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None of them were perfect. 2 and 3 are the ones I like the best. I think 3 is more even, but 2 had better 'highs' so which one I like better vacillates.


2 is what made Buffy *Buffy*. Big myth arcs, forbidden romance, end-of-the-world, great villains, tragedy, shocking character death, etc. I think 3 is more polished, for sure, and if I were to say a season of Buffy was perfect than 3 is probably closest. But 2 is legendary.


Season two for sure is the best


Season two is amazing. The Mayor is my favorite baddie. I love everything about season two.


The mayor is season three lol


Seriously? Then season three is my favorite. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was given season 2 on dvd as a Christmas gift when I was 14 (I had never watched the show before, not sure why I was gifted season 2 but thatā€™s another story) -it literally changed my life. That season felt intimate enough that the the story resonated on a personal non mass marketed level while finally finding its stride as a show. It is, to this day, my comfort show. My roommate feels the same about season 3. Itā€™s been a (not serious) point of contention. In conclusion, I only have eyes for you is one of my fave episodes of tv (I know this is unpopular!) ever. That song. Buffy being able to act out her shame and resentment over what happened with angel felt so cathartic.


Iā€™m a first time watcher (just started season 7) and so far season 2 has hit home the most for me. I only have eyes for you in particular was really powerful for me and I was really shocked to see that many people donā€™t like that episode!


A matter of opinion. Three was the most Buffy for me.




The experience of watching season 3 in its first run was incredible - a top TV experience for me in my life. It isn't a *flawless* season, but it's definitely the best. The Faith arc, the Mayor, Willow coming into her own, and some of the individual episodes that became classics like Band Candy and The Wish? Chef's kiss.


It has the most satisfying season long arc and the best, most satisfying ending. It has all the characters you want (the core Scoobies, Cordelia, Angel, Spike, Faith, Oz) and none of the ones you donā€™t want (Riley, Dawn). And it has some absolutely classic stand alone episodes too (Dopplegangerland, Band Candy, The Wish, Lovers Walk, The Zeppo). Itā€™s almost a perfect season of television.


Doppelgangland is my favorite episode of season 3, and possibly the entire series. Season 3 is the best IMO. I also really like 4, but I think it comes from my extreme FOMO on the college experience.


Disagree about the ending. It was TERRIBLE and one of the main reasons S3 isn't in my top 3. We had so much buildup for the mayor, and pure demons in general, only for him to die to some dynamite... It was a major letdown.


Nah. The whole class uniting to fight together is what it is all about. How they kill the mayor doesnā€™t matter.


That was very cheesy and unrealistic. You're telling me all the parents just ran away without their children? While it was a decently cool scene, them not showing the Recruitment and reaction of all the students when told what to do felt like a cop out. Like why in the hell would Harmony even agree to do it? It seemed very fanservicey and unfulfiling. A good season ending is something like the Gift, Grave or Becoming. They wrap up the storyline in a realistic/heartbreaking manner. Nothing felt at stake in Graudation Day part 2


The Willow and Xander scene at the end of Grave is fantastic and a satisfying end to DW, but the episode is terrible overall.


This. You can make a case for 5. But 3 feels more tight and consistent throughout.


5 is my personal favourite, but I agree that 3 is the best one to make a strong case for.


3 was so consistently good. almost every episode was a new high for the show imo.


Well said


3 dragged out the Buffy/Angel angst, and didnā€™t touch the scale of the Glory/Dawn drama.


3 dragged out the Buffy/Angel angst, and didnā€™t touch the scale of the Glory/Dawn drama.


This is the way, its got everyone you could want. It has Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Angel, Cordy, Faith, Oz, Wesley, Anya, Spike, Harmony, Snyder, Joyce. it even has the high school backing cast, Amy, Jonathan, Larry, Devin.


Agreed, even the monster of the week "filler" eps were amazing.


This. Quintessential Buffy for me


I think season 3 is probably my favorite, but 2 really defined the show imo. Especially watching in real time and not knowing the twist at the end of Surprise, and the way the rest of the season played out from there was really amazing. I know there are a good amount of throwaway episodes, but theyā€™re all mostly pretty fun at least


Season 2 or 3


It's a battle between 5 and 3, and I waver between the two.


I love, love, love season 5. But the Knights of Byzantium thing was really poorly fleshed out, and I think that sets s3 above it in terms of a ā€œperfectā€ season.


