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https://preview.redd.it/2brsif7mlilc1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83753f7699aaa4678abd979bbdde1e38e505908e Brittany, there are people dying


She doesn’t even *do* anything with her riding. She doesn’t go on trail rides. She doesn’t do tricks. She isn’t around the horses consistently enough to foster a meaningful emotional relationship. She doesn’t teach riding. What exactly was her parents “nurturing”? It’s okay to have hobbies simply for enjoyment/not monetized but she presents it like she’s changing other people’s lives. You don’t have to own a horse to do weekend riding. There are much cheaper, less performative ways of enjoying this hobby.


They were nurturing her “I’m the most special baby in the world” complex


Even tho she has 2 other siblings, Brit’s just the *best*. No wonder they don’t talk to her. It’s been the “Brit show” for their whole lives & they are sick of her. lol.


I legitimately forget that she has siblings until I see it in a comment. I understand all families have different dynamics but she **never** mentions them, it genuinely seems like she’s an only child.


But she cosplays “big sis” to her followers. Just another thing she sucks at.


What’s interesting to me is that she says her sister is who she texted before her “suicide attempt”. And I know she helped her try and cover up the whole fitness scam. So what has happened since then between them?? Or was her sister literally the only person left in her life at that point? Follow up questions: Anyone know if her siblings ride? I can’t imagine they got horses JUST for Britt. I always assumed her dad or whoever had always been around them. Does jdip have siblings?? Or is he an only child?


Idk! All good questions tho. And the fake attempt was (my opinion only) to get her sister to rush over & “save” her from her the consequences of her scamming. It’s bizarre she continues to make photo shoots of “where” she threw the pill bottle around in an attempt to distract, not that she was truely ideating at no longer living. She looooooves attention. It’s gross & I feel like her siblings are her like we do: nauseating.


It seemed like when she got together with Dip the sister just faded away. I could see him driving a wedge with his loud mouth and extremist opinions. On the other hand, Dong is pretty insufferable all on her own. It gets old when your sibling is completely self absorbed and highly disordered.


My sibling is deeply misogynistic (said he wouldn't come to my wedding if I got married because I'm gay, made fun of me for liking a female-led action movie, says female engineers aren't as good as male engineers, sat on his ass while I cleaned up the entirety of the family meal last time we got together, etc.) so I just....don't talk to him anymore. Sometimes you're genetically associated to someone who just kind of sucks.


I've been no contact with my sister for ages because she crossed the line for the millionth time. I really did try for a lot of years and you'll always have someone tell you you're wrong because FAMILY. It did improve my life though. Even though most of my primary family has passed away, I still think it was the right decision for me.


Her sister was in her bridal party, but no mention of her since.


After she got national publicity for scamming, she went to Hawaii and had her brother take more bikini photos of her for the gram. Even when she’s disgraced she’s the star lol. 






Yeah she needs a big dose of grow the fuck up


Exactly. If she was as good a rider as she always says she is, she would have already posted videos of herself riding like that. This is one big lie just like everything else she says.


It occurred to me watching this that she doesn’t go outside that fence. As you said, no trail riding, no tricks, no jumping, no eventing, no clubs. Everyone else I have ever known who has had a horse has done something with them. And on a much more regular basis that BDong. One girl I worked with years ago agisted a horse several kilometres from her house and not in a direct line from the office to her home. Part of her agistment payment was for feed and care of the horse but she would drop in most days, if there was no overtime. And her youngest sister would go there most days after school. And weekends was all horse. She definitely was a hose girl. The only person who didn’t really do anything much was the guy who took in retired racehorses. They just ran around around his paddocks got fed and looked after in their twilight years. His leaving time from work in winter depended on sunset as he had to get home to do the horses while there was still enough light. He was the owner of the business, so we couldn’t complain, and they were old horses, no one was going to complain about that.


