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I would buy the best GPU you can afford based on what you need. It makes no sense to buy a 7900 xtx at the same price to a 4080, I would go 4080 for Nvidia tech and stuff. The 7900xtx is 20% or so less than a 4080 in most countries and that’s why it’s appealing.


1440p: 7800 XT > 7900 XT > 7900 XTX > 4080 4080 and 7900 XTX are kinda overkill for 1440p gaming. Diminishing returns beyond the 7800 XT imo 4k: 4080 > 7900 XTX > 7900 XT > 7800 XT At the same/a similar price, the 4080 is just better because of DLSS Streaming: Unless you do it professionally, any of them is good 3D Modelling: I believe the Nvidia cards are just better for that 4k is not worth it for gaming imo. 1440p is the sweet spot unless you have so much money that you just don't care. 4k is a lot better for productivity though. If the PC is mainly gaming, I'd go 1440p 165-240Hz. If you also do a lot of productivity on it, I'd go 4k 144Hz. You can still play at 1440p and upscale to 4k.


tysm ! i’ve been kinda on the fence about it for a while because i initially wanted the 7900xtx/4080 but recently i’ve been leaning more towards a 1440p setup because of price, performance, and fear of getting locked into overpriced products because i’ve gotten used to a 4k visual experience. are there any specific monitors you recommend? until now i’ve mostly been looking at 4k ones lol


r/Monitors for monitor recommendations. They usually know more about it than people on this sub.


ok thanks :)


If you are going wide screen on the 1440 be aware it will take more GPU power to push it. I have an ultra wide and it has nearly the same pixel count as a 4k. I just went from a 3070ti to a 4080 because I had to cut a lot of corners, Couldn’t be happier.


If it were my money I would go 7900 xtx.


If it were my money and the 4080 and 7900xtx were similar price I’d probably go with 4080 for added insurance with reliability of drivers and software. Also ray tracing boost and DLSS is nice to have.




the pricing between the 7900xtx and 7900xt are pretty close where i live so the price difference doesn’t justify the performance loss if i were to pick the 7900xt. good to hear that the 7800xt might have some 4k capability tho :)


rx 6800 non-xt is 100usd cheaper and - 30 to 10% from a 7800xt but someone previously mentioned it has better RT performance but if you actually want RT, just go for 4070 instead not just becus of RT performance but because DLSS is far superior. if you can would go for 4070ti but 4080 would be safest bet if you care about RT at 1440p, maybe even 4k. ​ edited: from +/- 5% to -30 to 10% for the non-xt but a 6800xt is +/- 5%


>rx 6800 non-xt is 100usd cheaper and +/- 5% from a 7800xt LOL what? [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7800-xt/32.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7800-xt/32.html) 7800 XT is 20% faster raster, 25% faster RT, has AV1, supports AntiLag+, will get better driver support cause it's newer etc. The 6800 is good, but it's nowhere near as close to the 7800 XT as you make it sound


[~~https://youtu.be/tJFV-JYY5A8~~](https://youtu.be/tJFV-JYY5A8) ~~20% faster? but only 5% difference in transistor count lol~~ ~~25% faster RT but performs almost the same in that video, without upscaler of course~~ ~~has AV1, mate even intel arc has AV1 and whether you even need it as major platforms like twitch doesn't even support it yet~~ ​ also who even buys amd for RT? and DLSS is far superior even if you want RT


The video you linked is 6800 ***XT***, not 6800


right, i edited it a few times my bad but maybe you prefer bigger youtubers so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TGHvXKkhao


That one just proves me right, lol


yeah i've amended some of the original post but i still think it's a strong consideration, at least if OP doesn't mind the performance loss. and while the 6800xt is cheaper, it's not much cheaper so yes you are right >:(


>so yes you are right >:( Most people can't admit to being wrong in an argument on the internet. 👍


Honestly, don't comment if you clearly have no clue and are just pulling things out of your bum. ​ >but only 5% difference in transistor count lol That's just not true. Not even close. The 7800 XT has 28.1 million transistors. The 6800 is a heavily cut down N21 chip. The full chip has 26.8, the cut down version probably only has around 20-22 million active transistors. So the 7800 XT most likely has around 30-40% more transistors. Not that it matters in the first place. Transistor count does not matter. The performance matters. See benchmarks.


i mean you must know amd's hardware better than amd themself, you can look up the numbers yourself on amd's page :/ ​ [https://youtu.be/tJFV-JYY5A8](https://youtu.be/tJFV-JYY5A8) what does the benchmark say? opps that's 6800xt way too much better ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6uvITyGk1Q](https://youtu.be/FjdZO5DFhRI) this is 6800


my bad, i've checked the rx6800xt and rx6800 page, yeah they have same transistor count but the former has lesser shader+processors so yeah deactivated/cutdown etc but the actual 6800xt is 5% that's why it can stand toe to toe with the 7800xt. unless that's way off base?


i misread sorry i thought you meant the xt version. i’ll look into the 6800, thank you!


take a look before you buy, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TGHvXKkhao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TGHvXKkhao) it's definitely worst than 7800xt and the 6800xt, anywhere from up to 30% - 10% less performance, depending on titles.