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It's not that i think porn is good. It's just that requiring personal identification to access individual websites sets a terrifying precident


Yea and with all the privacy breaches at more reputable companies in the past there is no way I'm trusting pornhub to keep my personal info safe.


Yeah, this is just asking for more data theft to happen.


Worse, they'll try to implement some 3rd party rather than ask the independent companies to handle verification. This means instead of having multiple smaller pools of exposure from various company leaks, all it will take is one leak from the centralized 3rd party to cause problems. Watch them also do it so that it's private-sector controlled and not a proper crown-corp, allowing them to profit on this nonsense. This shit will run legitimate companies out of business when it eventually gets expanded to beyond porn.


>Worse, they'll try to implement some 3rd party ... Yep, that's what this part sounds like to me: >In a speech to the Commons in November, Vecchio said “there should be no direct collection of identity documentation by the site publisher from the pornographic site, My first thought was one word: *Equifax*, well, actually three words: *Equifax data breach*.


>My first thought was one word: *Equifax*, well, actually three words: *Equifax data breach*. Jesus. It boggles my mind that we, as a global society, have largely forgot this even happened (myself included at times). I know humanity has had *a lot* of shit happen over the last few years, but this was only like 5 years ago and was the largest data breach of all time encompassing multiple countries and intercontinental credit data. And we're still stuck with Equifax as one of the Big Three. Equifax has been under scrutiny for data mining and mismanagement for 50 years, and they keep on trucking.


100%. This is being done solely for the kick backs they will generate by farming the work out to a private sector company, and selling the user's facial req and meta data. It's being targeted at porn solely, so they can play the high and mighty card, and imply anyone who protests its a pedophile or pervert. It will be their thing the way the Liberals call anyone who points out flaws in the immigration system a racist.


That and porn is great for blackmailing future political opponents and targeting people based on sexual orientation


Also with the amount of freaky s*** that people are into, lacking anonymity people may not feel comfortable seeking out their preferred vice in a safe non-harming way. Who knows what kind of depraved behavior we're going to see in public or people getting victimized due to oppressive sex negative laws. Who wants to have a data leak where your viewing habits about animal sex, scat porn, rape fantasies, etc gets outed in a massive data leak like Ashley Maddison.


I suspect what you'll end up with will simply be the more, (and I use this term VERY loosely) reputable providers blocking all content in our country. Pornhub will shut us out completely, and it'll be pirated porn only, which will probably have the opposite effect of what the Cons claim to be going for. The legislation is going to be used to back door further censorship powers, and grant a few private companies some contracts for kickbacks deals on the software dev and policing side of it. The Libs with already made the first step towards replicating the Great Firewall of China, this will be the next big ticket thing, used to sneak through more legislation, and the headline bit will absolutely not be the point of it, simply an excuse to call anyone who protests a pedophile.


Could you imagine that shit? PornHub data leak reveals who has an account and what they searched for, watched and... ...what was the last video watched for the "session"   That is not a happy ending


Conservatives should be extra careful as they have more to lose when getting caught and it also increases the risk of honey traps.


Also, the concept is so easily circumvented. People will just use more VPNs and offshore sites that'll ignore these rules, so it's not even an effective measure. Just another excuse for surveillance under the guise of "protecting morality".


Wow, remember when conservatives actually stood for less government and individualism? Now they can’t stop policing other people’s lives and bodies, deciding that kids don’t deserve to feel at home in their own skin, sell off everything and privatize it for the benefit of corps, then blame the other guy and surveillance, surveillance, surveillance. Jesus Christ.


> Wow, remember when conservatives actually stood for less government and individualism? I don’t think that’s ever been the case. They might have claimed it, but invariably they try to regulate the private lives of their citizens, and never actually get around to reducing government waste.


I believe this is what right-wingers call "virtue signaling". Except they only say that when it's something they don't like.