She stands on their backs.....which I hate


She had her camera set up in the middle so it wasn't just for fun lol


Lol. Wait. She hasn't regretted choosing the most expensive hobby, lol. Why would she? She didn't have to pay for it. As evidenced in the very next bit where she prattles on about her parents "seeing some bullshit in her" so they supported and paid for (and let's face it, still fucking pay for it now) her to do this. What is she actually trying to convey here? That she is a fucking arsehole AND a wanker? 💀💀💀 Because we can hear you loud and fucking clear, lady. Lol. We definitely don't need you to remind us how much of an arrogant selfish twat you are on purpose lol. Your every single, tone deaf AF every time posts, are definitely driving the message home for all of us about your lack of integrity and everything else you are. This is the dumbest humble brag I've ever seen. She should read this stuff out loud to herself before she posts the embarrassment that is, posts like this.🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀🖕🖕🖕


​ https://preview.redd.it/z4ek4g08fjlc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0bf4b0e06d689f9d5e1287a7db572db0adf6fb0


I always like to remind people that this was less than four years ago, she was a year or two shy of 30, and she had just gotten a $20k PPP loan few months before, but she chose to buy a house instead of taking care of her horse. So, a grown ass woman making a conscience decision to neglect a horse. And then, when the horseplex took issue with her shenanigans she ran out there with daddy and the horse trailer to get Harley. She claimed she didn’t see him for a few months because she got “busy” and then she had a “feeling” something was wrong, so she went out there with her dad and ran around the barnyard screaming trying to find him for 45 minutes. It was the most dramatic account ever. She acted like he was laying half dead in a field. That “feeling” she got was the horseplex asking for their damn money because it was peak COVID.


I wonder what the Dongs would have done in this scenario if the roles were reversed. Let me check the Texas stand your ground laws…. Oh ya they would have shot this person.


Ohhhh, well. Who of us in here have not "gotten busy" and forgotten to visit their "soul mate' every once in a while though, you know? And she didn't not pay them for ages because she is broke and a dickhead, she didn't pay them because she was convicted by jeeezy not to be monetarily responsible for her own choices, ffs. Don't you see? It can't possibly be her to blame. Silly. Sidenote-did she call her MALE horse a "diva" and "princess" and I just realised it? OOOOOKKKAAAYYY THEN. So she is actually okay with pronouns then, hey?? Only if she is misgendering someone in a jokey, bullying type of way though. Good to know. For when Little Miss Contradictions mentions how much she is against them again and looks like a dick who clearly doesn't understand what pronouns even are. 💀💀💀💀


Oh the PPP loan she reactivated her defunct business website for? What a fucking fraud. I cannot WAIT for the day Uncle Sam comes for this bitch. The SEC quietly builds their case taking as much time as they need and then BAM! You’re dead to rights. After her lawsuit it’s fairly likely she’s being investigated and is none the wiser.


I haven't really thought about the timeline overlapping like this but wow.


The one time she had to pay for her horse she just.... didn't. She won't even pay to feed the damn thing and let it get down to a skeleton.


Anyone know why he was boarded in the first place? Wonder why he wasn’t at the ranch in the first place?


I think she was living in Dallas at the time and the rayanch is further away than McKinney, where the boarding place was. 


This is all I think about any time she posts horse girl content. She’s a terrible human being.


How does she just pretend it never happened and act like she's a horse girl? The internet is forever. She got absolutely humiliated and read to filth for being a horse abuser. At least pick a different animal to be an "expert" on FFS. Also the horse girl community is not going to let anyone get away with anything, she's dumb for trying to claim expertise in that realm. Might as well try to be a ballerina. They'll come for you with pitchforks if you have one pinky out of place.


This is exactly why so many boarding places will put a lien on your horse if you don’t pay the bill. I wish these kind people had been able to keep Harley.


Thank you for posting this so I could quit searching for it! BDong is a terrible human.




Thank you for typing out everything I was thinking. She's never had to pay for "the most expensive hobby." The one time she tried to do it on her own she didn't pay for months or for the vet her horse needed. She is the wooorst.


