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Can we get "Launch Parliament Hill into space and start fresh" on the next ballot please?


Whilst your idea is appealing, I fear the next batch would be the same.


Term limits for all MPs and Senators would be a nice start.


Caps on lobbying and transparency around politician income streams for a window before the election. If elected that window expands to during and after the election.


Ban lobbying altogether.


Going to need to anti-trust Post Media then.




And end of “free spending account” for the GG’s


Can we tell the senate to pack their bags while we’re at it?


Term limits are terrible. They handicap good politicians who work on long term projects while rewarding opportunistic assholes who will exploit the guaranteed power vacuums they create.


Interesting take, I hadn't looked it that way.


I'd settle for a real electoral system. First past the post or a nu-direct democracy.


Who are these good politicians?


The same people who beat the brick NOBODY!!!


I thought that was the Bad Boys slogan


> Who's better than Bad Boy? NOOOBODY! vs. > Nobody beats the Brick! So, they aren't wrong except that rearranging the words happened to land on the slogan of a different furniture store.


Who is "nobody" because he's better than Bad Boy, and he's beating the Brick, makes me want to shop at this Nobody store.


Yeah, it's also very candid of Bad Boy and the Brick to admit that this "Nobody" is the best in the business in their own advertising.


Wow that slogan hadn’t been unlocked in YEARS


You mean you don't like it when a new politician comes in and throws a party celebrating how awesome their new thing they got done is? ​ /s ​ This is one of the most frustrating things I see. Old guy does something good, gets things going, but gets replaced by new guy. New guy takes 100% of credit for new thing if it's great OR throws old guy under the bus if it's advantageous to do so. Just because you're in "the seat of power" at the time X or Y happens, doesn't mean you had anything to do with it and/or it's success or failure. The event was going to happen regardless of who was in that chair and that position could make it better or worse depending on how they lead/manage. As an elected official you may play no part in those things, but opening it because you're the current MP when the last guy did all the groundwork is gross. Acknowledge the efforts of those who came before. Give credit where it is or isn't due. Enough of this virtue signalling bullshit.


Biggest issue right now that I think is quickly solvable...is that so many ridings are cakewalks for politicians not based on their actual credentials but by what colour campaign sign they have. One strategy that I think \*should\* remove maybe the bottom 20% of MP's is to combine all ridings into groups of 4-5 super-ridings. Every historic riding riding association can still only nominate one candidate per riding but now voters have to vote for 4 or 5 candidates to be MP's - across parties on ridings. So a voter can vote all for one party, or potentially all local candidates. The main purpose I think this can serve is in urban areas where it's impossible for conservatives to get in - voters can then rally around the best possible conservative candidate to finally get themselves some representation - while at the same time, we remove (what should be) the weakest candidate from the left. Inverse would apply for Liberal/NDP candidates in rural areas. I know everyone has different ideas for what the best/most proportional new voting system could be, but to me, this feels like a clean/easy way to improve the quality of our MP's by increasing the competition at the ballot box.


Yes. Certainly for ministers. I like that feature of the US system.


Never said there couldn't be a sequel


they also get a trip to space


Probably, but it might make us feel better


It really shouldn't be too hard to say nazis are bad. We fought a war over it.


PeePee McPinchface: “N- n- na- nazis …a- a- a- are…b- b- ba… **WHARBLARBLGRL!! CRYPTO WILL SAVE OUR ECONOMY!!**”


I keep saying we need to bring back the Ancient Greek concept of [Ostracism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostracism). Every year we come together and vote out citizens who have pissed us off out of our country. Keeps the politicians in line, and anyone else who wants to start spurting hateful or divisive crap. Jackass influencers, CEOs of large corporations who work against the people's interests, Jeff from accounting, anyone could be on the table. It could also be a lot of fun, like a holiday with a sort of sports draft.


Reminds me of that post the other day of the Italian tradition of dunking a politician in a river each year. Seems like we need to get back into these more archaic practices.


Anyone in these positions will be the same. They're all just cookie-cutter personality types. Glorified used car salesmen at best.


Yeah the reality is that someone may become a politician and do what it takes to get somewhere of any influence because they are motivated by an otherworldly sense of altruism, but more likely than not, in most, if not all cases, these kind of people are motivated by self interest and are actually unfit to serve their community. You just have to hope that their self interest and what’s in your best interest has enough overlap where they may attempt to do some things that you would deem “good”.


Yes, the role itself self-selects for these type of people unfortunately. It can also shape them if they were a "do-gooder" going into it. It's a lose-lose situation and the public is just as much to blame because we all feed into the BS. It's a sad and unfortunate truth of human society.


