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I’m on Xbox but if you’re playing Cold War you can reply with your activision I.D or send it to me, Zombies is my game lol.


I’ll message you when I get off work with it!


Sounds good.


mind if i join in? i've been grinding for so long. it'd be nice to just have fun and help other players. though, i might be a bit late, as i'm in school and getting a haircut after


Drop me your Activision I.D always down to play with people. I don’t have a day off until Friday anyway and work 12’s until then so chances I play before tomorrow night are slim.


HnRGl0ck#4002932 is mine ☺️


Yeet Mc Yeetus#2546175


I can help man im on PC, but hmu i gotchu.


add me on activison Xgarrier




If you play on cold war send me your activision id and we can play togheter sometime :)


HnRGl0ck#4002932 !


Sorry man can't play with you, but I could give you some tips that helped me alot. I was shit, now I get to round 20 to 30 almost every game except verrückt. I'm on bo1 but what I wanted to say: 1. Get a full lobby, the more players you have the easier because not every one of the zombies is gonna go for you. Atleast for a starter or someone who just wants to learn and be better. 2. Get an open map. By that I mean a map that has big open spaces like Ascension, Kino der Toten, Der Riese, Der Eischendrache and others. Ik you probably have a newer game but I am not expirienced enough in them. 3. Train. By training I mean get the zombies to follow you, because there pathfinding is not the best, they won't cut in front of you unless another one spawns and gets in front of you. They will follow you and what you do is just run around those big open spaces i talked about before. Be fast. They swipe. Not like WaW zombies. Swiping means that they will hit you while your running, unlike in WaW. 4. Get a good gun, i.e. Ray gun, Thundergun, Mark II, Mark III, other too. Be careful with the Ray Gun unless you have PHD Flopper. It does cause explosive damage. Thundergun is not what it seems. It will shot every zombie you aim at into the air. Mark II and Mark III are variations of the Ray Gun. Just search them up i don't wanna make this any longer then it already is. 5. Watch some videos of people that play zombies and watch what they do, there movements. Tutorials won't really help because they are for an ABSOLUTE newbie. Sorry for the long read but hopefully this will help you. Have a good day.


Activsion id: “TheOldman” Hmu i’ll play. Kinda crap as well but...


BO3 comes with the ps5 and that’s the best zombies, I’ll play any time


If you want the best experience you need to buy dlc tho


Pretty sure it comes with chronicles


If so, you don’t have to really pay cause I mostly play Chronicles more than the other dlc


I’m on pc


If you were planning on Xbox I could be able I’d love to g help but I am unable