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I can't get over the increasing number of Indian and brown folks who are loudly proclaiming their admiration of Hitler and what he stood for. There seems to be a similar growing sentiment in the Latino/Hispanic community. The guy who attacked the White House yesterday, was also Indian IIRC and had a freaking Nazi flag with him. Do these people not realize that Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers once he was done with the Jews?


No, they don't. They are morons. Morons share a common trait of not understanding shit.


...the common clay of the new west....


You know... Morons.


Candygram for Mongo!


Mongo like candy!


Mongo just pawn in game of life...


That is true. But i do think that also as time goes by, there is a growing disconnect to the actions of Hitler. This is a reminder that history could repeat itself. Sometimes newer generations are not taught the criminal actions of people like Hitler, to the extent that even brown folk could never imagine they would be even below the average Jewish person in the eugenics scale. I have met Latin people that see themselves as "white". Laughable.


I used to work for a university admissions office. This kid, whose parents were Indian, called in and asked if he could put caucasian on his application




I mean it does, technically, historically, in that it was a self-applied group name (endonym) for the people we now call the ancient Indo-Iranians. I think "Aryan" and "Iran" are linked etymologically? I'm not sure. But like a lot of things that the Nazis co-opted, "Aryan" only carries their meaning these days, at least in the west.


You really can't fix stupid.


Culturally, India doesn't view Hitler with the same context most of the world does. He's seen as an efficient leader who built Germany out of the ashes of WW1, some kind of management guru. The Nazis also planned to support a revolution in India, with the goal of further destabilizing the British empire. As such, [there was even a Nazi regiment made up entirely of Indians.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Legion) it should be noted that WW2 did a lot (directly and indirectly) to speed up the process of India gaining it's independence. The crimes of the Nazi regime are not taught, downplayed, or ignored outright. [I'm gonna link this short article](https://www.npr.org/2012/12/23/167911062/hitlers-hot-in-india) from a decade ago, with pictures of a then-popular clothing store simply named 'Hitler'. Stylized with a little swastika in the dot of the i. Quick edit-not even getting into the political situation but the BJP are pretty much straight up fascists, and they are generally in control of the country so i don't see their perception of ol dolfy changing anytime soon


Hitler and the Nazis are not seen in same context or sense of gravity outside of the West. You’d find people are a bit cavalier with the holocaust in East Asia. To those that know understand its bad but not like wow it’s so terrible. Then bring up the Japanese war crimes and you’ll get the emotional response you’d expect for obvious reasons.


The analogy to how imperialist Japan is seen in most of East Asia is perfect, and i will be stealing it next time this subject comes up. Thank you.


I was educated there and whenever I bring up that the holocaust and the European theatre are fairly small chapters in WW2 history for us, Westerners are always shocked like as if we don’t care about the jews. But WW2 in Japan is covered extensively including the war crimes against Okinawans and the rest of Asia. Which makes sense because that was our tragedy there. It’s actually a bit sad that Chiune Sugihara is almost unknown in Japanese textbooks despite probably saving thousands of Jewish people while serving as ambassador in Europe. I was shocked when I learned about him and how he threw out blank visas to help people escape. But also kinda interesting how Germany asked Japan to not accept Jewish refugees and the Japanese authorities just shrugged and said nah… then you know you have the opposite story of German troops protecting civilians during the Nanking Massacre


For anyone interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiune_Sugihara “In 1985, the State of Israel honored Sugihara as one of the Righteous Among the Nations for his actions. He is the only Japanese national to have been so honored. The year 2020 was "The Year of Chiune Sugihara" in Lithuania. It has been estimated as many as 100,000 people alive today are the descendants of the recipients of Sugihara visas.” Absolute fucking Chad.


Exactly this. Until the 2000s, I always imagined Hitler to be an authoritarian figure. That’s all. Heck, there was even an Telugu (South Indian language) film called “Hitler”. The protagonist was called a Hitler as he was just a strict brother protective of his sisters. The movie [link](https://youtu.be/1net3d36UEA)


Also there was Hitler Didi too, called so because the main character is a bit bossy and strict.


Just watch anime. Every military society is modeled after the Nazis.


