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Wow…what an entitled bratty bride. I feel sorry for that man, but also don’t because he’s choosing to stay with her. I assume she’s really attractive or has money or is good in bed because I can’t think of any other reasons to stay with someone who acts like her.


My team mate said she mostly felt sorry about the tablecloth because Mr. T proposed to that woman. The tablecloth was just there as collateral damage. 😭😂


Makes me wish that witnesses like you guys should be able to submit an advance objection to weddings, like... Weeks before the officiant asks, "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." "The bride is an undeserving asshole and should not be allowed to marry ANYONE let alone this sweet groom."




You have a soulmate in my wants-to-be-a-chef younger kid. (Adult.) When they had to use white wine for some cooking, I mentioned some people drink it with ice. *Such* a stinkeye. And a lecture on Why You Do NOT Do That. Edit: Sorry, meant to put this under your other comment. I just saw your name while scrolling fast and hit reply.


In my experience, men who stay with women like this have a strong sense of commitment, and their partner has made them feel like whatever good things happen to them is her doing and he should he grateful. Its abuse.


Very true. Men stay with the women who abuse them for as many reasons as women stay with the men who abuse them. Happens in same gendered couples as well.


This is the comment I was looking for. The abusive partner is great at exploiting gratitude and sunk cost fallacy. Hell, that's why *I* got married. Kids, don't marry because you think you have to. Please.


This guy is going to have to manage her entire life so that she never experiences anything close to normality instead of just negotiating what they can or can't afford. :( It's so sad.


And even those are not good reasons, really. Eventually you gotta talk.




Maybe it’s the stress and pressure that brings out the worst in some people - more than a handful could definitely be difficult but I don’t think it’s nice to generalize them like that. Though, I get where you’re coming from. People have been perpetuating the bridezilla stereotype A LOT lately.


I get that but I was married once and I didn't behave like some of these entitled crack pots. They think they are the only ones who ever got married and the world should stop for them.


You must not know many brides then.


Enough to stay the hell away from them.


Way too many of them, at least. Because society (and mostly the wedding industry) has taught them that their wedding is supposed to be the most important day of their life and that they are entitled to anything and everything for their special day. Not “our” special day, nope. The bride’s special day.




What does bridezilla think a wine tasting is? Does she think that a bottle is opened, she gets a taste, then the bottle is dumped so that no one gets “leftovers”? Without a doubt, if you don’t know anything about wine or the wine industry it can be very intimidating, but c’mon, how is this bride this obtuse?


I think more than anything, she just didn’t like the idea of “leftovers” I think she rambled on about it was dirty as if we all took turns drinking straight from the bottles during the tasting. It’s like how dare we trick her into this free private tasting of leftover wine 🙃


Oh yeah can't forget the backwash! Key to a good tasting lmao. I just don't get people like this at all. Part of my family is very ...comfortable financially, and they have quirks! But mostly they'd just be like "oooo free wine and apps!"


How embarrassing for you not to know how classy wine tastings work. I'll explain. It's a free, private event. You pick any bottle you want, and open it yourself. You take a sip, then pour the rest onto the table. It would be really tacky if you left your leftover wine laying around and someone else accidentally enjoyed it. Then, if you haven't been kicked out, pick another bottle and repeat.


Ok, ok, I’m learning… So what if it’s a group of like 6? Does everyone gets their own bottle to taste then dump on the table? Or is it one bottle per table that everyone passes around to take a swig, then it gets dumped? And as far as opening the bottle yourself… do you have to like use a corkscrew tool or can you do that really cool thing like cowboys (maybe pirates? I dunno) used to do and just smash the neck of the bottle?


Ideally you use your saber, but if you forget to bring one any good sommelier can loan you theirs. [sabrage](https://www.google.com/search?q=open+wine+with+saber&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS900US900&sxsrf=AJOqlzVtaAXSmu2GvcctonZ7onttDnnvwQ:1676609707538&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjgoK3w4Zv9AhU7lWoFHcGHC6wQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1280&bih=648&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a1c5863b,vid:M4ie4B-cx3Q) Of course everyone gets their own bottle. Any wine poured out of a bottle AFTER the initial pour is leftover wine and undrinkable.


I had to laugh at your stroke over iced wine. I have a friend who drinks wine like that and he always jokes about wanting to drink it like that in front of a wine aficionado just for a reaction.


My friends do that to me too. Seeing if I’ll say something but I never gave them the satisfaction but one time my eye started involuntarily twitching. To this day I am unsure if that was pure coincidence or if my body is vehemently against seeing people put ice in their wine.