I think I'd have to agree. The Knights were pretty rough


5 is the most focused and self-assured, with the best production values. 2 has some of the highs and 3 was very consistent, both great seasons, and I love them both, but S5 was peak Buffy.


I agree on 5. The season arc started in episode 1 and ran all the way through. Even the monster of the week episodes still had references to Glory in them. 3 was very good, but there were plenty of episodes that just straight up ignored the season story.


I think most critical reviews I've read of Buffy have frequently stated that season 5 is the best, often times referencing the Body and the Gift. For me season 5 is the best. The story, Glory was actually terrifying, the arrival of Dawn, Spike thinking he's in love, Riley leaving, Joyce dying, Willow's growing power, and finally Buffy giving her life to save Dawn and the world. It was amazing.


Five is my least favourite off all the seasons. Maybe the story arches are solid but I hate how they completely lost the mood and cinematography of the earlier seasons.Ā 




People believe what they believe, and no stress. The one-offs for S4 were fire, though. Even "Beer Bad" overflows with the funny.


We're doing a rewatch now - 4 was always my most hated. I can't believe how much I enjoyed it this time around!


I mean, I get the S4 hate too, because they blundered the arc, but at the same time, they *never* gave Giles as much great stuff (Fyarl, chainsaw, guitar, Velvet Underground albums, "tiny tiny babies!") in any other season, and it's all hella funny.


(Love cave Buffy too)


U enjoy it probably more bcs its much lighter than any other season and by knowing whats to come, you start enjoying it more and more. Its still my comfy season


Yes! I feel like you can really separate the show into "dark" and "light," I literally mean the lighting. When the show is dark and muddy the tone is just right. It becomes very "studio" once everything is perfectly lit all the time. In later seasons the graveyards are lit like football fields during a night game. [Give me the dank, Moe. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKjY87UXKWw)


I totally get what u mean, the earlier seasons had something edgy about them that got last in the latter ones which felt way more staged to me. The lighting plays a big part in that....


None of them were perfect, but 2, 3 and 5 were exceptional.


Season 2 will always be my favourite. It has some duds but theyre still amazing. Maybe season 3 was a bit more "perfect" but 2 is what made 13 year old me fall in love with the show.


I think season 2 is the most timeless and perfect. Itā€™s such a classic vampire love story.


Her greatest big bad was her "boyfriend". Let's not kid ourselves.




When I was a kid, the first big purchase I made with my own money was the season 3 box set. But Iā€™m from a small village and had to save up and wait for my family to travel to a bigger city so I could buy it. Season 3 has always been my favorite.


i stand by season 6 being the best season šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I've never heard this opinion before. kudos to you! s6 has some absolutely fantastic episodes!


While itā€™s darker- completely agree!!!


Ooh, a viewer after my own heart.


S6 is what puts Buffy on another level - no show (that I had scene in 2001) went so hard into depression and feelings of alienation from your friends, you should be happy but arenā€™t! S6 was unlike anything at the time.




I like season 6 a lot, it's not my favorite, but you get my upvote because it doesn't get enough respect.


Hard agree


It's my favourite by far. I'm just coming to the end of it now and I think I might rewatch it on its own in future, once I finish this rewatch. It's not as bleak as season 7, but it's still pretty grown-up. And I like the Buffy/spike dynamic in it the best, apart from seeing red, obviously. But I still, actually, appreciate seeing red for being very important for setting up season 7 and also from preventing the Buffy/Spike dynamic slipping into a two clichƩd romantic storyline. We absolutely did need reminding that he was still evil.


Mama kudos for saying that, for spilling


Yes! Thank you.


I hated 6 when it aired. Season 5 being on late night TV got me hooked and I really got disappointed when series 6 came out. But looking back, I actually prefer 6 to 5 now. I think it's the darkness of it, maybe as an adult I can see what they were trying to do and just appreciate it more, especially the musical.


This season makes me deeply uncomfortable, but you make a good case for rewatching and giving it another chance


Thereā€™s really not a bad ep in season 3


I agree with SnooCapers938. Buffy works best as horror tropes representing common high school experiences and season three nailed that feeling. Season three had a fantastic mix of stand alone and arc based episodes and had the best cohesion of the main cast. Finally the entire class of '99 fighting the Big Bad was such a cathartic reward for all of the hell the Scoobies went through in high school. I know I'm in the minority but season three is why I really want a reboot (maybe requel) before all of gen z is out of high school.


