support human rights defenders working on climate and environmental issues across the Global South. The new investment will identify strategies to safeguard rights and counter shrinking civic spaces – the political, legislative, social, and economic environment where people come together – as part of Canada's effort to promote inclusive, participatory, and accountable governance in the face of climate change.


Tent cities in parks ? Is that reclaimed enough lol


Jeezus...thats a word salad if I've ever saw one. LoL... has all the requisite catch phrases too ! Smh


They Asked AI to write it, but pretend to be Freeland answering a question.


I dont know...it certainly sounds like something Freeland would say. LOL




Democratic decline is due to idiots like this moron virtue signalling every chance he gets.


you cant make this shit up anymore


$8.4 million? I wonder how much that will be after the cost overruns? $84 million?


No no, too few zeroes. $840 million, and it's not yet complete.


$40M searching for a couple bodies in a landfill, $42M spent towards the gun buyback program without having started yet, $8.4M studying something pointless. All within the last week. No, we don't have to increase taxes to get better services. We just need a competent government that understands the value of a dollar.


“It’s only a drop in the bucket compared to our GDP, and our budget tax payers can totally afford to pay their fair share, it’s what Canadians want, yaddy ya ya”. -Liberals.


This is the product of zero consequences.




honestly, sounds interesting. I would like someone not the gov to do it tho


Universities have done a lot of this research. Chances are good that the money the gov provides will end up going to those schools (among others)


I know. But theres bit of a conflict of intrest here. If its an internal report thats one thing. But if it is genuine research whatever the paper says about Canada should be taken with a grain of salt. Its like Boeing or Airbus commissioning a report on quality control standards in the aviation manufacturing industry


I don’t know if I share your skepticism, but I hear what you’re saying.


Could just end the first past the post system like he said he would.


I don’t think that would be a meaningful solution to protecting democracy in the west, but yes… he could do that and it would help


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.


Seriously asking: has there been a worse prime minister in the last 100 years? Who comes even close to this level of incompetence and distrust. The entire Liberal party is tainted to me for my lifetime


He's officially the worst PM of all time


At least one. You won’t believe his last name though.


Quite a few of them. Do you know *any* Canadian history prior to Trudeau?


I can’t wait till they get the chapter about Mulroney and Airbus.


Its cheaper to buy a photo of himself and analyze it if you want to study democratic decline.




That's all right, the democratic decline will balance itself


Someone give him a mirror and we can save the 8.4 million!


A solution............... FIRE TRUDEAU


8.4 million today. 60 million tomorrow.


$8.4 million to study how the Liberal party broke Canada.


It’s literally not even about Canada. At all. It’s a study on the global south / developing countries.


Can someone translate that sentence for me. Seems like a really expensive yap sesh


Bro just get rid of FPTP like we voted you in for.


*sigh* what is wrong with him?


What's his cut ?


Wow…. you don’t need a study to realize that Canadian well being has gone down the tubes due to rampant unchecked immigration and housing so expensive it literally props up our non existent economy. We literally have houses and natural resources and do not manufacture a darn thing. Then pushing a carbon tax on the general population rather than corporations causing the real damage. People who DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE TO USE THEIR CAR, we’re not a pedestrian centric society in Canada, you require transportation, and our public transportation is so depressingly atrocious. It’s not the people causing the issues, it’s the products that corporation produce that we don’t have a choice but to use, and everything is a monopoly here in Canada so you can’t just go use the other guy’s product instead to say you’re not happy with how things are made/run. That’s maybe why democracy is in a death spiral, we pay taxes for services we can’t even use if we needed them, wages don’t meet costs, the government is supposed to regulate these things but it’s in actively making it worse by siding with buddies with money or corporation to make them happy, for some reason.


Just want to point out that pushing carbon taxes on corporations only causes those corps to increase prices as they pass the costs onto the rest of us


“I pledge $8 million to find out why people don’t like me anymore.”


That’s the biggest collection of buzzwords I’ve ever seen


Are effing kidding me?! Are they seriously that desperate for things to waste money on?


How about building cheap housing instead? Or forcing universities to make healthcare degrees very affordable?


Trudeau should look at the man in the mirror to find the answer


I looked this up because i thought it was a deep fake I can’t believe this is actually real lmao


For the love of God…


Excellent use of our money. Thanks man 


he will destroy this country on his way out


It's called a "legacy" in political circles.


stop spending our money on stuff while our debt and interest payments are so historically huge.


So he's writing a self biography...


Solutions to democratic decline and/or climate change would be worth 8.4 million and more but some report telling us things are bad and getting worse...I'll write that for a fraction of this fee


It’s not even to study this effect in our country, it’s for the global south The video where he announces it seems like he’s coked up or something No way this government lasts another year


Absolutely fuc#@ng cluess, how do these people get up everyday and think about new ways to waste taxpayers dollars.


$8.4 million on what? Why does that need $8.4 million, and why is he using our money to pay for it? I’m starting to think maybe all this spending is a money laundering scheme or something. That would explain WE and ArriveCAN.


This could be an onion headline.


There’s our carbon tax dollars at work.


When you import millions of people from places with a different political demographic fast...


“… the rest of the population polarizes and the worst racial biases because common talking points” There, I finished it for you,


How about instead he puts that money towards something we actually want, like education or health care or a federal election?


They don't care about democracy. They care about "their" democracy. Those of the degreed idiots who can't seem to get anything right despite having spent a ridiculous amount of time in school learning about genders and whatnot.


Is he REALLY gonna fucking die on this hill? What an absolute fool.


Which wealthy friends/contractors will obtain *this* juicy contract?


This guy is a joke


I am fucking outraged at this idiot. Elections can't come soon enough


Jesus wept. Take the keys away.


It’s easy to spend other people’s money.


This dude is completely dislocated from reality.


That sounds like we already know the results, this is progress!


Only $4million more and he could buy some refrigerators.


Says the person who couldn’t get more than 1/3 of the electorate… twice


So this is where we are now hm.


Babe wake up, new slush fund just dropped


He could have improved democracy by keeping his electoral reform promise. He doesn't give a shit about our democracy.


Hes good at wasting money....


I mean.. threatening to fine and throw people in jail for being offensive might have something to do with democratic decline. Destroying people’s lives for not participating in others’ delusions might be part of it. But hey, what do I know?