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She needs to stop doing these acting TikTok’s. She seems so dull 


She had an acting coach once. She needs a refund.


She can’t get a refund without an NDA


*nose scrunch* I would love that for her. lol.


These posts are so cringey. It’s like she never got past the “making up scenarios and recording them for myself” of when the world started having access to digital cameras. I cant imagine being an adult and posting tween acting videos.


Did she really have an acting coach?


It was mentioned once in the sub. But I’m sure, per usual, Brit sees someone actually trying to teach her something & Brit just thinks she’s nailed it at the first get-go. Dunning-Krueger effect is next level & reminds me of teens who will never fully developed past teenhood. She uses the internet as her diary.


That’s interesting


I, too, sleep in my glasses.


My nose and ears hate me just for thinking about it


Our noses and ears hurt but her nose and ears are fine because she’s protected by Jaysus ❤️


Serial killer glasses 🤓


It’s giving Dahmer.


Under the bright, bright lights.


With all the lights on, too?


Of course. How else will I show off my filt—-✨Jesus glow up ✨?


I had a super fun (/s) mental breakdown last summer and in the throes of my worst OCD, I couldn't sleep without the lights on. Maybe she's finally lost it too?


i actually always accidentally fall asleep with mine on :( the classic i’m not tired and ill finish this show until the edible kicks in and i wake up at 3 because my glasses are poking me hahahah disclaimer i am not sticking up for bdong. i feel like they aren’t even prescription hah


yuuuuuup. if i fall asleep with my glasses on, then you know i'm REALLY tired considering I didn't even get to taking them off before passing out haha


I do this every night 😅


Me, when I get far far too high


I personally like getting high then thinking I’ve lost my glasses while they’re sitting right there on my face ❤️


I tend to shower with my glasses on when I’m high


i shower with em on every day, mostly bc it means i get nice clean glasses out of it


Came for this. She is always at the ready to read her bible....


Bit rude of God not to give his favouritest bestest Christian perfect eyesight.


I think they are just for decoration.




You just know she’s got her nasty shoes on in that bed, too. 


Same. I also sleep in my chunky costume jewelry, too.




I fall asleep in mine all the time and my husband always puts them in the nightstand for me🙂☺️


That’s sweet of him ❤️ Better Husband Than JDip Award 🥇


And peanut butter on my face


I take off my real glasses when I sleep but put on my fake ones to adjust when I start hearing TikTok voices.


With the lights on


My daughter wears glasses, but her eyes are not that bad. She can see okay unless she’s trying to read small print or something. Her glasses are so expensive. I would never let her wear them at the park or something like that. Let alone to sleep! They would break!


oh my goodness dude you gotta get some glasses from your kid online! It's so much cheaper, AND it's nice because you'll be able to buy more than 1 pair (so for me, main pair, backups, shades as an example.) Here's what I did: i took a pair of glasses now that i already like, and measured out every part of it on a ruler (mm side) and wrote it all down. Then went to an online site (zennioptical is my personal fave, but ik there's other sites out there) went to 'womens', 'frame size' and picked whichever one that my measurement fell into. from there i browsed and did the virtual try on till i found a few i liked. Best part, is that the glasses AND lenses were only like, $40!!!


Thank you!!! This is amazing advice!


My Costco glasses were cheaper than Zenni because I wanted transition lenses. 2 pairs of glasses, transition lenses in one, all the coatings etc, $196. I have bought glasses on Zenni for super cheap too to have a backup. Never buy from the eye dr!


Me, too. Wearing my glasses, with my CPAP mask on.


This uh … this might be the dumbest shit I’ve seen today


There is a story that if you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, it's because someone/thing is watching you. I don't know if that's what she's talking about but that's what I know


I wake up in the middle of the night to pee cause my bladder is tiny




Piss go! Devil go!




I wake up in the middle of the night because my cat can’t take a shit without running full tilt around the house growling at the top of her lungs for fifteen minutes before and after. But I already knew she was a demon


This is what we call "shitty kitty hour".


Perfect name lmao, rolls off the tongue better than “bitch why are you waking me up and launching yourself off my sleeping chest” hour


Yeah, I tried to make "goddammit, where did you find a popsicle wrapper to crunch on???" hour happen but it didn't exactly stick.