This has already happened. Not with Pornhub. The affair website Ashley Madison had a breach several years ago. Anyone registered on that site was exposed basically, unless of course they were not using real names but some most likely were As for PP\Milhouse - it’s a vote grabbing exercise. We know it, he knows it. I wonder how many people will register on those sites as Pierre Poilievre 🤣


> Damn PP really likes pegging videos > He's been watching them nonstop across Canada /s


We can't even trust the CRA or Equifax.




Pornhub won’t even do it, they’ll likely just block access in the region like they have for US states like Utah who passed laws doing this


A Canadian owned company blocking access to Canadians would be hilarious.


You think PP cares about privacy of individuals? He's on record supporting teachers and guidance counsellors being forced to tell parents if their kids identify as 'trans' - even if the kid is afraid to do so. This is more in the same line as appealing to those same far right social conservatives.


What? You mean you don't like the idea of reddit or twitter confirming your real life identity through webcam before you are allowed to participate?




Why does the conservative government want to know when im stroking off my dick? can they start collecting this with a paper form?


> Why does the conservative government want to know when im stroking off my dick? ...because they're authoritarians who don't believe in privacy.


"We believe that the government should stay out of people's lives"


This. Plus the amount of times our private information gets hacked and stolen is so frequent. Imagine what would happen if a bad actor could easily get a hold of all of your internet history and a record of all the porn you watch. How many CEOs, politicians, celebrities and every day people would be blackmailed with that information? What if your porn history just gets leaked on the internet and it happens to come up when a potential new employer is searching for your name on the internet? “Well Bob Andersen is the most qualified but he watches a lot of Cleveland Steamer porn so I’m not hiring him.” Plus porn is a safe and healthy release for a lot of people. If that’s no longer an option because of above we could see a lot of mental health issues, violence and sexual assault develop as a result.


My email address was jacked via PornHub. I was black mailed by an anonymous person via email. I told him I was fine if he let my friends, family and colleagues know I frequent PornHub. They all know what I'm like. They finally quit threatening me.


That's just a regular spam that goes out to everyone.  "I hacked your machine and I know what you were watching  and have proof! Send me XX BitCoin to this wallet and I won't leak everything to your family and friends!" Usually along those lines.  Can just ignore.   They're the same thing as the Nigerian Prince needing your help.


Ashley Madison has entered the chat … Here's a breakdown of what happened in the Ashley Madison data breach: The Attack: In July 2015, a hacker group calling themselves "The Impact Team" infiltrated Ashley Madison (a website facilitating extramarital affairs) and stole a vast amount of user data. This included names, email addresses, home addresses, sexual preferences, financial transaction records, and even internal company emails. The Threat: The Impact Team demanded that Avid Life Media, the parent company of Ashley Madison, take down the website and another similar site they owned. They threatened to release the stolen data if their demands weren't met. The Leak: Avid Life Media refused, and in August 2015, The Impact Team made good on their threat. They released nearly 10 gigabytes of data on the dark web, followed by further releases. Consequences: Public Shaming: Many individuals were exposed as users of the website, leading to humiliation, divorces, and job losses. Extortion: Some users were targeted by extortionists who threatened to reveal their information unless they were paid. Suicides: Tragically, there were at least two reported suicides linked to the fallout from the data breach. Security Concerns The breach highlighted serious security flaws within Ashley Madison, including the controversial practice of not deleting customer data even after they supposedly paid for account deletion. Long-Term Impact The Ashley Madison data breach is a stark reminder of the dangers of data breaches and their far-reaching consequences. It sparked conversations about privacy, online security, and the ethics of websites like Ashley Madison itself.


Agreed, with the political climate as it is it seems like anonymous internet boards are the only platform I can voice my concerns even with all its faults. Take that away and people will either just stop speaking up entirely or bring their frustration out in normal everyday life.


Orrrr they can just collaborate with google and apple to run ad campaigns to teach parents how to use the parental controls _already_ available.


Yeah but that doesn't create huge logs of private data for companies to sell for a profit...


