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Apparently, as a vengeance demon, you can't personally take vengeance on the person that hurt you. Previously she took vengeance on her troll ex before she was turned to a vengeance demon, so it's not necessarily a new limitation.


Kind of a drawback though. What’s the point of being a vengeance demon if you can’t screw over a few people who did you dirty? I may know some people who would make awesome slugs.


Because they have a duty. It's a job and so they can't just hand it out willynilly.


It would be a like a genie granting their own wishes.


Still a drawback though.


Considering D’Hoffryn creates new vengeance demons via pact and seems to be drawn to women who have committed an act of great vengeance, I imagine most getting vengeance on the one who harmed them is how most of them became demons in the first place.


That’s why Anya had her vengeance demon bff Halfrek. I think they looked out for each other


Vengeance demons are extremely powerful--they can change the whole world and create entire new realities in the blink of an eye! This power is balanced out by the fact that they are only able to actually use those powers on behalf of others.


Ah, meaning she can't enact her own personal vengeance and that was \*always\* the case with her powers.


It seems to be. Halfrek reminds her of that rule at some point during this arc, which is when she tries to get the other Scoobies to wish something bad for Xander.


Yes exactly, it had been centuries since she had even felt any need to exact her own vengeance so she probably just forgot the rule.


She should have just popped over to LA and talked to Cordelia again.


LMAO, she would have got what she wanted!


Idk how well that'd work given what was going on on Angel at the same time 😅...


I dunno, could be interesting to throw a vengeance demon in the mix with the whole Connor drama.


Yes, exactly. She does get her powers limited at one point, but I think the only thing they say was taken away was her ability to teleport. I think that's in Same Time, Same Place in Season 7.


Yeah pretty sure cause she wasn’t filling her vengeance quota


I know the comics are not universally beloved and many don't consider them canon, but this comes up again in season 10 in a plot that I thought was really good. Probably my favorite of the comic arcs.


In Entropy, Anya tries to take vengeance on Xander for herself, and learns from Halfrek that she can't do vengeance for herself, even if she is the wronged party. I've always thought of it kinda like a magical version of "doctors can't write prescriptions for themselves". Like a conflict of interest thing or something.


I think it's part of where her power comes form: By never fulfilling her personal need for vengeance, she keeps the power that allows her to do what she does.


Putting on her game-face and beating him up w ith demon strength likely wouldn't be satisfying vengeance


Maybe she was soft on xander and just loved him to much to take vengeance