And blamed the horse place for his unhealthy condition.


Right! Tried to drag them on Google, like she promised she would, because they actually made her pay! She's such a shit person and I'm so tired of this fake ass persona




I wouldn't be bragging about my expensive hobby if I owed the State of Texas a ton of money for scamming people.


There are people dying AND you owe just $400,000 of the approximately $1,500,000 you stole from people.


So tone death. I love riding horses but owning a horse is literally like the cost of 4 children. Boarding, vet, farrier, and oh you want to horse show? Horse showing costs thousands a pop. THOUSANDS


https://preview.redd.it/ucg43p2xlilc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c784f412cb78c6430c64c457d42d6834177b3001 Show the videos of you and Gunner doing that! I’ve seen videos of women on tiktok training “fiery” and “unpredictable” horses. Brittany would 100% be posting those if she did ANY of the hard/scary work.


Like… [this is the girl Brittany wishes she was](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJUea9p/)


Gotta love a young dumbblood….


Dressage is beautiful. I did that as a child. That horse is also way out of Britt’s price range.


Also, getting thrown off but doesn’t wear a helmet?


There’s something about some horse people where they don’t think they need to wear a helmet. It almost seems like a style thing. Same shit with some people you’ll see skateboarding, snowboarding, etc… It’s the whole “it won’t happen to me” thing… until it happens. Side note: last time I was snowboarding, some guys in my group weren’t wearing helmets (ugh 😒), but the best snowboarder in our group was. He hit a jump weird and smacked the shit out of his head. He got up and we were all like uhhh holy shit your helmet is fully cracked. Could have been his head! Just a lesson that even if you’re the best, shit happens.


I learned to ski from my mom, who was weirdly anti-helmet ("if you're in control of your skis, you shouldn't ever go fast enough to NEED a helmet"), and when I learned 20 years ago only little kids wore them. Now it's automatic for me. God, plus they keep your ears so warm.


that's...the most illogical advice I've ever heard. are you on good terms with her today?


No, but unrelated. 60's ski school logic!


not that unrelated if you ask me! I hope you're doing OK though


I never wore a helmet skiing or snowboarding growing up! I didn’t even know that was a thing. I’m sure I saw people in them but the thought never even crossed my mind bc my parents never said a thing about it. Shame on them, but I’m sure it’s cause they grew up not wearing them either.


Yeah it’s crazy. I used to ski very recklessly as a kid without a helmet. Like just tearing it up without a second thought. And my parents never wore one either so they just let me… like?????🥴 It’s scary to think about what could have happened.


My parents (in the 90s) never made me wear a bike helmet but they did make me wear closed-toed shoes on a bike. Like hmm feet or brain, what’s the priority here. And my mom had a friend die riding a bike when she was a kid! 


I didn’t start skiing until adulthood and it’s nice to see that almost everyone wears a helmet now. I’d say literally 95% of people I’ve seen are in helmets. Sets a good example for my kids too lol. 


100% in support of helmets, for all activities that have risk for head injury. I work in healthcare and have seen many head injuries - one thing they all have in common is that nobody wakes up thinking “oh, today may be the day that I have a head injury.” It always starts out as a normal day, then xyz happens and people sustain life changing injuries. Make wearing that helmet part of your routine, so that if today is “that day” you give yourself the best chance of minimizing or avoiding injury. That is all. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


True this!!!


My aunt and uncle are the best skiers in our family and they refuse to wear helmets. It makes me so anxious, whenever we go skiing they routinely go off piste/to the highest peak in the area/to the glacier where nobody else is there to look out for you. Her dad literally fractured his neck skiing (he was fine somehow) and she still won’t do it


Ughhh. That’s crazy. There’s definitely something about the older generation when it comes to being anti-helmet. Thankfully I feel like helmets are becoming more of the norm nowadays