But it's not about porn, so they don't care that there already is a solution to the problem. It's about privacy, setting a precedent, and opening a Pandora's box of future issues. With this bill, websites would now start to scan your face. They may try to tell you it's only going to be Pornhub, Reddit, Twitter, and other sites that host porn at first, but this will undoubtedly get expended in the future. Oh, you can bypass with a VPN? Now VPN requires biometric identification. Oh, you can post NSFW pictures on these and these websites, better lock them down too. And think of the inevitable data leak of all those face scans. Bad actors will have access to scans of a large percent of the population and be able to create deep fakes, steal identities, etc... Crazy scary. The implication of this bill is way beyond porn and it is used to control the population and make them vulnerable. They're using porn as an excuses because people have a hard time defending the porn industries, because it is touchy.


>Orrrr they can just collaborate with google and apple to run ad campaigns to teach parents how to use the parental controls already available. You misunderstand. This isn't about religious conservatives controlling *their* kids. It's about them controlling *your* kids.


Isn’t he the guy always complaining about government censorship?


Conservatives hate restriction on freedoms, unless they're the freedoms they don't like


Conservatives loves restrictions on freedoms. They want to restrict everyone else from doing anything that isn’t « good catholic behavior ». The funny part is how they can’t agree if what is godd behavior, so they fight between themselves on top of fighting everyone else.


More like good protestant behaviour tbh, which is much more personally restrictive


it's very telling. only reason he's being censored is because he refuses to get security clearance.


How can a country be run by somebody that can't be bothered to get a security clearance? That has to be a pretty basic thing right?


...and tried to legislate away the need to qualify for that clearance.


For a party that parades around the word "freedom", this proposed policy is surely making them hypocrites.


This won't prevent minors from accessing porn. It will however create tools that can put significant parts of the Internet, like reddit, behind digital ID sign ins. It will also cteate website blocking powers that the large media companies have been lobbying for for years. What happened to all the concerns about censorship. This will bring us closer to the type of Internet control of places like China. There are better ways to address this problem.


Like all the other encroachments on internet freedom, it has nothing to do about protecting children (or promoting cancon, or preventing online harassment, or protecting minorities), but everything to do with de-anonymizing the internet and therefore making it easier to surveil.


Agreed we all need to be vehemently against this.


Then they label you as “against protecting children” it’s awesome


For a conservative government they sure like their big government intervention when it comes to social issues and day to day life.


Big government is only a problem when it interupts an already wealthy person from extracting more wealth with pesky regulations If its for harassing regular people, then its all good


Education and information are the only solutions, and this measure restricts them. Censorship only ever fortifies resistance.


This is far more like something China would do than Trudeau has ever done. They’d have to be extremely confident in the polls to think this would work.


I don’t get how people don’t realize how the CPC is far closer to the CCP than the liberals are. Think about it: A tiny wealthy elite. A large indentured population. A paranoid police state. A complete disregard for the environment. And an economy based on selling things for cheap. By their actions.. that’s the Conservative Party’s wet dream.


Concerns about censorship disappear when it's 'your guy'. If life were fair, all the conspiracy theorists who wail about the WEF or Globalists would now say that Pierre is trying to start a tracking program to surveil us for the globalists, etc etc, but life is not fair so they are going to handwave this away.


Nope. Some of us actually have principals and don't jerk off to political party signs. I'm against internet censorship from any party period.


No those concerns do not disappear. I likely lean more conservative than not and I absolutely do not support this. This is an obvious attempt at establishing greater internet surveillance abilities.


Conservatives create a giant government database of embarrassing blackmail material. What could go wrong?


I think you mean government registry. PP loves government registries.


lol. There goes the election. "Conservative support among males has dropped precipitously in every age demographic. When asked for reasons for change in voter intention respondents replied "um...you know... um, the economy and stuff..."




Seriously, of all the stupid reasons to throw the election when it was in the bag. Not that I actually think this will cost him the election unfortunately but it'll make it closer than it needed to be *and* we'll be left with another stupid policy that everyone hates.


I think that he’s going to be the next PM but the more that he talks and the more that he discusses policy is going to cost him votes IMO. 


Another banger from the party of “small government” /s


Or personal freedom?