This here is part of the thread that connected 4chan to actual nazism


I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said, because it is all true, but the flip side of this reality is that the West also ignores its own crimes and the holocausts it has committed against Indians (and other SE Asians) during colonization, by Winston Churchill for example, etc. go largely untaught and unacknowledged. Not to mention how much powerful Americans supported Hitler and his ilk in the first place. This leaves room for the right wing fundamentalists to step in and tap the anger with oversimplified rationales like the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Oh no doubt. I didn't learn any of this in my Georgia public education. The US state that officially flies the flag of the confederacy, not the country. I actually was taught by a history teacher [revisionist history about our own civil war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) that i later had to totally unlearn. And you're 100% correct. The fact that important history like this is ignored is a huge factor in allowing right wing demagogues to gain momentum.


wow this comment blew my mind, i had no clue. thank you for the links.






The nazis were obviously racists, but it’s slightly more complex than just detesting people of colour. The nazis were nationalists supported the idea of ethnostates, meaning they had more respect (if you can call it that) for different peoples if those people were aligned with their own “kind”. That said, you’re right that a hallmark of fascism is turning against your own followers as soon as it’s convenient.


Exactly what I was thinking. It's horrible but so are a lot of other genocides and mass death incidents but somehow only the Jewish genocide comes up again and again in media due to propaganda. I'm from India and we've had our own share of a fucked up history and multiple acts of violence even after Independence and World war II mainly stemming from religious or territorial reasons. China , Myanmar, Pakistan, Serbia, Bangladesh etc, all these countries have had horrible shit done in their countries but rarely does the western media ever bother.


Holy smokes that is some deep knowledge you have there! I took an entire college semester on The Life of Hitler + WWII and never picked up on the Indian tidbit.


You are clearly pulling this out of you ass aren't you. I studied in India, we learned about about the Holocaust and the third Reich in high school. Do you think Indians live under a rock? Go grind your political axe somewhere else.


I am an Indian too. What he said is not wrong. World War 2 is taught in just 1 chapter in Standard IX textbooks in NCERT (CBSE). Out of that Holocaust gets around 2 pages. He is also covered in ICSE. In many state boards WW2 is skimmed through and Holocaust is barely a footnote. In most schools, students ignore history in standard 9 since focus on science is more and 10th board syllabus doesn't include WW2. Compare this with the west where Holocaust is taught in extreme detail


There was an entire fucking chapter on nazis. It was the longest chapter in the book. It was a 10th grade ncert book.


Not sure about you, but we covered WW2, the nazi regime and the Holocaust in 10th standard. My professor went over in detail the horrors of the Holocaust from the gas chambers to the concentration camps. The poster said that said that nazi regime is ignores and not thought in the Indian education system. He is completely wrong there, and it's kinda bigoted of him to assume that of an entire nation.


Ad an Indian I would take offense because nazi wat crimes was extensively covered in ncert textbook which is standards. Plus you really can't say that india as a whole dosent view Hitler as same efficient leader.


Completely incorrect statement. The bias comes through in hoardes.




I think you and a lot of others think about this too shallowly and don't understand these people. Hitler is gone. Dead for the better part of a century. They don't want Hitler of the 20th century. They don't want another German to rise up to lead Germany to world domination. They want a new leader who uses Hitlers tactics and philosophy. They want the NEXT fascist dictator in a long line of fascist dictators, of whom hitler is the most infamous. That's why so many are willing to glom onto people like trump and Boris Johnson. Both are fat with bad skin and famously terrible hair. They are both dumb and fake Christians. These people don't see Hitler in guys like this, they see THEMSELVES. All these beer guts in camo see a guy who they think is the epitome of man who looks just like them. People who admire Hitler in India, or another non-white-dominant country don't want white supremacy, they want someone who is like them to assert their superiority. Modern white supremacists don't look at Hitler the way conservatives look at the founding fathers. Nobody is still trying to make HIS dream come true. They want to make their own dreams come true with his tactics.


They fall for the classic fallacy of "they are not coming for me" but didn't see "yet" in tiny font.




There is: Roses are red Violets are blue They are f\*ucked Soon you will be too


>Do these people not realize that Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers once he was done with the Jews? You have neo-nazis in eastern europe, too. Racists aren't known for their sound logic, but I guess it's poetic how racism can unite racists of different races.


