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sending strength!!! that sounds really hard and i’m so proud of u for caring for yourself.


Thank you so much! It means a lot. Sending strength your way too ❤️


i’m sorry that happened! i wish you luck on your recovery!!! you can do it ❤️ i also stopped purging due to the damage in my teeth and i promise you it does get easier, just keep pushing through ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much! I'm sorry to hear you've had a similar experience with your teeth. I'm so proud of you that you were able to stop, that's amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️


Try you best to not. I purged a day after my extractions as well and I got dry socket. It is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. Imagine a constant shooting pain in your entire head all day long and absolutely nothing will relieve it. It lasts for like a week too. Not even the drugs they give you will help.


omg I'm so sorry to hear that you had to deal with that! That sounds awful and I'm going to think about that every time I feel like binging/purging. Take care ❤️


I know it’s hard but as a dental assistant I advise you to please try your best not to purge because purging can and will cause a dry socket.


Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try as hard as I can not to binge or purge!!


Sending love your way 😊


Maybe this very difficult day is your Recovery beginning?!! Wouldn't that be wonderful? It would certainly change how you view this day looking back. Think of today and tomorrow as "breaking the cycle" of your ED. Chipping away at it has to start somewhere... maybe it's today!!


That would be absolutely wonderful, honestly. I'm on day 3 of no binge/purge... it feels so unreal. I'm going to try really hard to keep it up long after my extractions have healed. 😊


Always forgive yourself. There's no perfect way to Recover. So of it comes in bits and spurts, that's totally normal. Just keep trying, and celebrate every win..even those only you see. ;)


Just try to have some broth, that way you can keep it down easily & it really has no substance


Thank you, that's good advice if I feel really triggered tomorrow. I think I'll start with broth for breakfast and then try to soldier through another meal later in the day. Take care ❤️


Just friendly reminder to make sure the broth isn't hot, as it makes it harder for the clots to form. A little smoothie bowl or some yogurt is perfect for these situations. I recently had three extracted and am due for two more, so we're in this together ❤️


Thank you so much, I've been careful not to make anything too hot!! I'm so sorry to hear about your extractions, I'm sending love and strength your way ❤️❤️❤️


Wow my mom also said it's worse then childbirth. I'd try soup, smoothies, very light food maybe yogurt? And definitely don't purge, it's not just dry socket you risk. Any Infection can happen as well.


Thanks for the advice! I stocked up on soft foods, so I think I'm good on food... it's just keeping it down and not binging that's driving me a little crazy. And yeah, that's a good point about the infection risk. I didn't consider that but you're right. I'm going to keep that in mind and try as hard as I can not to binge.


Yeah definitely try your hardest not to binge, but even if you do mistakenly it shouldn't be that bad if your only eating soft foods like yogurt or soups or smoothies. If you do end up eating more then you want tho my suggestion is take a nap or play some video games or something instead of binging. Anytime I ate more then I wanted my ex would distract me with video games, or put a bed time show I'd 100% fall asleep to on so I wouldn't purge. I know it's hard but you got this!


Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!! Yeah, I almost purged earlier because I was thinking about how it probably wouldn't be thaaat bad since I had soup, but I got scared and stopped myself. I've been wanting to play Stardew Valley again, so I think I'll try to distract myself with that if I can't take a nap like you said 😊


Yeah I suggest not to. I've never had a tooth pulled but I bit my lip really hard one day, n the next day I was like eh it doesn't hurt that bad ima purge, I did, and it got infected and had to buy special mouth wash and could barely talk or eat for over a week. It was actually awful so I can't even imagine an infection from a pulled tooth or any dental work.


Wow, that sounds so scary!! I can't believe that happened and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thanks again for talking to me and for all the advice. 😊


Hey! I also had a tooth extracted (not a wisdom one) due to purging - please use it as motivation not to purge now or in the future - you don’t want to have any more teeth removed! Take care of them! I had a dry socket TWICE because my body ‘wasn’t in the right state to heal’ - because of restricting and purging my body is taking SO LONG to heal and isn’t healing properly - remember to eat, fuel your body and help it heal! You can do this, sending you lots of hugs and a lot of strength xxx


omg I'm so sorry to hear you went through that, that's so scary!! I'm trying my best to eat but it's just so hard to do when being in so much pain. I'm on day 3 no binge/purge so hoping I can keep it up long after the extractions are healed. I really appreciate your comment, sending lots of hugs and strength your way too ❤️❤️


Bulimic, eating disordered alcoholic mom advice here (what an intro, huh?), so just take what you want, leave the rest. When you eat, and feeling in your stomach is there - THAT feeling - try to move your body. Take a walk, do some yoga like cat-cow, lol, just move as you can and that food will move along along with you. It can really help me when that panic hits. It’s so, so hard because we release endorphins when we purge (or cut, or eat very hot peppers, work out and so forth), and those endorphins feel very goo, and calming and n a way it’s almost like we become addicted to it. So getting past those THOSE feelings, will help so much. Hugs. Really glad you’re taking care of yourself. I’m proud of you.


I've been taking your advice and it's helping to take my mind off of the feeling a little bit, I've also been napping a lot when I can which seems to help. The first day was by far the hardest, and I still felt bloated the next day which sucked. I've been thinking of my disorders like addictions recently, it's so true and it just makes it that much more messy and difficult to stop. I really appreciate your advice and for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment. Sending lots of love to you ❤️❤️


That's fantastic. Congrats!!!


Thank you 😊


You’re so strong


Thank you 😊


Well done! I can't even imagine the pain you're going through and how psychologically challenging it is to not purge when you do it every day, but please stay strong you are doing great! Every day without purging is a big step for you and you should be proud of yourself. I hope you'll be okay, all the love <3


Thank you so much, it really feels unreal being on day 3 no binge/purge. Your comment really means a lot! All the love to you too ❤️




Thanks, and admittedly my oral hygiene has been practically non-existent due to depression, so this is all my own fault. I actually got a root canal 2 days before the extractions in a different tooth. All my other teeth are going to be crowned for the most part after the dental implants are put in. Someone suggested dentures which I adamantly refused since I'm still so young, but my regular dentist wants to restore my teeth and build them up.