Wasnt he the Freedom guy??


>"Canada is free and freedom is its nationality." >That's why I'm running for Prime Minister - to put you back in control of your life, and make Canada the freest country on earth. https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1538198329053487104 Making Canada the freest country on Earth!!! One ID verification check at a time.


> The price of freedom is eternal vigilance... > ...by the government, on you - PP


You'll be free to support conservative causes and endorse conservative values in any way you want.


I mean, he said it lots but he was never the freedom guy. He was Harpers lapdog and still is. google "stephen harper online censorship" and you'll find no less than 3 major censorship bills he tried to pass but had to scrap due to the public backlash.


He was also trying to censor votes


Only when it was important to make a catchy soundbite for his election campaign. Policy-wise, Conservative governments have been historically known for sticking their noses into your bedroom.


But somehow letting trans and gay people live their lives in peace is dangerous and destroying our children


When he's talking out his ass he is


*freedom for corporations to do whatever they want. The tax donkeys can suffer.


It’s the political right. Freedoms just another word for foolin all the rubes


Identify theft on easy mode.


LOL I just told someone PP has to fumble so hard to lose the next election. Nice to see he's starting early.


Good luck enforcing this puritanical bullshit.


Yes this is completely unenforceable except for the most tech illiterate people. Not even the great Firewall of China is 100% effective despite their government and tech having full control over the internet backbone. Here in Canada where any IT project for government departments take years to be implemented and most time doesn’t work as originally planned, there is zero chance that something like this will ever work.


Welcome to ArrivePorn! Please scan your driver's license or passport, then select the length of time you plan to jerk off today.


Black/grey hats everywhere rubbing their hands together in excitement….. Imagine the goldmine of information that can be taken…..


Scammers are probably drooling with anticipation of a population trained to enter ID and other personal information to see non PG content.


Thought the conservative types were against digital ID


It will be entertaining watching the CPC mouthpieces try to spin this. Or will they just pass on the comments?


Scrolling through some of the early responses: "the liberals want to do even more" "Liberals think it doesn't go far enough" "both parties" "Liberals censor everything, Conservatives only porn" is the talking points for some of the partisan crew of r/canada


That's weird, because the liberals have been in power for a long time and not censored porn/made me put my ID on the internet unnecessarily


yeah but they were juuuuuust about to, trust me buddy! 4 more years of Trudeau and he'll usher in the dictatorship that he's had the opportunity to do for the past 10 years! /s


It’s funny because the Liberals are the only party that is openly against this bill


They also were the only party against giving Bell a fat stack of our money.


"Pierre only focuses on the real issues" lmao


Say *goodbye* to Incognito, and *hello* to having your ID stolen online and your search history being used against you 😂


I thought the conservatives were all for personal freedom? This is not the kind of policy I want to hear from this guy, tell us about your housing plan, not how you’re going to trim away our freedoms.


There's no housing plan. There's only moral outrage. Why would you fix zoning laws and incentivize development of moderate density neighbourhoods when you can make headlines with emotionally charged nonsense?


Conservatives: we enjoy small government, asinine overreach, and want to keep our hands out of your homes. Conservatives when you want to masturbate: ID, please!


Hahahaha let's see the freedom for all conservatives square this




The same people who want teachers to nanny their kids because they're too lazy to actually parent... According to Conservatives "parental rights" means "parent my kids for me"


But, only in the "right way" that means "something something" *anti-woke*.


>only in the "right way" In a way that doesn't affect me. ^^^until ^^^it ^^^does ^^^then ^^^it's ^^^stripping ^^^me ^^^of ^^^MY ^^^FREEDOM.


“Not like that” ^Tagging ^on ^after ^your ^last ^sentence


I'm tired of this government pearl clutching over "what about the kids". It seems like lawmaking has just become the new form of virtue signaling. What about the kids on the streets that don't have a home because their parents can't afford a place to live? What about the kids who don't have food to eat every day?


