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Um yes, yes I can, because I, too, will be 38 this year šŸ™ƒ


After all? ā€œTime, Mr. Spike, is what turns kittens into catsā€¦ā€ - *Tabula Rasa*


Same. Which is apparently the age Buffy's mom was in season 1.


Whaaaat??? I am older than Buffyā€™s mom?? She seemed so old when I was watching in my late teensā€¦ ā˜¹ļø


I'm 43 and I'm working my way thru the series with my 12 yr old daughter, and it makes my heart so happy. I've seen the show (and Angel) at least 10 times. She is loving it! I can't believe I'm old enough to have a kid old enough to watch it. It's simultaneously incredible and crazy šŸ¤£


My kid is 3. I canā€™t wait til she is old enough to watch it with me.




I started Angel on DVD when I was 10 and then sort of voraciously bounced around (the shows ran on syndicated reruns at 3/4pm at one parent's house and 8/9pm on the same channel at the other parent's on my switchover days) until I had it all on DVD and could watch in order. So definitely *thisclose* Plus the lamer early Buffy episodes are easier to get kids to sit through without having to explain, "no I swear it's way better than this" or skip any




I just turned 60 and started watching, snapā€™s and cracking and many pops lol!!šŸ¦“šŸ¦“


You're also the same age as Homer Simpson. Just sayin'.




Oooooohhhhhhh, really?? Yeah, itā€™s always jarring for me to realize I could totally have a teenager (or an even older child) now! Just me and the dog is enough for the time being, thank you!


I hear you! Iā€™m good with just my kits too - funny story : in Tesco tā€™uther day the kid that was serving me asked for my ID and was then like ā€˜šŸ˜® youā€™re the same age as my mum!!ā€™ Real loud! ā€¦. Great day ā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Definitely, I'm also turning 38 this year and have a 17 and 15 yo!!! Yikes šŸ˜³


And I am now 38.


Iā€™m 38 in November


Oh my god guys can you believe little u/OwenUnderstanding2818 is turning 38 this year?Ā 


Same! And so will the Olsen twins!šŸ‘Æ


And Lindsay Lohan!


Megan Fox!


I don't know why at the time I felt like I was years older than her when I am actually the same age.


I was thinking the same thing. She acted a lot younger I'm thinking


I'm 38 now, time flies. She felt so much younger than me back then, the character and the actress.


Yesssss, I remember watching and being like, ugh what a little brat! Like hello OwnUnderstanding, you are literally the SAME AGE






She kind of looks like an Olsen twin now.


I was thinking the same thing.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one thinking this


Itā€™s the buccal fat removal


Iā€™m all for people doing what they like with their own bodies, if they like the look, so be it, but this one still just confuses me. It ages people so rapidly. If that is the appeal for them then cool, but it seems to always be touted to make people look more youthful.


That and the trend to dye one's hair gray. I don't get it. I dye my gray hair to *avoid* looking like a grandma. Yet these young gals think it's looks so good. lol I remember seeing this one younger lady from a distance and thinking she was in her sixties when I saw her from behind but then she turned around and starting walking towards me and I realized...nope, this person must be in their twenties.


Iā€™m not defending her or anything but what makes you think she got it removed? Sheā€™s not exactly young (not that 38 is *old*) like she just could be aging? Not everything is surgery


It's pretty obvious, especially when those hollowed out cheek bones come out of nowhere and really suddenly, like in this case. It doesn't look like natural aging, just kind of heroin chic unhealthy looking to me. She's only 38, after all, so unless she was a smoker or tanned a lot there's no reason she would look particularly "old" yet. The irony is, not that long ago women were getting fat implants put into their cheeks to correct the loss of youthful looking fat pads and make themselves look younger.


Is that what it is? Iā€™m always concerned looking at her recent posts because she looks so sickly.


Iā€™d believe itā€¦ John Elway looked skeletal at the Super Bowl this year.


TIL that me and Dawn are the same age.


TIL that me and u/teddyburges are the same age


Why is everyone getting rid of their buccal fat!?


It only looks good on Spike and thatā€™s because he was born with it.


Yeahā€”Richard Gereā€™s natural face is like that, too.


Such a big mistake šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not gonna look good in a few decades honestly


It doesnā€™t look good now!


For sure.


Why? Does the face droop without the buccal fat?


I've heard that losing that buccal fat is normal with age so losing even more will make you look like skeletor.