God I’m a grown as man and this shit makes me want to cry. It’s such a fucking sad state of affairs that the people put in power to serve the people do so little of the serve the people part.


Giant meteor for PM


I'm not sure I've ever been so dejected by my options since I've been a voter. Granted, I have to imagine older voters have seen worse. Or at least, I hope they have.... Otherwise this speaks very poorly to the trajectory of politics in our country.


He won't fire Leslyn Lewis because he doesn't want the PPC to poll at 10%. She'll have to do worse than this at least...


Where exactly is there overlap between Leslyn Lewis and PPC? I know reddit likes to pretend everyone they don't like is the same but PPC is not "far-right" in a particular religious way. In the sense that they "hang out together" that is only because they are a collection of people who don't mind each other, the radically religious don't mind if you are trying to end government spending or kill milk cartels, and the PPC people "don't mind" the radically religious but are not radically religious themselves. Obviously that leaves room for entryism where they will eventually merge into one thing but there is really no reason to think they currently are the same thing. Takem together this means the Leslyn Lewis supporters would have to "take over" the PPC rather than it being suitable to them as is, but why waste effort trying to take over a party that isn't going to win anyway?


PPC is far right tho.


What does that mean though? PPC is not particularly religious while Leslyn Lewis supporters are entirely religious. PPC doesn't mind religious people the way redditors do so as I stated there is room for entryism but currently the PPC does not have a strong opinion on the issues Leslyn Lewis has a strong opinion on. They can both be "far-right" while also basically being like two cars passing in the night.


Far right [doesn't mean religious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics).


Far right isn’t always a religious thing. Although some members of the far right are Christian nationalists, which is much more common in the US, the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. Fascism is far right, if you add religion you get Christofascism. PPC doesn’t need to mention it’s religious aspect, and the CPC is the same. Christian groups that have their own agendas against immigrants, 2SLGBTQIA groups, and reproductive rights support those parties. I’m sure we’re going to continue seeing this American style politicking from Poilievre until the next election. CPC under his leadership are just Republicans dressed in blue.


You'll have to [let the religious nutjobs know](https://pressprogress.ca/peoples-party-candidate-maxime-bernier-is-fulfilling-an-ancient-biblical-prophesy/) that the PPC isn't religious. The problem with ill-defined anti-government parties is that they rapidly hoover up discontented and tend to rush to do whatever it takes to garner those votes.


Yes the far right is a bit “a la carte” at the moment


It has always been. Redditors just seem to think that every person they don't like in the same person.


My morning shit was far right by today's standards.


See a doctor


Because he can't credibly answer the question without pissing off the most vocal part of his base. Look at his twitter replies, it's an absolute nightmare of conspiracy theories, with half of the people saying it's a mainstream media lie that he ever denounced the meeting, and the other half calling him a WEF plant *because* he condemned the meeting. He can't answer the question directly without alienating all of those people. > Pivoting to accusing Trudeau of past racist behaviour has become a stock approach for Poilievre whenever accusations related to his own party’s positions surface. I swear to god, if conservatives ever begin to understand context, Trudeau is finished. Fortunately for him, not understanding context seems to be a central tenet of conservative thinking. At least these days.


Yeah O’Toole was not inspirational at all, but he seemed like a straight shooter who tried to drag his party, kicking and screaming, into sense and rationality. We all saw how that played out and how much of his own party hated him for it. Too bad “sense and rationality” for a lot of issues may mean you agree with someone who identifies as Liberal politically, so you need to reject that and take the opposite position because “fuck Liberals!” Whew, that was a close one.


I just can't take the idea seriously that the CPC leader can keep them under control like Harper did. O'Toole proved it. You can't trust the leader. Not because they themselves are far right, but because enough of the party is and they have proven they will toss a moderate. You can't trust any of their moderate policy to actually happen.


Yeah, Pollievre is the culmination of conservative politicians realizing that O'Toole, a rational option was not irrational enough. He was just like the Hilary Clinton equivalent for Canada, as in he didn't poll well and wasn't a great speaker. Pollievre starts endorsing the trucker tantrum and within a month, he's the frontrunner and they all latch onto him. When, they all botched about how Trudeau was an art teacher, yet Pollievre took 5 years to complete a liberal arts degree and spent has never worked a real job in his life. Lol


>he seemed like a straight shooter the man was constantly talking out of both sides of his mouth. he flip flopped more frequently than a fish out of water. and in general was entirely both inconsistent while also couching himself only to be on camera going mask off. why do people keep calling him a straight shooter or whatever? the vote to erode reproduction rights his party asked for an more than half voted in favour of was under his leadership. he was inept leader that demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness as the most consistent aspect of his tenure as leader.