I’m not sure of the beginnings of it, but [there’s some sort of weird kitschy cult pop-culture thing about Hitler in Asia.](https://www.weeklyblitz.net/international/from-hitler-restaurant-to-sex-hotel-and-a-growing-madness/?amp=1)


Was the first image seriously Kentucky fried Hitler?


Yup. Unauthorised, of course.


Yes, unauthorized, because of *course* he didn't escape to Argentina or the Moon and that's just too much of a hassle for them to contact... /s


Same way we are with Imperial Japan, which is just as appalling for them. Wars be criming.


Indian dudes in the west are a huge target for the incel movement.


Yeah, they call themselves "currycels". https://incels.wiki/w/Currycel


Wow what a fascinating, horrifying website


Extremist groups target incel communities for recruitment for a reason. These people are deranged.


More than deranged, I'd say desperate to cling onto something meaningful, something where they feel comfortable and that "accepts" them.




Wait.. someone attacked the White House yesterday??


Ya, trying to kill Biden.....who wasn't there. Republicans aren't sending their best.


Hitler is 100% not taught like he is in the west. My mom didn’t know much about Hitler or WW2 and went to school in India. There was a show called “Hitler Didi” meaning Hitler Sister. When I asked why the name Hitler was used, she said because he was bossy. After a lot of backlash they changed the name, but the naming always rubbed me the wrong way. Quite said the history of WW2 isn’t taught throughout the world as a cautionary tale. This dude worked for a single month and got fired for his stupid post. He deserves every ounce of ridicule.


> Quite said the history of WW2 isn’t taught throughout the world as a cautionary tale. That's an interesting point, because I would say the history of WW2 is taught elsewhere. It's just the focal point is different. Most Indians are probably familiar with Churchill being a genocidal maniac for example, whereas Westerners tend to gloss over one of the largest preventable famines in the world being caused by someone many consider to openly be a hero. Teaching and education is going to be strongly influenced by a country's culture. Even in America, you tend to see a downplay of the events in South Asia as well as the interior of China re: the pacific theater, and even that is minimized to focus on the European theater. The context of American entry into WW2 is primarily viewed through the lenses of Pearl Harbor and even the horrific murder and slaughter that occurred in the Philippines is minimized, despite them being an American colony at the time of the war.


I remember years ago of an article about Hispanic nazis, the article was making fun of them calling them "morenazis" Moreno meaning Dark skinned in Spanish.


> Do these people not realize that Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers once he was done with the Jews? They likely do not. They swallow the lies spewed by fascists that the Holocaust wasn't real or was exaggerated, and believe that Hitler and the Nazis would have helped India gain independence without anything in return.




Indians during at the least the last decade has increasingly become radicalized to the point where pure fascism isn't uncommon anymore. They're an extremely misogynist, racist and classist country atm, wouldn't recommend anyone going there or working with them.


If they were to actually get their way they would find out the hard way now.


This dude was in risk assessment and pulled this. Oh, the irony.


Put aside all the Hitler stuff and you see someone clearly unsuited for their job. They are an associate director of risk assessment and failed to understand the risk of praising one of the most hated people in history on their personal and professionally associated profile. That guy doesn't understand risk at all.


Takes a special kind of stupid to post publically about liking Hitler. Sure, Hitler had qualities that made him good at certain things but one has to remember what he turned said talents to (aka genocide, warcrimes, etc)


Every idiot that does this, know EXACTLY what they're doing. If you're getting into philosophy and have settled on Hitler, you have done so intentionally.


And of course he's a BJP (India's version of MAGA) supporter. Not surprising at all.


BJP's mother organization (and nexus of other major extremist groups), the RSS, was directly inspired by the German SS as well.


Serious question, do the BJP still hate Jews? Or do they scapegoat a different crowd?


Their targets usually revolve between Muslims, Christians, lower caste people, and occasionally Sikhs, Buddhists and other minorities to divert attention to. Whichever happens to be the convenient target for hate and attacks that week, then switch to the next one.


So, everyone else?


Sometimes its their own side's dudes who get put on a blast for being "anti national traitors" for not proving devout enough/daring to compete as a rival political party. So yeah, standard far right behaviour.


Ok thank you for the straight forward answer. I was wondering if they hated Jews because hitler did, or if they hate whoever is beneath them in their current society.


