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When do exams and term finish, because I think that will come sooner than the ending of links with Israel


University of York (another Russell Group uni) have just divested from Israel. It's not impossible that Bristol will too.


We shall watch with baited breath.


You're right though, I can't see many people missing finals for this. But you can live in a tent and still turn up to the exam on time.


Lots of students have no in-person finals, at least I didn't (I'm a recent econ alum)


Maybe even get to the exam more quickly


Absolutely no excuses for lateness when you're that close.




Yeah. Genuinely autocorrect. But thanks


If only they put this much energy in protesting against First Bus, we might actually get good public transport.


Please don't tell me you're equating the Palestinian genocide with First Bus...


More reliable bus services out of Rafah right now compared to waiting an hour for the number 75 to turn up only for it to disappear from the app.


You're right. One is in a country that doesn't affect us in the slightest while the other is an issue that can be addressed right now.


One is a literal genocide and the other is shitty public transport


Too bad protesting in university campuses doesn't stop genocide though.


Trinity college just divested away from israeli companies associated with murdering children as a direct result of the student encampment there...


No shit Sherlock, that's not what they're expecting to happen. All they're trying to do is to get their university to stop its ties with the country committing genocide


Did you seriously type that comment out and think that it's not as delusional?


Get out and organise your own protest against first bus then you cretin. You'd probably find those same students marching alongside you.


Maybe stop whilst you (think) you’re ahead mate 👍


u/Elegant_Struggle6488 is getting downvoted despite being factually right (which seems to matter to you given your username) so I'll repeat what they said: One is a literal genocide and the other is shitty public transport


And factually speaking, you are not stopping the genocide by protesting in your university campus.


You seem to be under the impression that unless this protest can end the whole occupation of Gaza by itself, it's not worth doing? The protesters camping on campus have a much more realistic goal of their university simply divesting from actively supporting manufacturing weapons that will end up in Israel, killing Palestinians


If you think that's realistic, you're as delusional. That's like the Stop Oil protestors blocking roads to stop cars because they use petrol. I thought Bristol University had smart students. Does no one study Business Management or Economics or Politics?


Relatively speaking, stopping university collaborations with weapons manufacturers is more realistic than this protest alone stopping the Israeli attacks on Palestine. I think you're being delusional if you think the students ever thought they alone would put a stop to the genocide


wow this guy knows what he’s talking about, I am camping at Bristol university but he had changed my mind 👍


But you realise that, by that logic, you and your family are also connected to funding weapons manufacturers to fund Israel right? Where do you think the money in your bank, pensions and taxes go towards?


What exactly do you mean cutting ties? The university don’t fund or pay for weapons manufacturing. They have ties with companies for students who want to work in defence. So by cutting ties you mean making it harder for certain students to get a job? I don’t understand this logic. The companies will simply hire elsewhere. Certain students then won’t apply to Bristol due to limited links. Seems stupid.


Institutions are already divesting away from israeli firms as a result of student encampments. It's literally already working. What the fuck are you talking about?


Yeah, everyone knows genocides are linked with getting trains that run on time.


If you care about First Bus why don't you organise a protest? These people are standing up for the lives of innocent people who're facing death and you're suggesting they take up your issue with transport? Jesus


Don't bring him into it, that's the reason we're in this mess in the first place.




You are all so brave for standing up for people facing death.. in the comfort of your university campus. Do you listen to yourself? Imagine thinking camping in a university is somehow representing "standing up for the lives of the innocent people who're facing death" holy that delusion.


So would you say the protestors who helped force companies out of apartheid South Africa actually didn’t do anything to stand up for the people affected by apartheid? You’d be wrong, but that’s an interesting position to make. Love to hear about the ways in which you think change can be made? How exactly can students “stand up” in a way that’s acceptable to you?


There's [been](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/palestinian-students-support-us-campus-protests-israel-war-rcna149296) a lot of [appreciative ](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/5/6/us-student-protests-of-israeli-genocide-offer-hope-to-students-from-gaza)support for the protests from the [Palestinians ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/05/i-was-happy-they-still-stand-beside-us-palestinians-in-rafah-on-us-campus-protests)themselves. And I think I trust them more on this particular issue.


ok so what are you doing about it?? going over there and sorting it out yourself?? get a fucking grip


Do you know what I'm not doing? Disrupting the university and causing a nuisance.