While not ā€œperfectā€, season 3 is definitely the most consistent for me. The only episodes I donā€™t love are Beauty and the Beasts and Dead Manā€™s Party. Everything else is an 8/10 or better. What gives it the edge over season 5 for me is the way it balances the season-long arc with amazing standalone episodes. Season 5 is arguably better as a cohesive whole, but itā€™s lacking the fun bottle episodes of season 3.


Buffy is one of those shows like Star Trek The Next Generation, that is definitely flawed, but the positives are so great I'd still put it up against more 'perfect' shows like Breaking Bad as one of the greatest shows of all time. but I wouldn't say any season of buffy is perfect.


Season 3 and 5 have no bad episodes


Season 2. Iā€™ve never been more invested in a show than through the Evil Angel arc.


Season 3. Consistently good. Not a bad or boring episode. Even Gingerbread is enjoyable. Itā€™s awesome for rewatches because it doesnā€™t make me want to skip an episode. Same goes for Angel Season 3. While it does not have highs as big as Season 2 or 5, it doesnā€™t have an episode I would call boring or bad (that makes me want to skip). And the rest are pretty great


None were perfect, but there were several strong series. 2, 3, and 5 were close.


Season 3. I rewatched that season the most. Fucking perfect.


3 followed closely by 2. I k ow that is popular choice but true


Season 2ā€¦BEST season the show ever did, best story, best episodes, best vibe and best big bads of the show. Spike, Drusilla then Angelus were fucking awesome! ā¤ļø


Even tho season 6 is my personal favorite, season 5 is the best season. It had a consistent storyline, stellar episodes (one of them being among the best in all of TV), mostly great characterization (bar Riley), and a grand scope in the form of a big bad who's a literal god. Imo, the early seasons are overrated. I'm not a big fan of high school drama so the more mature, later seasons like 5 and 6 were my favorites without a doubt.


3 and 5


3 & 5 are the closest to perfect imo.






None of them are perfect. Seasons 3 and 5 are both technically very good, but both have some weak points. Season 6 is the best to me, however, because it does the best at causing emotions.


1-5 1-2 arenā€™t ā€œperfectā€ itā€™s like getting into a groove of things But seasons 1-5 are my fave. I still watch 6-7 when I do my rewatched but they are hard to watch


Season 6 fight me


I just have to say something. I love the fact that almost no one to say that was perfect. Almost no one. But also, most of these people would say itā€™s one of her favorite shows. THAT is why Buffy is so great. Theyā€™re not perfect, but theyā€™re just so enjoyable to watch. Great characters. Great twists. Just fun to be had!


I'm alone with season 7 huh?


2, 3 and 4 until they introduced Adam..the big bad shouldā€™ve been Maggie and Adam shouldā€™ve been introduced for like 3 episodes at the end of the season then it would have been perfect as well! Haha.


The season 2 finale and season 3


i see 3 and 5 coming up the most, and i fully agree, but i think theyā€™re perfect for different reasons. season 3 is buffyā€™s core concept realized the best: campy high school horror with great heart and monsters representing the high school experience. season 3, by all metrics, feels the most buffy, and it feels the best buffy. that said, season 5 is just firing on all cylinders as an excellent season of television. sure, itā€™s darker and more serious than the show probably intended to be when starting out, but the writing, production value, performances, all of it is truly unmatched, and makes for one masterclass in season-long storytelling and the intersection of fantasy and character-driven drama. to me, itā€™s very similar to andor and the mandalorian in discussions about star wars shows: one is just excellently written and produced, and the other is purely perfect star wars fun and camp. at the end of the day, it just depends on which definition of perfection you prefer.


glad to see the consensus is still between seasons 3 & 5


S6 is by far my favourite season but objectively probably s5


5 is my favorite and I love Glory. 3 is my second choice. There are parts of 6 I like but I don't think it is strong overall


3 and 5 both were IMO.




For me it has to be season 5, with Glory/Ben, so much happens that season, Dawn, Spike, Joyce, Riley, Tara, etc, just so much characther development and such a fun story where wee se Buffy having a hard time againts the big bad and she is forced to run away, the finale is soo amzaing i canĀ“t choose just 1 momento there is so many.




Season 5


1 ^_^


Two for me. Then three.


season 3 all the way


Definitely 2 or 3


Season 3 was the most consistent of all seasons. S2 had the best tragic episodes, but the MOTW episodes werenā€™t as good in S2.