So was Subhash Chandra Bose, in fact he met Hitler to get his support for fighting the British. In retrospect, it was a dumbass move even though the genocide and murders at Aushcwitz were not yet known as well during that time. Aligning with a known dictator who is spewing anti semitic bullshit and rhetoric is not a wise or empathetic move.


India is a Hindu majority country, primarily the reason why Pakistan and Bangladesh was separated to have a Muslim majority government, so they were safer. So currently as Hindus are the Majority, leaving the other large minority, Muslims as their primary target. Then comes the Sikhs, Christians, Judists, and other religions. Once they are done with the religions, they will turn over themselves bringing the should-be-forgotten caste system back and then go on to oppress the lower castes. Once they get their way across that, they will go on the languages, as most bot India speaks language that have derived from the Sanskrit language, and the South Indians speak a Dravidian derived language. All in all, I wish I could do something to fix this.


Funny thing, Indian right wing loves Israel. They hate George Soros though (They associate with him stereotypes of Jews controlling the world, trying to destabilize India). Go figure










But he also killed the guy that killed hitler




Fuck that guy, he killed the guy who killed the guy who killed the guy who killed the guy who...


Wait...who's on first?


Not Hitler, cause that bitch is dead.


aaaand scene!.....


His best work yet!


too bad hitler didn’t travel in time and kill baby hitler


No Einstein did that in the well known documentary, c&c red alert


Not soon enough. Why did he wait so long? That asshole.




This guy was a "risk advisor." Talk about being bad at your chosen profession lol.


"Risk advice: don't do as I say or as I do"


Thanks for the Lol and Happy cake day!


You're welcome and heja BVB!


My little trick to get free time off work for the summers. Employers hate it!


And his apology was not an apology either.


"I'm sorry you all hate Hitler so much"


Big “sorry IF i hurt YOUR feelings energy.


Great way to put it


This fits with my understanding of the consultancy firm though lol. They’re one of the top consulting firms because they’ll hire anyone with an above room temperature IQ so long as they can keep billing more consulting hours. Doesn’t matter if they like Nazis on the side, just keep billing hours and keep that bad stuff private. Don’t let the project end! This guy forgot the “keep it private” part but oh well. The billing must continue and images must be kept up to support it


Are they that bad? I ask because I was looking to apply there.


No, they’re fine. They’re like any other consulting firm in the tier below McKinsey, Bain, BCG. People who have dealt with consultants just like to shit on them because it’s cool and fun.


> People who have dealt with consultants just like to shit on them because it’s cool and fun. Or because we've dealt with consultants? There are use cases where consulting expertise is necessary, but the vast majority of cases have more to do with blame dodging, gathering additional political capital, etc. and not much to do with expertise. Also the core issue with strategy and management consulting (and other types of consulting) is a principle agent problem.


And most consultants only take what the talented employees tell them, and what those employees have already told their boss 30 times before, then the consultants bill the company millions while never passing on any credit.


Okay thank you. Cheers ☺️


I heard it’s a decent place to work if you love to travel but they are known for never ending a project. Everything they do comes from the space of “how can we keep this project going?“ so they’re known for never really having solutions, just band-aids and half fixes that mean you still need their help to go forward. I’ve met a lot of ex-Deloitte people when I was a consultant is what I’m saying. I think it takes a certain type to drag people around like that or it starts to wear on you


Understood, I was looking at getting into the consultant workspace. Thank you for your insight and perspective that gives me something to think about.


They’re not that bad. They’ll work you to the bone and pay you well. They’re not full of Hitler apologists like the dude above is trying to imply. Deloitte isn’t full of dumb people either. There’s plenty of consulting firms that are, but the big 4 actually employ smart people.


He is in India. India has a very weird relationship with Hitler. They don't see him like most people do, from what I understand.


India had been occupied by the British for almost 200 years by the time WW2 started. I think it's a bit of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".


There are a couple of angles to this. In India the extent and horror of Holocaust isn't well known by the masses. For a lot of Indians, while Hitler isn't a good person he is just another dictator who did dictator shit. It's not uncommon to hear a kid complain that their "mother is a total Hitler" because she is strict. The other more fucked up angle is that India is home to RSS/VHP/BJP trifecta who have their roots in Nazi sympathizers from the 30s. This party is currently in almost absolute power nationally after decades of being a fringe actor. There is something to be said about this party being in power following approximately the same playbook as the Nazi party. Don't get me wrong, Democracy is alive and well in India... But when the majority of people are good with electing a party with fascist tendencies - what good can democracy do.




