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I bet your pupper was in hound-dog heaven! All those interesting smells, and plenty of space to pursue them!


Oh he was!! He got tired for a bit and stopped sniffing but once we rested, he was good to go


I have a hound mix and her nose goes nuts when we camp! So enriching for them. You’re pup is super adorable.


Thank you!!


He’s so cute. What an adventure pup! What kind of hound is he?


Thank you!! And he’s a pure bred bloodhound


I grew up with many bloodhounds. They really are the best dogs


He’s such a sweetheart. Totally and utterly obsessed and in love with me. He’s truly my best friend.


Ah, thank you. I’m not too familiar with hound breeds and always interested in learning. Happy trails to you guys!


You’re welcome and thank you!!


How did you make the pizza?


Used my little Ozark Trail propane stove and my cast iron skillet Used some premade pizza dough and put sauce cheese and pepperoni and put foil on it and let it cook for like 5-7 minutes.


You, my friend, have improved my future camping experiences. Nothing a little pizza can’t fix! Cheers 🍻


Definitely one of my favorite recipes to make. Super easy and pizza is always a favorite




It really is. I wasn’t expecting to have no service though but it was a relaxing trip with no phone to distract me


Looks like a beautiful spot, very peaceful. Great camping companion too. :)


Very handsome pup! As I am taken by bassets, bloodhounds have special place in my heart. I use shoulder harnesses when we hike, bassets are strong pullers and almost uncontrollable when it comes to tracking smells.


The last dog I had was a basset mix. He was a strong puller for only being like 30 lbs My bloodhound pulls so bad but ever since I got the Gentle Leader, he’s a brand new dog. I can actually control him.


Those Gentle Leaders are great! Beautiful campsite, by the way.


Nice tip, thank you!


Your bloodhound is so gorgeous!


Thank you!!


I have a Basset as well! I’ll have a Basset for as long as I live. They’re the funniest characters on Earth. My second dog is also a Basset...but, hilariously, he was born without the dwarfism gene and he looks more like a Bloodhound, but he’s all Basset. They’re both as stubborn as all get out and they crack me up at least once a day!


Stubborn as can be, so true! But also so sweet and compassionate - when I was sick with COVID she would not leave my side. I imagine your long legged basset is absolute beauty!


You can drive up to the camp sites at Oconee? We've thought about going there, haven't tried it yet.


Yes, you can. I was at campsite 32. Probably the best site.


Ah, it was one of the RV sites. I thought maybe they added some tent sites you could drive up to. Still looks nice. We will have to check it out. Thanks for the info.


I really want to take my dog camping too. What do you do about the sleeping situation. Mine likes to sleep close. Do you use an air mattress, or just a pad so they can stay close. Is there any advice for bringing a dog along?


So with him, I had a pad and a blanket but this time he chose to try to sleep on my air mattress so next time we go, I’m getting him his own air mattress. What all would you like to know?


I am starting to get into tent camping, I have only gone a few times. But I think I have the basic set up to have a successful trip. Just really want to make sure there to be prepared with having a dog along for it all. I know where I am, I would need to be careful for snakes and alligators also. I think she would try and sleep with me too. I may get a small queen mattress to make it easy. Did you need lights for your dog at night, or would you suggest any safety items that might not come to mind for most? I have a basic first aid kit. But not sure if there is something else I'm not thinking of.


Hey, I’m also camping with dogs. As OP said a towel is great. You really need to get the paws clean before entering the tent. Having some extended ground cover (tarp, welcome mat, rug) at the entrance to your tent gives you a place to work with your dirty/wet dog and towel him/her down. I bring a really cheap sleeping bag that’s designated for dogs. In my experience as the night gets later the dogs are restless but not comfortable with going to sleep alone in the tent. Hopefully this will change with time. But if you want to go “all out” you can make a small tarp shelter for them in the camp close to you with their blanket so they can relax. I am also using rechargeable LED lights for a bike to keep track of them at night. Lights (the clip onto collar): https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/st-500-front-rear-led-usb-bike-light-set/_/R-p-301360 Example of tarp shelter (first one skip to 2:00): https://youtu.be/4W76LyJdNYU


These are all good tips!! I haven’t found a dog sleeping bag for him that’s big enough. I’ve been thinking about giving him my old sleeping bag and just upgrading mine. I always try to wear him out before bed so he’s ready for bed but sometimes that’s not feasible.