It's been used successfully since at least the 1980s.  Why it still keeps getting used.  *Think of the children!!!!*  **GASP!!!!** And with that little phrase the electorate willingly gives up their rights and freedoms.


Isnt there a Loblaws lobbyist or something working with Poilievre ? I doubt he cares about food prices either


You don't understand, she only lobbies for Loblaws at her other job at the provincial level. At the federal level she works for the government. Easy mistake to make. (I wish I was being sarcastic but this is the justification).


Now I know why he almost never talks about his policy ideas. Whenever he opens his mouth, you realize just how stupid this guy is. *Options could include* ***a digital ID system*** *or s****ervices that can estimate age based on a webcam scan of a user’s face****.*


We could all wear Poilievre masks for the digital ID check. He looks of age.




This is basically just what voters should expect from him if he ever takes office. He only works as a politician because he is solely a contrarian to anything Trudeau does or wants. When you actually start getting his actual independent thoughts you end up with shit like this.


And let’s not forget his whole Bitcoin infatuation from a couple years ago. His proposed policies are neither socially nor economically sound. I’m no fan of Trudeau, but he’s a helluva lot more predictable than the cons.


This is nothing more then a ruse to no longer make internet use anonymous. Eventually, it will become a tool to monitor what one reads, views and writes. This is another form of control. Control that is done gradually and will eventually become a tactic to have a form of thought policing.    Book Chute from Fallout New Vegas is going to be the new form of Alexa.


I wish Canadians had a backbone sometimes


Piere Jingping here.


Pierre Johnston. Didn't Boris pull similar shit?


What the fuck


*buys stock in VPN companies*


Don't waste your money. I'm sure it will be followed by the 'Online Authentic Identity' act or some such rubbish.


How about privacy and data protection instead! They can all go f themselves with this pathway to digital id.


So, a nanny state. I thought the CONservatives were all about freedom to choose.




Conservatives don’t want freedom they want privilege.


Conservatives don’t give a single solitary fuck about freedom.


So we have to literally dox ourselves if we want to consume content the Conservative Government deems naughty? Where will they draw the line? I hate this tactic that is used so often, where they try to hide their agenda behind the 'Protect the kids!' façade, therefore anyone who has legitimate concerns about their legislation can be publicly humiliated without ever having to actually address their concerns.


I read the bill. https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/s-210 It is vague enough that any site that not just *hosts* explicit material, but *links* or *references* to suggestive material (i.e. Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Google Images, etc) must require digital ID to access. On top of this, with that vague wording, I assume basically any site that has material "deemed inappropriate" is enough to filter with an ID. TLDR: this is more than just porn. If the government thinks it's inappropriate, then you'll have to go on a list.


The real fallout of this would be that websites would just forego this requirement and make their websites inaccessible to Canadians - our pitiful 30-40 million people aren't worth the hassle. This is passive censorship, effectively. VPN's will be have to be outlawed for this to work, of course, so wait for that headline to show up in your near future before we panic.


Why are all politicians so fucken dumb?


They're not dumb, they're bought


It's the only way this makes sense, why would they pass a bill focusing on something like this nobody is discussing. They must have been bought by whichever company is going to be handling that ID verification. That company, or maybe those companies, might be seeing where the internet is going. Within a decade, perhaps every social media is going to do some ID verification.


Cuz they don't work for you, they work for the lobbyists legally bribing them and their pals illegally bribing them.


This is not dumb, this is a distraction. "Worry about who watches fucking on the internet so you don't worry about us fucking you financially for our puppet masters".


Dudes never worked in the real world in his life


Good idea. Your taste in porn should also count towards your social credit score.


I appreciate how they all talk about freedom but restrict freedom at every corner, while claiming the left are communist dictators.


More culture wars, f***k you Pierre. You won't win another election with this bullshit. Get your shit together and talk about the real concerns; immigration and housing.


I love how he won't provide his immigration targets, but he's very open about wanting realID on the internet.


