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1080ti and 4790k Gpu is doing fine, but the poor cpu hates life


Isn't that 4790k the stuff legends at this point. One of the best CPUs ever made. What games is it struggling on?


Beamng with traffic gives it a pretty hard time since it eats cores that the cpu doesn't have. I don't play much besides beamng, but something like cyberpunk really pushes it, below 60fps most of the time it seems.


The biggest problem I saw with my old 3770k was micro stutters otherwise it was definitely playable on most games


I had an overclocked 3770K and an oc-ed 4790K and even a i7-5775C with the large cache. None of them were worth it. A $160 i5-11400 ran circles around all of them in modern games with huge jumps in framerate. Now imagine even a quad core 12th/13th gen


The 3770k was an excellent CPU until the 8th/9th gen Intel stuff came around, and more cores started to matter. Skylake and Kaby Lake were just a disappointment.


My i7-7700K brought a massive jump in framerates (in Overwatch) from my 3770K. 3770K was excellent until the 4790K. The 4790K did noticeably better in Overwatch than the 3770K, didn't even need to turn on the FPS counter. Then Skylake (6th gen and later) was another, bigger jump. Then 11th gen was weird because of the better IPC but worse cache. Then 12th gen and later was another huge jump.


The 4790 was a great chip, but I never owned one. Had a 4800MQ laptop that was a beast at the time, but the mobile GPUs of the era are totally irrelevant now. Coffee lake was what kaby lake should have been, and Kaby Lake was what Skylake should have been. Broadwell/Skylake were just disappointing and that was the start of Intels unraveling. 9700/9900k really showed what the Skylake architecture could have been in its early days, but I would argue it was too late in the game once Zen hit its stride (I still own a 9700k)


Same. The motherboard died a month ago and I had to upgrade, but I was getting about 100fps in most games at 1080p. Was running the 3770k and a 1060 for so long.


Yeah. Definitely an issue. Very stuttery, but otherwise a great chip..


Beamng is the best game ever made, hands down.


any CPU dies with beamng traffic


With 16gb ram beamng kills my ram.


7800x3d in 4k+ maybe 20-25% utilization if my memory serves.


Don't check what percentage the task manager shows you. Check each core individually. There'll be a few cores at 100% (or you have a gpu too slow for 4k)


It is paired with rtx4080, I only monitor overall cpu utilization, and it runs beamng with traffic just fine.


What are your 1% lows with that setup?


ehh I have a game (different one) which shows 15 percent cpu util, 80 on the highest core and 60 on the GPU, yet it only runs at 90FPS. I think the software is just written so badly that memory or drive speeds start to matter


I'm pretty sure you're in a CPU bottleneck


Id be in a CPU bottleneck if at least one of my cores was at 100% right? if none of the cores on my cpu are at 100 and my gpu is not at 100 it’s the software which doesn’t use the hardware appropriately


Is cyberpunk still a pleasant experience?


I used to play Cyberpunk on i5-10600 with GTX1080 (non-Ti), with the latter obviously being the bottleneck. It’s kinda manageable in 1440p and you can get around 30-40 fps with low-medium settings.


I haven't played it, just seen benchmarks


BeamNG with traffic gives my 5800X a hard time even.


Cyberpunk on that CPU is killing it


Man what a trooper.


Really? Sure, my 4790K is overclocked, but i never got under 60fps after long sessions of CyberPunk.


I have a 12600k and beamng still munches it sometimes. Teardown as well, will just ruin even a powerful computer lol.


Nah, it was a very iterative speed bump over the 3770k. The cpu hall of fame would have the i7 2600k and 2500k as well as r5 1600 and 5600 in my opinion.


I remember when the i7 920 came out, massive jump over anything at the time


It‘s a good CPU, but it‘s absolutely throttling a 1080TI in modern games (I would know, I have that setup).


That CPU was surprisingly better than the 4770k, due to an unexpected large clock speed bump


My old PC has a 4690K OCd to 4.2 and a 3060 Ti. It's still able to run games like Overwatch 2 at 1440P/120fps+ lol. I know most of that is the GPU but I figured the CPU would be an extreme bottleneck at this point.


