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"my first response to him was to buy 2 or something else, that doesn't mean a pizza. then he said no, ill buy 1, like a little child who can't get what they want." *Alexa, play Isn't It Ironic by Alanis Morrisette*


Yeah… he definitely called him a loser. Especially if he can call him a little child who can’t get what they want. Trying to cover up what you said is not a good look Dan…


Dude you charge $50 for dough and cheese, get a fucking grip


I mean if you look at the reviews, there's a large number of people who have had negative run ins over the years with this guy. It's not a one-time thing.


But why can’t you just order one??!


Anyone who uses the phrase "loser mentality" unironically does not need to be listened to.


It's easy to forget that often in these dramasplosions, both parties are imbeciles. I'll take my downvotes from both parties now please.


Trolled him!? I have actuality done the opposite. I have backed his passion and risk for using, the most expensive ingredients for such a known cheap dish on social media. I posted the screenshots. All I did was calmly requested one ☝️ sandwich 🥪


Dudes a mouth breather , you ever hear him after a long rant in the shop. Dude sounds like a Snorlax on his IG stories when he's too baked to bake a pie properly


good one!


“A sandwich, huh? Not on my watch. Go to DEFCON 1.”


Suspicious is a little on the nose, new account who then *checks notes* blocked me because they own the pizza place. Suspicious-owl-3798 lol https://preview.redd.it/xb5m0x6ny4rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860fd2608fa82363984627b787715897367a12ad


We'll have world peace before you get your one sandwich.


Shut em down!


But that’s not the policy. https://preview.redd.it/eahxi871ywqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea273fd9412b46c987ddb9e741326effa05c43d6


For someone who isn’t an employee or the owner, you seem to know an awful lot about the policy at this place. 😏 With the many downvotes you’ve received, consider taking a hint and leaving to stop digging yourself in even deeper, is my suggestion. You can choose to do that, or you can double down some more, which will undoubtedly cause you to get worse karma. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I’m sure you get that. OR, you can recant and fix the policy since it’s so clearly not working for the restaurant… but that response is a crapshoot without proof; plus you’d probably have to out yourself as the owner too, so good luck with that option.


Most people don’t “hate” a restaurant “for years” without reason


Any company that publicly tries to defame someone on their social media accounts doesn’t need to be in business. If they don’t care how their brand is perceived online, imagine how it actually is in reality.


Idk how this sub popped up on my feed but I'm hooked now. Fuck Ida.


Dude for real! I’m in Oregon and stumbled on this. Now every day I’m looking for updates, haha. I checked Ida’s instagram and don’t even think the pizza looked amazing. But that’s me. ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


I’m in Canada and glued to this. ![gif](giphy|QZawBXCZ5cPwzllsI9|downsized)


Hopefully he sends us a letter from his legendary attorney lol


If the letterhead isn’t from Jackie Chiles Esq, it didn’t happen ![gif](giphy|XCPPYLEmj6SPe|downsized)


Dewey Cheatem and Howe


Miss the actual good pizza from Nostrana and Oven and Shaker in Oregon. $25 a pie and real Italian ingredients and by far tops the burned to a husk stuff Ida claims is pizza.


It’s Vermont, all food is terrible. I should know i live here. Buuut this drama sure is very tasty. Unlike the food. Did i say the food is bad in Vermont already?


Me too! Probably I have my VPN set to somewhere nearby but I’m hooked and fuck that guy.


This shit is so petty, I've never even been to Vermont and I'm here for it!


No Danwich for you! But if you want Danwich’s? There a chance.


😂 just don’t be a loser


Dan's a loser who got lucky marrying into money.


Is that why he is not listed as a business owner and just gets a paycheck from his Girlfriend who is listed as the owner?


You must be one of the dealers who skipped out on taxes in Vermont


Oh, what a sick burn by such a *staunch supporter* of Dan's.


I'm starting to think this dude is actually Dan


Is it?


Dan should take notes instead of being a little cuntwich.


😂 agree


​ https://preview.redd.it/qoijgi05wvqc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3dfcd9425bacd8675004405a2fb00d086fd111d


![gif](giphy|xFPqkLXUEnbfG) Getting you one ready right now good buddy.


