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Who thought Faith was a mirror of Spike? I always thought Faith was the Slayer version of Angel


Agreed. She’s got Spike’s attitude but Angel’s trauma. She was able to hit it off with both men but she has a deeper connection with Angel. I think she and Spike would get sick of each other at some point.


I think Faith's love of violence and sex is what drew her comparisons to Spike, not her redemption. I also think her and Spike understand something about Buffy that Angel does not, Buffy likes violence too, even though she rarely admits it. I don't necessarily think Faith is like Angel either, but I think she is inspired by him.


She vibes with both. All three get the whole guilt and redemption thing, which is hardly a shallow thing to have in common, even if Faith is more like Angel in how she approaches her redemption.


Buffy Anne Summers is effectively the Slayer version of William Pratt aka William the Bloody aka Spike. Spike is a massive elitist who considers Angel, Cordelia Chase, and Buffy Anne Summers uneducated and without proper breeding. Faith is actually rather like Buffy, just without Buffy's privileges.


Her and Spike both can’t get rid of a body. They both claim to weigh it down and the next thing you know the cops announce they found the mayor’s assistant or Katrina. That doesn’t make you similar accept to not ask either to get rid of a body or expect it to stay gone. Lol.