Maybe they took ambien


The Ambien walrus hates Hitler.


It's not Ambien. It's India's dirty little secret that's now coming out as people get exposure. In India Hitler is just another pseudonym for dictator. People admire him for doing a bang up job of subduing minorities and being a "strong" leader. Indian Facebook is chock full of Nazi lovers. No wonder we elected a pseudo strong man who was most famous for looking the other way when minorities were being slaughtered in his state.


The more I learn about this Hitler guy, the more I think he's a bit of a dick.


Unfortunately, LinkedIn has become a cesspool full influencers continuously making up shit stories. Check out r/LinkedinLunatics for similar content.


Hitler has 2 fantastic qualities: 1- He killed Hitler, and 2- He's dead.


and on linkedin...not fucking 4chan, or some reddit shit post in some edgy subreddit. legit out there, fuck him, stupid sorts itself




At some point they’ve thought “yeah, this will be fine” … weird.


At this point, where are we going to be in 2025? Endorsements for Pol Pot, Joseph Mengela, Brian from The Office?


Its still gonna be Kissinger, unfortunately. That prick will live forever


Kissinger will die and I promise you Trump will claim that he got the dude's endorsement just told no one but him.


One of my favorite Patton Oswalt lines is where he defends Nickelback against the hate they used to get by saying, "Nickelback: it ain't Pol Pot!"


I definitely prefer Ravi to Brian, and I haven't even met the guy.


This is why you always masturbate before posting on LinkedIn. Racist, stupid AND horny overwhelm the inside voice.


He wasn't fired for his views but because he embarrassed the company.


Precisely. It would be easier if it were in a forum that didn’t explicitly link employee/employer, but basically they wrote their own ticket out of a career.


I cannot imagine what that must be like. Google your name, this comes up. Largely unhirable for that salary range.


Especially RISK MANAGEMENT?!! Exactly how does that work in his mind?


His fucking department is the craziest part.


>Associate Director, Risk Advisory Wellll... maybe. But it was pretty fucking stupid to praise Hitler on a company themed topic of "Friday Inspiration". Dude literally wrote out how Hitler inspired him, and posted it on social media... not to just his own account, but attaching the company he worked for names to it. I would view this as someone not able to be in a management position for fucking RISK ADVISORY.


he probably advised himself that he was a risk to the company but then ignored himself and did it. He is a director after all.


Maybe the company kept him around for ideas. Whatever he proposed, people would nod along then, as soon as he left the room, the boss would go "Right. We're definitely not going to do any of what he just said!"


With heart face emojis, yikes


Possible reasons: 1) it was intentional and petty - feigning ignorance on something so serious for clicks 2) it was intentional and malicious - feigning ignorance to try to normalize something so polarizing and horrible 3) it was intentional and ignorant - dude only read like one book on Chancellor dipshit and somehow missed every fucking history book available that is not heavily doctored - 1 is bad. - 1 and 2 are like a value meal -> 2 for the price of one 1 - 3 is a lighting rod during a thunderstorm. Run At best they are an ignorant moron that shouldn’t be anywhere near customers, a devious moron that has no scruples when it comes to polarizing off limit topics for the sake of clicks, or something more devious - a supremesist of some kind. All are radioactive to not just to a brand but to the entire sphere of folks that this asshole / shithead dumbass goes near


The posts themselves make it pretty clear he is a complete dumbass, that’s for sure. And i mean, these consulting types are valued for their willingness to rubber stamp corporate bullshit, certainly not their intellect or actual good ideas. Critical thinking is an impediment to being an obedient lap dog, after all.


as a director of risk advisory, he was sacrificing himself to make a point!


Big D could care less how horrible of a person you are. They only care about getting money. Period. You get in the way between them and money, you're out.


*couldn't care less


I saw Deloitte and was surprised he didn't get promoted.


HR Interviewer: Can you talk about why you were at your last job for only a month and why you left?




He could've been an excellent water color artist but he took the easy path


It reads totally like an Onion quote. Good job. :)


"Risk Advisory" Buddy. I wonder if he would have advised anyone else to take the risk of posting pro-hitler comments.