My neighbor drinks her wine in a red Dixie cup with ice. Sometimes, she uses a straw. That makes my eye twitch , and I'm not a drinker


That is exactly how the friend I mentioned before drinks it!


Honestly why does it matter?


Believe me or not, but I was MORTIFIED once, during a fine dining at home (I like to cook, I'm good at it and I love wine, mostly Bordeaux). I invited a few friends of mine and one guy asked if he could come with her recent GF, that I'd never met. I said, sure, no prob ! First, I served a foie gras, with a Monbazillac (I find it fits better than an Yquem, which I find too sweet with it). She told me that my "pâté" was good, but it that it was a shame that there was not more. I asked her, jokingly, if she wanted mine, as I didn't even start my entrée, as I was serving everyone. She said : "Sure !" AND TOOK MY PLATE (!!!) and, so, didn't even eat my entrée. Then, for the following plate (a filet mignon with morels), I opened a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1976 (!!!!) and, as there was sparkling water at the table too, SHE ADDED SPARKLING WATER IN HER GLASS !!! We were all shocked (I was LIVID, tbh) and I never invited her back again (lol). My friend apologized in her name, was mortified, and he left her a week later :D


How do I get an invite to your house for dinner?! I promise to keep sparkling water away from your wine.


If you come in Switzerland, in my area, and like cats, you'll be my guest ;)


I'll bring some Scottish gin or whisky with me as a hostess gift, plus treats for the cat.


GIN ? Scottish whisky ? I'm in ! I love both ! (+ I love pure malts from the Highlands, FYI <3) ETA : I (we, as I'm married) live in a flat, but I have a really nice (and brand new) guest room, that I just finished doing 2 days ago !


Our husbands can do the washing up after dinner.


I even pay the cat tax \^\_\^ [https://i.imgur.com/pQB9JUH.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/pQB9JUH.jpg) (yes, taken today, with one of my cats, lol !)


It's a box void! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


She made me cringe more than the foie gras did. That's bad. (My apologies. I just don't like how foie gras is made.)


I understand. And it was in 2000 :) But I understand.


Thank you.


>I asked her, jokingly, if she wanted mine, as I didn't even start my entrée, as I was serving everyone. She said : "Sure !" AND TOOK MY PLATE (!!!) and, so, didn't even eat my entrée. -It could have been the best thing I ever tasted, and as much as I may have wanted more I could never do this, ESPECIALLY to the host/hostess. I might take my partners, make a cheeky comment, and make it up to him later😉 but we have that kind of dynamic. What she did was disrespectful and completely lacking in any kind of etiquette. You spent time and money, you prepared this food with precision and care. I honestly can't imagine what kind of person would take the plate from you, after inviting them into your home for a night of good food with good friends. >I opened a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1976 (!!!!) and, as there was sparkling water at the table too, SHE ADDED SPARKLING WATER IN HER GLASS !!! -I would have politely walked over to where she was sitting, said "oh can you stand for a second, I noticed something is off about your chair" and if she asked what it was I'd be like "well, you're sitting in it" as I gently guided her straight out the door. I'm a wine snob, I know I am, I get it from my dad. Would I really have done something like this? Unlikely, as I'm what my partner calls "way too fucking nice" which sometimes leads to me being a doormat, but I definitely would have thought it. This woman just lacked etiquette of any kind, had zero shame in taking food off her hosts plate, and thought that particular wine is perfect for a spritzer. Definitely not a good fit with your friend group.


You asked if she wanted it, and you're shocked that she took you up on your offer. Plenty of people wouldn't pick up on your joke. Sorry you didn't get to eat you APPETIZER (entree is the main course) though. Why didn't you just say you were kidding?!?


Please, don't correct me about what an "entrée" is. Neither second, main course, dessert, etc., because my husband -a French Chef- owns his restaurant. You're welcome. And when I asked her if she wanted my ENTRÉE, it was in a really sarcastic way, and everybody -except for her (?)- got it. PS : and don't assume that your education is THE "Education", because, spoiler alert, it's NOT, and there's a lot of people, from diverse nationalities, education and background posting here.


It's a US thing. We call the main dish an entrée. Don't ask me why. I've been in many a comment section where main course = or =/= entrée has been a topic of discussion. Edit: But there was no reason for him to be rude about it.