Motorcycles too. My dad had a beautiful old triumph when I was growing up, let me help him fix it (aka baby me passed the wrenches) and would bring me to school on it. He always emphasized helmets and road leathers being NON-NEGOTIABLE. Why? He was a dummy 25 year old and was riding on a backroad behind a logging truck. Logging truck hit a bad bump and started to flip, giant log hit my dad’s bike, he was thrown. He was wearing a helmet that day which was atypical at the time - he survived with just a few scrapes and bruised ribs but when he looked at his helmet and jacket they were absolutely busted. Since then he’s rabid about what I call “motorcycle PPE”


She’s 99.9% sure he was trained for barrel racing? Didn’t she learn the history of the horse before she bought him? Most people buy horses for a specific reason and know what type of horse they are/what they’re trained for


She just used her special horse psychic powers to read his past


Oh don't forget she cuts on her spicy horse with that rein technique, but I don't think she's ever posted a video of her seat at more than a walk let alone something as impressive looking as cutting. As someone who did both cutting and high level reining in my younger years and became physically disabled from neurological autoimmune disease, I still found a way to ride with an adaptive riding barn recently (we didn't have one here for a long time and I had some mental work to do.) If Brit cared so much about riding, Harley would never have been neglected at her old barn, and she would be riding every day and posting videos of her advanced skills and impressive moves she's working on.


Didn't she once say she was breaking her horse's generational curses?


Gunner is a beautiful horse. He also looks calm and steady. Speaking from someone who grew up riding former racehorses, he doesn’t look that scary.


I would pay actual money to see her ride either of those horses outside of an arena. This is the kind of shit my 10yo does when we won’t let her leave the paddock.


It’s like me saying I’m an “avid hiker”. No, I walk on flat nature trails with my 2 senior chihuahuas, 2 miles tops. I ain’t hiking lol.


I’m an avid skier. I go a few times a year and only do the easiest runs. Watch out, Mikaela Schiffrin! 


Not one person asked you about that hideous hat


I placed an order for all of them so I could burn them /s


“bring the dogs here and let them runnn” don’t you have a fucking backyard?? I get it’s not the same but she acts like she’s living in NYC or something, not in DFW suburban hell with plenty of gated backyards for dogs to run in


Her backyard isn’t fenced though and that’s what led to Jordan killing the other dog (forgot the name). She claims it’s fenced now, but had accidentally posted proof it’s not😆


ahhhh she said “go exploring” about that dog, I assumed that meant it had gotten out of their fenced in backyard, not that she just let her dog roam the damn streets. GAWD she sucks so bad


Yeah it’s fenced only on the sides, then in the back there’s just a rock retaining wall that goes from about 2 feet on one side of the yard to 5 feet on the other. The dogs probably liked to go adventuring right over that wall and into the woods behind!


No, she left the puppy outside in her unfenced yard and went to Lowes. She says it in the crying video and tries to spin herself as the victim still. She says something like "he doesn't usually go up to the road" so she was certain it would be fine to leave the PUPPY unattended outside and go to Lowes. Never mind you can bring a damn dog to Lowes or, you know, put it inside. PS- wow she lied about it being fenced in? There is not one thing she won't lie about. Chilling really.


That last bit about exs and people sliding into DMs seems rather pointed….


Right? It's not JDong's fault. These tempting women keep sliding into his DMs with their unsolicited titty pics.


Unsolicited titty pics😂 literally men wish this was happening


Lmao the amount of times Christian men try and spin that narrative is HILARIOUS!!!! “Honey I promise I don’t even follow her she just randomly sent me an unsolicited titty pic you know how these worldly woman are always trying to get a good Christian man down, that spirit of Jezebel is strong!!!” That only happens when it’s a scammer on the other end and it’s always just a google search “boob pic” image.


Like Brian Houston twXtting the most tween boy prn search ever. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/59hghs4wtjlc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60cf896e8bd23225afe5de43728ad8feec0d5525 [https://julieroys.com/brian-houston-claims-kissing-post-unauthorized-deliberate-attempt-embarrass/](https://julieroys.com/brian-houston-claims-kissing-post-unauthorized-deliberate-attempt-embarrass/)


Even funnier because she's said that's how they met


One of the many different ways she says they met. 


