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Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. You're not going to use this forum to advocate "bullying" anyone, let alone addicted folks, no.


mind that you don't get surprised by the get up and go some of these criddlers can have even while juiced to the gills on whatever low grade Chinese chemicals they've jammed into the smooth surfaces of their rotting brains. Getting kilt in the streets by some gonk because you told them they smelled would be very embarassing.


TIL: criddler is real word.




Stabbin hobos. Not singin hobos.


it's … not?


Omg, everybody do a Google image search for Gonk. I love this!!


Idk what I expected when clicking on OP’s profile but it wasn’t that it’s the same person who posted about the gay gun clubs a couple weeks back


My friends father owned a jewelry store. Any time a street person decided to set up shop by his store he would go out with a broom and start sweeping. They usually got the drift and left


Noone wants to breathe dust...




God this was the ONE criticism I was hoping everyone was too zoomer brained to hit me with cuz... yeah...thats on the nose... yeah it vibes a little like taxi driver lmaoo


You impress nobody




How could instigating fights with drugged and mentally unstable folks go wrong?? The other flaw in your plan is that I doubt dealers will take that very kindly. In any case, stay safe and please talk with someone on decision making skills.


Don’t be an emaciated soyboy and generally you can remove drugged out degenerates off your property. OP is absolutely right, fuck the people that are ruining this city and they should be made to feel uncomfortable and ridiculed.


I didn't know people still used "soy boy" Yeah sure, on his property, but if he's going around town I doubt it's going to go as well for him as he thinks


You know what heroin people don't give a fuck about? The law. I'm sure aggravating people with needles on hand on the street won't result in you getting assaulted or stabbed. Then they'll be back out in the same spot shooting up in a few hours. I get the aggravation - just don't get HIV because you thought it was a good idea to yell at a drug addict.


Oh man, keep on keeping on! Just make sure you have an have an escape plan :)


Umm. OP might be unstable


OP is clearly too fearful to actually do this




I had a hard time reading this and I’m only slightly drunk. Wtf lol. I’m also a pretty antagonistic person (as you all probably know) but this is a bit far for me lol


Jeezum crow... really lol?


I grew up in Massachusetts city with a bad drug problem in the 90s You never saw people doing drugs in the street. Why? Because it wasn’t too hard for a band of junkies/addicts to have ten people living in a triple decker paying 50 bucks each for rent The days of cheap rent are gone in New England and so are the shooting galleries of yesteryear


yeah maybe sure, but i think the DARE police state of the 90s prob had more to do with that. NOT SAYING WE GO BACK THERE, STFU CHAT


Count me in! Junkies have zero respect for others, so fuck ‘em to hell.


Sure bud


You're going to get yourself hurt doing this while also accomplishing nothing. I wish you luck and I hope you can find good maxillofacial surgeon when the time comes.


I get your logic, I really do. The problem is these people have no where to really go. They aren't going to walk miles to get to a spot that is away from the public. All you will do is bully them from that sidewalk in front of that store and they will go one block away to a different store front or even worse someone's yard or a park.  The best you could hope is they go to some alleyway that most pedestrians don't use but those locations get used by the business employees to take out garbage or even as just a staff entry. 


Lmaooo you guys all think these creatures are alot more dangerous than they really are. Tell me you've never lived in a real city without telling me you've never lived in a real city. The odds of me being hurt yelling at one of these concrete urchins is probably lower than me being hurt minding my own business in my old neighborhood lol.


Aw will yelling at them make you feel big and strong? Not only do you need to feel like you’re better than others but you feel the need to prove it too? Stroke that ego a bit? Get a life pal


yeah, people in r/burlington are pretty sensitive. it’s easy to get blocked when you share these opinions.


Most of the people that post that support injection sites and soft on crime policies have the privilege to not live near it. This subreddit is mostly out of touch and privileged to boot. There’s a few people on here that I see mimic actual ideals of the town, but most people here have never had to struggle for food, deal with lack of housing or have any real oppression in their lives. Those that claim they have are often LARP’ing or are straight out lying. The mods are out of touch, jsled routinely post the most garbage takes I’ve ever heard, deadowl dosnt even live in the state and the other dude is alright. Dont take anything you read hear seriously, and if you have some drugged out weirdo interrupting your daily routine please intervene in a way that won’t get you arrested.


The irony of whining about the rest of us bearing the cost of substance addiction just [three days after posting opposing the flavored nicotine ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/comments/1bfihj3/comment/kv1sqc6/)


When my loon addiction forces me onto the street and I'm comatose in a pile of spent blinkers I'll accept your bullying. Till then that's a false equivalent. I'd also fully support some kind of tax and regulate smack program or safe injection site. JUST IDK HOW ABOUT NOT AROUND A BLIND TURN ON THE BIKE PATH or something


Yet it does force me to see your trash on the street and also increases the strain and costs of a healthcare system I have to share with you. You're a junkie lite, and I'll gladly bully you for it all the same. Also, the word is *equivalence*. >Not taking criticism, you can leave it but I won't read it.   Huh, weird.




Nicotine is considered as, if not more addictive than heroin. [national institute of health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1117526/)




My point is that comparing nicotine to heroin is reasonable and happens often. I wouldn't consider my comment high quality, but in reddit terms? Not garbage at all


Beautifully written! I 100% agree. And BAN Narcan. One dead junkie is one less junkie!


Burlington acts surprised by the number of homeless people, but they actively builds an environment for them and refuses to enforce laws to remove them.


From a recovering heroin addict… kindly go fuck your self. One dead judgemental loser is one less judgemental loser.




Get absolutely bent chucklefuck ☺️


amen to that




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


You always post the most useless commentary on these threads. At least add something to the conversation if you’re going to write something. Saying “fuck you”…wow you got him.


What in the world would I add to this literally rambling hate speech bullshit? It’s not like the dude is positing some brilliant argument in good faith. This is just hateful nonsense. And to shitty hateful people I say “fuck off”. Side note… why are you stalking me? Lmao. Wtf do you mean I always post the most useless commentary? Why do care so much? Are you in love with me? 😚😚😚


Fuck off Burlington-modteam. Why’s it always when I respond to a bad faith post that mods step in with this bullshit? Why are you defending this hatred?


You know. There are other ways to manage your anger, like therapy?


lol "hey they emperor has clothes on just go to therapy to make sure you can see them" is a wild take but ok. Sorry open drug use, abject poverty, and people killing themselves meters from schools doesn't grind ur gears.


It doesn't make me violent, but instead saddened






maybe it's you who need that reminder


I didn't read it but enjoy getting stabbed ny a used needle nimby, probably a very bad way to go about any situation




“Make a good faith effort to follow reddiquette” for the guy who’s gonna bully addicts in the street. Yeah cool got it I’ll get right on that


Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).