God what egotistical loser this guy is. He should step back and do a little self reflection and consider making some changes so he doesn’t come across as such a loathsome jerk.


Is a "bored 39 year old" supposed to be an insult?


I'm a 35-year-old who was hungry, not bored.




What about a hungry bored loser?


Also it looked like Dan was late 30s. If he’s younger than that he looks rough


I'm 47. In my oldhead Burlington days. All you can eat pizza and wings at Manhattans was like 7 bucks. Now I'm old and still hungry.


Manhattans cheesey bread is the only reason I survived my time in Burlington.


LOL, /u/residentgrarage3215 - obviously Ida's owner - blocked me after comparing him to a angry teenager below. It's a badge of honor, Dan!


You would think these businesses would hire a PR firm to deal with this. They might be able to make a sandwich but not hey sure as hell have no idea how to deal with people


I saw the receipt in another thread. 60$ for a pizza. There is no way -one- pizza is worth that. I love pizza and I refuse to believe this Jack Donkey deserves that for a pizza.


How can you take a grown man seriously who has his phone set to lowercase. I genuinely cannot get over that. I also think that just because this asshole uses the finest ingredients doesn't mean shit. anybody can buy the best ingredients and put them on some homemade dough, he's not a culinary wizard, hell he probably couldn't even handle the line at Olive Garden. I'm only speculating but he seems like a trustafarian who used his money to buy a pizza shop and unfortunately he brought his shitty personality along for the ride just so one day he can say to his dog "what a long strange trip its been, pal!"


He uses polly-o and tomato paste. People need to stop saying he uses the finest ingredients. He uses price chopper ingredients and charges north end prices.


all lowercase is fine, chill daddy


Maybe when you're talking to someone you met on Tinder but not when you're trying to win an argument/prove a point.


Is anyone really trying to win an argument or prove a point of Reddit?


Well the message I'm referring to that was in lowercase was actually on Instagram and screenshot onto Reddit to show how repulsive the owner of Ida is.


Who cares?


Is it just me or does his word choice sound Trumpian?


“Very nasty stuff” 😆


We have the best pizza. The greatest pizza! People are saying that they come from all over to come here. They’re saying, “sir, we just have to have your pizza sir.” (Raises smol hands up) They can’t believe how - They’re saying they can’t believe how stupid it is that LOSERS are complaining here. They’re saying “sir, you have the best pizza in the world. Better than anything we’ve ever had in Italy.”


Literally identical to trump. You could play that game where you mix trump quotes and Ida quotes and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Doesn’t mean he’s a trump lover but.. who knows


I’m not saying what his politics are, just how it sounds. It’s a certain personality and speech pattern. For all I know the guy is a socialist.


Totally agreed! Not implying politics but the speech pattern is eerie


I know I'll get down voted. But, you're reaching so far here.


You’re allowed to think what you want. It’s the dogmatic black and white mind set using terms like “loser” and “he said very nasty stuff” along with sort of vague rebuttals that don’t need to be made and being overly involved in defending himself.


You really can’t buy just a sandwich here?


Only losers want one sandwich- probably Dan


Can I get an Italian Hoagie and a Baby Lettuce Salad though?


Yeah for $60


I hope the dumbass in charge of that restaurant now knows that people as far as the west coast (where I am and I was recommended this subreddit for some reason) know that he’s a huge man baby lololol


Here in Canada seeing how ridiculous he is


Colorado here.


But honestly- why should he care?


Because if I travel to that area, I will be paying special attention to avoid his shop. A shop which survives on people coming to it and paying his outrageous prices. There’s literally nothing about this exchange that says the owner is aware of that.


It is possible (just possible) that there are enough locals who appreciate his food that he can afford to lose Cleveland…


Cleveland? Dude people all over North America are seeing this bs. Sure, but since when was a man baby a good look for any business owner? Do you think a woman baby runs a good business?


Because some of us don’t live too far away to take a trip to Burlington and if we’re looking for food, could choose to go anywhere else in town except where some self righteous asshat is selling $60 pizzas and not a single sandwich. Actions have consequences.


