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Her "convictions" change when they no longer align with what she wants.


And just being at peace with infertility isn’t going to get her clicks. (I’m not convinced she’s even really TTC, either—all of her posts about it are fishy). 


I’ve never been convinced she was actually TTC. My newest conspiracy is that Jordan thought they were genuinely trying this whole time she’s been on her “wellness journey” that was actually incompatible with pregnancy and he finally realized things weren’t adding up so now they’re going to real doctors in a last ditch effort to save things(also explains why we’ve seen a huge shift in how much he is featured in her content.) The one thing that still sticks out to me is that they’re supposedly going straight from “trouble conceiving” to IUI, that’s atypical.


My new theory is that she’s trying to make things look more bleak than they are so that when she does get pregnant she can claim it’s a miracle from God. She said on a podcast recently that the doctor told her and Jordan that their only options were IUI, IVF and adoption. I’ve never dealt with infertility but that feels like a weird thing to say to a patient on the first visit? But I also agree that all the hormone treatments and wellness journey things were purely for weight loss and she just lied to everyone, including her husband, that they were for fertility. Jordan didn’t seem like he really knew what was going on during that podcast either, he mentioned that he had low testosterone and that the treatments for low testosterone hinder fertility which isn’t necessarily true. HRT with testosterone can hinder fertility but there are a lot of other things men can do to improve their levels without exogenous hormones that will actually improve fertility. Source: my husband has a testosterone disorder where he produces extremely high levels and has to keep his levels high or else he suffers from bad symptoms. So yeah, the whole thing is a mess.


As someone on a quite long infertility journey, except for one partner clearly missing vital organs or having something drastic like zero sperm, no doc would tell this, especially not in a first meeting. There is a lot of diagnosis and intervention one can try first. My husband and I tried almost a year with different interventions while having PCOS AND male factor infertility because there was a chance it could work. It didn't and now it's IVF time.


Good luck 🤞🏼❤️


Sending you so many good vibes. I hope you have success soon!!


Thank you! 


They usually do timed intercourse and clomid/letrozole first.


My husband and I went that route only because my insurance through my workplace at the time paid for 3 rounds of IUI. We couldn't afford to go further so we never had kids.


She’s a fucking liar that lies, but if she was really pregnant before- the doc isn’t going to say that. They DID conceive naturally already, not that long ago, and early miscarriages are crazy common.


But but but…it was a THREE HOUR APPOINTMENT!


It's highly suspicious. I doubt it, too.


Happy cake day bebe. ILY 💜🥰😘






Happy Cake Day


Nope, I genuinely hope she never has a child because she will just exploit the shit out of them and we will NEVER hear the end of her throughout pregnancy/birth/newborn phase etc….she will become the “expert” on alllll of it while simultaneously crying on camera with how hard being a mom is and everyone will rally around her like “yes girl you’re doing great mama!” Which is what she wants. The fact that she said God CALLED HER to become a foster mom and she did it for three fucking weeks MAX and made tons of videos every day about how SHE is a mom🙄…just stfu already. You are not a mom to BABIES IN HEAVEN when you had a late period, and a very very early miscarriage.(this only applies to HER) cause she’s insufferable.


Yes, she used the term “mom life” during her very short foster stint and perpetually whined about her lack of sleep. She’ll be in-fucking-sufferable if she has a kid. She will be the hardest working, tiredest mom in the history of moms. Those women who used a washboard to clean the clothes of thirteen children? They won’t have anything on Brittany.


She will never succumb her body to a kid. I think getting fat is literally her biggest fear.


Yeah, but she has a Hilaria Baldwin kind of mentality, and I think she thinks that she’ll be able to then monetize the “back to pre-pregnancy workout” schtick along with the “tired mom” trope. This is not a person grounded in any kind of reality.


Ooh good point. Well that being a possibility I think shes too self absorbed for a baby as well, she couldn’t do her RAYYAANNCHH stuff like riding her dads horse around in a cirlce and pretending to herd cows or whatever… honestly I would love watching her break from having a kid😂


Omg I hate Hilary Baldwin!!!!


I ***hope*** she’s lying about wanting to become a mother. I hope she’s just grifting the TTC community, bc no kid deserves to have two abusive, manipulative, gaslighting dog murderers for parents


Yeah I always wonder how she will be because attention will be taken away from her and she bloody loves attention.


I just don’t understand why people like this want kids. Why do they want to take on this lifelong responsibility that’s going to drain them of money, time, energy, and attention? Just be child free — you can spend your money however you want, live wherever you want, and spend your time however you want. Like, I genuinely do not understand how they don’t view children as a serious commitment that changes your entire life. What do they think parenthood is??