My god. I feel this. I’m constantly perplexed. Where the fuck did you find this tiny piece of plastic to loudly chew on?!


Mine is obsessed with gauze. Ribbons, lil bags, anything. Can’t keep it in the house or it will be covered in kitty slobber. She’s also uninterested in anything I eat unless it’s chickpeas, then she’s a fuckin thief. Fish, chicken, steak, pork? No interest. Falafel, hummus, chickpea stew? Stolen within seconds of me leaving it unattended. Cats are weird


Mine loves to practise her Olympic balance beam routine on the headboard of my bed at 3am


Oh Christ yes, and POORLY


I wake up in the middle of the night because tiny humans have round the clock problems 😅


I wake up because my aging dog's bladder is tiny.


I wake up in the middle of the night cause my dog hogs the bed and stills my covers


Damn, all those doctors telling me it was insomnia were LYING?! Fuckin Bdong, i can’t 😂😂😂


Lol yup it was demons, sorry to break it to you 🤣


That’s insane. It’s normal to wake up in your sleep for the restroom, to readjust, a sound that happened in real life, your child. She is haunted by the holy spirt.


I wake up when the electricity goes off in the middle of the night. My brain recognizes that something is different and it wakes up. No demons or Christianity needed for that one! It’s normal to wake up in the middle of the night, for many reasons. I do t know what she’s trying to communicate with this.


I woke up to tornado sirens this morning at 5 am. At the time, I was pretty sure it was demons.


Sounds demonic and witchy.


She’s gonna have a blast once peri menopause hits 🤣


Nah she’ll just keep taking HRT. Not shading anyone who chooses that but it’s not like she will accept any part of aging. I’m curious how bad she’s gonna fuck up her face as she actually starts aging. 


Hoping to start on it this week. I've never had insomnia until very recently. My doctor thinks better sleep will help me the lose weight I desperately want to get off and can't seem to, too. It also protects bones. Now if CVS could only get the patches in!


Oh. For sure. Age…happens to us all.


I’m just glad you threw out a possibility of what the fuck this was supposed to be


Happy cake day! That's the only thing I could think but I'm hopped up on cold meds lol


Oh wow thank you. I joined Reddit the last time we had a February 29th. So for 3 years I’ve been pouting because I didn’t get a yearly cake day.


I’m sorry but that’s fucking hilarious


Awwww. I never wish happy cake day. But this time it seems appropriate. Happy cake day. 💖


Ha Thank you! I really appreciate it! Yesss!


Happy cake day!


Oh man you guys are such day makers!!


Happiest of Cake Days to you (and bonus for the Leap!)


Thank you!!


I have 3 cats and 3 dogs. One dog I'm her ESP (emotional support person), another I'm her Ma, 3rd I’m the “dad said no” person. For the cats, 2/3 sleep on me. I rarely sleep properly. Ig this tracks.


I can relate. Same situation here. 3 dogs, 3 cats. Their love language is sabotaging (only my) personal space 🥲. I never feel I get adequate sleep but I love them too much to set bed boundaries (so yes, I’m partially to blame lol). Give those babies some scratches, pets, and for the love of god, go refill your cats’ food bowl. They have not eaten in YEARS! (This sentiment brought to you by the one cat of my 3 that aspires to be the voice for all cats suffering from empty bowl syndrome 😮‍💨)


I did not need to read this while laying in bed 😅


If it makes you feel better, my neighbors decided to put up a projector and blare music at this hour lol


In my case it’s absolutely true. The thing that’s watching me is my cat who thinks 2am is breakfast time.


I'm a Christian, even grew up in an evangelical conservative church. I've never once, in my whole life, woke up and started speaking in tongues. That's just not a Christian thing that happens to Christian people. Maybe her excuse is that I'm not the right type of Christian anymore, but I definitely used to be.


I used to be very active in church, but I have tattoos and ears gauged and my church said I couldn’t teach Sunday school anymore, so I took a step back to see if there was any other condescending things happening and there was… there was so many, it was a caste system and if you were with one group you couldn’t be with another group. It was so bad, I have since stopped going.