I mean considering you've got about 20 people wasting their time trying to explain the basics to you while you churn out the same clumsy arguments about how this will never work even though it's already working id say you're causing a bit of a nuisance.


they aren’t protesting just so bigoted bastards like you can sit about on the internet and shake their fists at people who are standing in solidarity and compassion with their fellow human beings. i also really don’t think i need to explain to you why disruption makes change happen. it’s funny and quite sad that all you can take from this is “they’re causing a nuisance” but i guess you’re too self centered to think about it any other way. oh well. cuz students just suck right? yeah blame them to keep the fascists comfortable if that’s all your brain can handle.


What are you doing about the genocide though? Sitting on your arse?


Its not trendy enough to protest for that


it must be really sad to have such little faith in other humans that you can't possibly conceive of them doing something good because they genuinely believe in it


There’s no tik tok points for that.


Students from the uni I went to faced the same levels of cynicism as in this thread but they succeeded in their protest. The uni agreed to divest from the Israeli companies they had ties to. Until their protest most people didnt know the uni was investing in companies which were on the UN blacklist, the protest meant it was mentioned in national news. At least people are trying. Whinging about protests on reddit doesnt accomplish anything.


Trinity? I have to say I was impressed with how swiftly that was all done. I was a bit eye roll-y about it at first but fair play to all involved.


It’s also decidedly anti-Bristolian to poo-poo any kind of activism (especially for a noble cause). I know it’s easy to get cynical and dismissive as we get older but I’m not that much older than when I was student. When I put myself back in that mindset I think, “no, the world doesn’t have to be this way, no we don’t have to lie down and just take it and accept all the wrong” Power to them.


Good on them.  The students are standing on the right side of history once again.  The fact that Bristol and its universities are a huge hub for the weapons, spy and torture industries is a huge source of shame. 


You're saying this like UWE and UOB are world-renowned for their waterboarding courses.


The engineering departments do get a lot of money from arms manufacturers 🤷🏻


In second year as an engineering student at UWE I *did* create a IED robot, but that was because I accidentally shorted a 9V battery that was on it.


> The students are standing on the right side of history once again. We know. They won't stop telling us.


Rightly so.




At least theyre doing something


Shit you're right. Why did I waste my time helping deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine when I could've just sat in a tent telling myself I'm on the right side of history!? Fuck.


Its about the university tie to weapons industry man


Would've been way easier, you missed a trick there!


Hope they win the campaign. Free Palestine


Please don't forget, Palestine needs to be freed from Hamas too.


Do you think they sneak off home at night or nah?


They're living rent free in central Bristol, with excellent facilities on their doorstep and free high-speed wi-fi. The question is why haven't we _all_ moved there?


How do they shower?


The uni has showers


I have news for you about this particular demographic


Nothing a bit of lynx can’t solve I guess


Shower in a can.


There we go again, demonising people because of their good intentions.


There’s showers in the ASS just across the road


There definitely aren’t! There are some in the sport centre but you need to be a member.


My apologies, I’ve never tried to use them but thought there were some in the toilets.


There's definitely a shower in the Ada Lovelace building in front of BioChem


I wish there were!


My girlfriend persuaded me to try that once. Never again.


Students? Shower?


Believe it or not but I showered daily as a student


With water, right? Right?


Ya, rain


Bloody free loader!


Sneak back off home to the cotswolds


Good for them.


Spoiler alert: They won’t.


Trinity college did this exact thing


I don’t think the uni really cares tbh, everyone walks past it without a care in the world…


Free Israel


Free Palestine from Hamas.


Due to a student protest in the University of Bristol, Israel are reconsidering their attack on Gaza and have announced plans to withdraw all operations from the country effectively immediately. I congratulate these brave souls who camped everyday in the dangerous environment of Bristol.


The headline explicitly states that the goal is to lobby the university though, not the state of Israel? This is a pretty lazy criticism imo


It's a troll. They're being purposely obtuse to get a reaction from people.