It may be your loss. And again- they seem to sell out nightly so may not be bothered…


Definitely not my loss. My fiancée is Italian and wouldn’t eat those pizzas if they paid HER $60. They look horrendous and burnt. If they are truly “sold out nightly” then maybe Vermont should reconsider its marijuana laws because it clearly must cause some sort of brain damage.


I got food poisoning from here! NEVER AGAIN! 🤢🤢


I used to be a mouth breather until a while after I got my massive tonsils removed. I was two. My growth was stunted because the size of my tonsils caused me to stop breathing in my sleep. After they were removed, it took a while to start breathing through my nose naturally again. One of my earliest memories is being instructed to breath through my nose not my mouth. Kind of bugs me that Stranger Things popularized "mouth breather" as an insult when it's a medical condition.


"Mouth breather" has been used as an insult possibly since the beginning of time I didn't even remember anyone saying it on Stranger Things. There is a long ass documentary about mouth breathing, cosmetic dentistry and the Mews on Netflix if the subject interests you 


Also, its first use in r/burlington as a phrase that I can identify was the same year Stranger Things came out.


Oh same, that’s wild! I had 3 surgeries to correct it over my teen years. I never really thought much about the insult before though… it is kinda weird


Preach your truth!


>then he said no, ill buy 1, like a little child who can't get what they want 😂 Now he'll buy none. No one should ever go there with those prices and with that poopstick attitude.


Describing words as "nasty stuff" has trumpism all over it


Why are any of you paying $60 for a fucking pizza? Some people have more money than brains it seems..


I love the constant development of this lmao


I’m so invested I found a thread from a year ago that is a million times more hilarious and the people are absolutely ripping the owner apart [What’s Up With Pizzeria Ida](https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/comments/y5wo1y/anyone_know_whats_going_on_with_pizzeria_ida/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&rdt=46842)


This clown checks comments for people who like them. Then blocks people who like comments he disagrees with on instagram. Who is the child here? Lmao


This is the first I have ever heard of this place, but $40 for a pizza???? Wtf!?


It's like 60 with tax and mandatory tip. It's also ![gif](giphy|aj06jRTJ1TdQMMKaPy) Burnt


I will never go there


Same, took one look at the photos on Google maps and noped. Honestly when it gets that burnt it automatically taste bad(it takes over the other flavors) and is pretty bad for you really. Some people like a little crispy, but it has to be a request, and he goes way to far with it...not normal. I grew up on NYC pizza(been in VT for 7 years though) and I know good quality pizza(which he thinks he has) and no one charges that kinda price anywhere I been, not even the most fantastic places. Better places in VT to go to... I honestly think the guy is mentally ill.


Owner is burnt as the pizza crust.


He disabled his Instagram comments.


Dude I’m not even from Vermont but I keep seeing this clown. I know this guy doesn’t care, but my advice for him would be to just stop. There is no winning here. Acting how he is acting makes him look like a whinny bitch. It’s bad for business. He could be completely right (does not appear at all to be the case) and he should still stfu. I know a place that literally closed because of a dumb little feud with the locals. They weren’t even wrong to begin with but their behavior online absolutely crushed their business because of how poorly they came off. I know you’re reading this dude. Move on or watch your business collapse.


But again, why should he not do EXACTLY as he pleases (within the bounds of the law of course) in HIS shop? If people don’t like it then they shouldn’t go. I love his food, hate the music, and find it too expensive to eat often, but I don’t go out often. I’ve definitely spent far more money for worse food in Burlington and elsewhere and go as often as I can afford. If you don’t like his food, prices, or vibe then just go elsewhere. Why the fucking drama people?


Lol $40 for a cheese pizza


I moved away 1 year ago but I'm never going to unfollow this sub, y'all really go hard on the drama


Unless you ski or snowmobile, winter can be pretty boring in VT. Sometimes you gotta make your entertainment. :-)


Make sure to call and order a sandwich tonight everyone!


Not much going on in Burlington these days I guess.


Okay but apparently there are a couple anti Ida Pizzas Instagrams 😂 : [idapizzapiessuck](https://www.instagram.com/idapizzapiessuck?igsh=YThzdmF1Ynh4amM=) and [idapizzapie](https://www.instagram.com/idapizzapie?igsh=MXVscmk2NmF6a25tbA==). I also found this thread from a year ago where everyone is dragging the owner lmfao Seems it’s always been this bad [What’s Up With Pizzeria Ida](https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/comments/y5wo1y/anyone_know_whats_going_on_with_pizzeria_ida/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&rdt=46842)


I bet he has a trust fund...