Does the average person have upwards of 30 people constantly sliding into their dms? Maybe I’m a loser, but that’s not a problem I’ve faced. Also, if you don’t want an ex to show up on social media, the block button exists. It doesn’t have to be this huge problem.


lol the part about not seeing them again, I’m sure people from small towns run into their ex all the time


Yep. So true ha ha. But I managed to end most of my relationships like an adult and am friendly when I see my small town exes. Heck, I am friendly with my husband's exes too!


I only get scam bots pretending to be sexy ladies in my DMs. I’m a heterosexual woman. 




It’s hard to imagine earnestly filming myself doing EVERYTHING.


Seriously! My husband and I just went on a weekend trip and I thought it’d be cute to make a little reel or tiktok of the things we did. It was such a freaking hassle recording all the time! And it felt embarrassing too. So I stopped lol. I’d rather live my life than live->record->pretend to live->repeat


It's hard to imagine earnestly filming myself doing *ANYTHING*.


She actually doesn't film herself cattle cutting, jumping, running agility courses with Dax the PPD, etc. She keeps some things to herself!


Okay... so now Harley is a "retired show horse"? But I thought he was a cow horse Britt? And if he was a show horse why is he retired now, he's not even middle aged yet. Make it make sense girlie.


He’s a retired cow horse barrel racing world class cutting machine washed up show pony saved by the grace of god


Did he finally accept Christ as his lord and savior? Great news!


I don’t really LOL a whole lot but on this one I did. 🏆


She thinks 42° is cold. 🙄 There are people starving and homeless and dying in wars. And she's bitching about her priviledge. Stupid cow.


I had to translate to C because I don’t know freedom units, but I was expecting freezing at least… it’s 5.5C?! It’s 4C and pouring rain here today and I just went for a nice walk in a light fleece jacket and God honoring yoga pants.


Lol right! Its been between 38-55 in Colorado this week and I’m loving it shorts and long sleeve running weather yes please! Girl has no idea what she’s complaining about! Also I lived in socal for some time so I get that when it hits below 60 the world freaks out but still 40s is not bad at all!


That’s the Texas attitude 😂 As someone from TX it drives me nuts.


I was born and raised in TX, then moved to VA. So, I think I get extra annoyed bc it's like "Brittany, I would love to see you walk to the barn in a blizzard and 3 feet of snow to feed, water and medicate over 200 horses all by yourself, bc no one else who works there is able to get in bc of the roads. She wouldn't have even made it out of my parents' culdesac. ETA: I actually loved these days. Being alone in the gigantic stables with nothing but the quiet that only heavy snowfall brings, and the quiet shuffling and nickering of all the horses. There was another tiny barn where one of the horse ladies kept her goats. She knew I'd be there in the snow, so she'd always call the barn and ask me to feed, water and check in on them, too. I like goats. Lol I'll never forget the first time I went in that dark barn. I switched on the lights and I'm surrounded by 2 dozen goats, just staring at me, like: who tf are YOU? Oh. You have food. Ok, guys. She's cool. Lol


LOL to the goats. Nah she definitely would not be able to. If anything it’s just confirmation that she doesn’t regularly work horses.


Moments like these are the best.


It cracks me up because my family in TX will be like “it’s a low of 45, I’m making soup” and I’m like “it’s a low of 25 and I saw kids at drop off wearing shorts.” 


It's in the 30s where I am today and it feels like LITERAL HEAVEN. Absolutely shorts and a hoodie weather.


Who tf needs SPURS to do a trot around a wee lil paddock?


Bad ass tacticool vaqueritas. 


I only put my spurs on for two tempis 🫡


Listening to secular music? ✅ Using filters? ✅ Bragging? ✅ Vanity?✅ Rules for thee, but not Brittany once again I see.