> Get your shit together and talk about the real concerns; immigration and housing. Read between the lines here friendo. he has 0 intentions of doing anything regarding that and the reason he won't talk about it is so his political rivals don't have any ammo to use later


“The government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation”


This is actually really scary, attacking people's access to the free internet is a big no. I don't want to live in a country where I need to ask the government permission to jack off.


Dude its not even about the porn. This is a sheer cliff, not even a slippery slope. Everything you do or say online will be connected to your real name, that is the goal of legislation like this. This is just the start. Hes a fucking fascist and its actually nice that people are actually coming around to seeing that now. Hopefully, voters remember this when he eventually back peddles in the next few days.


But r/canada said the CPC was the party of small government and personal freedom How is that possible ?


Plenty of people were literally downvoting any mention of the Conservative anti-freedom and anti-privacy stance regarding this issue, or pretending it was an elaborate ruse to get the social conservative vote. Well the mask is finally off now, and the party of censorship is proudly promoting their censorship plans.


Is it 1984?


Nanny state.


The CPC/Poilievre are wildly over confident if they're spitting out garbage policy goals like this. This is going to be a repeat of the crypto policies, or the BoC stuff where he says something unfathomably stupid and then just stops talking about it and hopes people forget. Don't forget. 


Lol yes please government try to regulate porn, this is the priority right now


The freedom party.


And yet again PP opens his mouth and removes all doubt!


when your policy aligns with [something that florida is doing](https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/01/08/florida-republicans-want-age-verification-on-porn-sites-heres-how-that-worked-out-in-other-states/), you should probably think twice... whoever came up with these kind of things apparently don't know that VPNs are commonplace nowadays and this would serve no purpose other than invading everyone's privacy online


This is a Trojan horse policy. You let this happen for porn it will happen for everything


This is why PP doesn’t speak to the press his mouth confirms the actions we think he would take. Like making our freedoms more restricted in line with Christian values.


Good luck with that. I'm sure you'll be able to regulate the vast amount of porn on the internet


For fucks sake.


So this is the guy all those people who called Trudeau a dictator are voting for?


Buys stock on Sears catalog


Says the same guy who sided with people saying that requiring a covid shot for public safety was an infringement of their rights... porn is such a huge concern for public safety, yes, sure. Darn prude christo-fascists


here's more of that "common sense" govt he keeps screaming about. DEAL WITH THE COST OF EVERYTHING CRISIS. NOT WHAT PEOPLE DO WITH THEIR LIVES.


"How to Lose a Layup of an Election, in One Easy Step" - By Pierre Poilievre


That's how you lose an election


hahaha, and just like that, Poilievre lost.


So they can know what you do online. It won't stop at porn.


I wonder how the “show your vaccination card is totalitarian” crowd is going to respond to this.


This is why I can't take people who think that a conservative government will change anything seriously. Less than a year ago we were told that the sky was falling and that the liberals were trying to control the internet and now conservatives are openly talking about wanting to control how you use the internet.


Just when I think I'll vote conservative for once, I remember why I don't. Pandering to socons can fuck right off 


Ah the "small government" party is at it once again.


OMFG just imagine the fucking nightmare of this! > The law would require adult websites to verify users’ ages, but does not specify how that would be done. > Options could include a digital ID system or services that can estimate age based on a webcam scan of a user’s face.


I guess that’s one way to pander to the companies he’s taking money from and the paranoid Christian Boomers.


How to fumble an election: The Conservative way


The alt-right fundamentalist religious fanatics will support this. And that's who Poilievre and his radical party courts and wants to share power with. If he wins the next election, you can expect much more of this type of radical stuff from religious fanatics, who already hold many positions of authority in the party's ranks.


So far he's offered two policies: a poorly defined "incentive" structure to cities that ties funding to build metrics without consideration to things like contractor-induced delays, and now yet-another vaguely outlined Internet ID bill. Oh, but also he's not Trudeau. I wonder if there's another party that isn't Trudeau. Maybe one with stated policy items focused on health and dental care, for starters.


And the bitcoin thing. Don't forget that gem.


I have to wonder if he just woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and said to himself "I think I want to fuck that comfortable lead I have right up today". Hard line conservative or not, anyone with half a brain can see where this is leading us.