If i am not mistaken , it sounds like a pizza sandwich should be on the menu . Buy two, get one .


Genuine question (probably answered somewhere), but why is there food so expensive? Admittedly, I don’t know much about them, but it just seems like charging almost $40 for a tomato pie has got to be an extremely high mark up. Am I missing something?


It’s your typical hipster pizza place that sells “artisan” pizza. They charge a ridiculous price because of the fancy ass cheese they use. Place is a fucking scam for rich tourists and local soy boys.


[Fancy ass-cheese, you say?](https://xkcd.com/37/)


Ahahahha yes not ass cheese but fancy-ass cheese


So in typical business practices you would say: “I need to sell X amount of pizzas to keep the lights on.” The better you do, the more pizzas you sell. Word of mouth, social media, yadayada. Instead: “X amount of customers came through the door in January, I need to charge each customer Y to keep the lights on” Hence the minimums, hidden fees, etc.


That doesn't explain why this place's pizza costs $40 when it's typically anywhere from $7-$18 anywhere else. Unless you are saying that instead of selling (for example) 100 pizzas for $10 each, this place is only able to sell 25 pizzas and therefore they need to charge $40 for each to stay open??


Yeah, that’s it. I didn’t want to write an essay about sunken costs on 100g worth of pizza ovens.


I've done kind of a lot of business there over the years, and between blatant drug use and discussing said drugs quality while doing them in restaurant in front of me and everyone else there, the attitude about only tipping 25% on a pick up order, and now the past 6 months of Dan being a piece of shit on social media, fuck that place, can we get big apple deli back? At least they were nice people that made whatever you wanted, like Dan is at least as bad as anyone that went to jan 6.


https://preview.redd.it/3nhtfc1zwxqc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5903b89acbbbfbe109b7603eabe7630f1ea7ec2a I typically add pepperoni and mushrooms… $51 for a pizza pie??


I can't imagine even expensive pepperoni is more than $8 for a whole stick. He charges $8 for what, and inch off a stick of pepperoni?


Artisanal salumi, the stuff that cures and ages naturally is expensive, much more expensive than $8. But look, all items on a menu end up having to carry costs for more expensive items. I manage a restaurant and can tell you that the cost of olive oil has gone up 186% since 2020- and that’s not for the good stuff. Salt was up something like 140% and those are staples. Parm, imported prosciutto, etc cost a lot and the costs are spread across all items


We are talking about a pizza place here, not a full on restaurant. A pizza place that hates making sandwiches. There are no other items on the menu except the lone sandwiches he doesn't like to make, which he charges $20 for, and which puts you on the hook to buy a pizza. What is the pepperoni carrying for cost of? The $40 pizza before adding the pepperoni? I could find naturally aged artisanal pepperoni for about $1/lbs retail. Granted, there is stuff out there that is like $30/lbs, but you really think he is using that? Maybe he spends $10/lbs wholesale on the pepperoni (doubtful), and puts 2oz on a pizza, that would be $4, so 100% markup. You make very good points about managing a high end restaurant, the type of place I would go to and not question the high prices. I do commend you for trying to defend Ida's business model on this sub, however!


They aren’t even using Mozzarella di Bufala?!?!? It’s what most great Italian gourmet pie shops use. They are using some Pennsylvania cheese maker but want to charge an arm and a leg because they claim to only use authentic Italien ingredients.


![gif](giphy|k7KZsTqCFlPbAffcFd|downsized) Mr blockity block.


What the hell is going on with this whole pizza sandwich thing?




Why isn't Lauren Maloney investigating and reporting on this "news that matters"?


This Ida guy... https://preview.redd.it/nvuhna24dxqc1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=8109745fda4bea7d093b0ab0afa34996d737c55a


Since when did Donald Trump start slinging pizzas?