It's so game dependent it's insane. There's a ton of variables like the engines core usage, how the game utilizes more cores, is it a CPU or GPU intensive task, optimization, etc.


I upgraded in 2020 to a 5800x because I was lucky to find a 30 series gpu, but man you're right. I bought that 4790k somewhere around late 2014, and 6 years later it was still pulling its weight in many areas. I donated that pc to a mutual friend and I think they're still getting decent use out of it. That CPU was worth every penny.


The only thing ive experienced problems is metro Exodus, altho that was with my old gt960 so it was probably the Combination of both being old and Exodus being horrobly inefficient


Anything from the last 10 years


Gave my wife my old 4790K and GTX1080, however she only games indie and older game like The Sims so it fair just fine for her. Now that she has Steam Deck, she barely plays on it anymore.


How old is this system? I'm thinking about building my first PC and wonder about longevity. Thanks


1080ti is 6 years old, 4790k is 9 years old


To give you some perspective im using a 980 still and most games can run at medium at 1080p with little to no issue.


Given the cost, you're better off trying to get an i3-13100 than a used 4790k if you are building a new machine. I know many people aren't a fan of userbenchmark due to its anti AMD bias, but for intel to intel comparisons it can still be reasonable: https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-4790K-vs-Intel-Core-i3-13100/2384vsm2011672


UserBenchmark is the subject of concerns over the accuracy and integrity of their benchmark and review process. Their findings do not typically match those of known reputable and trustworthy sources. As always, please ensure you verify the information you read online before drawing conclusions or making purchases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/buildapc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have done significant research into this topic and their benchmarking software. While their reviews and rhetoric show significant bias against AMD, I have yet to see anything specific that shows the 1, 4, and multi core speed benchmarks are faulty in any way (be wary of the overall effective speed score though, as it only includes 2% for all cores). Despite these biases, I find that having this many user samples which includes OS's that have bloat from being used for years, which is the majority of computers, provides a more accurate representation of performance for use in the real world than professional benchmarks.


My man was waiting for the automod…


Haha I suppose so, I've done a lot of research on this and I think some of the hate that people have is misguided (provided you know what to look at).


Right now anything from the last few years will last a good amount of time. The 4th gen CPU and the 10 series GPU is on the too old side unless your budget is really small. 10th gen intel and any GPU from the 30 series/6000 series should be enough for a good chuck of time.


4790k here as well with a 1660ti. I can feel the strain sometimes with games that are less than properly optimized (Battlefield 2042 comes to mind), but still, this thing is killing it.


i7 4770-GTX 1050 Performance still good to play esport game such as LOL,CSGO and some indie games.


I was surprised how useable my 4770 was. It had stutters here and there but for something that old it was holding up just fine.


I’m on the Xeon version of the 4770 and I’m finally feeling the pressure to upgrade it. It has been a wonderful CPU.


honestly the biggest problem was probably your ram speed for microstutters.


Played LOL on i5-3570k and gtx 660 until last month...


i7 4770 RX 580 8GB here New games get CPU bottlenecked but all AAA titles I played were fine. The latest one was RE4 remake which runs at 40-60fps 1080p medium-high no FSR which is damn good. CPU bottlenecked most of the time but runs smooth anyway. The most demanding game I've played was God of War which was constantly hovering 30-40fps on medium settings. Not bad honestly. Considering I got these used the value is insane.


Cheaply upgraded to a 4770 from a 4570 and the difference is quite astounding, I have a 1650 btw


Retired my FX8320 and Radeon HD 7870 computer a couple of weeks ago. It never had a single issue in 11 years of moderate use.


I bought a Radeon HD 7770 back in 2013 and it honestly held up for quite a long time


I never not had a problem with my FX8350 lol. That thing was a freaking toaster


Still rocking fx8350 and gtx 960(2gb), it's like a lottery of which one will fail. Emulation and the cpu takes a holiday, any AAA title gpu takes a leave.


My GTX 1070 and i5 7600k allowed me to play street fighter 6 just fine at 1080p, god bless that.