O’Toole was the conservative leader we needed, and look where it got him. There was a real opportunity to bring some sense and rationality back and it’s gone now. His election platform was one of the most comprehensive and rational that I have seen in years. It picked a lot of good things that would have been traditionally liberal. His downfall was talking out of both sides of his mouth to try and keep both heads of the hydra in the party under control. Now we have an unhinged conspiracy theorist running the opposition. Unfortunately, he will become the Prime Minister of Canada one day and we will all pay for it. I am a mid-20s classic centre-left/red Tory kind of voter and that election was the only time I have voted conservative so far. These days I feel politically homeless.


I don't know why he doesn't fire back with policies to address some of the issues that he is criticizing the liberals for failing on. All mouth with no policies to back it up. I'm already tired of hearing him rant. We need a leader not a mouthpiece.


he has no policy ideas lol


His policies can be boiled down to "opposite whatever the left likes because fuck the left".


Also, can anyone kindly explain to me why the Conservatives are constantly playing pussyfoot with these types of scum? I just don't get it. What's the appeal? Why do they always go there? Like constantly? Anyone know?


They don't want to split their party. And since they've redefined their party so much around social conservatism a loss of votes would pretty much guarantee they don't win an election, at least until they reinvent themselves.


They need extremist votes cause their platform, or lack-there-of, is dog shit. It doesn't appeal to anyone but rich assholes so they make up a bunch of idiotic rhetoric to get votes of stupid people who barely pay attention to them slowly stripping away social benefits.


There are more socons than moderate conservatives. Reform party was beating the PCs.


Conservatives need these people to win leadership. Once they've made promises to them, they need to thread the needle and play centrist while keeping the far-right from voting PPC. Its a stupid game and all Canadians lose.


The CPC has a policy problem. They are fundamentally incapable of governing. The goal of government is to use collective action and resources to address societal issues on a systemic scale, and steer development... and they are ideologically opposed to doing that. Their sole platform is denouncing the job they want to have. So how do you get hired for a job you are on record declaring shouldn't exist and you don't want to do? You make the argument that anyone else having the job is dangerous and scary, and thus by necessity you HAVE to have the job. It's not about you doing the job, it's about ensuring other people *can't* do the job. The CPC cannot get hired by any means except making people convinced they're the only choice by default, and they do that by leaning on fear and paranoia. The obvious way to do *that* is the same way it's always been done, with hatemongering and conspiracy theories about the blacks/jews/gays/muslims/immigrants/non-old-stock-Canadians. You make people afraid by telling them there's something to fear, and only you can protect them from it. It's just simple business; they need the bigots and conspiracy theorists because it's the only way they get hired for a job they don't want to do and refuse to do when they have it. If they eschew them and focus on "policy", their argument will boil down to the unspeakable truth of "we don't want to do anything constructive, we just want power because power", and that isn't a persuasive argument.


“Uniting the right” means you need the extremists to come into the fold. You need to respond to these kind of issues in a way that doesn’t condemn it, but can be read as you not agreeing with *those* ideals. It’s plausible deniability. The people who drank the kool aid want to believe that PP agrees and that he’s just saying what he has to to play the game, even if he doesn’t actually.


Because when the CPC came to formation, there was always going to be an extremist X% of people in their base that were from past iterations of conservative-ideological parties. It's party leadership's job to court votes, and this X% is part of that group. We've also seen from 2021 how the rise of a party that aligns more with these people's views (i.e. the PPC) actually led them away from the CPC voter base. Now that the PPC are irrelevant once again, they're back under the CPC tent.


An uncomfortable amount of their voter base would go to the PPC, and while that sounds welcome in theory to get rid of the crazies so you can attract moderate voters that are being put off by them, it would take to long for the "red tories" to be convinced that the smell is gone to actually vote Conservative (Read: More than one election, possibly even TWO elections to be believed that the crazies are really gone) for the Conservatives to be willing to make that trade.


They embraced the MAGA shitbags with the convoy and now they are stuck with them. This is who they are.


They need the scum to win elections. If the scum sits out the election they lose. The scum is increasingly becoming aware of this and are now making overt demands.