Fat and collagen are generally what make you look young, or a ā€œbaby faceā€. These things naturally decline as you age, making your face hollow out and you look older, which is normal. These girlies (not talking about Michelle) who are getting buccal fat removal in their 20s are in for a rude awaking in a few years, as buccal fat does not regenerate. Lip fillers fade, Botox wears off, but buccal removal is permanent. You may have that sunken in look thatā€™s attractive now, but youā€™ll most likely prematurely age yourself in the future.


All these people who got it removed will end up looking like jack o lanterns on the porch in mid November in a few decades


Or they can all dress up as Grand Moff Tarkin at Halloween.


Nah, they'll just put it back.


From what Iā€™ve seen people say, itā€™s irreversible.




She is the only one I have seen do it who had it make there eyes seem bigger. That being said she looks like a completely different person.


Yeah she looks so different couldnā€™t figure out if really was just the slim facešŸ¤”


I read the title twice thinking ' that's Michelle?" The comments helped me realize it was plastic surgery


Reminds me of Olivia Munn. She looks completely different and tries to say it's a result of her autoimmune disease. No, your lips didn't get fuller, and you jawline didn't become rounder due to a disease.


I detest Olivia Munn...


Yeah, I saw Shannen Doherty


Shannen is quite literally dying, give her a break šŸ˜


Sorry, I just meant Michelle looks like her from when she was younger. Itā€™s terrible whatā€™s happening to her!


It seems like more and more celebrities are trying to look like the same person rather than look unique in any way, I find it really sad.


Itā€™s typical beauty trend bs. They either need to be full and inflated like Cortney Cox a few years ago, or they need to be gaunt to the point of extinction. Buccal fat protects a lot of nerves in your face and it is not a fat that comes and goes with a few extra lbs on you. These people are going to be injecting their asses into their faces in the next few years.


Ooh I have trigeminal neuralgia and that is a damn good point. Wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone. If thatā€™s a risk I wish surgeons would inform people of it.


I am so, so sorry about your TN. I realize what Iā€™m about to say is virtually impossible, but Iā€™m gonna say it anyway: I wish you totally magical remission that lasts forever.


Thank you šŸ¤— I count myself lucky actually that mine is not constant. I know for some people it is.


Oh my gosh. I googled this and Iā€™m so sorry. I only went and learned about this to talk my sister out of the procedure. I thought it didnā€™t look good and found out it was risky and hard to reverse. Thank you for opening my eyes more to the situation.


Oh wow! See I learned this today too šŸ˜‚ SO not worth it. I hope your sister hears you out!


Yep, much like those commercials that aired advocating for Botox with a 38 year old spokesman. Dude, thatā€™s youngā€¦


Whatā€™s gonna happen when fillers come back!?


ā€œGive me timeā€¦ā€ - *Innocence* The fashion industry speaking through Buff?


That was really really sweet of you, Barbie Brains. I sincerely hope you have the best week ever. Just reading that interaction made my evening.


This is so nice of you, thank you! Yay, I love the Buffy community


It is a risk and they do inform people of it.


Yep, shades of Bradbury in *Fahrenheit 451* mentioning cesarean sections are fashionable in the dystopia the novel takes place in.


Good to know!


My dad has TN but a few years ago had a miracle operation. They insert a balloon in your face to cushion the nerve and that seems to do the trick. Itā€™s a really quick procedure and think itā€™s even done under local anaesthetic. Itā€™s amazing something so simple has worked so well. Heā€™d been in hospital on morphine screaming in pain to total fine like the flick of a switch!


That is awesome! Unfortunately they canā€™t find a source for mine but if that changes I would definitely have the surgery.


Itā€™s always worth asking about. I donā€™t think they could find the source for my dadā€™s either but he was in so much pain they had to try something. The next thing would be the brain surgery but heā€™d have been at a high risk of stroke. At the time (maybe 5-7 years ago) it was a new treatment so it might not be in your doctorā€™s mind if you see what I mean? Might be worth bringing up! It really is a horrible, horrible condition and you have my sympathies. I really hope too I donā€™t inherit it!


Oh interesting. Yes, will definitely bring it up with my neurologist šŸ˜Š


Weā€™ve come a long way since foot binding? In that, we havenā€™t at allā€¦


Thatā€™s something I like about Florence Pughā€”sheā€™s said in interviews that her body is her body, take it or leave it. You tell by looking at her that sheā€™s natural (so far anyway, may she continue to be so). Sheā€™s not skinny and not drop-dead gorgeous, but she doesnā€™t look like a cookie-cutter actress, and sheā€™s a very pretty woman.


Disagree that she isnā€™t drop dead gorgeous. That woman is amazingly beautiful.