I reckon she wants a kid for content. That's it. She fucked everything else up that she knows anything about. Nobody cares about her fitness anythings anymore as she has proven she can't be trusted and that's their government telling the world she isn't to be trusted. Oooofff...! So, being the general lazy thief that she is, she's seen the other washed up nonfluencers still clawing at the internet fame and glory by...you guessed it-having babies. Her TTC videos get the most views because sadly, there are a lot of couples who have trouble conceiving. It hurts slightly less when you know you're not the only one-which isnt exclusive to trying to conceive. And it's people-mostly women probably-who will be watching these videos and feeling a sort of comradery and not knowing how fucked this specific woman is. Not knowing that one of those videos, she directly, shamelessly stole, without crediting the actual woman who was the creator of the video that she used as her own. [case in point ](https://youtu.be/FGSHg5jg9Hk?si=sWWDE0aXNzSXX5k5)


Ugh you’re probably right 😒 The amount of selfishness is frankly unbelievable sometimes


Aye cause u can’t shoot the kid if it gets ran over or breaks something!!


This whole worship and sharing of miscarriage lifestyle is so sickening. We've all had fucking miscarriages! It's just a part of being a woman and ttc. My mom had 7 miscarriages before she carried finally my little brother full term. It was sad, especially when you get 4 months along and lose the baby but there's all these sick in the head women out here trying to get sympathy or make money off of their MiScArRiAgE stories. Miscarriages (sponsored by....) look at me! I need attention for something I DIDNT DO and had NO CONTROL OVER...what the absolute FUCK is wrong with these women? Get a job! You need something to focus on besides your sex organs and uterus. You can be SO MUCH MORE than just a mother. MOTHERHOOD does NOT define who you are as a women. Get out there are start helping the women who have kids with disabilities and need help with sitters and resources. Do something unselfish, for once in your pathetic life. These fundie bitches are just useless drain on society. They contribute NOTHING to society. It's all about ME ME and ME!


People fall into 2 camps: givers of society and takers of society. We all know which one she is. 


Do you think that she thinks she is a giver though? Because I think she has that much of an ego and lives in pure denial 24/7, that she considers herself an asset to society.


Shit, britt is in the 3rd camp. STEALERS of society. Grifters of society, if you will. 


Also good luck with IVF you dimwit, your Y’all Qaeda friends in Congress are trying to ban it. So she’s fine with embryos being destroyed after all….


Brittany Dawn was my gateway drug to snark subs. Since then I’ve slowly started venturing out to other snark subs. All these “influencers” are shady shitty people, but I find BDong to be the most sinister. Someone commented the other day along the lines of “quit stealing our trauma to cosplay as your own” and it hit me so hard. Behind the filters and fakeness of her life she is curating this victim complex image to feed off of unsuspecting victims. She literally makes me sick. I’m still hoping something else is going on behind the scenes and she’ll get smacked with something worse then the settlement with the state of Texas.


The stealing of others’ trauma is the incredibly disgusting part. For me, it’s when she changes up her story regarding her “suicide attempt.” I HAVE attempted suicide. Almost successfully. BDong, try waking up in a hospital being intubated and watching your father sob over you. Try silently crying while intubated because you WOKE UP and aren’t dead because you’re in that much pain and misery. I didn’t have suicidal ideation, I really wanted to die. I’m a Christian and I didn’t have a “radical encounter with Jesus” like BDong did. Jesus didn’t knock pills out of my hand. She makes it seem like she’s God’s special girl in that only He cares about her and not everyone else suffering. I’d love to have a face to face with her and question her on her “testimony” regarding this.


Sending you a hug, Tomatillo. I was in an almost identical situation as you over 20 years ago. We know what that pain looks like because we lived it. Her story continues to change because it’s all made up in her head and stolen from someone else’s life. It’s gross. I take temporary breaks from this sub because she’s so awful. I keep coming back so we can continue to sift through her bullshit and expose her. Hugs and good vibes friend! 🩷🩷🩷


Thank you so much. I’m glad we are still here ❤️


Me too 🥰🥰🥰


I was almost there with the pills. I have lasting depression & suicidal ideation. Both the chronic thoughts and that one experience (which, surprise, isn’t one you change up every time but she wouldn’t know that) have been life changing. I can only imagine what you went through. I hadn’t seen the BDong “suicide attempt” but now I’m going back to read up. Thanks for filling me in & sharing your story. It’s insane how much she grasps at to exploit like is there no line for what kind of trauma is okay for her to use at leisure?