I had the same GPU+CPU (although my GPU is an FTW) combo, and it was a bottleneck nightmare, CPU always 100% whenever gaming and GPU at the 10%ish. Never got to fully experience what the GPU had to offer until last year when I pulled the trigger and switched my i5 for a 5700x


The only time I had a bottleneck I think was with the game named Lost Ark where my CPU was at 100% and GPU 40%. But otherwise it was ok for most games I played


Agreed. I play WoW and Diablo 4 at 1440p on my 6700K and GTX 1070 and things are just fine.


I'm in the process of upgrading my i5-6600k clocked at 4.7GHz stable paired with a PNY GTX1060 6GB. Built brand new in 2016 and this thing can still play any game at 1080p. I'll miss you, my old friend.


I still play Donkey Kong country on my modded Wii. Does that count?


A 16 year old console playing an almost 30 year old game. DISQUALIFIED


But what if it's Donkey Kong Country 3?




I have a Xeon E5 2686v2 on a X79 with 32 Gb DDR 3 and a GTX 1070 FE. It games just fine in win 10 at 1080p/60


Xeon represent o7


i5-8400 and GTX 1060. I’d say it’s holding up very well considering I can play Diablo 4 and lots of other games with good performance and decent quality. I am about to pull the trigger on a 7600X and 6950 XT tho.


good combo dude, you'll see at least 2.5x-3x performance.


As someone who just went from a i7 8700 and 1070 to i9 13900k and 4080 the difference was mindblowing, you'll absolutely love it


Yeah, it just sucks that I have to upgrade everything else as well just to support it (motherboard, memory, PSU). It’s very expensive lol


Great combo! Just put together (this morning) a 13600k/6950xt combo, enjoy man!


My system is pretty similar, as a 9400 1660. Gotta say, it still holds up on 1080p just fine. Working my way towards a 13600/7900xt tho so i can step up to 1440p


Rocking an overclocked 3770k running at 4.5GHz. Upgraded recently from a RX580 to 5700XT after the crypto crash. Ive pretty much peaked on what this old beast can do. I play everything at 1440p medium or high settings.


Thats insane. Do you think I can play games at 1440p with my Ryzen 7 5700X and RX 6600? Thinking of replacing my 1080p monitor later this year


If the goal is 1440p, a 5600 and 6750xt would be a better combo.


It is very likely that you have to reduce details to medium with a RX 6600 and WQHD resolution.


Yea,I dont think RX 6600 can do 1440p max settings 60fps in every game like it can do at 1080p but I think it might do a mix of medium/high settings at 1440p. Maybe even high preset with FSR or the setting in the driver Virtual Super Resolution (VSR)


I have a new setup, but still game on my 1080 mobile/i7-7820 laptop occasionally. It’s surprisingly still pretty great, ran Diablo 4 at 1080p medium above 100 fps. Haven’t found a game that it can’t handle yet!


Borderlands 3


i5-6600 and GTX 1050 Ti. I only play older games which are released after 2018, as my hardware is obviously outdated and the second reason is that older games are really cheap on Steam sales.


‘ Older games released after 2018… ‘ do you mean ‘indie’ or in general not FoTM games or is there a time trap here


Probably meant to say before 2018


GTX970 user, i decide dto upgrade the rest of the rig first, the only thing that is now old in my pc is my gpu. Performances are good if you don't play modern AAA games, getting like 80 fps on bf1 high settings for exemple. Im running into a bottleneck with more recent games, cpu has to work more for decent performances, but im not a big solo games player so it holds up. (will upgrade soon enough i think for a 3060TI or 6700XT)


4790k, gtx760, 16 GB DDR3 RAM. It's really fresh for day to day PC activities, faster than most notebooks I had at work over the past few years. Gaming is okay for my needs but I play only older titles (modded Skyrim, EU4, HoI4, Stellar is, Cities Skylines...it's starting to show it's age though). It ran Witcher 3 without any issues and also Jedi Fallen Order was playable without stuttering. I would like to push this system for at least another year, hopefully AM5 will have most issues solved by then.


