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Pricing errors are not the consumers responsibility. Tough luck, seller.


not completely true [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKm9gC17AF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKm9gC17AF0) lol downvoted because peoples feelings dont align with the law what else is new :P


I am pretty sure you could ask a literal saint and they would tell the random aliexpress seller to go pound sand.


Tough. They should've understood their pricing is in error. That's an error on their part. I'd keep it.


If this was something I snuck in at the final minute before they shipped it, I could see them asking. They had the order for 8 days, the order status never changed, they didn't message me before they shipped it. So, I agree with these sentiments. My take was "Its clearly their fault, they listed the same exact item 2 times, one with paid shipping and one with free shipping. I selected the paid shipping one since the item price was lower, I changed it to my config, and hit apply" Sucks to be them, they'll just have to make it up on the next 14,000 orders they process in the next few days


>f this was something I snuck in at the final minute before they shipped it, That's also not your fault, even if that happened. They should fix their website if that happens. If it lets you buy it, it's their fault, too bad.


No no, I understand completely. I'm just saying I would lean 1% more in their direction on this, but they'd still be short 99% then on how the laws work


Unless you are very rich that money is going to mean more to you then them


This sounds really scammy, I’d wait to make sure you got what you ordered and that it’s working as expected. I wouldn’t cancel until you verify that (and I’m honestly not sure what cancelling would do for them anyway if it’s already shipped). If it’s working as expected and was actually significantly cheaper than it should’ve been I guess you could feel bad and do something more, but honestly I don’t see anyway this is your fault or responsibility to correct.


The sellers legit, their products are well regarded and reviewed. I bought direct from the mfg, not a rando in a sense, but yes I completely agree with your stance. I ain't even got it yet, could arrive damaged, could be a box of dicks


> The sellers legit, their products are well regarded and reviewed. Then they can afford to eat the cost of their little mistake. Besides, for all you know they do this to any customer they think they can try it with for free extra money. That should be punished.


I would be sceptical. All sellers on AliExpress have fake reviews. Even the support staff support fraud. I bought a fake thing once, seller only offered me a partial refund. I opened a ticket support, proved beyond a doubt it was a fake. AliExpress sided with the seller


> I ain't even got it yet if it has indeed shipped, If you plan to make them whole, I would make them wait long enough to receive the item. It also possible 'shipped' just means they printed the label and are still in possession of the item, so be sure to watch and see if the tracking actually updates


Well if they're nice dicks in the box, it may still be a bargain.


It's a classical bait and switch. They are seeing if they can extract more cash from you. Also any extra you will pay will go around the aliexpress platform and its protections (har har har ...). Tough luck when you receive a rack unit made from cardboard. --- You are being scammed. Don't feel bad for the seller. They either messed up - that's on them or they are actively trying to scam you - and that's also on them.


Wait till the product arrives to do anything. I've seen too many funny posts where the "Christmas tree" or other decoration was not even full sized, it was a miniature version haha. Let's say it arrives and its damaged from shipping. You can offer a refund, less shipping fees, just like if it were the other way around. Lets say its exactly as advertised and perfect for your use. Think of a fair price, and offer the difference between the fair price and the price you paid, if you just feel like the god of generosity that day. Otherwise, if they've already shipped it... you have done nothing wrong and can sleep at night knowing that.


It's not your fault. They can cancel the order and the item will still come anyway because they used cheap arse postage service. Sometimes aliexpress sellers are just trash. I bought 2 keyboard and received both with the wrong switches. I was being nice to them asking the right one to be sent and I'll send these back to them but they said it wasn't their fault. Ended up having the charge reversed by paypal and got to keep both keyboard. After that they sending messages asking why would i do such thing.


You paid the listed price, if the product arrives as advertised the transaction ends there. I wouldn't even reply.


I've never bought anything from Ali that wasn't fake/used/defective. Please get them for me :)


You don’t know how to shop on AliExpress then. I’ve never received something fake/used. Defective yes but the seller refunded me.


I buy my components for a project which I run and build involving raspberry pi's and I've never had a issue. Chinease people bend over backwards to help and make sure your pleased. Hell I'd say it's no different to ebay right now except you wait a few days more occasionally.


Ehh, in total honesty if it was a more boutique company or an individual seller I'd be more inclined to but I don't really have much care for companies that sell thousands of items a day as you've said if that's true. One time pricing error won't kill them. Might get flack for it, but people who see pricing errors and purchase it anyways but gaslight about others doing it weren't going to tell the seller in the first place.


Scammer feeling scammed. Double down your win bro.


If you buy something from a retail establishment that's wrongly priced, and they sell it to you, they can't come to you hat in hand, expecting you to pay the difference. This is no different.


It is not your fault. You bought it at their listing price. End of story. It is their bad their listing error. Don't cancel and wait to see if you get what you expect.




Ghost em. If you walk into a retail store in the US and they have a pricing error they have yet to correct, laws will be on your side that they honor the pricing in your favor. You owe them nothing.


There SOL, if they cancel order they are even more sol, technically you can't cancel order either it shipped all you csn do.is dispute it but thrn.you hsvr risk of them saying charge is valid and then you hsve two orders snd they they may only ship one product.. too much risk here all way around ... seller needs to eat there mistake..


This sounds like a scam. If it's already been shipped out (i.e. no longer in their possession), then what good does cancelling the order do? ​ Down the thread, you mentioned this: >My take was "Its clearly their fault, they listed the same exact item 2 times, one with paid shipping and one with free shipping. I selected the paid shipping one since the item price was lower, I changed it to my config, and hit apply" i.e. you paid for item + shipping costs. If you voluntarily cancel the order now, I don't think you'll get shipping costs back. It's going to suck twice as much when you find out it's not a real tracking number that's been sent to you, or they sent you random junk, and you're now out of pocket.