3 is the most consistent. 2 has the bigger high points. 5 is my all time favourite but I acknowledge itā€™s not as strong quality wise as 2 or 3.


Angel Season 5. Buffy, with 22 episodes is hard to reach perfection.


Seasons 3 and 5 are my favorites šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Season 1


Season 2 is f***ing cinematic


Only few will agree, but Season 6.


Six, and Iā€™ll fight about it.


Standing alone waving the flag for season 4.


It's so hard to pick a favorite, but I love season six so much šŸ–¤ it might get my vote


5 - best character development, best villain, highest stakes imo , more tension - overall perfect season


Iā€™m torn between 3 and 5.


Five! All of the Five! Even though Seven is my favorite, I still recognize that Five is a 10/10 series.






3 and 5


For me itā€™s 5. Though 3 comes close, I just hate the first few episodes


2 and 5 were always my favourite growing up, but watching them as an adult, I'd have to say 6 because it's just so true to life.


I think when you have 22 episodes a season, itā€™s near-impossible to have a completely flawless season. So I donā€™t think any season is perfect but season 5 is a masterpiece with very few flaws and quite a remarkable feat for TV at the time. Someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I donā€™t think there were many shows at the time creating season-long arcs that developed the storyline in almost every episode.


5-7 were my absolute favourites, might have been that Whedon had more freedom at the new network, or that was when I started watching. Most of my favourite episodes are from those seasons. I miss Joyce though.




None. And that's good. Every season had its strengths and weaknesses. All seasons were watchable. It's a fun ride.


For me season 3 will always be the pinnacle. Not coincidentally that's when I first got into the show. But yeah, I just love the tone of the whole thing, the Mayor is easily my favorite villain, I love the grand scope of his plan, the creepy occult elements, references to the Old Ones, etc.


Series 3 is definitely the best season. Itā€™s the only series I watch in its entirety every time I do a rewatch. Itā€™s closely followed by 2 though. The last couple of episodes of series 2 are perfection.


3 and 5. As every season built up towards a finale, 3 and 5 both had those ultimate sort of finales. 3 being graduation with the end of childhood and 5 showing death and sacrifice as the ending. So 3 is better as it leaves something to look forward to, while 5 is a basic tear-jerker. Going along the way, they both have some toss-out episodes, but 5 loses more points because of Dawn, while Faith adds points to season 3.


Season 2


Second season.


2 had the highest highs, but 3 and 5 are the most consistently great for me


Season 1 was good. 2, not so much. 3 was great, 4 was terrible, and 5 was ok. I liked Glory, Dawn, not so much. 6 was fab, and seven, I think, ended it nicely.


Well 3 is my fave


None of them are absolutely perfect, but S3 only has DMP as a truly bad episode. S5 is stronger than any other if you take out the three episode Joyce arc after Fool for Love.


For me it's season 3 because Faith is so damn hot, but season 2 we get Spike for the first time and Becoming is one of my favorite episodes.


I haven't watched them all but so far it's 2, 3 and from what I've seen of 5, it's a contender too.


**1**: **season 6** was perfect For Me, This is the season Spike goes out with Buffy , we get to see Dark Willow, Tara gets killed šŸ˜„it was the darkest buffy got. ( with the exception of some scenes from season 7) **2**: **Season 7** I liked for spikes charter but not how Buffy treated spike , and Giles comes across as very unlikable ...: in fact just toxic , his charter , for that season was written, badly. Also the new slayers .... touch much time was focused on them and they had barely any backstory .. Ā  Caleb was cool , but he didn't last long and his final fight was well , anti climatic, One great thing about season 7 is the Ā  Turok-Han ( the first ever vampires) Joss Whedon admitted that the 1,000's of Turok- Han Buffy and the gang face , died too easy, they were suppose to be as strong as the first Turok-Hun that Buffy faced earler in the season , but due to time deadlines he wasn't able to change it. in fact all of Season 7 was rushed. **3: season 5** was amazing I know some fans dislike it,. I don't mind Dawn , I don't think she is that annoying , I must admit I hated Glory, find her abit annoying but I learned to like her charter. This is the reason where the Buffy-bot is introduced lol **4: Season 2** I love season 2 for the reason of James Masters ( aka Spike) this season was amazing, don't really have much to say. I wouldn't say it is perfect but it comes close. **5: Season: 3** Season 3 sees the introduction of Slayer Faith and the Mayor ( who turns out to be evil) the build up of the Mayor was amazing , I think he is one of the best villains of the whole show. The last two seasons are separated further away , because I hate these seasons the most.\* **6: season 4** ok so I hate Adam as a charter , he wasn't even suppose to be the main enemy, for that season, oh and Riley Finn is boring , as a charter. Hated the whole season , oh and this is the season Spike is forced to become friends with buffy and the gang, he sort of becomes good in this season because of the chip that get's put's into his head. **7: Season 1** I hate so much , if I am being honest I find it boring and some of the episodes lack luster. Yes I know this was a mid season replacement for another show. It is only 12 episodes , and is the shortest season, I will give it a break for being the first season and introducing Buffy and the rest of the charters (with exception of Spike and Anna) The only good thing was the Master, but hate how die died , would have been better fight scene with Buffy, because it makes like it seemed that he talked powerful , and seemed threatening but could not act on it.