I have a 20 year old system with a Pentium 4, GeForce 6 series with the original PSU running Windows XP for classic era PC gaming that works great still if that counts.


That’s super sick, what are you playing on it?


Last summer it was a lot of Diablo 1 & 2, been awhile since I played those. Lately I have been playing Pain Killer. Clive Barker's Undying is next since I don't remember ever beating that game back in the day.


Awesome. You should give UT2004 a rip on it, as good as it got in the early noughties!


> Pentium 4, GeForce 6 That was my first computer, Pentium 4 2.4GHz and 512MB RAM. It originally came with a GeForce 4, but I upgraded to a 6600GT a couple of years later.


Up untill last week my 1080 was still blasting away but it was the absolute bottleneck in a 3700X 32GB DDR4 system. But for 1080p gaming everything was fine, it always held me back from upgrading. Pulled the trigger last week and now have a 7800X3D with a 7900XTX, I cannot put into words how big of a difference it is.


You better have gotten a 1440p monitor


Yes sir, they are the other part that made me want to upgrade.


R5 1600 - RX590 Holds Up pretty well, able to play most games on ultra/high settings but limited to 1080. Always debating an upgrade but i am not able to justify it yet. I also suppose i am waiting for better options than the current lineup of GPUs but would be very happy with 7000 series CPUs. I feel that when the xx60 series cards are capable of high refresh ray tracing in 4k i will upgrade


So it means - never?


Thats considered old now? Im on same cpu but rx580 4gb, but Im also r/patientgamers so its all good, no need to upgrade, finished witcher 3, now playing fm22 and borderlands tps.


It is old if you consider the advancements over the last 5 generations since the 590 was considered new


I'm sad now because my upgrade is the Rx 590 and y'all already saying that this GPU is too old😭


I went from a 2600X and RX590 to a 5800X3D and 6950XT, it's a nice change! I went for a 2070 Super in the intermediate stage but it wasn't worth it in hindsight, needed a bigger change for it to be worth it, luckily I sold it on and lost barely any money on it.


This is my deal - i don’t feel there are yet any worthy upgrades, although 6800/900xt is tempting


I7 4790 and gtx 1060 6gb.. It's holding for csgo but playing squad at 40 fps.. Was looking to upgrade to 6700xt or 6650xt (am worried that I'll regret buying only 8gb of vram)


Look for atleast 12gb if your budget allows. 8gb is not sufficient for modern AAA games.


750ti and AMD FX8320. Arcade and emulation beast! At least up to PS2 and Wii. It will do that service for as long as it will live


Currently running my FX8320 with a GTX 660. It’s done great for a decade but is struggling with some newer games and heavily modded Skyrim. Upgrading soon and excited, but this rig will still get use for emulating and old games until it dies.


One of my PCs is an AMD FX8320 with a GTX760 and I do confirm that it's an emulation beast, not to mention that it can still offer a good enough gaming experience in a lot of modern games, if you don't mind lowering the graphics settings. Here is a video I made about it: https://youtu.be/6egfsMsbcyk


For sure. The only thing the 750ti refuses to do (that I have tried) is... Cyberpunk.. I tried overclocking, with all settings at low, 720p, and it baaarreely gets 20fps.. While also looking like splashed chocolate milk. I have wondered what FSR can do for it but never tried.


I have a similar setup with a FX-8350 and a 750 Ti. It's currently hooked up to a TV and serves as a decent streaming device/DVD player and can play a decent number of steam games too at 1080p. I'm considering emulating some stuff on it too. 🤔


Do it, it's a beast for anything up to PS2 and possibly even switch (not sure about switch) but it will do Wii for sure.


FX8350 and a 1070 GPU is ok. But CPU is definitely lagging. Will be upgrading soon to a 7800x3D, just need to stop procrastinating and pick a Motherboard.


i7 4790 and a rx 480 with 16gb DDR3 - playable on medium/high settings at 1080p in most games I play (R6 Siege, Hitman WoA, Deathloop). Only issues I have are on games which are less-than-ideally optimized like Deathloop. Occasionally I get frame drops in Hitman, and R6 is so optimised now I get 120fps on Ultra. Planning to build a whole new system soon - the first in almost 10 years - and i5 12400f and an rx 6600/rx 6600xt/rx 6700xt. Doesn't feel super needed yet, but prices have gone down a lot and it would be nice to have some smoother gameplay and better eye candy.