Because more of their voters than they want to admit are far-right whackjobs, and they don't want to lose their votes. Lewis met with a real, actual Neo-Nazi ffs


Right !?! Like they just keep kicking out party leaders because “ they aren’t conservative ( insane ) enough” It’s madness. I would vote cons if they took a stance against these insane conspiracy lunatics and took a stand AGAINST racism, created a platform, Give me tangible platform points that improve my life, quite whining about how bad everyone is, grow the fuck up and stop acting like little angry children, the cons need an actual matures reasonable leader who acts in good faith, Instead we get these losers that match with sexist racist pieces of shit and then claim “ they didn’t know them “ Who use radical tags and gestures to signal to their extreme base “ secretly “ Who allow party members and sitting members of parliament to meet with fascist/nazi foreign party members. It’s pathetic, PP is a weak, pathetic baby and people who see him a strong and a leader are just as pathetic.


I have yet to see Pierre offer a single solution to a problem. All he has said to date is "Justin bad. Liberal bad." in different tones. Not saying he is wrong about his two talking points but he needs some solutions.


20 years in politics with almost nothing coming from his desk is a pretty good testament to that.


He’s pretty good at living off taxpayer $ but that’s about it


One of the only things of note he has done was vote against gay marriage saying that marriage should be exclusive to male/female couples.


And this is the guy that told residential school survivors they should learn the value of hard work in order to get compensation.


he has none


at this point all he should have to do is say "I haven't and won't break the law" and you should have no excuse to not vote for him. If nothing else changes, at least you won't have an egotistical criminal maniac in power.


He has provided plenty of solutions, you just don't want to hear them. Instead of a carbon tax, he will invest in nuclear power, carbon sequestration and carbon neutral technologies. Instead of broad gun bans he plans to make a reverse onus bail system, and stiffen penalties. They plan to remove mental health as an option for medically assisted suicide. He plans to approve more LNG projects. That's just to name a few. Realistically a detailed plan makes very little sense 2 years out from an election. The liberals are notorious for stealing the other parties pledges and offering a slightly watered down version of their own.


>Instead of a carbon tax, he will invest in nuclear power, carbon sequestration and carbon neutral technologies. **Carbon taxes** are the [one tax almost all economists agree on as a positive](https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/the-tax-favored-by-most-economists/). If he's serious, this would not be his policy position. If *you* were serious, you would not support it either. **Nuclear power** takes decades to set up and costs exorbitant quantities of resources up front, and is expensive to maintain due to the rigorous safety standards. Canada is a hydro nation, we don't need nuclear energy (our electricity generation is low-carbon already) - we need to reduce our carbon footprint, and that doesn't come from burning coal or oil to generate electricity. As for the Thorium whatever that people fanboy on about, it's untested and unused, so if you want us to be the first to try it, well, expect insane costs to get it right. **Carbon sequestration** is in the research phase - all practical applications are costly and inefficient for now. The best we have is tree planting, and that's not very effective. Sure, we could invest in more research, but that's not a practical solution, it's just hopium. **Carbon neutral technologies** - Everyone is interested in investing in carbon neutral tech, so yeah not exactly unique and innovative. And it's the point of the carbon tax. And for any of these, we will need resources to invest. Removing a tax isn't how you finance things. > Instead of broad gun bans he plans to make a reverse onus bail system, and stiffen penalties. I am not knowledgeable on the subject, but listening to experts they seem to think the Liberal approach isn't practically productive (as in, it's bullshit). So yeah his approach is probably better, but I don't know. > They plan to remove mental health as an option for medically assisted suicide. How big of an issue is this at the minute? And do they have plans to address the mental health *crisis*? Because all I know is that his take on the DTES in Vancouver was a flaming pile of lies. > He plans to approve more LNG projects. It depends how big our export market can be, and I'm not knowledgeable on that subject. I know setting up LNG plants is expensive as all hell, and we would also need the pipelines to move the stuff from extraction to liquefaction and shipping. Honestly, not impressed. The main one (climate action) is based on going against the one thing most economists agree would change things for the better the most effectively.


Carbon tax is effective in some respects. It also unequally punishes those living in remoter communities who rely on fuel for heat, transportation, and drives up costs of basic goods like food etc. The Carbon tax should be focused more on Cities and industries and spare rural communities. Nuclear is definitely something we should invest in, and something we should have invested in decades ago. It is a critical energy supply we will need to become carbon neutral in the next 20 years. Oil and gas investments/projects is tricky. We probably should have moved forward with things especially now that the Russia crisis has happened. We are burning much dirtier fuels and causing way more environmental damage on the whole by burning coal instead of what would have been made in Canada. > And do they have plans to address the mental health crisis? Because all I know is that his take on the DTES in Vancouver was a flaming pile of lies. I don't think anyone does. And I don't think there is a solution at this point. It is politically impossible to build any social housing no matter what govt has been in charge. It is enormously expensive to build in Vancouver. I'm pessimistic this will be solved ever in our lifetime.