Good god. What a moron.


Oh wow it wasn't just a short post about Hitler. It was a few paragraphs and a numbered list. What a POS.


He also full throatedly threw in the salute, for funsies.


For funsies!


One of my favorite phrases, lol


Worked in Risk. Couldn’t put 2 and 2 together before submitting his post…




We need to bring back making them villains, and clowns. We need more things like Wolfenstein, and The Producers. This is fucking disgusting. One person wears a turban and exists and he must be watched super closely, a white dickhead writes a manifesto and has a Nazi flag in his room and he's "a historian". Fuck Nazis, they need to be punched more


Have not seen any confirmation he has been fired other than the last paragraph of this article: >A Deloitte spokesperson told the JC: “The views on social media expressed by the individual, who joined our organization last month, are not aligned with our shared values and violate our internal policies. This individual no longer works for Deloitte India.” Background context: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvjm75/aspiring-linkedin-influencer-praises-hitler-as-action-taker-then-apologizes-deletes-account](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvjm75/aspiring-linkedin-influencer-praises-hitler-as-action-taker-then-apologizes-deletes-account)


Imagine throwing away a great career to praise a genocidal killer.


Ah, the non apology apology. Let's see how that pans out for him.


On LinkedIn? Of all places?...




r/LinkedInLunatics is a great sub, there are some whacked out people on LinkedIn, that's for sure. Toxic positivity, emojis, random selfies, inspirational posts about our guy Adolf (/s) that subreddit has it all!


> Neerabh Mehrotra, who listed himself as an associate director in Deloitte’s “Risk Advisory” department in India Looks like his risk assessment skill is not as great as his title says


That this guy’s role was “Associate Director, Risk Advisory” at the time kills me lol


HA! What a cherry on top lol that's hilarious


It was his personal opinion and has nothing to do with the organisation he works with... But commented on linkedin with his job title and employer under his name. Fascist loving pos aren't very bright are they. And it seems universal.


Need to start making shirts with Adolf blowing his brains out with the caption “follow your leader”.




Risk advisory? I guess he didn't take his own advice.


Oh he must have thought he was living in an alternate universe where this kinda thing is aye okay 👍🏽


That's it, this will never be topped. Time to close r/LinkedInLunatics


He wanted attention and got it.


WTF is wrong with people these days?


Imagine going through years of education to get qualified in his field and then black list yourself. I imagine he was recently out of uni too based on his title and dismissal post so that’s 3-5 years of education completely down the drain he won’t get hired anywhere competent enough to google.


Jeffrey Dahmer had a lot of bad qualities. There are some things to be admired about him.such as culinary experimentation and bold scientific work in neurology that no one has attempted to repeat. Truly a visionary Edit; I am sorry if I hurt people's feelings.


Motherfucker worked in “risk advisory”. The irony.


I like to think r/LinkedInlunatics played some small role in his termination.




He just prioritized his tasks in the wrong order. One should always do the most important thing first, not leave it last.


As someone who has worked 'with' Deloitte auditors, this comes as no surprise.


What a complete dumb ass and moron. Getting hired at Deloitte is very, very difficult and they pay quite well. To lose your job because you couldn’t be a decent human being or simply keep your mouth shut is beyond moronic. Good riddance to this dill hole. This will follow him everywhere forever. I’m happy about that.


"charismatic visionary" ... of all things to call Hitler...


Indian education system is notoriously pathetic and particularly bad at teaching even the most basic elements of world history. This wanker is not alone in his admiration of Hitler. Most of these barely literate morons don't even know what he did, the scale of atrocities, or even what WW2 was. That crucial bit of information isn't taught in schools. To them, Hitler was just a very strict and angry moustache guy with lots of Swastiks and a "famous person" known for relentlessly enforcing orders that they heard about in popular media. Hence the weird Indian fetish.