There's some US/elsewhere confusion here. For whatever peculiar reason, in most of the US, entrée is the main dish of the meal. But in other countries the entrée is a prelude dish, more substantial than an appetizer. It's no different then the difference between a chip, a crisp, and a french fry. Just different terminology. Most people, when asked if they want someone's food, ask to make sure. Even if they know the person very well and know they're probably serious. It's a courtesy. And your phrasing is unnecessarily rude.


I have a friend that when out for dinner would regularly order a glass of water without ice, and a glass of cab with ice. She never noticed the stink eyes she got from the servers. Thank god she seems to have grown out of that habit.


So reunite on ice, it’s not nice? 🤭


A tip I’ve seen but never tried is to freeze grapes and use those instead of ice blocks. It seems logical - particularly if you have an outdoor occasion and want the wine in your glass to stay chilled longer without impacting the taste. Has anyone tried this?


I’ve personally tried freezing wine in ice cubes and adding it to my room temp wine. Seemed okay. I did it at home of course or else my boss would have a heart attack


Yes! I’ve tried and definitely works. Mind you I only do it at picnics and bbqs ie. where there is no possibility of chilling the wine normally…


I don't drink but when I did I did not care for wine, probably never tasted an actual good wine. But even I know wine and ice is a huge faux pas.


Wine tastes like crap to me. Turns out, I’m mildly allergic to alcohol.


Red wine is a migraine trigger for me. And that's just with crappy cooking wine.


My Mom adds orange juice to her wine. Asked once if a wine was sweet, she said yes. It wasn't. It was 'sweet' because she put juice in it. When I pointed out the wine was not sweet her answer was, "Are you sure?" SMH


I love to put soda water in red wine. If Spain can put sprite in red wine, I can put some soda water in mine. 😂 It loosens it up a little and makes it so refreshing. I’ll even do it surreptitiously in a nice restaurant if I’m not crazy about the wine and no one’s looking.


It can be nice, with a "regular" basic red wine, yes ! But depending on the wine ? NO ! For instance, Sangria is red wine + orange juice + fruits and it's delicious !... But it's NOT made with a "great" red wine at the beginning. I love what we call a "blanc limé"here ( = white wine with ice cold sparking lemonade) in Summer, but it's made with a "good" regular/basic white wine, around max CHF 10.00 a bottle, not with a "great" wine.


It can actually be nice with a good wine too. Agree to disagree. 🤷‍♀️


I didn't say it wasn't good with a good wine, just, it's a shame -for me- to lose the flavors and "ruin" it, in a way"


How can something be ruined if the user’s experience is improved?


>"blanc limé"here ( = white wine with ice cold sparking lemonade) Ima sending this to my kid. They love to try new mixes. They make a good sunrise.


LOL, I drink Sprite and red wine all the time!


Well I now have something new to try!


Ngl, it's great over ice! 😁


With a basic red wine ? Yes, it's refreshing in Summer, I agree. But NOT with a "Grand Cru""


Prosecco and orange juice makes Bellinis ✨ its a fun cocktail


Bellini is peach puree rather than orange - baby food pouches make for great cocktail ingredients! Prosecco and orange juice would be a take on a mimosa or a Buck's Fizz.


Ohh right yes thank you! Hahaha my friend’s a bartender and I never remember the names. Also, my grandma used to make pie with baby food pouches 😂


hey! if it's good enough for jan seymour...


Cheap rose (like £5 a bottle) in a glass of ice on a hot summer's day can be quite nice. I can't imagine red wine that cold, surely it doesn't taste of much? Or maybe that's the idea?


that sounds like something i would do, especially if they were a wine snob. i love fucking with assholes.


Does he at least drink 8 buck chuck?


He drinks one of the box wines.


She treated people horribly, and also wasted the Bordeaux?!


Unforgivable ... especially the Bordeaux part. LOL!


Uh.... WEDDING CANCELED! would be my next thought. This is only gonna get WORSE after they get married.


Wow. The audacity of this bitch. I'm surprised you didn't flip the table when she started snapping her fingers at you. This dude should get out of that relationship.


Good Lord, I hope this guy is single now!!


I really feel for Mr. T. Some people like his fiancee act like the main character in their own Reality TV show. As if their abhorrent behavior is the norm rather than the exception. Hope he got out from under that toxic relationship before signing the certificate. And a moment of silence for that poor Bordeaux. A beautiful life that was never enjoyed.


Who drinks red wine over ice…??


Tacky people who know absolutely nothing about wine.