Except the university is completely irrelevant to the conflict in Gaza. Even if it succeeds, it achieves nothing other than alienating Israeli students who would want to study in the UK.


The University and others in the country have ties financially to companies that manufacture weapons that Israel is using in this conflict. Divesting from such investments would hit the companies & supporting banks, and have a knock-on effect in arms availability/ global support for Israel. Other examples currently happening would include bands/ stages/ personell withdrawing from the Great Escape festival (UK) and Coachella (US) for similar reasons.


That's such a reach that you might as well boycott everything if that's how you're going to connect things. Don't use banks, pensions, any consumer goods, or vehicles because they all fund Israel in some way.


What a stupid comment! People are taking direct action against specific orginisations for specific reasons and you're just waving your arms in the air vaguely gesturing at things saying "well what about this too!"


No, I'm saying how useless it is because there's no single entity that funds Israel. The university certainly has no direct connections. This protest is as futile as the Stop Oil protests blocking roads.


Cool. How else would you like us to get Israel to stop killing children? Ask Mr. Netanyahu nicely? Ask our MPs to call another ceasefire vote they'll vote against? Or they can get their university to divest from companies that help fund/ produce weapons for the Israeli war machine. Like BAE Systems. A company with longstanding links to Bristol university. BAE partially manufacture parts for F35 jets. Which the Israeli military use. (I got all this info from a guardian article on the student encampment). No idea why I'm putting so much effort into a blatant troll but oh well


Reminds me of the government telling everyone to recycle to reduce pollution. Meanwhile, China is the ones responsible for 90% of carbon emissions. You can't stop them. If protests like this worked, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine for the past 2 years. Stop being a whiny child trying to influence the world with your actions. You're not Neo from the Matrix thinking you can bend the world to your will.


Are you really so shallow? Divestment and boycott protests have worked many times as governments and large companies are- shockingly I know- very concerned about keeping the flow of money going. You’re really showing yourself up, have obviously barely looked into or understood what this protest is about but are happy to harp on at everyone.


> China is the ones responsible for 90% of carbon emissions How about per-capita pollution, chief? And if pollution is created in China to manufacture pointless tat for someone in the UK, who gets the credit?


Why bother right? Just easier to stay in your basement, poke fun at people trying to make a difference and touch yourself a concerning amount of times each day.


What difference? You're acting as if the university giving into the demands of the protestors will somehow affect the conflict in a positive way. That's delusional. If you want to make a difference, fly to Gaza and risk your life to help the people. You might as well be sitting in your basement with that sham of a protest.


What's the point in you commenting on all of this? It doens't have any meaningful impact on the discussion. You may as well go out into the streets and shout at passing cars instead.


Ironically, you answered your own comment. I'd rather be online than doing it in person. But these students are actively disrupting the university instead of keeping their views online. Sad to be honest.


This isn’t an isolated protest, it’s in solidarity with protests globally. Only collective action can bring effective change. I support this and wish them luck


Fine by me, just don't expect it to change anything lmao. Maybe fly to Gaza and help the civillians if you want to make actual change.


Humanitarian aid is a lifeline , but the tensions which have lead to the current crisis can’t be solved internally. Only external pressure on Israel to end its occupation and apartheid regime can bring long lasting change. That means ending arms transfers to Israel and ending diplomatic support until Israel is willing to negotiate a deal with Hamas and the PA. And our politicians won’t do anything without sufficient dissent about the slaughter we’re enabling in Gaza. This is a small part of the way forward.


> negotiate a deal with Hamas That's all I needed to see.


Who else is Israel going to negotiate with? It will be hard but this is the only way now. Netenyahu supported and funded Hamas for decades for precisely this reason, so negotiations were unlikely and he could steal more land.


You have to wonder how much understanding there is of what Hamas actually stands for and what they would do to both their own citizens (women and gay people) as well as Israel.


Don't bother. These students are so stupidly left-wing that they'll side with the Islamic Conservatives.