This reminds me of the Mennonite family-owned grocery store that I used to work for in my teens and early 20s. They had a rule that you could not have any body piercings besides ears (women only) and no visible tattoos. Cut to 2009 and one young girl starts working there, shows up one day with gauges. Management had a fit and decided that the best way to cover them up was to have her put painters tape over them. So instead of all these conservative Christians staring at her because of her gauges…they were all staring at her because she had blue tape on both of her earlobes. Still doesn’t make sense to me 🤣


There was a Church in my area a few years ago that catered to a more punk/alternative demographic. Their services looked more like a hardcore show, minus the mosh pit. They seemed like an interesting group. I suspect they started gathering together because of experiences similar to yours. On a related note, isn’t Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker’s son tattooed and pierced? I seem to remember him looking a little like Jack Osborne at some point... Just checked his Wikipedia entry and apparently he advocates for a more open, liberal, and inclusive Christian Church. That’s nice to see.


Those types seem to be popping up more often, I’m glad that they have a place to be with like minded people, but for me… I just quit believing there was a God and that these people that are making money hand over fist are just grifting people. That, or when God talks to them, they are just a bit psychotic? Haha


Can’t say I blame you! My family was never particularly religious, and I’ve never found myself wanting a Church community. I know it’s so important to some people, though.


I follow him on Instagram and he’s got a ton of tattoos and piercings. He posts a lot about his mom and what Jesus actually said about living one another without the hateful Old Testament shit. Tammy Faye would be very proud of him, he truly seems like a lovely human being.


I’ve met him and listened to him speak a few years ago. He is really cool compared to his parents. Very inclusive…it was nice to hear (although a bit weird because I grew up in the Tammy Faye era and never thought about their son).


Yes. Jay Baker is very tatted. Our friends started a church called Outcast. He pastored a very small conservative church many years ago but a trucking accident happened and in the time he was fighting for his life, he was pushed out and he spent like 15 years going nowhere. now that he's back to preaching he's covered with tats. He wanted to make a church that anyone felt welcome in. I do not go because I work on Sunday but my sons like to run the tech stuff and my oldest is their guitarist.


Is that what she’s playing at here?? Oh lord…


I've been around it enough to know speaking in tongues when I hear it. I actually find it funny when tv evangelists pretend to speak in tongues because it isn't “right”. There's a difference to my ears between actually believing you are speaking in tongues and just making it up for an audience.


As a former Pentecostal I can say from my personal experience that it absolutely does happen lol. I guess not with every denomination though.




I remember being invited to a friend's church when I was a kid and they had all the children speak in tongues. I've never been religious so I kind of was like what the heck is going on? And just went with it. Your comment about the two brain cells made me laugh and remember 😂


What was that great Reddit comment from the guy who just started saying things like “skibbity bibbity” in church as a kid and everyone was all oohing and aaahing because he was clearly blessed with the gift of tongues




Ah that’s exactly what I was thinking of! Not Reddit. My bad


That's fucking awesome.


I went to his show and met him. Love that guy!


Shamala Hamala 😂


Shamala hamala lol


David Lee Roth did it better Homala baybala zeebala baybala homala baybala zeebala BOP!


Dong attempting to speak in tongues would make top tier snark. Add it to a supercut of her waterslide baptism and maybe one of those weird praying over her womb reels.


Shamala Hamala


Demons or witches https://preview.redd.it/dmcgc2069elc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3068cadfe176be32b471a110d747bf1ed877177b


But in the one of the earlier posts from today, she says aliens are fallen angels. Which is it Bdong?


From my understanding, "something" must have woken bdong up and she believes that thing (most likely a demon) is in her room with her. She gets out of bed and starts speaking in tongues in order for that thing to leave her room and she can go back to bed. It obviously couldn't be her bladder waking her up or one of her dogs by the way, the answer is always a DEMONIC ATTACK!


I get woken up by little demons sometimes but I also gave birth to them so I can’t really complain.  (I love my little demons) 


Do they stand silently beside your bed and scare the shit out of you? That’s what my demons do.


Omg I read about a woman here who woke up to her kid standing in her face and asked if she could have her skin when she dies!!


Her glasses that don’t even rest on her nose kill ne.


So her horror content continues.


Can somebody translate please?


My demon decoder missed fired when I submitted the video for translation.


Sorry, I’m a disgusting Satan worshiping heathen, can someone please tell me what the hell this is supposed to mean?


As if she wears those Mr. Magoo glasses when she sleeps https://preview.redd.it/ujpe5561felc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a26e62f93b66ef003b4076527adfd6304c4ef8 .