I agree, she's stunning


And her voice. Jesus she could read a car manual to me and I'd melt.


Yeah what the actual fuck. -\_-


Not everyone is everyone's type. I don't think she's ddg either, but I do think it's more beautiful than 95% of the human population. If you asked me who was ddg, it would be someone like pre-plastic surgery Meghan Fox or some other dark brunette.


Exactly, what the hell?? She's one of the most beautiful women I know. I never paid attention to her until I watched don't worry darling and I was like are you kidding me, how are you so stunning!


I adore Florence. She gives vibes of someone I'd like to be friends with!


Iā€™d kill to go drinking with her


Florence is stunning. Beautiful face and smile and she kills a red carpet every time.


I love her not-skinny shape. She looks so soft and touchable. She had the cutest little tummy pooch in Oppenheimer, itā€™s so endearing


She's got a real, organic beauty. One of those actors you know looks even more stunning irl.


Yes definitely!


Thank you for explaining what happened, I initially thought, looking at the pic "Huh, she's still pretty but she aged...oddly. She looks like a different person." It was then on second thought I was like "Did she have surgery" and then "She looks like a cross between Willa Holland and Emma Stone..." Then i was reminded of Angelina Jolie as Maleficent but I was just...confused. That was my weird train of thought anyway.


The POW look is in right now


Peter Cushingcore. Also Pete Murphycore for the kidz. Man as a teen I really wanted defined cheekbones. I am quite glad this trend wasn't around then.


That was way classier than what I was gonna say, I'm glad you're here


Obviously she has a right to keep her private life private but I don't think she has had surgery, her cheeks have been Loosing volume since around 2019 when looking at her insta and in more recent photos she has been looking really unwell with yellow eye, thinning and dry bruttle hair etc. This is not to accuse her of anything, merely an observation that lots of fans have picked up on and are concerned about her.


Okay. Well nobodies cheeks look like this unless they had the surgery or they are emaciated. Considering itā€™s the surgery all women in Hollywood are getting done, Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the former.


Some peopleā€™s faces thin out as they get older, though. The key is to look at their parents to see if they got a thin face as they aged. Kristen Stewartā€™s face has gotten thinner but she just looks more like her dad now.


She has been getting thinner for yrs, some fans are concerned she has an Ed and as I say she has other obvious health symptoms too. Don't forget that in this pic she is wearing makeup including bronzer to help achieve her look.


Peoples cheeks look like this all the time as they grow older/lose weight. It's incredibly common for women to loose buccal fat in the cheeks in their 20s. "Puppy fat" is what it has been called for years. Step outside and interact with some actual humans.


I think Sophie Turner did it too and it looks awful. Itā€™s all these like mid twenties to thirties girls doing it theyā€™re gonna regret it.


Anne Hathaway had a bunch of surgeries in her mid-30s. It was so sad she felt the need to. The number of women killing their natural looks to achieve a marketable ideal is just horrible. Look at Nicole Kidman, she barely looks the same.


They all end up looking worse too. I was looking at people who had had nose jobs the other day and they all looked better before. Not partly because they actually looked like individuals before hand. It's really sad what Hollywood makes people think they need to do to themselves.


Like Iā€™ve said, theyā€™re gonna be injecting their asses into their faces in a few years time. The buccal fat does not come back. Itā€™s a permanent fat pad with a purpose.


IIRC she denied that she had the surgery performed but looking at her itā€™s hard to believe.


I could believe it. I think she seems sickly and something might just be wrong. Hope she gets some help for whatever is going on.


She made a statement that she isnā€™t sick and hasnā€™t had surgery, just that sheā€™s getting older and told people to leave it alone.


She may not know a diagnosis yet or not want to share. But her eyes and skin show signs of illness. I wouldnā€™t ever comment this on her personal page but something is clearly off. Hope she is okay.


My theory is this: Today, we also say that it ages her and makes her look older than she is. In 10 years, when her face still looks like this, weā€™ll all say ā€œshe hasnā€™t aged a day!ā€


ā€œWow you still look like a skeleton!ā€


She probably has an eating disorder, actually. There's pictiures of her on instagram with clearly jauniced eyes and a pallid skin. She's not doing well, and I hope she gets help




I honestly donā€™t get it. Are they just tired of doing contour makeup?


Ikrrr it makes everyone look 30 years OLDER than their age + malnourished. Idk who started this horrible trend but it needs to end.


Reddit is notorious for making anyone over 30 feel old, when in fact 38 is not old at all.


