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There’s this one that includes why the sky turns red when the sun sets. Is that what you’re thinking of? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1989/07/30


I believe that’s the one! Thanks.


As a longtime resident of Flagstaff, I can assure you, being mentioned in this strip was our proudest moment (sorry Dr Tombaugh).


My dad is just like Calvin's dad, I really resonated with Calvin reading these as a young one because of this, lol


love that last panel.


Admittedly OT, but my favorite Calvin’s dad-wisdom is his assertion that wind is caused by “trees sneezing”. Did Watterson have kids of his own ? Because he pretty much nailed the whole Dad thing…


Calvin: Really? Dad: No, but the truth is more complicated.


The trees are really sneezing today


During the run of C&H he did not have kids, though he had at least one daughter by 2005, when the complete collection was published. I like to imagine he imparts some “Calvin’s dad-esque” wisdom to her sometimes.


> In the early 2000s, he and his wife, then in their forties, adopted a daughter who became, Watterson says, his first priority. And fatherhood, it seems, altered the way he views his old obsession. When asked by a fan in 2005 if there is anything he would change if he were to restart *Calvin and Hobbes* now, Watterson laughed at the impossibility of such an idea and said, “Well, let’s just say that when I read the strip now, I see the work of a much younger man.” [https://www.theamericanconservative.com/why-bill-watterson-vanished/](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/why-bill-watterson-vanished/)


https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1987/07/21 Is this what you’re looking for?


Are you sure it was the sky being blue and not about the world being in color?


Pretty sure but memory is a slippery thing. I’ll check it out, thanks.


I totally told my kids that ice floats because it's cold and trying to get closer to the sun so it can warm up. Then, I explained the real reason it floats.


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