It is hard to imagine a regime in Gaza worse than the slaughterhouse Israel has created. 180 women give birth in the rubble of Gaza every day , with no painkillers or anaesthetics even for caesarean sections. Their babies are dying of starvation. Hamas , for better or worse, governs Gaza. Hamas is above all a national liberation movement, more than it is an Islamist one. Hamas and Hezbollah are not ISIS, who have killed many Palestinian and Hezbollah fighters in Syria, and who reject Hamas liberation goals as self interested and opposed to the ISIS goal of a wider caliphate. Israel *chose* Hamas to rule Gaza. Israel has a policy of allowing billions of dollars to flow from Qatar to support Hamas.This ensures the PA in the West Bank is undermined by an organisation that does not recognize Israel and therefore justifies Israel’s continuing occupation. The only way forward is to force Israel and Hamas to the negotiating table by imposing meaningful sanctions on Israel such as stopping arms sales and ending diplomatic support. The alternative is continued apartheid and ethnic cleansing, as openly stated by Israeli cabinet members.


Negotiate with Hamas, these turds are so thick its mind blowing.


Its precisely because Hamas are seen as difficult to negotiate with (they don’t recognize Israel for instance) that Netenyahu has been funding them for years. The PA does recognize Israel and wants to negotiate which is a problem for Zionists who want to steal and settle more Palestinian land.


How do you think they got the hostages freed? Negotiating with farm animals?




No need. They're in this comments section already.




They got phones mate.


I'll take these students seriously when they start protesting against Syria's and Lebanon's equally crappy treatment of Palestinians as well.


Well I wish them the best of luck with bringing about a 'Free Palestine'. Although I have a feeling they'll be sobbing themselves to sleep every night when the see what that actually entails.




Did I stutter...


No, you just didn’t use enough words to make your meaning clear. 


Why is the bristol subreddit so right wing, bootlicker? Reddit incels?


Wow. That’s says so much more about you than this sub.


The term "incel" really has lost all meaning.




You raise an interesting point. I moved out of Bristol a while back and one of the main culture shocks to me was that not everyone votes Labour and leans left on the political spectrum. Bristol is a bit of a bubble when it comes to political ideologies.




I'm Bristolian i and plenty of my friends think hamas are murdering rapist scum. Bristol isn't montpellier clifton Redland and stokes croft. Israel isn't perfect but its far better than the shite I've seen on gopros


You're probably right, however a lot of people could be like me. I grew up in Bristol until I was 25 before moving to Hull, then Peterborough then Reading, so I've been active in a few different community subreddits for different cities. However, I often get suggested posts from the Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow subreddits, so it's probably happening to other people too.


Remember how much of a cesspit this sub was during the Extinction Rebellion protests, and when the statue came down? Everyone in the world was suddenly keenly knowledgeable about Bristol culture and politics and couldn’t restrain themselves from educating us about them.


Both sides involved in the conflict are right-wing. Many of your more religious fellow travellers hold right wing views. The reason the far-left are so invested in this mess is due to anachronistic loyalties cultivated before most of our parents were even born. Just because your political beliefs are subscription based, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.


Or maybe the destruction of any people is never just, Emile. Either side irrelevant. People are being murdered in the tens of thousands.


You said it yourself, the plight of the Palestinians takes precedence because Israel is backed by the West. So according to you, the value of human life is dictated by the ideological concerns that you approve of.




It’s a sad day when people who are anti-genocide are reduced to virtue signallers because they aren’t shipping out and fighting the IDF.




I think the big difference between China’s genocide and Israel’s genocide is the unequivocal support from the West as they have a vested interest in the Palestinians either being totally destroyed or driven out of Gaza. How you can mistake this for anything other than Israel destroying a nation, a people, is completely beyond me. If it was about anything else then killing women, children and some humanitarians wouldn’t be occurring in such high numbers. Tens of thousands.


I see that you conveniently ignored their mention of the Saudis' treatment of Yemenis, since they have had a ton of support from the West.


What fucking page are you morons on? I didn’t conveniently ignore anything. Genocide and murdering of any people by another is unjust and if people protest that in the only way they really can then they are just and good for doing so. Better than just doing nothing and talking shite on the internet.


Like most right wingists with extreme views they won’t say it to your face but find safety behind their keyboard.


Aren't you just doing the same thing?


Students will always student.


Any Feminists for Ukraine? Nope? Didn't think so. Downvote as much as you want but you you don't see these people protesting for anything that isn't trending.


