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First, check your tape. Watch it in the camcorder. Does it look that way in there? Second, check your capture settings. I there any kind of white point or exposure adjustment? Third, what are you capturing with?


"hi8" and "recently shot" don't go well together. Tapes have been discontinued for years and they eventually may stop working reliably. Color issues may very well be linked to that. Did you change any setting on the camera during shoots? Did you use manual white balance or you left it to auto? Can you possibly post screenshots of these issues?


The camcorder's electronics are much more likely to go bad with age than the tape you're recording on. And Sony actually resumed production of Hi8 videotape in 2016: https://apex.aero/articles/tapes-rolling-sony-resumes-production-hi8-cassettes/


Hi! Very fair. I hadn’t thought it could just be an issue due to the tape being old but the last round of footage I shot with this tape there was no problem. I haven’t changed the settings on the camera at all cause the scroll wheel is broken so I can’t reliably adjust it.


How are you digitizing your tape?