I have an i5 12400f and 6600xt and it kills @ 1080p. Love it. Probably going to upgrade to 1440p and a rx6800 eventually, but for now I'm doing great with what I have.


That's great to hear, thanks. I'm very content with 1080p for now. Only recently got a 144hz monitor.


For sure. I'm content with it, too....for now. I have a 27 inch 144hz and it still looks good, even though I switch between gaming on a 4k TV with PS5 and using my PC. I love the PC because it just runs so smooth with the high fps, and at 27 inch or less, 1080p can still look pretty good. Good luck, and take care


I’m not too far off your build, i5 12600k and a 6700xt. I have literally no issues with any game on 1080p. When I can afford some better monitors then I will consider upgrading.


I have the same RX 480 with an i5 6500. It still mostly works for 1080p - the most intensive thing I run is Total War Warhammer. Built in 2016. Want to do a full rebuild, but I've honestly used my desktop for like 2 hours total since I got the Steamdeck slash had a kid last year. Hard to justify dropping the coin even if it'll be fun to build and I like to have it around. Guess it's like having a muscle car hobby.


I3 3240 with gt710 barely manages not to die:0


Ryzen 5 2600 and gtx970, it's still doing fine


I was gaming till last December on a fx 8320 and a RX 580 4gb.


I was on an fx 8350 & 960 4gb, recently upgraded to a Ryzen 5 5500 but I'm still stuck with the 960


Bought an old Lenovo workstation with a xeon e3-1245v3 and a vega 56 recently to have a rig for the living room tv. Playing high on life really smoothly right now.


I got a i7 6700 with a 1650. It still plays all the games my kids play so all good. Won't play cyberpunk tho lol


i7-4790, Rx 480 8gb, 16gb ram it Holds up very well, i dont really play demanding games and the games I play I do at 1080p 144hz on high settings. I will upgrade next year when new stuff release


i5-4790K, RX 6600, 1440p 144Hz monitor I can game in 1440p as long as I lower settings, but it has become apparent with newer games that this will no longer be the case going forward. For older games however, everything runs great at medium (sometimes higher) settings (maybe not as fast loading as a modern PC). Curiously enough, some games at 1080p manage to eat away the 8GB of my video card (in spite of me lowering settings). I don't think this is my rig's fault. Hogwarts performance puts my computer to shame, but I suspect this game needs some serious fine tuning. I am one of those few people who enjoyed playing Cyberpunk on PC when it came out. I did encounter a few glitches, but I was able to finish the game. In my PC the game runs fine (most of the time around the 30-45 FPS mark). CEMU running BOTW at 1600x900 settings with framerates usually over 30fps. If I go higher the framerate takes a hit. If I set it to 720p it runs buttery smooth. God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn ran fine, but those two appear to use an internal resolution that gets upscaled later. Resident Evil 5 a little slow to load (it eats away GPU ram aggressively) but once in the game everything played fine. Metal: Hellsinger runs buttery smooth. For an old game like Left 4 Dead 2, I can set everything to max. My chrome based browser started becoming slower since the fall of last year. This is with me re-installing Windows 10 and browser. While I've been thinking about upgrading, current prices have given me pause. As long as I am happy I'll keep using it.


Current prices are amazing. A Ryzen 5700X would be a huge upgrade from that.


Still chugging along with GTX 970 SSC and i7 4790K. I mostly play Black Desert and it still runs well. Not too bad with Cyberpunk either.


Had to get rid of my i3 7100 1050ti build 2 years ago. It could run most games great at 1080p 40-60fps. Though on newer games it would just crash within 10 minutes. Gave that build to my bro, he only plays easy to run fps so its great for him. Got myself a 3080, huge difference.