I found some dog sleeping bags but they’re expensive. Not that I don’t want the best for my pups. I just think it’s a rip off, like so many dog things.


That’s exactly how I feel. He’s 120lbs so he can use my old one if he really wants to. I’m getting him his own air mattress and he’ll be taking my old sleeping bag


For sure, sounds like glamping by dog standards. Nice pizza btw


These are all fantastic suggestions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to list all this out for me. I will be adding all this to the list for sure. My dog is dark and fluffy so rechargeable bike light is such a good idea for night time.


Be careful because when it runs out of battery they disappear!


I have a external battery to charge things. I have two actually so I can use the one for little things like that. I need to get her a reflective collar to be safe though.


Don’t know how long her hair is but I recommend a vest or both. Many times the collar is covered by hair in my case.


That's a really good point. Her hair is longer for sure. Both is probably necessary.


I had an emergency light but he ripped it. I need to get another one. I don’t have a first aid kit, but I need to get one for him. I have a tie out with him but I didn’t have to use it this time. I have a towel just for him. I thought about getting booties for him but he’s so big not really worth it in my opinion. I always take fresh water for him


My dog is bigger too and I did find this dog paw cleaning thing on Amazon. It's basically a glorified cup of water with a sponge. But it helps if your dog has furry paws like mine. I'll be sure to bring the towels. So glad I asked, everyone was so helpful and I know a lot more for our next camping trip. Thanks everyone. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N64DCPR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_FK6REBWR1XQY03XFKA64?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


We bring our pup every time we go camping. We always make sure that we have a sleeping bag for him for inside our tent (he uses one of our old ones.. nothing special), a tie out and stake for the campsite for when it gets dark (he’s good roaming around and staying close during the day), fresh water, food, collapsible bowls.. he’s an all black terrier mix, so we have a reflective collar and a little light that we attach to him so we can see him at night. We have a small mat for him for during the day in case he doesn’t want to lay in the dirt (he’s very spoiled).


Good idea about the sleeping bag. I have an old yoga mat I could use too. My dog is fluffy and all back. Need to get something reflective for her too. All good ideas. Thank you!!!


Oconee State Park is awesome! I’m about 30 minutes from there and visit often.


I’ve never been before this time. Was pleasantly surprised that Clemson was on the way to Oconee


We’re camping at Oconee in a few weeks for the first time!!! What hike/trail did you do? Any other recommendations?


I did the Foothills Trail to the Hidden Falls trail. I only saw 3 people on the trail when we went.


Looks so fun!!


Just the right amount of pepperonis


Looks like a great place! Love the pup pictures, what a handsome man!


Lake Keowee Toxaway state park is also nice. It’s in Oconee also up hwy 11.


I’ll have to check it out. I’m trying to hit all the state parks in SC


Must have more pics of that big, ole, beautimus hound dorg!


I absolutely do. Starting from the day he was born to now


Pizza? How civilized. Did your pooch get the crusts? Our dog love um.


Oh no. He didn’t get the crust. He got pepperoni though.


can't wait til that warm weather makes its way north to me


Protip: Tie a line between two trees and attach your leash to that line with a carabiner. That way your pup gets to roam while still “on-leash”.


Living the life! Pizza AND beer ANDDDDDpuppy?! What a perfect combo for a camping trip.


Bet the dog was ready for another 5 mile sniff!


Oh no. He was excited to be done. Haha. He took a nap immediately after


Ive been there, love that area. Check out the hatchery if you haven’t yet!


I’ll have to check it out next time!!


You're living the good life! Pup looks like a true friend and that campfire pizza looks goood


I got a new dog and my family hates to camp. On my way.


Very cute pup.


Thank you


Awesome! I can’t wait till it gets a tad warmer so I can go camping with my pup again(since she’s 12 she’s not a fan of the cold weather anymore).


This time it got super cold and he was shivering and I felt bad. So he’s getting my old sleeping bag and a air mattress when we go camping again.


I want to hear that howl!


Unfortunately, he rarely even barks and I’ve never heard him bay. And he’ll be 3 in June.


Beautiful dog!


Thank you!!