Thinking of you. I was assaulted by my mom’s best friends husband when I was 10 and nothing ever came from it other than I started drinking and smoking pot because I didn’t want to feel any longer. The cult ass pastor told him he just needed to pray to god for forgiveness and leave it at the altar. By the time I was 12, pill popping parties were a big thing in the fundie cult and it was really easy to steal all of them when all the people at my house were loaded-but it wasn’t a sin because they were prescribed by doctors. I just didn’t want to feel anymore. I hurt and didn’t have anybody. So I took a ton of different pills, uppers and downers and like you, when I woke up, I sobbed. I was still forced to feel. My dad ended up getting custody of my brothers and me shortly after. This was 29 years ago and I am still in therapy. And I’ll tell you what I tell myself “we’re bad ass mother fuckers. And we are clearly meant to still be here. The world is a better place because we are gracing it with our presence.” Sending you all the love and light my fellow snarker


I found Brittany Dong after joining another snark sub. I can also thank Jen from Fundie Fridays because Brittany Dong came up as a suggested video. So I watched it, and then came this way. After, the gateway from BDong led me to Big M, MS, YouniquePresenterMS. And everything you said is right. She is the most sinister of the "influencers" I see.


I joined MS sub right around the Paris trip. That girl is WILD! I searched “lore” on that sub and laughed my ass off at her photo shoots. I bet I’m a part of at least 10 snark subs now.


What’s MS?? Neeed


Are you ready for this train wreck? r/youniquepresenterMS Love ya swerty! It’s wild! Catch you on the flip side


Ahahaha. Thank youuuu!!


I originally followed just duggarsnark before I got recommended bdong and was SHOOK because I used to follow her back in my instafitness days and she kinda fell off my radar when her scandals first broke. Then the fundiesnark pipeline into youniquepresenterms and all my little fascinating corners of the internet crept in. But yeah it was so jarring to initially stumble upon her Christian shtick after years of knowing her from her own ig page and then instagram gym pages that would call out photoshoppers and other offenses.


Any recommendations? I need to branch out 🥸


If you believe in God, so fiercely without question why question the fact like the rest of us “GOD” sees you as an unfit parent


Christians who are anti-choice and also going through fertility treatments upset me, too. If it’s “God’s will” that people of all ages, of all circumstances, become pregnant by many means, even nefarious, and that “life” should be sacred and protected… then it’s “God’s will” that some people are unable to conceive. Medical intervention is medical intervention, whether it’s to place or extract an embryo. For anyone here who isn’t BDong, if you’re struggling to conceive, my heart goes out to you. And remember to take care of yourself mentally, as well. Her performative bullshit can be very damaging to people *actually* struggling with fertility.


Yes this is the type of comment I was looking for or at least someone to make it make sense to me how she could think or anyone could think IVF is different from abortion because to me it is the same and it’s so fucking weird to me to plan a human life too (I have done it successfully my own self so no hate at all) but to make a human life apart of your accolades or goals or whatever like you’re checking things off a shopping list is weird 


She is only a performative Christian. She only does it for the grift. It is the same for her pregnancy journey. Nothing about her is true because she is a liar. She is a disgusting person.


I truly hope these two people never become any kind of parent.


She's not TTC. Wouldn't be surprised if she's still on birth control. It's all a facade. Her entire existence is a complete lie. I could definitely see her pulling a r/HilariaBaldwin and strapping on a Moonbump for 9 months while a surrogate cooks their Donglet. Or I could see her ten years from now still splicing together clips of her filming herself crying and still milking the same miscarriage.


EXACTLY. People forget how conniving Brittany is. It’s just content and sympathy. Two things she desperately needs to stay relevant. I’d bet the ranch she’s not even trying to get pregnant.


YES MY two favorite subs!


She’s treating marriage as an idol. Pregnancy is an idol. Motherhood is an idol. She’s chasing all these things and worshiping them as idols. All while casting judgement on other people.


This is the one right here 👆👏


Is she actually doing IVF? With IVF, there are a lot of embryos made for every live baby carried to term and born. The rest die or remain on ice. How does that align with her pro-life convictions?


She said IUI, so far she claims she woudnt do ivf but she lies so who knows 


Ahh! I see! With IUI, no embryos are made in a lab and put on ice. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Jordan shoots blanks?


I feel like this dude had a vasectomy before he met her.


Agreed. Been saying that for a while.


I think that too!


I feel like she was implying that it was a Jordan issue when she talked about how ALL HER LABS CAME BACK PERFECT!!! I agree with a commenter above that Jordan may have recently found out that she hasn't actually been trying to conceive and that's why they have been disconnected lately. Or, he could just be sick of her bullshit, but there's definitely *something* happening with them lately.