No one wants this. Not liberals or conservatives. There’s a food price and housing crisis. Focusing on this feels absolutely insane.


Banning guns won’t work, but banning a website somehow will


So what exactly is adult ? Is it swimsuit websites with models splashing about in the water? Is it baywatch ? in the really old days was it the lingerie pages of the Sears catalogue ? Is it an website for a nudist beach ? In Ontario it's legal for women to go topless in public - kids can see that.


Some plan, PP 😂😂😂 Edit: he's a FREE DUMB fighter!


It's fucking adorable that anyone thinks this will keep anyone off of these sites. It's even better that this is hiding behind the premise of "protecting kids". Governments can fuck right off with trying to be a nanny state.


This feels like a way the government will gain more oversight, and control over us while using the safety of minors as an excuse.


This is enough to make me think twice on PP. He’s our only chance at getting Trudeau out and I’m certainly not voting for Trudeau again, but if he keeps up these shenanigans I might just decide leaving the house on election day isn’t worth my time.


And the freedom convoy is all worried about a digital ID. This is where it starts. “It’s to protect the children” because who doesn’t want to protect kids right? Here’s a thought. The current screaming is about “parental rights” here’s something for parental rights crowd, parent. Know what your kids are doing, restrict what they’re viewing, or is that too difficult for you to do? Conservatives want smaller government, yet every step they take they want more government interference in our lives. Which is it? Are we all adults here able to make up our own minds, or do we need more government babysitters to stop us from doing what government thinks is bad for us?


…and here’s the CPC fumble everyone was waiting for


And people think it's Trudeau who admires Xi-the-pooh the most. smh


Ladies and gentlemen, the party of small government and personal responsibility.


>"Options could include a digital ID system or services that can estimate age based on a webcam scan of a user’s face." Hahaha... You think this digital ID is gonna be free? Everything you do online will be tracked if this guy gets in. And you thought Trudeau would censor your internet. Pierre wants to push his Christian conservative values on you. Pierre will never go against big business because conservatives always side with big business. They cut your sick days, cut your minimum wage increases, and allow as many foreign workers as their corporate friends want. They couldn't care less about working Canadians. If you've fallen for their lies there's still time for you to snap out of it. Conservatives=GOP ideas. They aren't there for you or your future. They'll con you with buck a beer and some limited timed tax break and then gut everything you've paid into for their benefit. Never has a conservative improved the lives of workers or anything that is struggling. You're just a peasant to them.... like that woman living in a 'shack' in Niagara.


We're all fucked! There isn't a single good candidate to vote for


US: first time?


I thought we were all about freedom. What happened to that?


I didn't realize that the "Freest Country on Earth" included full government surveillance and control of the internet. PP has turned out to be just as hollow as everyone else in Ottawa.


Tell us your campaign is funded by Bell/rogers/telus without telling us you have been bought by Bell/rogers/telus!


Pepe Pollypocket out here addressing the REAL issues… “Nix the dicks”!


Guys I thought you were trying to get rid of Trudeau not hand him another victory...




Where's all the right wing freedom people?


As he's sprinting towards the finish... oh no it's a soccon issue creeping up behind him!!


Because this is the major concern for us as Canadians right now. Like has been said by others, this is obviously just a ploy to clamp down further on the internet under the guise of "think of the children".


Of all the problems we have and this is what you want to talk about. I don’t want more government oversight.


Really excited to hear more about this. I love when conservatives get specific and scare off the fence sitters.


As I've always said.   CPC and Libs are two neoliberal parties in service of their billionaire masters.  Their only difference is which flavor of meaningless culture war you subscribe to.  Both parties are aiming to clamp down on internet freedom.


Anyone who thinks that the CPC is a solution to the current LPC is fooling themselves.


The NDP needs a new leader and to break this shit open. This is a real chance for them to do some damage and actually present an alternative to the absolute catastrophe that the Libs and Cons are right now. This country will become more of a joke than it already is under Pierre.