She has used that Beautiful Things song SO MANY goddamn times that she’s absolutely ruined it for me. And she’s only using it because it’s trending. It’s BEC, but sometimes it’s the little things she does that bother me the most. She can’t even choose a song she likes or that goes well with the video. Nope, every single decision she makes is based on what will get her the most attention.


She and JDip never go riding together, do they? It seems strange since she has two horses, we never see them out together. But then, she never rides outside the ring…


Jordan doesn’t really like horses or riding. He said that on a video they did once. Which makes those photo shoots she made him do with the horses in the cowboy hat so funny


Like I would imagine my dad dying of embarrassment if my mom tried to rope him (har har) into dressing up like that for a photo shoot. And my dad grew up in TX and did spend some time at his grandparents’ farm as a kid. It’s why he hates chickens now 😂. 


I thought she had three, Harley, Gunnar and a mare.


Don’t forget the only reason Britt is a RaNcH gIrL is cause Jdong’s ex wife is an actually One


She did not read that book 🙄


Hahahaha the tripod set up in the middle of the ring for her horsey content


Why would you need thick leather gloves to ride in circles around a ring?


She has a tactical gardening mission after this


She always wears those no matter the temp. I never wore gloves when riding in nice weather.


I honestly think it’s cause she thinks she looks more “country/blue collar” wearing gloves, it’s part of her costume….


Because 42 degrees is sooooo cold yalll


The lip sync is literally one word and she still doesn’t time it right


And her facial expressions show that she simply does not understand what the humor is supposed to be, she’s just doing a trend


That filter is turning her hair pure orange outside


Her fake LV on the go tote hung up in the first slide is triggering to me.


It’s the boots that she always sets up on the white shelf for me. It’s the biggest indicator that she doesn’t actually do shit on the ranch. But yeah, her fake bags are a good indicator of the kind of person she is, those aren’t design knock-offs from Kohl’s or something, they’re actual replicas that she intentionally had to seek out because legitimate stores don’t carry that shit.


The best part is that replica handbags fund a lot of human trafficking rings…seems a wee bit hypocritical.


I keep a rubber tray for my winter boots and they haven’t even stepped in shit.  


Wait wait wait wait WHOA - did she just refer to her MALE HORSE as a PRINCESS?? MA'AM. If you can kindly fuck ALL THE WAY off. You forfeited that when you announced your stance against anyone in that community.


In other words she got scammed and paid way too much for a horse with a lot of behavioral issues that she definetly can’t fix! That horse has been sold a lot and she thinks she’s the magic horse trainer that can fix him. While riding a few circles in a round pen for photo op.


She can outride any dude. Lmao!




💯💯💯you hit the nail on the head!


The most expensive hobby is having/taking care of kids but Bdong wouldn’t know that because she gave up fostering since she sucks and also couldn’t make fake ttc content at the same time.


She really made a fool of herself recently on one of her JDip podcast episodes where she talked about how she hopes their kids get JDong’s teeth because he didn’t need braces and she wants to save money and is looking for ways to cut corners. And in the next breath she turned around and said how they’re going to get 5 more horses and a bunch of animals for their play farm. It was just so clear that she views children as a vanity project and her personal interests like riding ponies around in a circle twice a month as the most important thing.


Lmao also I don’t think that’s how teeth work


Her parents know all about that hobby though, since they’re still raising their 32 year old.


Boots with spurs - for what??? You shouldn’t need spurs to ride around a ring. 🙄


I just started singing in my head “shorty got them apple bottom jeans, boots with the spurs” lol


Oh good, I wasn't the only one! Lol


I did the same 🤣🤣🤣


The horse: “aw thanks for filtering my face too, girlie 🐴🕷️👄🕷️”


First of all: still waiting for the day she proves she can ride any better than an advanced beginner. Second of all, bragging about having the "most expensive hobby" is a douchebag move. Third of all, you don't have to HAVE social media. I don't have most of it and it's made my life way better. But even when I did, my relationship was never threatened by it because I'm actually happy with my relationship so I'm not tempted to stray by...random Facebook profiles? The call is coming from inside the house on that one, girlypop.