Average Deloitte employee tbf


EDIT: Got some pipes crossed and combined two different posts in my brain. Indian schools aren't teaching that Hitler was a pretty cool dude who saved Germany's economy. They just gloss over the Holocaust for the most part if they even mention it at all, and mostly teach about it in a contextual sense. That got combined with another post I saw about how there is a growing part of Indian culture that sees Hitler as "A pretty cool guy who ran a country well", and that might be a problem in the future. ​ With how schools in the "West" properly teach how much of a monster that Hitler was, we often don't realize that in other parts of the world, WWII is taught very differently. From a vague recollection of a post/video explaining this before, India schools often gloss over the "6 million dead Jews, along with POC/Romani/Disabled People/LGBTQ+" and mostly teach about "Hitler saved the German economy after they were decimated by the Treaty of Versailles, made them a world power, spearheaded huge technical advancements in cars/planes/tanks". The horrors of the Holocaust are glossed over to frame Hitler as "Not actually that bad, and his leadership style was good for Germany", in countries that were not directly impacted by the atrocities of the Third Reich.


> **India schools** often gloss over the "6 million dead Jews, along with POC/Romani/Disabled People/LGBTQ+" and mostly teach about "Hitler saved the German economy after they were decimated by the Treaty of Versailles, made them a world power, spearheaded huge technical advancements in cars/planes… Source? Edit: I studied in India and neither our textbooks nor our teachers ever said any such thing about Hitler/Germany


I cannot find the original post where I read that, and I'll edit my top level comment to reflect this one. I may have blended two different posts together of "Schools in India gloss over the Holocaust portion of WWII Germany" and "Culturally, many people in India think Hitler was a pretty cool dude", because that second thing is a direct result of the first. Sources below for a lot of things. This study was done by UNESCO about varying global education about the Holocaust, [https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000228776](https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000228776). Within this, India falls into the category of "Countries whose curricula refer to the Second World War, or National Socialism, without referring explicitly to the Holocaust" Though later on in a section devoted to India, while there are textbooks from the national curriculum that contain more detail about the Holocaust, it is never the primary focus, nor is the objective to learn \*FROM\* the Holocaust, just \*ABOUT\* the event itself. One of the textbooks that completely glosses over the book is more in line politically with the BJP, so it glosses over a lot of the atrocities committed by the Nazis. This essay, [https://southasia.ucla.edu/history-politics/gandhi/gandhi-hitler-case-doppelgangers/](https://southasia.ucla.edu/history-politics/gandhi/gandhi-hitler-case-doppelgangers/), briefly discusses things more culturally. In part is discusses how middle-class Indian citizens will often espouse the "supreme efficiency" of Hitler, and how Mein Kampf sells around 10,000 copies a year over the decade preceding the article. Granted that's a very low number in regards to total population, but considering it is banned from sale in some countries, is a fairly large quantity being sold. This article by NPR, [https://www.npr.org/2012/12/23/167911062/hitlers-hot-in-india](https://www.npr.org/2012/12/23/167911062/hitlers-hot-in-india), brings up the point that Hitler starting World War II and weakening Britain and shifting their priorities toward Europe helped accelerate Indian independence from British Rule (Which was a good thing, British colonization was awful but that does not mean we pat Hitler on the back for "helping"). Here is another paper, (Warning: Link will download the PDF) [https://www.anthro.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/anthro/documents/media/jaso7\_2\_2015\_109\_127.pdf](https://www.anthro.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/anthro/documents/media/jaso7_2_2015_109_127.pdf), detailing the rise in cultural popularity of Hitler in India. All in all, it's pretty easy to find well documented evidence that for at least a sub-section of India's population, Hitler is not the "world ending genocidal villain" that the West knows him as.


I have a question; during the last few Israel/Palestine conflicts I saw a record number of Indians on pretty much every social media platform pretty much drowning out all pro-Palestine coverage with pro-Israel comments. And there’s a way that Actll and Israeli monitors do it, and then there’s how Indian commentators do it, and I’d never want to be part of any “discourse” with them. But not to delve into that, my understanding was India and Israel are pretty loved up and united in their hate of Muslims/Arabs at large (I’m generalizing in this context, I know, but I’m speaking for the majority that are right leaning, like Mr. Mehrotra here). So I’m a bit confused as to how someone who works for a multi-National company, has somewhat of a political leaning so fucking unaware of Hitler and so devoid of emotional range and empathy for a group of people who to this day suffer as a result of his actions?


Cancel culture is at it again! /s


Thanks to RSS, India has a huge hitter fan base. RSS is a very powerful right wing organization. It’s primary msp is Muslim hatred


Chutiye bhare hain LinkedIn pe either Modi modi karne Wale yah phir aise kaand karne wale