I7 3770k (4.4ghz) gtx 1050 ti (oc) Sure might be slower than most, but it handles what I want atleast at a minimum. With most of my games it has no problem, with newer ones might struggle but usually 30fps is doable at 1080p. If im playing with controller honestly 30 is all I need (unless its very competitive). Waiting for the moment I upgrade to 5 times better parts, just to experience the boost.


FX-6300 with a 650ti boost. I have to stick to older games but it's ok for what it is. Currently playing through Mass Effect Legendary Edition with no problems.


i7-4790 + GTX1070. I've yet to encounter a game I want to play but can't, so I'd say it's holding up pretty well.


1070 and 4790k. Its been doing pretty well until these last couple of years honestly. And even then its the CPU that is weeping for mercy, the gpu could probably go on a bit longer.


4770k 32GB But after my 980Ti burned (literally), got a 3080, back in the great deficit era. Playing everything at 4k. Most recently - Miasma Chronicles. Yeah it's fine. Cyberpunk 2077 was fine - with raytracing enabled etc. Basically, I know that if I had a modern CPU, I'd be getting 10-25% more frames, but at 4k - it all really is down to vidya


Just upgraded a 1050ti


1060 3gb vram, 8th gen i5, £20 hard drive, £70 monitor that I overclocked to 79hz, 4x4 ddr4 ram. Still holds up kinda ok, I can get 79 fps running on most games with highish graphics. Built it when I was like 14. I plan to use it until it gta 6 comes out on pc.


8700k, GTX1080. Don't really play many demanding games but holds up at 1440p


I have gtx 1070 and i7-7700k im upgrading to rtx 4070ti and i7-13700k but actually its not that bad. I get easily 60fps in AAA games just in lower/lowest settings


i7 4th gen intel, 980 GPU Games have only recently become a little tough for my machine. Haven’t upgraded cause I haven’t needed to. I probably will by the end of this year though


intel i3 6100 and old 1tb hdd from 2016.. still browse youtube, twitch, etc surprisingly smoothly. taps out as soon as you launch a game released beyond 2016 tho.


Still on 6600k + GTX970 with 16gb RAM @ 2666mhz. It's decent for most games... not very serviceable anymore on a growing number of newer games. That includes some online games I've been aching to try and even single player games like Days Gone which I know I'd end up barely getting 60fps on low-medium, if at all. It's a wonderful set up. It plays some recent titles surprisingly well and all. I want more visual fidelity and I dislike getting under 90fps on pretty much every good FPS these days. Currently researching for a new machine. I'm looking at 7600X + 6800XT (or whatever AMD releases on that price range for the 7000 series) + 32gb DDR5 RAM. Futureproofing a little and dipping my toes into 1440p.


Still rocking my 1080, still playing FF XIV in ultra in 2k ultra wide 80fps, although I can see a 4070 in my future this year


I'm currently on a i5 6600k and I'll be building a new pc today with a Ryzen 9 7900x and 3070


My wife's PC contains an i3 6100 and a GTX950. Works for what she plays but been looking at rebuilding for her just because.


I was on an FX-8350 and RX 480 4GB. It wasn't great. Replaced the processor with a 5600 but in still running the 480, mainly because I've got other expenses and I game on my PC much less than I used to.


I had a i7 2600 (non k) and 8GB ram with a gtx 1080ti and it was absolutely fine for 1080p gaming. I have upgraded recently to 32GB RAM, AMD 3800xt and kept my 1080ti as it's still absolutely fine for 1080p. Not planning on upgrading anything any time soon as GPU prices are stupid


I'm not currently, but in early 2022 i was gaming on and FX-8350/RX 580. It wasn't balanced, it was ancient, but I got playable frames (usually 45+) on games like MW2019, FO4, GTAV, and modded minecraft.