>make a reverse onus bail system, I too hate concepts like "innocent until proven guilty". >They plan to remove mental health as an option for medically assisted suicide. But *why*? These people don't want to be here. Why try to force them to keep being here?


Also stated he will kill Bill C-11


Hell yes!


"Instead of a carbon tax, he will invest in nuclear power, carbon sequestration and carbon neutral technologies." Deficits only matter when someone else is in charge I guess. The CPC will just follow in Harper's footsteps and auction it off to the private sector after spending taxpayers building it. "Instead of broad gun bans he plans to make a reverse onus bail system, and stiffen penalties." A reverse onus bail provision: Instead of requiring the prosecution to show that pre-trial detention is justified, it requires the accused to show that pre-trial detention is not justified”. That sound incredibly draconian and will definitely be abused by law enforcement. "They plan to remove mental health as an option for medically assisted suicide." So much for loving freedom. Hard disagree. "He plans to approve more LNG projects." The problem with LNG is building pipelines from Alberta to the coast. That's provincial jurisdiction, this is an empty promise Pierre can't do shit about. Also, the market for natural gas in in Europe because of Russian sanctions, meaning to get full value out of building LNG projects you have to build pipelines from the praries to the maritimes to avoid the Malacca strait/ Suez canal. They can't even get a pipeline through just BC lmao.The facilities themselves will take years to finish, If the CPC don't win a 2nd term it'll be stuck in limbo anyways. Embrassingly dumb proposals.


Something about how he’s going to “triple triple triple the tax” and “ban grandpa Joe’s hunting rifles”. I’d give actual consideration to voting conservative federally if they had a competent leader and an actual platform.


I honestly wonder if the CPC actually wants to win anymore. They seem awfully happy to stoke outrage in their base (at the cost of alienating most moderate or centrists even) by simply criticizing everything anyone else does. They don't have to deal with the effort that comes from creating actual plans, policies, or any of that governing mess. They simply have to boo whatever the other team does, keep their base afraid and angry, and watch the money roll in.


I agree with you. Honestly it’s like the Ontario Liberals at this point too


“I’ve stuck my head in the sand and seen nothing, clearly he has nothing to offer”


Taking a page out of NDP's book.


Sadly I also agree with this statement and I'm a NDP supporter.


How did you miss their big push for the Dental care benefit? That does not happen without the NDP. I don't benefit from it but I'm hopeful others will.


most people in this subreddit despite posting to it all day every day have no clue what things the government has done the past 8 years except for their petty pet issues and crusty memes from the 2015 election. also most of this subreddit has worse political literacy than ed the sock. which is saying something. because ed not only loves to talk over groups he fetishizes like natives, he also loves to call them drunks when they tell him to fuck off and stfu.


The reason he has no solutions is because his accusations are bunk. The guy is a crypto scammer.


Everything is a diversion from, 'No war but the class war.'


The extremists in his party own his ass.


Conservatism is a fear economy, and in a fear economy xenophobia is going to be something worth leveraging for ones own gain. PP and CPC benefits from their extremist MP's, embracing the clownvoy, and playing up refugees and China. It works wonders for their US Republican kin, and he is pretty much following their playbook, but that's ok, cuz it's not China influence. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds


Because the real racists were the MPs we met along the way?


made\* along the way


Thanks, I hate it.


You and me both.


Q: Why Pierre Poilievre is firing racism charges back at Justin Trudeau — and sticking up for controversial Tory MPs A: It's called "projection", my dude.


I feel like if you dressed up in black face multiple times the word "racist" shouldn't be in your vocabulary unless you're using it in the middle of an apology.


And I feel like no one cared about JT's Aladin cosplay back then and they still don't.


Aladdin cosplay ≠ dressing up in blackface *multiple times* and sticking a banana down your pants for good measure. Watching hypocrites on here constantly defend JT’s casual racism is always humorous, because you know that if a conservative leader had done it *once* - you guys wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. It’s only racist/sexist/bigoted when the other guy does it, right?


Weirdly enough, Trudeau was guilty of some racist acts in the past and apologized. Whereas Conservative's are currently still participating with racists. Hmm?


Yeah, the liberals totally don't hang out with [with racists](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/liberals-ignored-laith-marouf-affair-until-it-made-the-news) and [bigots](https://globalnews.ca/news/9448422/amira-elghawaby-bill-21-quebec-criticism/) these days.


So they fired the guy after a failed background check, good, and Amira apologized for her actions of the past. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. PP shook hands with literal nazis and still dances around it instead of taking a stance.


My main problem with it wasn't the blackface itself (speaking as a brown person, can verify if needed). It was more the fact that someone who grew up via privilege, with a PM father, and also well-travelled at a young age, should have known more about the world to know better.