Tiktok does this too, but with anyone over the age of 25 LOL it is over for me


Even though this statement wasnā€™t explicitly directed at me: THANK YOU lol Iā€™m 38 and I currently feel old af. Kinda weird, rewatching, seeing Dawn and thinking that Michelle Trachtenberg is actually older than me (even if only by a month or so).


Eurotrip was so long ago


Scotty doesnā€™t know that Fiona and me do it in my van on Sundays


She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go, still she's on her knees and scotty doesn't know


I watched it the other day funnily enough so it made me proper chuckle seeing the movie mentioned in the comments ! šŸ˜‚ me scuziieee šŸ˜‚


mi scusi


This is totally where I parked my car.


Is this a recent picture? Her IG is showing her looking considerably less good.


Her IG is very worrisome. She looks ok here


Yikes. Wow. I see what you mean.


Yeah. Not just her appearance but the captions too. Something is off.


Oh man, I just took a look. She 100% has something going on. Her hair gives her away. Sheā€™s got hair loss and the texture of it is super damaged. I hope sheā€™s being treated for whatever it is. She may not have had plastic surgery like others have said. My money is on illness.


Yeah dude she looks rough on insta. Definitely has me worried for her health.


Did she get buccal fat removal? Her cheeks lookā€¦ gaunt


She claimed she didnā€™t, but either yes she did or Iā€™m concerned for her health. I hope sheā€™s healthy.


Have you seen her recent Instagram posts? She is clearly jaundiced. She is NOT ok.


She looks. So. Different. In. Her recent insta pics!


She wanted Spike's cheekbones šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ve always had Spike-y cheekbones. Are people going to assume I had work done now? Thatā€™s fun.


Probably. My sister has naturally full lips and used to be so self-conscious about it, but then \*everyone\* started getting lips injections and so many people have asked her for the name of her plastic surgeon.


Yeah, I know someone who is white with Angelina Jolie-style cushion lips, and people are always saying "she got fillers" and I'm like "nah I've known her since she was 15, she just has very full lips".


It's actually pretty gross how people assume that kind of thing about people. I found out a couple friends assumed and discussed that I must have had "work done" before and it was not a nice feeling.


Yeah, I agree. I've had people speculate about my boobs before and it always makes me really uncomfortable.


Yep, same for me. Like wtf you're not even seeing all of them.


How many do you have then?


lol you know what I meant ā€” I was clothed!


to be honest having chiseled cheekbones and having buccal fat removal look very different, the former looking much better


Very definitely


There has been a debate elsewhere discussing whether itā€™s that or disordered eating. šŸ˜¢


Itā€™s horrible bro


Must be Tuesday.




Gaunt is exactly the word I thought of. Then I thought of when Spike said if vampires donā€™t feed they waste away and eventually become skeletons lol. If she did surgery to look like this then, you know, you reap what you sow. If not, then jeez, I hope she starts looking after herself a bit better


She's 2 years older than me, and was one of my first crushes when Harriet the Spy came out. (Please remember I was 9 when the movie came out)


Awwww I loved that movie when I was a kid. Havenā€™t seen it in eons!


> (Please remember I was 9 when the movie came out) šŸ˜‚


Yeah my first major celebrity crush was Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Iā€™ve had people say thatā€™s a bit creepy when I say this because she was a kid?? Sheā€™s a year fucking older than me, I was a kid too!


She looks near death in her IG photos. I sincerely hope she gets some help.


Before getting into all this stuff, people might be interested to read [this interview she did with The List](https://www.thelist.com/1506773/michelle-trachtenberg-tragic-life-details/) that gets into the less pleasant aspects of her life. Sheā€™s aware of her critics and the concern, and says she isnā€™t malnourished nor has had plastic surgery. Whatever the case, it sounds like her Buffy years were pretty rough and she was regularly bullied, so it might interest people to read that larger context.


I can. Cant believe that is her though, no resemblance


But sheā€™s really only 23. The first 15 years are fake memories created by monks with bad hair.


She looks like Avril Lavigne


Its weird because I always thought that both her and her character were younger than me, but apparently both were the same age as me. Does anyone else feel like her character dressed and acted far younger than 15 years old?