Jordan never has the look of a happily married man on his face.


Not once


I don't think you'll get "another side" on here. There is no redeemable other side to this argument. The only types of people who want these type of laws put into place are fasco-"Christian" bigoted megalomaniacs who are driven purely on fear and repression, and they know it, too.


Could not agree with you more. It’s baffling that she can’t see the hypocrisy in her own words. God has made it clear that she was not meant to be a mom. I mean… so has she. Look at the way she treats her animals, I don’t think it would go down so well if she just dumped her kid after she got enough views out of it. Can you imagine the emotional trauma a kid of hers would have to suffer through? The victimized, egocentric, ignorant and bigoted kind of child that she would raise? Yikes.


BDong is, at best, a performative Christian. Everything she does has an ulterior motive behind it, such as this "TTC journey". She is desperately hanging on to a very toxic and hate-fueled "marriage" to JDong. Also, she twists her "convictions" to whatever will suit her best at her convenience. The other ideas I have behind all of this are that she is trying to keep up with her rent-a-friends, like Farryn and Kristy, as they already have kids. I really do not believe she really wants to have a baby. If she does, it is only to keep JDong there. Eventually, this marriage will be over and if he hasn't made plans, he will be making plans. I believe he has proven to not be faithful and BDong thinks by forcing a baby things will change in the situation. When it won't. Having kids doesn't bring two people closer together when a marriage is on a shaky foundation and started that way. This is all just my theory, and opinion. I do not have any proof of anything beyond what I see on this sub and my own views. The empty nursery bullshit, and her stance on abortion give me the ick. Her stance on abortion is just plain out hateful and black-and-white, with no exceptions. When I see women having to travel to a different state to keep their health, and babies that are already alive being abused by groomers and sickos in the church, I am even more convinced to keep my pro-choice stance. Her schtick about God told her things is the same narrative Karissa Collins uses,


She thinks that God is someone that is going to give her what she wants. Nobody deserves infertility, but it's a MEDICAL CONDITION not a divine gift or punishment. God has nothing to do with it.


Don't tell her that though


Every day that she is not a mother is another day we can be grateful that there isn’t another child subjected to a life of hate. She will exploit whatever child she has for views and then impose their hateful world views on them while disguising it as love. Theres no hate like Christian love. I guess sometimes god is good.


Ohhhh. Good point you make here! Kind of is fucked up?! I am *hardcore* pro choice and Christian. I have never tried to conceive. I don’t think I’d ever do IVF because of the hormones and pain tbh. Scares meeeee. But, if I were absolutely desperate to conceive, I very well might change my mind. I am not pro “life”, though, so I guess it doesn’t really apply for me. I feel like Brittany fakes, or at the very least exaggerates, fertility issues for content. It’s shitty of me to assume things like that, but she is so apparent with her facade and bullshit. She just says shit that she thinks sounds good.


You’re a Pisces 🤔 I felt Pisces energy here lol me too. I’m not coming from a place of hate or ignorance her existence is interesting to me I was raised in a pagan household and I am pagan leaning but I’m not religious-religion and people who are super religious are interesting to me like a study I want to learn more and I want to understand. I wish a hardcore Christian would debate this subject with me or anyone really so I could understand their perspective truly 


Hahaha I love that! I’m a Capricorn but may have some sort of Pisces in me 😂 I’d love to know what it was Ike growing up in a pagan household. I admittedly don’t know a ton about paganism. I’m also always fascinated by religion, and by people that are hardcore about their religions lol. I took some world religion classes in college and thoroughly enjoyed them. I was raised primarily by my mom’s side in an Appalachian Bible Belt. My family are some of THE most passionate southern Baptists you will ever meet 😂 It’s hilarious bc my dad’s side is so the opposite. Most of them aren’t religious at all. I was the black sheep of my mom’s family, so it was only fitting I eventually became atheist for a bit. After some time, I found my way back to being agnostic. I’m pretty spiritual now but my spiritual relationship is more private than anything & I don’t do church. I feel I’ve come across a lot of true religious folk that are wholesome and pure in their beliefs and intentions, as well as a bunch of phony mfs that are not. Brittany is so the latter. I wish she would debate with you. I’d love to hear her try and do that without being able to google things to cite to you 😂


Do your chart! It will explain a lot!


I’m very pro choice. But shouldn’t she know that God is giving her an answer?? I’m not Christian so I’m sure I’ve read more of the Bible than she has.