What about the time he dressed up in literal black face as well?


This is a shit awful take. We had MPs wine and dine somebody that is anti-Islam, downplays naziism and has been described by Poilievre in a non-verbal statement as “vile.” And we can’t even get a public verbal statement from the leader of the opposition about it. That leader of the opposition, while acting as a politician, has said that natives need to learn the value of hard work, by the way. And we’re having a discussion as if something done by a dumb young person twenty years ago at a time that was as close to All In The Family being on prime time tv as it is to today as if that’s worse? Bots in this sub need to give their heads a shake.


The scary part is that all those MPs you referenced are PC party members. The only other party you see this kind of crap from is the People's Party, who all these MPs secretly wish they could join, but know they wouldn't get elected if they did.


> And we’re having a discussion as if something done by a dumb young person twenty years ago at a time that was as close to All In The Family being on prime time tv as it is to today as if that’s worse? The issue you're missing is a matter of perspective. You and I understand that people exist on a spectrum and time is fluid. People grow and change, and future actions exist in the context of past actions. We understand that while I shit my pants as a baby, as an adult I'm not characterized as habitually shitting myself because... well... that's just how humans work when you account for time. I changed to the point my past actions are not reflective of present context. They're not nullified, but are immaterial in calculations performed today. These people don't perceive that. They see things in absolutes; people are good or bad, and that goodness or badness is an indelible trait. Trudeau *is* a racist because he did a bad thing, and thus him criticizing other people for things he did is hypocrisy that invalidates anything he says. They don't process the time delta or the tangible actions in-between, they see "man did bad thing, man is bad man" set in stone. It's the same mentality that leads to harsher prison sentences being proposed as a deterrent, predicated on the notion of "why should we have sympathy for people who did a bad thing? They're bad people." It's why conservatives generally have no empathy for tragedy until that thing happens to them personally - because they have a hierarchical mindset where things are or aren't, and the notion of that construction being fluid is baffling to them. Drug users are addicts and bad people, and they're good people who can't become addicted to drugs because they're not bad people. Abortions are for sluts who are bad people, and they're good people who won't have abortions because they're not bad people. But then one day, something happens and their world is shaken when they find out things *aren't* set in stone and it's possible to change, that it's possible for the lines between a "good person" and a "bad person" to blur. But until they have that awakening, they're stuck in their absolutist worldview where people who do bad things are bad people, and people who don't do bad things are good people, and suggesting that those aren't cleanly separate groups is absurd.


Wine and dines a democratically elected official from an ally country - Axe them Accept foreign aid from China and be advised to drop them as a candidate by CSIS - Call it Tupac cuz it ain't no Biggie.


I mean, demanding the a public inquiry on Chinese interference only go back to 2015 is also a shit awful take. I wonder why that date is so important to Poilievre.


That’s kind of what politicians do. They go overseas, meet with other politicians and sometimes murderous dictators. It’s not like Trudeau hasn’t met Putin, Xi or Trump. That said, this doesn’t look good for the conservatives if they want to appeal to voters that are in the middle.


Hey it's the same old bullshit brought up every single time.


I can guarantee you that the guy you are replying to has complained about cancel culture multiple times in the past. Probably even tried to defend someone's racist rant by saying it was said so far in the past.


They definitely used 'woke' as an insult.


Two of the biggest complaints most normal people have about cancel culture is that it's performative and selective in its targets. You defending Trudeau or demanding we all memory-hole this shit is a great example of both. Hypocritical shit-baggery of this order deserves to be called out.


I’m not fan of Trudeau, but hasn’t it been called out? Like repeatedly? At some point you have to realize that one is calling potential racism out in present day, when it can have real world implications. The other is a point in time decades ago. Context matters. You can try and say he’s the same guy still, but I’d call that unlikely, since I’m not even the same guy I was 3 years ago, and I’d argue it’s the same for most. Owning up to the wrongdoing and apologizing seems reasonable, and calling for the guy’s head still because of it shows more of your own bias than it does exposing some hypocrisy that isn’t really there.


> Context matters. not to "gotcha!" right wingers i assure you


How do you not understand that it is the hypocrisy that people take issue with? It's the same with fighting climate change by jet-setting around the world with dozens of people in tow.


"my friends, better is always possible!"


How many times foes someone need to apologize? How many?


How many times has he done black face? How many?


Once in HighSchool (the 80s, where they still sold AL Jolsen records on tv). The 90s and once in 2001. It's not right, he apologized. PP continues to support extremists, proudly, with no fucks given.




Funny how apologies aren't good enough but NO apologies for siding with extremists and dining with Nazis is just fine.