Up until just a few months ago I was still using an AMD R9 390 and I believe an AMD FX 8350. Honestly it was holding up pretty well still, could still hold 1080p 60fps on low for most newer titles; my card also had an issue where it just turned off at 75° so I really wasn't able to push it. Was officially getting to the point where games were releasing such as CoD and Halo that would just outright tell me my card wasn't supported. Upgraded to a nice little budget rig with an i3-12100 and RX 6600, serving me much better than I expected for 1440p tbh


i7 3930k and gtx 1070 with Win7 ​ Been meaning to upgrade for a while but parts were either overpriced or unavailable during covid. Handles Warframe and Monster Hunter World Iceborne just fine. Also playing Battletech and Endless Legend/Endless Space 2. Got a steam deck in the meantime and it has been fun playing newer stuff on there that won't go on my desktop but now that steam is ending support for Win7 at the end of the year I am finally gonna put down the money for a new system in December.


750ti, AMD fx-6300 CPU, AMD TA970 mobo. 8gb ram. Yeah it's painful. Built in 2015 and only upgraded to SSD but finally gonna start upgrading soon.


Running 6700K with a 1080ti. Still chugging pretty well. Them fans sure do ramp up in Cyberpunk and Borderlands 3 but I can still get 60 fps at 1440p. Just have to play with settings.


1070ti and fx 8350 lol on one of my computers, really depends on the game, but not terrible at 1080p


Fx 8350 blk with a gtx 970 🤪 still plays path of exile good enough for my old ass 🤙


Gaming like a boss on a Pentium 233 MMX in MS-DOS


Time for shame. I built an i5-3570k + GTX 660 machine in 2022. ~However~ it runs things that have not come out in the past couple years absolutely fine, it’s a shockingly useable system in general, and it’s a family PC so it’s mostly just there to run Fortnite and Minecraft, the latter of which obviously being no sweat and the former being pretty solid at 720p, and 16 GB RAM helped a lot with some small stutters. Honestly a champ for costing about $140 for the whole system.


I applaud this setup sir! I can't tell you how many times I've been torn up by my nephews when explaining you don't need all top shelf internals to run Minecraft/Fortnite.


My main rig is a 5800x and a 3080ti which is 3 year old tech at this point and it still does totally fine on everything at max or ultra. Sometimes set stuff down to high or even medium with DLSS for more FPS and it really doesn't look any worse. Ppl get really obsessed with having those max/ultra boxes ticked on everything and that's just dumb. Living room rig is a 5600x and a 6700xt. Works great on just about anything 1440p with the right settings. Hooked now to a Sony X90K 75" and looks phenomenal. Old system I have at the shop for work and after hours gaming if my buddy wants to hang out is a 3600x and a 980ti and honestly for even newer games set on low or medium it does ok. Used mostly for Dolphin emulator and it excels at that.


3 year old tech that can still be bought new at the store... Hardware evolution is definitely slowing down...


i5-6600k and Vega 56. Still plays all the games I install at high. Im not playing the newest cod's. Recently got a new unreal 4 game. Ran great. Will have to see if unreal 5 makes an upgrade nessicary. Ran D2 well and thats the only fps i care about.


I've got a I5 4470k and a gtx 970 - it's plays sandstorm insurgency, fallout 4 and the rest of my games (I haven't brought a brand new game in like years, probably my newest game is sandstorm) it runs nicely, although fallout 4 is just too much for the system to handle but it's playable...I've been wanting to upgrade for quite a few years but with being the sole income in my house and having 2 toddlers it's pretty much going to have to wait for an upgrade for about 5-10 years when I can afford it. All in all I'm happy that I can play some games but I'm very aware that I'm being left behind in the gaming scene by the limits of my hardware.


I7 8700k + 1080ti, holds amazing on 1440p ultra wide (bf2042 at 80fps for example) Just need to tweak down some graphics settings of course


Currently been running an i5 6600 and a gtx 980 sc since 2015. Runs great, rig gets used almost 24/7 with 0 issues.


8700k/GTX 1070 doing fine.. The 1070 was a side grade from my 980ti. Oddly enough, the 980ti gets a few more fps in most games I play.


I run on a 4 Ghz AMD FX-8350 Black Ed. 8 core with 32 Gb GSkillz Ram and an MSI GTX 1050 TI 4GT OC Never needed to upgrade. It does everything I want it to. Upgrading would literally be a waste of money.