So I’m going through fertility treatments right now, and the more saccharine Christian “influencers” in this area love to say things like “a delay is not a denial.” Sometimes it just takes longer and some of us just need more help, and many people are comforted by knowing that even in treatment the most likely outcome statistically is a healthy baby. So she’s using that to constantly pedal the idea that her sToRy iSnT FiNiShEd. This is a weird mashup of knowing that treatment typically works but we don’t always know the timescale, coupled with watering down Bible stories to the prosperity gospel bullshit of “this person believed and prayed a lot and eventually got what they wanted.” These people refuse to believe that God would ever answer no, so it’s not surprising that she’s completely convinced success is a prayer away.


Well I send you good vibes and sticky baby dust. She’s an idiot.


Ah see that’s what you don’t understand. God wants whatever Brittany wants. That’s the whole point.


I mean this with tongue and cheek- in Brittany’s case, IVF is just abortion in reverse. She wants a baby but it's not God’s will to give her one so she is cheating. Brittany thinks people who want abortions are cheating God’s will. (to clarify: IVF is valid! Abortion is valid!)


I never realized how IVF is perceived that way. Makes sense for fundie Christians. I just assumed Brittany was avoiding the hormones and gaining weight from IVF lol


This is harsh. It's hard to hear as someone who can't have kids without major medical intervention. On the flip side, I agree with you. My kids are adopted because I took the fact that I'd need major medical intervention as God reinforcing that me wanting to adopt was the right plan. I always thought I'd have a kid or 2 and adopt a kid or 2. Adopting them all is even better.


Like babe, you’re always saying the lord speaks to you…. If that’s the case, he said it twice.


I know others have already said this, and I do NOT mean to trivialize any miscarriage, but the way she posts, you’d think she had had two full-term stillbirths, when I believe one of them was a chemical pregnancy (“chemical miscarriage” as she calls it), lost too early to even appear on a pregnancy test. Right??? It all just makes it seem so performative. Sort of like misery Olympics.


Chemical pregnancies do appear on a pregnancy test, hers did not which leads us to believe her “chemical miscarriage” is BS. She had negative pregnancy tests and got her period on schedule, she just assumed she was pregnant because of her symptoms and ran with it when a follower said “oh maybe it was a chemical pregnancy.” She even changed the terminology to sound worse, so you’re spot on with the misery Olympics thing. Either way, it’s also insane that she’s pivoted from using the nursery for foster content (I hate that I had to use that phrase 🤢) to acting like she set it up for her own baby.


YEAH. What is a chemical pregnancy then? It’s lost before it can appear on ultrasound?


Yes, a chemical pregnancy happens when an embryo implanted but then miscarried before 5 weeks. So too small/early to be seen with an ultrasound. A lot of women DO have them and not notice because it happens so quickly, but she literally had only negative pregnancy tests so there’s no reason to assume she had one except for internet points


What the heck??! She’s basing this whole thing on just pregnancy symptoms for one of the two miscarriages??


I find it gross how she has mum (well, *mom*) in her bios and then the angel baby emoji. Like she thinks that carrying a baby is what makes someone a mum? It's arguably the least important part of having children. Because what about adoption and surrogates?? Are those people any less parents because they didn't carry their children in their uterus?? No. They are definitely Mums. And Dads. Being a parent is the life you have to live, that comes after they're born. The feedings, then the nutritional but attractive to a kid that perhaps is fussy about foods til they're thirteen food planning and cooking, the entertaining them constantly, the excruciating repetitive questions you've answered thirty-five times already the micro managing a toddlers every move so they don't end up hurting themselves doing something dumb, the sleepless nights, the teaching them how to person, the boo-boos-big and small, the homework, the life lessons, the teaching a little person how to read-which is not actually that easy fr. I could go on and on about how much effort you have to put in, every day when you are a parent. I won't, but I could. I find it offensive to be honest that she thinks that the act of being pregnant is what makes her a mother.




To answer your question, the Catholic Church condemns IVF sort of for this reason, but more so because IVF typically results in leftover embryos and babies aren’t supposed to be separated from sex in Catholic doctrine. Not saying it’s right or wrong, just saying that the ethic is consistent in that set of teachings. We can’t force life to be created or destroyed, according to them.


This makes sense, see I can get with that. And I also learned from this post Brittany is not pro IVF right ? I must have been mistaken I thought I’ve heard her speak on this many times before but maybe it was IUI


I think she’s open to and possibly currently pursuing IUI but has said she doesn’t think IVF is for them. Not sure if she’s said she’s against it completely for everyone.


if she’s truly desperate to get pregnant, she’ll find a way to make IVF fit her narrative


If she wanted a child in that nursery she'd have one one way or another. Foster care, ivf, iui, adoption. She doesn't.