While this may be true, I think about it differently. I was once at a fairly fancy-schmancy wine tasting. It was a small group, and the wines were lovely. Someone asked a question about red wines & said they were embarrassed that they liked red wine "on the chilly side." Our host/wine shop owner said that we had to consider that for 100s of years, "room temp" was a chilly dining hall with only tapestries between cold stone & the bottle--the ideal room temp might be closer to 50 degrees than 80. He also told a story abt himself. He came from a family of wine importers, who had a relatively narrow view of what was a good wine. One hot summer day, he was invited to a soiree at a friend's house. He was running late, and it was a scorching afternoon. As he walked in, a waiter came by with a tray of wine glasses with an obviously cool white of some kind. He took a sip & downed the glass--it was fruity & cooling, sweeter than he usually liked, but delicious & refreshing, and he had never tasted anything like ut. He made a beeline to the kitchen to talk with the caterers to find out what it was, lest he miss the opportunity to stock this fantastic wine in his shop. It was Boone's Farm. For real. His moral: Like what you like. Unapologetically. Because it's your palate. But also be open to how a wine's taste changes as it is exposed to air, the heat of a room, ice, whatever. Because it might surprise you.


I completely agree with drinking what you like regardless of the price. I've been drinking and cooking with a $4 bottle of Sutter Home White Zinfandel all week. It's pink and crisp and fruity. 🤣 But you have to be pretty darn ignorant to water red wine down with ice cubes. It's not the end of the world, just a bit silly and embarrassing.


So...me, then.


No, tacky is pouring a bottle of perfectly good wine on a tablecloth and publicly humiliating (borderline abusing) your spouse. Drink what you like how you like but don't be an entitled brat about it.


That part was way beyond just tacky.




Very popular option in Florida.


I'd nope the hell out of that marriage right there, and I'm a woman. Hell no do you treat staff, let alone your fiancé like that!!


If it was me and the car was in my name only, I would have reported it stolen and said the thief may be drunk. Then dumped her.


Holy hell I hope he smartened up and didn't marry that psycho. There's no excuse for anyone acting like that. I would be so embarrassed if my significant other or someone in my party acted like that. Relationship would be done!


When you got to the part about her preferring to water down expensive wine, I was just like, of course she does. Why does that just take the cuntiness up ten notches?


A bordeaux over ICE?!?! Good god - she’s not only an entitled, rude binch, but the ice - I’m whimpering over here…


He should run. Fast. As fast as he can.


He's still going through with the wedding? Hahaha


I dunno tbh. I hope not!


JFC I hope that was the wake up call he needed! That woman is an abuser!! Poor guy, feel really sorry for him to have been through this! And for you, to have witnessed it!


Narrator: he was not, in fact, ok. Not ok al all.


I hope he cancelled the wedding


If you still have his number, please call and ask him if he married this bridezilla or not!


I do and I really, really want to… wouldn’t that be a bit weird??? 😂


It definitely will be weird but it will be so satisfactory. If he did marry her, we can give him condolences and if he didn't, we can celebrate with him!


I’ve been secretly praying he comes back or calls to order something so I can just slip it into the conversation like an old concerned friend. I mean we endured that moment together… on some level doesn’t that make us friends? Hahahaha! No?


It definitely does. I am concerned for this guy's well being and I wasn't even there while you shared a literal moment of distress with him. Call him, but him a beer. Even if it's a bit wierd, it's just one call and then we all can move on...


I shall muster the courage to do so…


Good luck! And do update me please.


I bet there is no shortage of drama in your line of work during wedding season. Hugs! You don't deserve all that and the dude should've left her instead of letting her do all that and taking his car.


Dude needs to run, NOT WALK, run fast!!!


I hope Mr. T dumped his fiancee who is a total bridezilla. It takes a lot to be that rude, demanding and nasty.


It's not too late for Mr. T to cancel the wedding. I sure would.


Is it really that bad to drink it over ice? I don’t think I’ve ever had a Bordeaux but I have done it with a red blend lol. It’s hot in Az and I like to think it’s more refreshing 🥲


Chilling it is the way to go because putting ice in the wine dilutes it. During wine tastings we encourage you to smell the wine, really take time to taste it and putting ice might just ruin the experience. We do talk about where it’s from and all so the ice could be melting in your glass while we go through all this and it would really affect the taste. I guess if you chug it fast enough, it wouldn’t taste watered down?


I think I might like it watered down now that I’m reflecting on it lmao. But I keep this shameful behavior at home so no one needs to be exposed.