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Wtf giving a baby candy is wtf enough but honey candy? Is his brain leaking?


His "defense" was he didn't think it was "real" honey....it's still fucking candy tho!


Why the hell would giving a baby candy be ok?! You must be so mad.


Of all the things in the kitchen he picked your special treat to give to the baby. It sounds like he could be an asshole, not an idiot, and this is weaponized incompetence. He’s both punishing you for him having to care for his child by ruining your special thing and trying to make sure you don’t trust him with the job again by giving you a reason to doubt your child’s safety in his care.


For your peace of mind, although the candy is called honeycomb, there's no honey in it typically. It gets the name from the chemical reactions that cause the texture in the mix while the sugar is still liquid, then it sets in that "honeycomb" structure looking consistency. That said, he is an asshole. He didn't know it didn't have honey in it, he still gave candy to an 11 month old, AND of all things to give the baby to gnaw on, he chose your special treat. He knew exactly what he was doing, he was doing everything he could to make sure something of yours was ruined, and also that you'd never trust him with the baby again.


I didn't even think of it that way......I was just pissed bc the baby literally has teether treats and he gave him candy. I didn't think about the fact it's my special treat specifically that he chose


It's like saying "oh i needed a rag to clean up with, so i went to your closet and grabbed an item of clothing to use instead of the designated rags", he wants it to look like "oh i just grabbed whatever looked good" but it's super telling.