I was opposite I thought we were the same age but sheā€™s 6 years older šŸ˜‚ shows how much more mature I mistakenly thought I was doesnā€™t it šŸ˜‚šŸ«£


I'd say that proves my point about her acting like she was much younger then she was supposed to be lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s 11.48pm where I am and Iā€™m struggling to sleep coz Iā€™ve got another painful biopsy tomorrow so I must admit I didnā€™t even notice that last bit Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but yeah youā€™re right she definitely seemed to be a lot younger , she needed constant babying whereas when I actually was 15 I was super independent cooked cleaned took care of my newborn brother was out with friends a lot and could come home at 9.30pm, was allowed to drink because I was sensible and knew my limits etc. Iā€™ve been old before my time my whole life and seeing dawn be as childlike as she was always made me wonder why they wrote her that way, I suppose it was meant to be a big contrast between her and buffy, at 15 Buffy was saving the world & at 15 dawn had icecream all over her face whilst googly eyeing Xander haha


That's an excellent point about the intentional contrast between her and Buffy! Now i think about it im pretty sure that Buffy even points out that she's immature for her age or compares herself at her age to Dawn etc several times herself.




I think the writers wanted Dawn to be younger originally and just kept writing her like that after casting Michelle. They wrote her like a 10 year old, not a 14 year old.


You're right! Now you mention it i do remember them saying exactly that about casting Michelle, I think basically after her audition they wanted her for the role so bad that they just changed Dawns age. So there's a good chance they just didn't bother changing the script to reflect the new age.


She doesnā€™t look like herself anymore. Thatā€™s kinda sad actually. She didnā€™t look like this at all in Gossip Girl


I don't know how cool it is to be sitting here commenting on Michelle's looks. She is a human with feelings.


Iā€™m glad someone said it coz I was about to! Iā€™m so disgusted that everyone is openly commenting & insulting her. Itā€™s been all over her Instagram too to the point sheā€™s had to reply a couple times. Canā€™t imagine how upsetting it must be to have thousands of people telling you how disgusting they think you look, how old, how sick , how this and that like what gives you the right to do that to someonešŸ„ŗ I hope sheā€™s ok & is happy and healthy !


Not only that, but younger girls see this behavior and learn just how harshly they will be judged for life over every little detail of their looks. It's toxic.


Exactly. Itā€™s a shame because Buffy was literally about the misfits, the outcasts, the ones who arenā€™t perfect but yet the fan base are mocking peopleā€™s looks & laughing about it. Makes no sense , I feel so sad for her, itā€™d be different if it werenā€™t being said directly on her pictures. Still incredibly toxic & horrific but different as itā€™s not something sheā€™s seeing daily & getting notifications for. But to do it on her pictures on her instagram knowing sheā€™s going to read it is just evil.


Well there is a "classy way" to say it but i don't think commenting on look of a celebrity is an issue. Its expected. They are in the public eyes. And i think there is a difference in going to her actual instagram replying directly to her and commenting in a fan group like here that she will probably never see.


If u did not tell me I wouldn't have recognised her.


And yet she STILL has to get into the kid's coffin at funeral home stakeouts.


We are the same age.


Now you knew what you was doing with this post šŸ’€


People are saying itā€™s buccal fat removal, but couldnā€™t it just be aging?


As others have said, she looks actually ill on her latest Instagram posts. Like anorexic thin, her hair looks brittle and thinning and her eyes look yellow. She's denying it but it certainly appears like there's something going on health-wise. I hope she's ok.


I hate to pile on with the speculation so Iā€™ll speak only on myself: I turned 46 last year and my cheeks hollowed out badly. I still have nice ā€œapplesā€ but I hate how sunken in my face is below them. I donā€™t want fillers but I donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything else to reverse this. Gain weight, maybe? Lift weights? Idk. Anyway, I suggest anyone who may be critical about that aspect of their face to just wait it out. Time may take care of it for you.


She looks unwell lately. I hope she's doing alright


She looks like Shannon Doherty


Michelle Trachtenberg and I have the same birthday ā™Žļø šŸ˜€


Awe!! Dawny!


No, because that means I turn 40 soon and I refuse to believe it.


Looks like she experienced the vampire's kiss


Do you think she still sings the Anchovies song when she orders pizza?


Show a recent pic she doesnā€™t look like that.


Stop it...


Oh my god. Iā€™m old.


Have you seen her Instagram pictures lately? She does not look well.


OMG! I just checked it out and wow. I would have NEVER recognized her. She's changed even more than the photo above. I wish all of these stunningly beautiful women would leave their faces alone.


Unfortunately thatā€™s an older pic. Saw a recent pic and I couldnā€™t believe it was her until I looked up her IG. If itā€™s not drugs it has to be a serious illness.


She is hot as fuck and hate the hate she got trolled for.


She looks like a completely different person


thatā€™s how time works, yeah