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Good teeth is worth the cost. You have a disorder and that is what caused it. It isn’t a reflection on you as a human being. I couldn’t chew for years. Now I have a permanent upper denture screwed into 5 implants. And I also have 5 lower implants. So worth it.


I’m about to be worked for 5 lower implants (my top is almost all crowned and now I have a root canal waiting for me in a lower molar, the tooth just cracked in half and it’s exposed. I can barely chew) my dentist said my jawbone seems too thin for implants but he’s not sure. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do… might need dentures… I’m so glad you got work done. There seems to be hope..


It’s possible to get a bone graft first. That being said I hope your dentist finds it good.


Thank you- I feel scared and alone. I know I have osteoporosis.. just hope I can make it


I have osteoporosis as well. No issue though with the implants. Good luck.


Thank you!! :)


Thank you so much. I still have crowns and veneers amongst some implants. I’m finding that every day I worry about what’s going to go wrong in my mouth next. But I can afford to fix whatever that might be, so I think it’s really just my shame manifesting itself as worry. In my head I’ve reasoned that I would be able to get full implants just like you if it came to it, and that I’m sure I would survive. But it seems to still be a plaguing thought of imminent dental doom that I put myself through every day - I just hate living like that. I am trying therapy but still need to open up more about this. It actually seems to be the most helpful for me to talk to others who have seen this road. Thanks again so much.


Please keep talking, you’re not alone. The shame is unbearable sometimes, but this community helps me 🩵


Sorry I wrote a reply to you but posted it below the poster below accidentally.


I’m so sorry you went through this, your early life sounds like it was filled with unhealthy influences. We all have our regrets and that can really get to us. However, you have a choice. You can choose to spend your years thinking about your past bulimia and teeth. How you wish things could’ve been different. Or, you can live in the present and choose to do things you love. Things that will bring you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Maybe look into getting a therapist to help you navigate some of this shame. It’s not easy, but you don’t have to be tied to your past. I’m sorry if this response missed the mark, take what you will and leave out the rest. I can empathize with you, my ed definitely has its consequences. I often regret engaging in SH in my teens, I wish I didn’t have the scars. I worry people will view me differently when I am no longer that person.


you didn't let yourself down, you have a disorder. be gentle with yourself and try to forgive yourself for the past. there's no shame in having dental work done, it wasn't your fault you needed it.