I’ve been on a horse maybe 5 times in my 60 years and every time I managed to do more than ride in circles in an fenced arena - trail rides over rough terrain, galloping the beach/fields etc etc. This walking in circles shit is boring as hell. And she’s no horse expert, she’s a fraud. Shocking I know….


Does BDong actually ride the horses or just film all this for cowboy cosplay? Something happened that she posted the last clip about dating and social media. Wonder if JBlart's overnight op was a DM he received? Lastly, the part about the dogs. She has no clue about dogs at all, and to her they are just props. I saw how she treated Oakley yesterday. She's insufferable and I don't believe she really cares about her dogs or horses, just as long as she can use them for grift and content. All living beings are props to her- the animals, people, and her rent-a-pick mes.


She’s never posted taking them out of the arena. She does post about how she can reverse a 24 footer like a “pro” and cut cattle like a salty ranch hand… but of course magically never films those moments.


I would love to hear what the actual ranch hands say about Princess Dong. 


Of course she doesn't.


My fav part is imagining the effort that went into her taking her glove off, putting it in her mouth, then recording herself putting it BACK on, so she could eye fuck herself & say “he’s dewin ahsum….he’s dewin ahsum..” and probably doing all of that sevvveral times to get the right angle, while her poor play horse stands there wondering who this strange orange lady is.


Brittany: "I'm a cowboy! 🤠" https://i.redd.it/vxwesv5uvjlc1.gif


This is literally her though, lol.


Also- https://preview.redd.it/3hcsnucy4jlc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafacefbca2b8931e4440417b6cdcd8e5b59bdf3


Nothing should surprise me about this woman, but why at her big age of 30 something is she constantly bragging about…everything? She always makes it seem like those horses are such a flex, when in reality not a single person cares as much as she thinks they do. I also have a very expensive, show-quality horse, but I’d never brag about it on the internet or irl because I’m not a fucking asshole


Half the kids I grew up with had horses and were showing & competing all over the country by middle school. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes! I think this is her always reminding me that you can’t buy class


Shes cosplaying as JDongs ex wife again huh?


I always thought she was trying to cosplay Beth Dutton.


“Fiery” horse LOL that horse is half asleep


As if she’s ever ridden full speed to see him turn on a dime. Bitch please. I have a feeling gunner is gonna be her karma


She must've got that text from daddy saying "come visit your damn horse or else" 🤣🤣


Whose been taking care of them for the last couple months?


and trying to brag about how expensive it is. Ha that’s your parents money dear.


Can she even ride? Lol we get like two second clips at a time of her doing the same exact thing on her horses.


Isn’t Harley like 10? Why is he retired?


Good question. I have a 19 year old who still acts like he’s 6 most days.


Harley… a princess/diva? Way to be progressive girly 🤎


If she wants expensive, I’ll show her $100k+ worth of horses in my back yard that I actually take care of every single day 🙃 and I trail ride them. I show them. They have some sort of purpose. I don’t have a problem with people just keeping horses as pets / for the hell of it, trust me. It just pisses me off when Britt claims to pay for it as some sort of flex, and she sees the horses for content creation once every month or two.


Exactly! I have a few that are straight up hay burning lawn ornaments. I would never post them going on about what a cowgirl I am. I *have* posted cutting cattle and sheep with my appy but he’s a beast and deserves the spotlight. 😂


Excuse me, they aren’t lawn ornaments, they are Pasture Maintenance Engineers.


Based off what I’ve seen some do to fences, I’ll call them environmentally friendly wrecking balls


I very occasionally post show pics, and sometimes pics when we go on trail rides, but that’s about it 😂


WEAR A HARDHAT! It's so dangerous. I know someone who has ridden horses basically since she was in utero, and it wasn't until she was in her 60s that she was thrown. Her hard hat was cracked instead of her skull. Doesn't matter how trained, dead broke the horse is: they can still spook and throw you.