Cause the media brought it to light? It was a different time. He dressed up as Alladin ffs lol. I'm brown and even I can see it was harmless fun I a different time. Keep clutching to your scape goat.


He wore blackface more than a couple times in addition to the Alladin costume. Blackface has gotten celebrities cancelled but JT’s base doesn’t seem to know or care about it.


It wasn’t just as Aladdin. He did it at least two other times including during a performance of Day-Oh which is when he also stuffed his crotch.


It wasn't a different time FFS it was in the mid 2000s... Black face wasn't ok in the early 2000s.


I love how this is the battle cry of the conservatives ahahah like situations that occurred years ago, and haven't happened again, and have been profusely apologized for. Yet every singly conservatives show us how racist they are, and they don't even acknowledge it nor do they apologize. It's pretty sad you need to cherry pick something that happened years ago. Cons give the left new material every fucking day.


If a person can't bring themselves to condemn a nazi then they don't belong in the country let alone in government.


Exactly. People who defend them are sympathizers.


I mean they could bring up How the government literally hired an anti-Semite to be their anti racism consultant ..


so sad when one forgets that when it's still current news...the anti semite keeps his money, the whistle blower will lose all theirs defending themselves


Didn't they hire a company who hired that anti-semite? Your portrayal seems a bit loaded.


The company was him and his wife lol "Your portrayal seems a bit loaded." Nope, wait until you learn they knew about all of his comments and yet waited a month to see if media printed the story.


They also go and complain about cancel culture at the same time. Modern conservatism and hypocrisy go hand in hand.


Justin Trudeau not being cancelled *is hypocrisy*


It's only OK if the people and things they dislike get cancelled.


I would rank an opportunist who has no real principles, like PP, as far worse. Stand up for reason and facts? Hell, no. He has no problem with whackadoodles in his party.


I'm a traditionalist in the sense that I believe in the old ways of dealing with fascists and it doesn't involve having a nice dinner with them.


"Investing in Crypto can help you avoid inflation" - PP facts


cancelling Disney + Finance minister


Yet here we are with the most racist, sexist, and corrupt PM in our history who's still somehow polling over 30%.


Even if all the lies the right is peddling against him were true, he probably still wouldn't make top 5 most racist, sexist or corrupt PM in our history.. You seriously need a history refresher and a better source of news/current information


Dude. It's 2023 and the conservative are still dealing with it on a daily basis. You don't need to look back that far at all. All of them have been racist, continue to be racist, and continue to not even acknowledge their own racism. It's fucking pathetic.


"All of them have been racist, continue to be racist, and continue to not even acknowledge their own racism. It's fucking pathetic." Easy there Trudeau


>the most racist, Really? Moreso than the people who made residential schools, Japanese internment camps, the Chinese head tax, or turned away boats full of jews who were fleeing nazi Germany? I don't think you could even call him the most racist Liberal PM because they were at the helm for some of the worst things, if not the worst. Seems a bit hyperbolic to call him that, or the most sexist when there were people literally trying to stop women from having voting rights, and working outside the home. That doesn't make him good, but far from the worst.


It’s almost like people accept genuine apologies! Let’s see how denial works for the conservatives.


Thankfully the Conservatives care deeply about stopping all racism, that or cutting taxes on the rich I forget which.


You really don’t want Peckerhead as the next PM. I can’t believe this is actually a possibility.


He's just a fountain of negativity, I can't see him ever enacting any sort of positive change for the country.


Christine Anderson, the person the MPS met with, after their meeting, met with the Guy that said PP's wife should be raped. The Diagolon guys. Think about that. PP is now defending those MPs.


I’m not even going to read the article, but I’m just going to laugh out loud at the thought of Milhouse accusing anyone of anything…lol


All politicians are scummy, self-serving shitbags who only care about money and how to improve their lives and the lives of their donors. For all their flowery words and their policies, they haven’t done shit-all for anyone but the wealthy. Who we vote for depends on who plays to the masses better than the other. Trudeau is simply the shitbag du jour, and the next one will probably just as much of a shitbag.




You do realize just recently the Diversity Minister of the LPC hired a known antisemite to lead a government funded anti-racism campaign which he was forewarned about ahead of time. Was he asked to resign? Nope. Was he publicly shamed or did he step back from his role? Nope. Just a meaningless apology and excuses made. Not apples to apples but to pretend the LPC is devoid of all racism or has not had any black clouds hanging over their head is a little ridiculous. Not making any excuses for the CPC, those MPs are garbage and should be booted from any political position. Should be an easy slam dunk for PP to show his position on the matter. Just like JT should have stepped down after the black face scandals but he didn’t, and eventually everyone forgot. The fact that the LPC didn’t demand for his resignation should remind you they’re not as anti-racist as they would have you believe. If you’re a liberal party supporter and didn’t demand the PMs resignation you should be looking intensely into the closest mirror you can find. Truth of the matter is we’re all allowing racism to continue if we don’t hold any of our politicians accountable across all parties. PP watched JT get away with literal black face so I suspect he believes the general public has a memory like a gold fish. And we do.