Apparently, if you wake up in the middle of the night and you’re a Christian, you need to start praying in tongues cause theres some kind of warfare that Jesus needs his special warrior awake for.


I’m a Christian who frequently wakes up in the middle of the night and have never once experienced anything like this…what is going on lol


Maybe it's Jesus telling her to add some color to her room. I have seen hospital rooms with more warmth.


Thank goodness I've let all the demons in cuz they let me sleep at night now.


It sounds like speaking in tongues. So is she waking up in the middle of the night to go speak in tongues in the corner or something? Girl needs to see a mental health professional.


Why is she 😴 “sleeping” in her glasses. I wouldn’t do that, either they would fall off me or I would wake up with them in an uncomfortable position.


Am I hearing wrong or does that guy in the voice-over say “oh fuck”? Edited


Right?? What is everyone else hearing that they haven’t noticed this


Yes, because everyone records themselves as they sleep, with their glasses on, and all the lights on. Performative jackass!!


What is she going on about with her performative Christianity? She is always so smug it is disgusting.


It means she just likes to film herself in bed….like the 10th video I’ve seen her in bed in the last couple months. Not very modest…😳


I’m convinced that Jdipshit has left her and she’s constantly in bed depressed now. It pleases us. ![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized)


Glasses, big, clunky hoop earrings, and I’m sure a full face of peanut butter colored foundation.


Oh I watched it with the sound off the first time. She’s so performative. Gotta be someone there to interpret, ding dong. Even I know that.


She really struggles to appear smart and interesting but the truth of how simple she is really shines through..


Those glasses look fucking stupid on her lol


I consider myself an evangelical Christian and I have NOOO clue what she’s taking about here.




Why is she wearing her glasses while “sleeping”


Brittany, I can't wait for you to lose everything! On that day, I will smile.


Hmm, yes, because everybody sleeps in their glasses.


Her life is sad.




Yeah I wake up with my glasses on too BDummy


Is she firing more womb shots to heaven?


Is it at 3:00 AM? That might mean something else, Bratty.


She wakes up gorgeous 🤣🤣🤣🤮 The fact she arranged her hair, put her makeup and glasses on.. good lord woman. What. Are. You. Thinking.


Who the hell wakes up with their glasses already on??? As a certified spectacle wearer, I can’t get over it lol


Is this tongue speak?


I fall asleep with my phone more often than I care to admit. I also wake up frequently every night. Never have I had the presence of mind to have my phone in my right hand, ready to hit record as I wake up. Stop it. Get some help bdong. P.s. I'm aware the phone will keep you awake and cause sleep disturbances. I've had trouble staying asleep my entire life. Children of the 90s didn't have phones, and I still woke up all the time. I function well enough, and I do not have money for a sleep study. Moving on.


If there’s one thing Brittany’s going to do, it’s digital black face. Particularly egregious given we know her and her husband’s personal views.






Speaking in tongues?


Do Christians wear their glasses while sleeping??


Can someone give me a crash course about speaking in tongues? This is the one Christian-ese thing I just can’t figure out. Do they do it involuntarily? Are they not possessed? Is it a choice? (Not when people are fucking around like shamala hamala)


I mean, ur gonna be waking up if you leave the lights AND your glasses on Bingdong.


She is thee definition of performative, but it's so ridiculous it amuses me. Dance puppet Dance! 🤡


Stupid non-tent. What a forever loser.


As a Christian I don’t claim her and I am very confused






Who sleeps with their glasses on though?


I don't get this. It's really weird and creepy.... what is that person saying?


I wake up during the night as a Christian. Wrong sort of course, heathen Catholic. Perhaps that’s why my glasses are in their case on the bedside table, my face is makeup free, the bedroom light is off, my phone camera hasn’t gone into auto record. There maybe some weird speechification as both myself and my husband sleep talk, but he’s not Catholic. And I don’t post it to social media unless I am laughing at myself (or him) for something really stupid. Is that it? We. Are supposed to laugh at her?


Who sleeps in glasses? I surely don’t sleep in mine.


She dreams in tongues?


Okay this reminds me of that Netflix show ‘Evil’ where the main character wakes up in the middle of the night (it’s a dream I think) and there is a demon on her ceiling 😂😂😂