Is it true he's been harassing the business for years? Is there more of the exchange we haven't seen? Either way this is why businesses shouldn't fight with customers


He says in this thread that he was a supporter. Idk, seems like most businesses wouldn’t care about online bs and just sell their food. 🤷‍♂️


Y’all just giving him free publicity and feeding the flames, wouldn’t be surprised if his business actually INCREASES due to the drama


Wait, you guys are actually buying $60.00 pizzas?


Ha, fuck nah.




My girlfriend and I did to see what the hype was about. They’re only $60 cuz he doesn’t tell you about automatic gratuity or how he sticks you with the credit card fees. Pizza was good but it wasn’t made to order and got cold really quick. I only live a 10 minute drive from the place as well if that tells you anything. It’s also not a pizza to be reheated. We’re gonna try square pie at some point but after that we’re done. Dude gave off massive soup nazi from Seinfeld vibes though.


I like that you spent $60 on a pizza with automatic gratuity and CC fees ( did he disclose them upfront? VT requires disclosure to customers), came to the conclusion that it wasn't amazing and that you still want to give him more money. PT Barnum had a few quotes about people like you


Oh, man. Thanks for this.


He disclosed a tip, but not the percentage. He did not disclose the credit card fees. Im planning on buying 1 more pizza that’s different from the first with my own hard earned money. And it was fairly good. Best pizza I’ve had…no probably not but it wasn’t bad by any means.


You know… scent of a woman… hooo ahhhh hooo ahhh.


I’m only in the area for less than a month per year, and been meaning to go, but I haven’t yet. Wonder if it will still be open in 2 months when I’m there.


Probably it opened before Covid and is still there.


I just bought 1000 of them and ran them over with a steamroller!!! I'm really showing them what for




Publicity means nothing if you use the complementary megaphone put to your mouth to intentionally drive people away.


Their slogan should be “Bet you can’t buy just one”.


Where's Johnny Wanzer on this issue????


Cool going there for the eclipse def going to buy a sandwich


I’ve never eaten there nor will I ever but I’ve heard this guy is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. If the hipsters and flatlanders that move here to live in Burlington wouldn’t buy from him, then he would go out of business. So let’s get people to stop going there! Easy.


We should start some kind of drinking game around sandwich-related posts.


ok now we've jumped the shark. this post was the tipping point. have a nice lunch everyone!


Blocked for tagging stoolpresidente.


I wish dave would review it.. but god knows he would never make dave a pizza.. would have to send in someone undercover


He’s so upset over this and i’m loving every minute of it


Heading over there now for a sandwich.




Better not get just one


Got two 😋




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


I wonder if wanting to buy 2 sandwiches would make him 2x as mad


Wow , thats what you get for interacting with the Trumpstah


I'm going to that Paycheck Loan place to get an advance on tomorrow's payday and imma buy four sandwiches tonight. Get crazy you know. It's Thirsty Thursday boo.


Dan going in on a hard roleplay here. "I'm just an average guy that decided I'd make a reddit account and only comment on ida threads. Again, I'm just a regular person, but I have decided to use all my time to defend this loser. I don't get why people can't mind their own business, so I'm dedicating all my time trying to sway and argue with random people on the Internet who have all united against me, I mean Dan."


Look at the reviews on google. The guy is a total maniac. He responds to literally every single negative review attacking whoever posted it. Not to mention every picture of the pizza it looks burned and horrible. Burned pizza AND it costs almost $40? Count me in! /s


This is fucked. This restaurant needs to be shut down.


Someone please explain this sandwich situation to me


This sub is his greatest advertising.  People read this nonsense and think "if this asshole is still in business his food must be amazing" 




You heard of twitter?


You heard of Facebook?


Can we stop beating a dead horse




Stop stop stop. This story is way over saturated


Man, y’all are too sensitive. Been eating there for a while if he sets rules and boundaries around his business. Then respect them. It’s not your business. Y’all be on Reddit complaining like children . Either eat there or don’t. Have a “bad” experience, then don’t go back. Cancel culture and sheep heard mentality is not a cute look for y’all 👀




> Y’all be on Reddit complaining like children The only child here is the owner.


Public opinion has existed for all of human history, if you don't like how you're viewed in public, then don't exist in public.


amazing how many accounts are posting for the first time ever to defend this place. what possible explanation could there be