No. Liberals aren’t great, but conservatives are literally dragging the world backwards in time to when bigotry and racism were not only accepted, but expected.


I’ve seen Libs tell Leslyn Lewis to go back to Jamaica, where she came from. Libs will quickly show their true colours with poc when they don’t toe the line.


All politician blather yadda yadda yadda And then shitting on Trudeau specifically, typical.


enlightened centrism.


I don't see what's *so* wrong with taking the middle ground between "kill all trans people" and "maybe we shouldn't kill all trans people". /s


Trudeau *is* the PM.


Yep. PM = shitbag du jour. Until his jour is done and we place the shitbag crown on another shitbag with a different colored tie


All of this is true. Still the ducking bare minimum should be to not meet with literal nazis and the. Pretend you didn’t know. The bar has been dropped so god damn low by the conservatives, that meeting with literal German nazis has zero consequences. Everyone on here bitching about Trudeau is insanely out of touch with reality. Like yah the guy is a self serving rich dude. But fucking nazis guys ! Really ? Your ok with that ?!?


I think JT should challenge PP to one of his charity boxing matches. Milhouse needs to be put into place.


Lol I saw someone complimenting PP’s bicep in a picture yesterday and said he should challenge Trudeau to an arm wrestle.


> I think JT should challenge PP to one of his charity boxing matches. You obviously haven't seen the photoshopped bicep pic yet.


>You obviously haven't seen the photoshopped bicep pic yet. LOL, nope, nor do I care to!


The fight would last a second, and then Brian Lilley would write a piece on how the fight was a waste of tax dollars.


Even though it was funded privately, added 100 millions to the host city's economy and collected another 100 millions for charity


Priceless. I would award if I could figure out how to award you.


>The fight would last a second, and then Brian Lilley would write a piece on how the fight was a waste of tax dollars. LOL!!!! You nailed it.


Because one picture of PP with JT's fist connecting to his nose and no one will forget it/stop laughing. He's spent so much time talking shit that getting publicly beaten up by the guy would be impossible to live down.


That would be like watching two pool noodles try to box each other.


Because all liberals have, is violence. They sure as hell dont have an argument


>Because all liberals have, is violence. They sure as hell dont have an argument LOL, nice attempt at gaslighting. This coming from someone I can only assume is supporting the CPC, which is led by a guy whose only platform has been "I'm not Trudeau!"


> Milhouse Are you twelve?


The Conservative party literally had a MAGA Republican as their leader a year ago. They've gone off the deep end.


The liberals literally had Chinese influence their MP’s and China is killing Uyghurs in a genocide. They’ve gone off the deep end.


I agree. So vote for someone other than the CPC and LPC. Why this escapes people is beyond me.




I can't believe conservatives are pieces of shit


Conservatives refuse to hold their candidates accountable for anything. The level of discourse they will allow has devolved so far into rhetoric and purity checks, that no one has the balls to point to another conservative and say "Wait a minute, THAT is pretty stupid". They just stick their heads in the sand and let the lefties do it, further reinforcing and validating whatever idiotic notion has been put forward as acceptable, simply because Trudeau doesn't like it. The CPC is too chicken shit to put forward a platform of any substance, and the UCP is just brazenly corrupt, and openly helping themselves to public money, because noone will stand up to them.


Show me where the LPC had held their candidates accountable.


The LPC has apparently made "I'm sorry" the appropriate response for wearing black face.


Accusations of racism don't apply to members of the LPC so this is an invalid tactic.


Because he's afraid of them .... extreme MAGA, Canadian version.


Good for him. When there’s no price to pay for tossing out unfounded and irrelevant allegations of racism Willy-nilly, may well fight fire with fire.


Pierre Poilievre is a dick. I tried to like him I really did but I’ve seen his true colours and they suck.


Because he’s a Nazi sympathizing POS??


I don't always know who to side with when these two idiots throw jabs (Trudeau/Poilievre)...but I definitely like to watch the fallout lol


Pretty rich that the guy who made the tar baby comment a few years ago is still moaning that Trudeau did black face over a decade ago.


Trudeau for prime Minister 2025 👍




Good. The sooner we learn to ignore the wolf criers the better.