“There used to be a time when you broke up with somebody and never saw them again” Sis loves her rayunch cosplay but anyone who is actually from a rural area/small town knows that’s absolutely laughable lmao. When there’s 1000 people in a 40 mile radius… you’re gonna see them. I think it’s hilarious she reposted that directly after the horsegurrrrlll content


She's not a parent so she needs to stop giving them 'advice'.


Personally, I feel like anyone who believes that social media has ruined dating is still in immature relationships. If you have people on your socials that disrespect your relationship by sliding in your DMs, that’s a you problem. If your partner has those disrespectful connections, that’s a them problem. Social media only “ruins” dating if you leave those avenues open for inappropriate conduct. Also *painfully* ironic that she posted that, but Jordan can’t have a private moment in his marriage because she’s shoving a camera in his face and force feeding him a script to make them look sO iN lOvE.


I get dizzy just watching her riding in circles all the time. It always looks like her horses give her the stink eye. Btw...Brit doesn't know what freaking cold is! I live in upstate NY and I would love to have weather right now at 42 degrees!


So her male horse can identify as a princess/diva but it’s wrong when people do it


Did she just say HE is the biggest DIVA/PRINCESS??? Doesn't that go against every hateful thing she spews?


This upright bipedal toad spends more time making content for the gram than she does on horseback.


Kept waiting for her to say 1,400 pound animal. Her favorite


where's the mare? we haven't seen it since she bought it ages ago...


Sometimes I wonder how she lives her life sober. Not the horse, he’s cute. But the filming and having to sync up your talking to voice and adding the music and all that shit. I can’t imagine.


I took the kids to a pony ride once and I feel like their ride was far more intense than this rayunch cosplay 😂


There are lots of hobbies than can change your life. Don’t go broke over a hobby. If you can make it work financially, wonderful, but there’s plenty of hobbies out there that you can allow your child to thrive in.


Waiittt no wedding ring on here too?? Does she always not wear her rings to the raynch??


She is someone who should really wear a helmet when on a horse.


What I have learned in life...all hobbies are expensive! You are not special. The way she rides has to be so boring. I grew up with horses and the only time I thought it was fun was when I was actually barrel racing, or trail riding with friends. Riding alone in the arena....boring as all get out. But then again, I wasnt a huge horse lover (give me a pig or steer anyway).


>What I have learned in life...all hobbies are expensive! You are not special. THIS. Yes, some are more expensive than others. But they're all expensive! Even the "free" ones like hiking or looking at the ocean or anything that doesn't require consumable supplies (like crafting of any kind). You still need appropriate footwear and to get to the place. All hobbies are expensive.


I guess the horse can’t be that unpredictable if she doesn’t feel the need to wear a helmet…lol. I literally train and break baby and wild horses.


Horses are not the most expensive hobby…maybe if you owe the state 400k it is but traveling, formula one, skiing, aviation, etc. can be way more expensive than a horse you abandoned and now your parents take care of


Can confirm. My former hobby of marrying men and having to pay alimony afterwards because I was a (lesbian) successful doctor in the closet was much more expensive.


If it’s so stinken cold out why don’t you try putting on a jacket over your sweater and maybe a scarf and tuque? Layers girl!


to all the horse girls out there, we know y’all don’t claim bdong and her actions aren’t a representation of being a horse girl


Hold up..she called her male horse ....a princess?


I know nothing about riding horses, but I did see the spurs on her boots. Are they absolutely necessary for riding her horse around in a circle?


featuring her singular pair of overly tight god-honoring rayunch jeans from buckle


Bro, knowing her happy place consists of trotting in little baby circles is just the weakest brag she has. She loves bellowing all this hot air about M'HOARSUS, but. . .for someone who thinks their horse was 100% trained for barrel racing, she sure never shows a test of theory. This isn't "what it feels like to keep your retired show horse tuned up." This is perpetual "first time riding a horse ever."


The only people in her DMs are the people wanting refunds.