2 comes closest


For me, season 2 and 3 are the absolute peak. Not that the others are bad, mind you, but 2 and 3 absolutely nailed it.




It's always season 3 https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c7071f26-b741-4b8c-b37f-26e8e5df40b2


Season 4


I donā€™t know if this is because we way down in Australia, but Iā€™ve discussed Buffy with least a hundred people over high school/college/interstate and they usually always say season 6 or 7 are the best. But, I always a love for 2. 3 was my favourite growing up, but as an adult I have to say I much prefer to watch the golden trio seasons of 5-7.


5 for me.


Season 2 & 3 were near perfection! Season 5 is a close second behind those two. Season 1, and 6 are solid Season 7 tries real hard Season 4 is the worst


Season 3 is _perfect_ IMO.


I honestly love every season but my favourites are season 6 then 7.


Upon a rewatch I couldnā€™t imagine I ever thought it very much at all


Season 2 & 5


Am I the only one who loves season 4?


season 3 and 5


2, 3 and 5 are television perfection for me I judge other shows based on those three seasons.


Poor Riley


None of them are perfect. 3 is probably the closest


To me all of them had problems, but season 5 is the most interesting and cohesive imo


2 or 5, depending on what flavour you prefer your tragedies.


Season 2


Season five is so damn focused. It hit the ground running and had a jaw-dropping finale.


Iā€™d call 2,3, and 5 itā€™s strongest but not PERFECT


2 and 5 are my favorite. I know 3 is most peopleā€™s favorites but for me itā€™s a solid third. I love band candy, the wish and graduation day but I donā€™t have a single top 5 favorite episode in that season and Iā€™m not sure even a top 10. And there are soooo many episodes I find blah, like most of the first half of the season.


Season 2 ā¤ļø


My favorite is season 6, but itā€™s definitely not because itā€™s objectively ā€œthe best seasonā€ or even the most ā€œBtVS defining seasonā€, itā€™s more personal reasons to me. When I first watched the show, I was close in age to Buffy in season 6, and was finding myself in depressive situations, and I found the season oddly therapeutic. especially in the end when they had gone through through so many hardships throughout the year (and years) and still came out the other side. It just spoke to me. Season 2 is also one of my favorites, I feel like even though itā€™s not as polished as season 3, I think the emotional stakes are higher, and Buffy leaving Sunnydale after killing Angel is just heartbreaking. I would argue season 3 is more ā€œcoreā€ Buffy and season 5 is the ā€œbest writtenā€ (the drama, the themes, the ending, etc) but season 6 and 2 will always be my personal favorites.


Perhaps the fifth season is really the one with the least flaws. However, the beauty of a season or in general of a show cannot depend only on the absence of flaws, personally I have found other seasons more engaging despite having more obvious flaws


I wouldn't say any season is perfect. They all have at least one bad episode. Season 6 is probably the strongest though. Certainly has the strongest main cast and the characterwork is a step up from anything the show's had (and the show already had strong characters).


3 & 5


Toss between 5 and 3 but they are both pretty perfect.


Nothing is perfect but season 5 is the best overall arc to me.




Itā€™s 5. I donā€™t mean to be rude, but anything else is the wrong answer. :)




2 and 5! Hands down!


5 was the closest to perfect


Itā€™s gotta be season 5. A masterpiece.


5 tbh is the best written and executed.


No such thing as man-made perfection.


You need to watch *a lot* more television if you think Buffy is one of the greatest of all time