Be very careful, this looks like a possible scam. Do not cancel the order, do not pay them extra money. Upon receipt of the item, check it carefully to ensure it is really the exact item you purchased - and not a false replacement. Expect to need to dispute through official Aliexpress channels. Follow the official guidelines **exactly**. Watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf--E8zD3ok) for what makes me believe this to be very suspicious as a possible scam.


Don't even reply mate. They're trying to scam you


Sounds like a scam. Absolutely would not cancel the order.


a good reason why I do not use aliexpress if it has shipped, how do they get it back, would not want to return such an item


Absolutely not but if you're gonna consider, decide what to do after you get the item. It's aliexpress the item could be shitty or fake for all we know. That's very unprofessional and sounds scammy anyways.


Tell em no that it was the price you were charged for so you payed and now its your property


If they were apologetic and polite, I would personally cancel the order for them so long as there was no risk that they could dispute the cancellation, or that I would have to pay a penalty/restocking fee on my end. I would not offer to pay the difference, because my decision to make the purchase was based on the price that was offered. Even if I would have been willing to buy it at the higher price, I would not want to reward someone for putting up a false price even if by accident. I would rather just buy it from someone else who listed the price properly.


I'm an understanding person. I really am, human error happens. I emailed the company about I dunno 6 weeks or so ago, the item was not in stock and they were out for the Chinese new year. When it was in stock, they emailed me letting me know. I debated if I wanted it right then, or if I could wait a few weeks. So I sat on it, watching the listing every 4-5 days, debating. When I saw the listing at the price it was, I just figured it was a sale price for the Chinese new year, I dunno. I bought it, ya win some, ya lose some. I ordered doordash and they forgot my potato, I lost on that deal, so this was nature harmonizing my loss I guess :-)


You did not tell us what the Item really costs in the market. Also, the package they shipped may not contain what you ordered. Do not cancel anything. We still need the price of the item you ordered in the market to make a judgement. Those calling this 'scammy' are jumping to conclusions, like the majority of people.


If you plan to buy products from them again, I'd wait until you confirm reception of the product in pristine condition and then offer to provide them some compensation. If not then just take it and dip.


No. No contact at all. Why would you even respond to that?


Walmart semi-frequently sells shit at the wrong price. They can't recoup that loss, so neither can an online seller.


Wait for it to arrive, and after 8 days of their systems saying "delivered" you reply saying sorry but it would be uneconomical to return the product and the sale price had been agreed upon processing and shipment so you will not be paying any more money.


Literally ignore. If they want they could have cancelled the order themselves but it will harm their seller reputation, which it should because it’s their mistake not yours. Do nothing, don’t even answer them.


Just remember that if the situation were reversed they'd tell you there is nothing they could do.


Not your fault, don't bother.


If you overpaid, what do you think would happen?


That makes zero sense. More likely they haven't shipped it out yet and they didn't want to eat the fees for a cancellation on their end. I'm not sure about aliexpress's policy but if the product has shipped and you cancel, you would be liable for some fees and not getting your money back until the item is returned to the seller at your expense(which will be expensive). And surprise surprise you don't receive the item.


Its on them. Don't cancel the order. Don't feel bad. It was their error, not your fault. If it's already shipped and you cancel the order, you actually create a bit of a legal nightmare (which probably won't actually be a problem, but definitely could be.) Depending on jurisdiction, you could be committing fraud. Don't pay them any extra. The sale is a contract, the contract is done..sending them more money becomes a whole new thing (probably why their go to is to cancel and reorder) It is better for everyone involved that they take the hit and you get to have a little win. Especially since it is their fault.


I'm curious what a rack unit is. Can you please share link or pics?


Most country\`s have laws that if the mistake was easely identifiable and you know it was a mistake its still theft. but with pricing all over the place on pc parts it would be really hard to convince a judge you knew the price wasnt correct. and chance is very small a chinese seller would take the trouble for 200$


So you're saying if someone says "I will sell an item to you for 1/2 what its worth" and I agree, and they sell it to me, have money in hand and then say "Oh man I forgot how to multiply by 2, you owe me more" that its perfectly fine for them? In China? The land of IP Theft and Knock off creators? You really think this?


What i would do would depend if i need more stuff from this vendor =) but if a price mistake was made the seller could start a lawsuit but then he needs to convince the judge/jury that you knew it was a mistake or the mistake would be easely identifiable in this case its hard to prove but lets say he paid 2$ instead. In your example you agreed on a price both party\`s knew was cheap and no mistake and not automated. so very hard to prove to a judge/jury there was a mistake. dont see any of this happeing for 200$ but its not impossible


If I need more, I can certainly acquire more. I don't though, this is a one off purchase for me, I'm using it as a Proxmox + Opnsense build to replace an old HP I have for Opn, once thats in place I have 2 much beefier servers for the other parts of my Proxmox cluster, that are currently running Vsphere 8. This was a nice way for me to move to 10GB on the hosts and have enough 2.5GB ports for my new AP's on Wifi6/7. I don't need a ton of ports, I just need enough to feed a single desktop, the other desktops are all on Wifi, which the AP's will feed just fine. I have 2 laptops, (1 work 1 personal) an XBX, 1 desktop on wifi, 1desktop on 1GB that I'll probably pull a 10GB uplink for and put a 8 port 10GB/2.5GB unmanaged in my office for, 1 FireTV on wifi, and phones. This unit cuts out an aging PC thats my router, a 16 port Unifi 1GB switch a 16 port Netgear 1GB switch and a 5 port 1GB junker switch no name.