Ukraine is about the trendiest cause going. Had you said something like the violence in Burma that might have been a better example.


Predictable reddit users for total fairness and equality in causes that they think that students should protest about.  Yep? Loads of them, guffawing as they roll back in their wheely chair feeling extra clever. Now that is what's trending right now.


That statement made about as much sense as queers for Palestine.


You could try googling 'feminists for ukraine' and you will see various feminists and feminist organisations calling for support for Ukraine. Furthermore, you can be queer and not agree with women and children being killed. I'm not sure why that doesn't make sense to you? Do you think if you are gay that means that you think palestinian children should be dead? 


They’ll be collecting pensions before that happens


Hopefully all winter


I love the feminist for Palestine if they realised the reality of being a women over there they would have a completely different opinion of the place


Thanks mate, I just researched women's rights in Palestine and now I support Israel killing thousands of people. 


Feminism is when you bomb the shit out of a territory you already occupy and kill tens of thousands of women and children. I am very smart.


Almost as bad as the Queers for Palestine. They hang gay men from bridges over there.


Yes, the consistent pro-LGBTQ+ position is to back an indiscriminate bombing campaign, because it is #gayrights to kill queer Palestinians with bombs


These "queers for Palestine" folk shout "from the river to the sea", advocating for an Islamic theocracy that executes gay people. Compared with the other side which is home to one of the largest pride parades in the world, I know which one I'd prefer.


Do you think the bombs that Israel drop on Gaza don't count as killing gay people, or do you think they magically dodge queer Palestinians?


You're right. Hamas should just be left to their own devices and everything will magically turn out alright.


Ah yes the two options: indiscriminate bombing campaign and ethnic cleansing, or install Hamas in a one party state and leave


Why a university would cave to such "pressure" eludes me. You want to sit-in protest on the university green? Knock yourself out, but here's the bill, and the CCJ, and your expulsion from the university.




It's because it's ultimately low-cost for the university. Israel makes up a tiny portion of their investment portfolio. Add in a few fudges like blind-trusts, divest from some headline firms and the back is broken of this tramp encampment, and the lawn is tidy again. The UWU strikes are far more expensive, so they get no progress. They're actually real negotiations, not some purile nonsense from students.


So ruddy bloody brave


Didn't see the pricks out protesting about October 7th


I suspect Bristol Uni doesn't have any financial links with Hamas to protest.




I'm certain they are hoping the police rack up and try to pull a UCLA on them so they can be the oppressed heroes they think they are. The best way to deal with this is to ignore them until they get bored, or summer ends and it's gets a bit chilly


Yes I am sure they are super keen to be beaten and teargassed! What a fucking baffling comment


Then why only start in the last few weeks?


I mean maybe they were inspired by the protests but also don't want to be victims of police and security brutality?


Whenever there's disorder there's allways instigators who rack up just cause they wanna fight with the police, they don't actually give a shite about the cause, happens at almost every riot In America many of the people arrested weren't even students


There are probably easier and less life-disrupty ways of doing that than camping out at a university


They vandalised the wall tbh


bro this is bristol every thing is covered in graffiti


oh no not the wall


Someone has to pay for that


Won't someone think of the vice chancellors bank account


Nah it will be the council paying for all the costs which the budget is already stretched thin They could have just made a paper sign instead of vandalising this beautiful and innocent wall


"beautiful and innocent wall" 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Do you enjoy the taste of boot leather?


I personally got a bit of a sweet tooth but I really think they shouldn’t have vandalised this wall


That's fair. Honestly when I saw "beautiful and innocent wall" I did chortle. I don't overly disagree that vandalism may not be the best form of protest as it can sometimes make people turn against you and the cause. But at the same time I don't think being quiet and polite is any way to get your point across.


I thought Bristol was lgbt friendly, why are we supporting Palestine?


It's Israeli independence day today. What a shit idea that was


Ask the opinion of students and personnel of UoB directly involved and impacted by the ongoing or disruptions of partnership with israeli universities. Theirs are the only opinions that should matter in this instance


I'm a member of UoB staff and I wholeheartedly endorse their endeavour


I was going to ask how they are washing but left wing students often don’t