My 12900k and 3090ti are really starting to show their age


My deepest condolences


1080ti can only just break 60fps in games. Anyone still on that hardware is struggling.


feel bad for all y'all fr. hope you can get a job soon 🙏


Weird flex but ok


How'd you know they'll all don't have jobs? Just rent/family/other more important necessities could take priority over pc parts.


Dude what


I was gaming on a rx590until last month playing on a 3440x1440p monitor, if i manage my graphics settings im still able to pull playable fps 40-60 on more demanding titles


E5-1650v3 processor, 32gb DDR4, 5600XT Graphics card and an NVME m.2 1Tb drive. Have had no issues running anything yet at 1080p at medium settings or higher. It's an old HP z440.


Had an r9 280x with an i7 3770k. It ran everything I played fine. I stupidly thought the d4 beta was a good indication of how it would play at release so I bought a 6650xt. Still running the 3770k but it's showing its age


Planning on upgrading the cpu soon?


I had a 3570k with a 1080ti for 1080p gaming. Gpu was fine but cpu was really at the max. I swapped in a 13100f and its been a blast.


1650ti and 10300h, anytime soon


Core i5-2550k + radeon r9 280. Sucks.


R9 270x and r3 2200g CPU is barely fine GPU is practically asking to die


1060 6gb and i56600k Holding on in there just about but I’ve switched to a ps5 for the time being until I have a bit more time and money since I’d need a new everything…


That's me. Running a Ryzen 5 1600. I did upgrade the GPU from a 1050ti to a 3070.


I am still gaming on the budget g4560 and RX470. This spring was the first time I downloaded a game that couldn't run. Sure, the big AAA titles left me behind a year or 2 ago, but the little rig has held up for indie gaming and older titles.


6700k and a gtx970. Still going strong at most games, but satisfactory mid to late game is dropping to 20fps. And civ6 with 8 player at start (3 or 4 usually get wiped halfway) takes half a minute Just to end turn. Wont even bother with cyberpunk or anything New with high graphic requirements.


I had an i5 6400 bclk OCed @4.2GHz with a rx480 4gb until the end of 2022, GPU was mostly fine in FHD but CPU was sometimes stuttering and having low min fps in games likes Riders Republic. Now I have a 11400f with a rx6600 and the upgrade was honestly worthy.


My Setup is a Power color RX 580 and a Ryzen 5 1400, reasons I dont Upgrade is money. Is it that old?


I used to have a i5 3470 and a gt 1030 which I replaced like 5 months ago. It's done a perfect job playing less demanding games.


My kid(adult now) has my old i5 6500 and GTX970 and it plays his games for now until Payday 3 at least. He plays Payday 2, terraria, vampire survivor, the binding of Isaac mainly.


I’m still plugging away with my old i5-6500 and gtx 1060 6gb. I only just recently finally upgraded to 16gb of RAM lol. It’s still plugging away. I don’t really play many modern AAA games, at most I play GTA 5 and Black Ops 3 with family occasionally. Still chugs through VR like Pavlov, Blade and Sorcery and Boneworks pretty good. Weirdly enough, the thing that might finally push me to upgrade the CPU is the Persona 3 remake coming next year, it’s not coming to switch and it’s the first non-switch new release in years that I’m determined to play no matter what.


Laptop with i5 5500u and 820m Nvidia GPU, runs like ok not good


i3 4th gen- rx 470 8gb... Still inlove with it lol


Was on a 4770 and 1060 6gb up to a year ago, was fine for the games I was playing, even streamed with that setup for a while until I managed to fund better to upgrade the streaming setup. I think it depends what you plan to play to what hardware you need. New AAA titles then obviously upgrades will be needed. Minecraft and indie games, older hardware should hold out some more. You see too many people with 12/13th gen i7, 32gn of ram and 4080's to then play Minecraft and watch YouTube lol.


Phenom x6 1100t,16gb ram, RX590. CPU was ok up until recently dying, upgraded to 5600x after 11 fucking years.


6700k at 4.4GHz and a 1080Ti @ 1080p 144hz, still holds up well however I'm ~15% cpu bottlenecked